The Junk Dealer Makes Good Money chapter 168

The Junk Dealer Makes Good Money 168

[Episode 168] Various worries

The next day, Jin Se-yeon, who went to work from 6:30, opened the door of the office where the strategic secretary’s office was located.

‘Smell of alcohol?’

As soon as the door opened, the smell of alcohol vibrated, so Jin Se-yeon carefully went inside.

Then he checked the leftovers and the bottles of alcohol lying on the floor.

When I turned my head, I saw three people sitting on a chair and sleeping.

“ha… … .”

Before the employees went to work, Se-yeon Jin hurriedly opened the window.

It was summer, so it was bright outside.

When the wind suddenly blew, Siwoo rubbed his eyes and got up.

“Chief, why are you here?”

“ah… … .”

“They said they had data to review… Did you really spend the night here?”

Jin Se-yeon rolled up her arms to clear the bottles that were rolling on the floor.

Then, he slapped Lee Mu-yeol and Kim Seo-hwan, who were sleeping uncomfortable in the chair, on the back.

“wake up!”

“Ugh… … .”

“Oh, it hurts… … .”

It was a scary sight for anyone to see.

Team leader Lee Mu-yeol is always praised for his excellent self-management.

And Kim Seo-hwan, the team leader who pushes the staff of the Strategic Secretariat fiercely.

The two were also in perfect positions within the strategic secretary’s office.

“Hey, you guys… Now the kids are going to work, so what are you going to do if you look like this?”

Lee Mu-yeol and Kim Seo-hwan, who were awakened by Jin Se-yeon’s voice, scratched their heads at the same time.

“Um, what time is it?”

“It’s 6:35. It’s time to go to work soon. Get up, get up and clean it up!”

At Jin Se-yeon’s nagging voice, Si-woo Lee first came to his senses and tried to clean up the food left on the table.

Jin Se-yeon was startled by the sight and stopped Lee Si-woo’s actions.

“Chief, I’ll clean it up.”

“I can’t tell Team Leader Jean to take what I ate.”


The two of them jumped up from their seats and cleaned the surroundings as they were not awake.

With a tired expression, Si-woo Lee gave instructions to Se-yeon Jin.

“Today’s schedule starts in the afternoon. Both of your bosses should take a break. If there is no place to rest, you can rest in my room.”

“We are in a position to work with the staff of the Strategic Secretariat… … .”

“Have a good rest, Chairman.”

Before the employees went to work, Lee Moo-yeol and Kim Seo-hwan, who quickly cleaned the surroundings, bowed their heads.

So Si-woo Lee went into his room, and Se-yeon Jin sat down on a chair.

“What’s up? At such an important time, the representative showed a disorganized appearance.”

“You seem to have a lot of trouble.”

The three drank and talked a lot.

Once Si-Woo Lee maintained his position as chairman, he had to make a decision from where he was going.

“What’s going on?”

“Even if Kang-dong is organized, I think he will maintain his position as president.”

“What? Who is Ae-ra Shin?”

“He said he decided to keep his position as president.”

“Hmm… Will the words come out?”

“They said that they would just organize Kang Dong’s affairs and prepare for marriage right away. Well, if the president and Shin Ae-ra get married, there will be no problems.”

Jin Se-yeon could not erase her concerns with the new news.

Nuri and Gangdong are different.

It would be nice if it could be a fusion, but I didn’t know that it would be a difficult path because of their different personalities.

“Ah, I see… Don’t you have a lot of schedule today?”

“What… I have to cancel all my morning plans.”

* * *

DS’s representative, Han Kang-ho, greeted Lee Si-woo, who suddenly came.

It was originally scheduled to meet in the morning, but it was postponed to the afternoon.

“It’s been a while, sir.”

“How have you been? Congratulations on becoming Chairman Kang Dong-eui.”

“thank you.”

The two of them shook hands and looked at each other.

Han Kang-ho’s expression was bitter.

The place that was once under the DS was Nuri.

However, after merging with Myungsan, the size changed.

It took less than a year to surpass the DS.

“What did you come here for?”

“I came here because I have something to ask the representative.”

“What is your request?”

“Most of Gangdong’s original executives will be fired. We need to fill in new executives, so I came here to see if there is anyone you can recommend.”

At Lee Si-woo’s words, wrinkles appeared on Han Kang-ho’s forehead.

Dan tried to take over the resource, but Nuri stepped forward.

Plans to try to expand have gone awry.

But that doesn’t break the relationship with Nuri.

Now, the real Lee Si-woo has become a bond with Han Kang-ho.

“I can’t think of anyone to recommend.”

“okay. All right.”

I never thought I would get a recommendation anyway.

There was another person that Siwoo Lee coveted.

“How are you, Director Choi Eun-seok?”

“I am doing well. I just had an outside schedule today.”

From the standpoint of Han Kang-ho, the person who should never be taken away was Choi Eun-seok.

It was because of him that he was able to grow the DS this much.

“I’m sorry. I was just trying to cover my face once I saw it.”

Han Kang-ho smiled faintly at Lee Si-woo’s words.

“No matter how much the CEO covets, there are things that cannot be given.”

“How did you know that I covet Choi Eun-seok? I didn’t know you’d get a stain on my face. Whoops.”

Han Kang-ho, who was facing Lee Si-woo with a smile, suddenly showed his hostility.

It was a pity that Dan could not take over the resource, but that was not something to complain about.

One way or another, it was ultimately a matter for the shortest to decide.

However, coveting Choi Eun-seok was different.

“It’s a joke. Even if I want to take him to Gangdong, I don’t think Choi Eun-seok will leave DS.”

“I think jokes have things to do and things not to do. Although DS has shifted to supplying goods to Gangdong, I am not foolish enough to send my person elsewhere.”


Even though his position is much lower than Si-woo Lee, Kang-ho Han also has a career that cannot be ignored.

Lee Si-woo showed a bitter expression when he made a face that he was in a bad mood.

“I made a mistake. sorry.”

If I made a mistake, it would make sense to apologize.

Even if you joked in light words, if the other person is offended, you are doing it wrong.

When Si-woo Lee bowed his head to apologize, Kang-ho Han finally released his expression.

“Director Eun-seok Choi is a special employee for me as well. If I had made comments that coveted the Vice President or Director Kang Pil-joong, the CEO would not have been in a good mood.”

“I’ll be careful.”

Although Siwoo Lee was young, he had to learn these things.

The attitude to admit mistakes and apologize.

Usually, the bosses of junk stores have high self-esteem.

He hated bowing his head to someone, especially to the representatives of other companies.

“Sometimes I overreacted too much. sorry.”

DS was a company that worked behind the scenes to prevent Nuri from coming up.

Han Kang-ho himself knows the mistakes he has made in the past better than anyone.

“I guess I am impatient.”

When Lee Si-woo spoke with a bitter expression, Han Kang-ho nodded as if he understood.

“I heard through an article that former Chairman Shin Won-sun was not in good condition. From the CEO’s point of view, the desire to normalize Gangdong again and spend time with former Chairman Shin Won-sun is like a chimney.”

Seeing the transfer of shares to Si-woo Lee while not yet married, it meant that the relationship was not normal.

The fact that Si-woo Lee looks more impatient than usual now is all over his face.

“… He is precious to me.”

“I will look into it as much as I can. Right now, I can’t think of a suitable person, but if there is someone I can recommend, I’ll tell you right away.”

There are a few characters that come to mind, but the problem was that they didn’t meet Siwoo Lee’s standards.

If you look at Nuri’s dignitaries, they were by no means ordinary people.

It was clear that Siwoo Lee, who had been running the company, had raised his eye level without knowing it.

“Thank you, sir.”

“I just want to thank you for coming in person during your busy schedule.”

“You don’t have to worry about the loss of a stock ban that has been put in place for a week. We will take measures so that there is no damage to the DS as much as possible.”

I knew that if it was banned for a week, it was a structure that would inevitably hurt the company.

After a week, if I resume wearing it, I thought I would compensate in some way.

“Thank you for caring me.”

“Probably, the price will increase by about 10 won when stocking starts.”

“Is this compensation for the ban on stocking?”

“Since it has been banned for a week, I will propose a way to compensate by raising the price for just one week. That way, the impact on the ban will not be that much.”

It was also Siwoo.

Usually, those who run steel mills did not know the characteristics of a junk dealer.

They are always just forcing the companies from their point of view.

“I wonder how Kang Dong will change. Whoops.”

“It won’t change suddenly, but it will change slowly.”

“I look forward to it.”

* * *

All internal schedules in Gangdong had been postponed.

When he came out, Siwoo Lee wanted to meet as many people as possible.

“I’m going to meet the tax chief, Jun-ha Shin.”

Gangdong Steelworks executives were not the only ones who needed to work in the field.

There had to be an executive in charge of accounting and a researcher who could conduct research on steel.

You can make a decision only by meeting people who are active in various industries.

And Lee Si-woo wanted to entrust Kang Dong’s accounting director to Shin Ha-joon.

Currently, he has returned to his old house under investigation by the National Tax Service.

Despite Lee Min-goo’s persuasion, he did not try to find a new job again.

Shin Ha-joon, who was gushing out like a savage at Shin Jin-sik’s old house, bowed his head politely at the sudden appearance of Lee Si-woo.

“I don’t think you’ve been doing well.”

Siwoo Lee knew all too well that revenge ends only in vain.

Jang Seong-woo was not involved in his father’s death.

I was just absent from work that day.

However, he thought that Jang Seong-woo was not free after his father’s death.

He hated him and tried to destroy Kay and him somehow.

When I heard that Jang Seong-woo was arrested by the police while continuing his run, I felt more vain than joy.

Maybe Shin Ha-joon is like that now.

“What made you come here? Busy person… … .”

“Would you like a cup of tea, please?”

It’s a shabby house, but the inside is neatly organized.

Like a man trying to turn his back on the world, everything in the house was old.

Perhaps, the items used by Shin Jin-sik were left as they are.

At Siwoo Lee’s request, Hajun Shin brought coffee.

“Before I left, I wanted to say hello and leave.”

“Where are you going?”

“… I don’t think I will be able to laugh and talk with people like I used to.”

Now he can’t trust people.

First of all, who would you trust in a situation where you can’t even trust yourself?

Shin Ha-jun thought deeply.

If someone approaches you with a grudge, will you be able to get rid of it?

people are scared

Even Kang Se-jin, who was so suspicious, was deceived by himself.

The thought of ‘what if someone makes a decision and approaches me’ kept running through my head.

“Are you anxious?”

“yes. I’m anxious. You don’t seem to trust people. I want to know what to do if someone comes to kill me while walking down the street.”

“You know that’s not possible, don’t you? There is no one left for Kang Se-jin. And why are you aiming for the tax chief? If you’re going to target me, you’re going to put me first.”

“… But don’t you have bodyguards?”

This wasn’t timid, it was normal.

It is a destiny to live with anxiety.

“So, are you planning to leave this country?”

“I want to go into the mountains. So that no one can find me.”

“Your father wouldn’t want that.”

“There is nothing I can do right now.”

“If you wish, we will have a bodyguard.”

Shin Ha-jun shook his head at Si-woo Lee’s good intentions.

To be honest, after revenge ended, there was nothing I wanted to do.

I didn’t know what to do.

As Lee Min-goo said, I thought about whether to continue accounting by joining Nuri Landscape Architecture.

But suddenly I had this thought.

Who can believe in themselves?

For whatever reason, Moshi hit the president in the head.

“I’d rather just leave… … .”

“Don’t be weak. If you want to take revenge on Kang Se-jin because you want it on your own, running away should not be the end. You should be happy, Chief Tax Officer.”

“Will I ever be able to be happy? Either way, it ruined someone’s life.”

“Isn’t there a person here who ruins someone’s life and makes a good living in front of the tax chief?”

“What… … ?”

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