The Junk Dealer Makes Good Money chapter 170

The Junk Dealer Makes Good Money 170

[Episode 170] One month later

A month has passed since Siwoo Lee became Chairman of Gangdong.

There were two people who changed positions from Nuri to Gangdong Works.

The two walked proudly into the Gangdong Works.

An employee standing at the entrance of the building used as an office politely asked the two of them.

“Where are you from?”

“My name is Seok-Jun Lee, the branch manager of Nuri Steel’s headquarters. I have come to see the President.”

And there was another man who visited Gangdong with Lee Seok-jun.

“You are from Nuri. Then the person who came with you… … ?”

“yes. I’m Jun Lee, who manages Nuri’s vehicle dispatch.”

As promised with Shin Won-sun, Si-woo Lee quickly finished organizing the executives.

And now we were in the final stages of re-forming the vacant executives.

Lee Seok-jun looked around Gang-dong with a new expression of emotion.

“I didn’t know that Manager Lee and former president would hit the steelworks so quickly.”

“It is the same with me. It’s a real feeling to come to Gangdong again like this.”

The two went inside and went straight to the president’s office.

Eventually, when they arrived at the place where Si-woo Lee was working, Mu-yeol Lee welcomed them.

“Are you here, branch manager, manager?”

“Long time no see. Is the president inside?”

“yes. You two are waiting.”

When Lee Mu-yeol opened the door to the president’s room, Lee Si-woo stopped paying and raised his head.

When the two people he had not seen in a long time came into view, he smiled warmly and got up from his seat.

For a month, Si-Woo Lee has been concentrating on Kang-Dong’s work.

He hadn’t even looked at Nuri.

“You are here.”

“According to the president’s call, I was assigned from Nuri to Gangdong.”

As much as possible, I hoped that there would be no input of Nuri’s character as Kang Dong.

But there were too many empty seats.

So, after consulting with Moon Jae-shin, I brought two people.

“Welcome. Sit down right now. Manager Lee, please give me three cups of coffee.”

“Yes, I will prepare it and bring it.”

The two of them sat sadly looking at Lee Si-woo, who had a blank look.

“What kind of position should I take?”

“Take it slow. You just entered Gangdong.”

eyes full of enthusiasm.

These two were the people who protected Nuri even before she grew up.

In particular, Lee Seok-jun, the branch manager of the headquarters, was one of the figures who quietly maintained his position and led the revival of Nuri Cheolje.

In the case of Lee Joon, he was in charge of dispatching waste and scrap metal vehicles.

“The two of you will be of great help to me.”

There are now three remaining executive positions.

The composition of Lee Si-woo’s head was almost finished.

Ha-Jun Shin as the Finance Director.

Choi Dan-yi and Sa Hae-jin are the directors in charge of the site.

In addition, up to four people recommended by the Insuin were recruited.

Seok-Jun Lee was scheduled to be appointed as the general manager in charge of the entire site.

Siwoo Lee knew his abilities better.

“I will do my best.”

As the two answered at the same time, Siwoo Lee revealed a faint smile.

After a cup of coffee, the two of them informed us of their future positions.

“First of all, branch manager Lee Seok-jun will now be the managing director. I would like you to manage most departments between the field and the office. And Manager Lee Joon’s rank is a director, and he will be in charge of controlling the vehicles that are being delivered.”

With the two of them joining, there is now only one seat left.

He was the head of the research lab.

We had a brief conversation and left the president’s office to look around the departments each responsible for.

And about 30 minutes passed, a man in his 40s with a sharp impression walked into the chairman’s room.

“Are you, by any chance, Lee Shin-myung, former head of the research institute?”

“yes. A face-to-face meeting with the president is promised.”

“The president is waiting for you.”

Coincidentally, the person in charge of the last remaining seat came today.

For a month, Si-woo Lee has been persistently persuading him that it is Shin-myung Lee.

A person who was the former head of the research center of Gangdong Works.

However, when Shin Won-sun resigned from the position of chairman, he was the person who left the research center.


The door to the president’s room opened and I saw Siwoo Lee sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed.

Lee Shin-myung confidently entered the president’s room and bowed his head.

“Chairman, Lee Shin-myung, former head of the research institute, has come.”

Si-woo Lee, who was thinking about something, woke up to Mu-yeol Lee’s voice.

The most important finish of the puzzle.

Lee Shin-myung had to be placed unconditionally as the head of the research institute.

“My name is Siwoo Lee, the chairman of Gangdong Steelworks.”

“This is Lee Shin-myung.”

They both bowed their backs at the same time.

Of course, Siwoo Lee and Shinmyeong Lee were not in a first meeting.

To convince him, Si-woo Lee visited him four times.

The result of persistently visiting him and persuading him, in spite of the word Samgochoryeo, has now been revealed.

“Would you like to sit down?”

Despite Lee Si-woo’s request to take over the role of Kang Dong-eun’s research director, he has repeatedly refused.

However, Lee Shin-myung, who considers Si-woo Lee’s efforts to be imaginary, wanted to hear what he wants to do and decide for himself.

“What kind of things would you like to study?”

“Before I was the chairman of Gangdong Steel Works, I was also the CEO of Nuri Recycling. Nuri Recycling is currently a waste-driven company.”

“I know.”

“To be honest, I would like to compete with steel for incineration ash.”

“… Do you know why scrap comes out of scrap metal?”

“Why don’t you know?”

The reason why the number of defective products of scrap metal is increasing is that non-metal materials are mixed.

It is good to have the imagination to fuse the incineration ash produced by incinerating waste that is nothing else with scrap metal that should be pure.

But with today’s technology, this is absolutely impossible.

“The moment you combine incineration ash into scrap, the strength will drop horribly.”

“So, shouldn’t we proceed with the research step by step? What if it’s scrap metal where strength isn’t that important?”

“Such scrap metal… … .”

“A thin plate attached to the exterior. I want to start with that first.”

I was thinking of getting my hands on the exterior material.

It is impossible to apply it to reinforcing bars or pipes where strength is important.

However, he thought that research on the production of exterior materials could be carried out easily.

“Hmm… … .”

“Do you think it is impossible?”

“In order to produce exterior materials, we will have to build new facilities. And it will probably require a lot of research.”

“I will take it.”

There was no way it was going to be great from the beginning.

Even if it was a small thing, once it was accomplished, I thought that the development of technology could proceed even slowly.

At Lee Si-woo’s words, Lee Shin-myung let out a deep sigh.

“good. The president’s dream, I will study it.”

Considering his relationship with Shin Won-sun, there were enough reasons to help Lee Si-woo.

In fact, it was largely because of Shin Won-sun that he resigned as the head of the research institute.

He was able to come to Gangdong, but he wanted to live the rest of his life comfortably.

It’s money anyway, so I was able to spend it without running out of money I had saved up so far.

“As the head of the Gangdong Research Institute, I will revolutionize the recycling industry.”

At the words of Shin-Myeong Lee, Si-Woo Lee stood up and stretched out his hand.

Lee Shin-myung, who politely held both hands, gave a faint smile.

“I will provide generous support, Director Lee Shin-myung.”

“Thank you, Chairman Lee Si-woo.”

* * *

The dizziness got worse and the vomiting continued.

It had only been a month, but Shin Won-sun felt himself dying.

“Cool, cool… … .”

Time passes even in the hospital room.

There was no hope that he would recover from any treatment.

However, the thought of holding out only makes me desperate.

Shin Ae-ra bit her lip as she saw Shin Won-sun’s condition getting worse day by day.

“Are you okay?”

“… Okay. Siwoo?”

“I decided to come right after work today. I just got a call, and they say that the formation of the executives has been completed.”

“You must have suffered. Whoops.”

“… Now I guess I just need to set a date. Preparations for the wedding, I have been progressing step by step.”

“Even though Suin was busy, she helped me a lot. I’m just grateful.”

When Siwoo Lee was normalizing Kang Dong, Shin Ae Ra was not the only nurse.

I have been married with Insu-in at the same time.

Shin Ae-ra bit her lip hard and took Shin Won-sun’s hand with a smile.

“Grandpa, we are almost there.”

Now the drug doesn’t work.

There was no way to catch a brain tumor, and since he was sentenced to life-limiting, there was no chance of rebirth without a miracle.

Doctors have already announced that there is no hope for a cure for Shin Won-sun.

“okay… Now I can just hold on a little longer. Aera, can I hold your hand and enter the dining room? … .”

“You are a strong person. Grandpa… … .”

“You are tired. I think I need to close my eyes.”

“Yes, sleep. I will be by your side.”

Siwoo Lee kept his promise.

Contrary to what I thought it would be difficult, I finished Kang Dong’s work within a month.

The wedding date has already been set.

It was something that had to be done quickly before Shin Won-sun became more difficult.

Shin Ae-ra, who had been looking at Shin Won-seon, who was sleeping soundly, with a complicated mind, bowed her head.

And when evening came, Si-woo Lee, who had left work, came into the hospital room.

“I’m here.”

“great job. I persuaded Lee Shin-myung, the head of the research institute.”

“He was very strong, so he had a hard time convincing him. Well, I believe you will do well as much as you put in a lot of hard work. Is your grandfather sleeping?”

Siwoo Lee took off his coat and hung it on the chair.

Then he sat down and stared blankly at Shin Won-sun.

“Siou, what did you regret the most?”

“… I couldn’t see my father’s last appearance. That remains the most regrettable.”

“Then at least I won’t regret it.”

It was something to be prepared for.

Marriage was an important event of a lifetime.

However, Si-woo Lee and Ae-ra Shin knew better than anyone that now is not the time to relax.

The day when Kang Dong’s executives were completed.

Injehu cautiously entered Shin Won-seon’s room.

“Are you here, Chairman?”

“I heard the news, Chairman Lee. Have you finished organizing Kang Dong’s executives? You did a great job.”

“I’m just glad it went the way I thought it would.”

“Did you get a wedding date?”

“yes. They caught the blade as quickly as possible.”

Following Injehu, Inje-in also visited the hospital room after work.

Still, there seemed to be a pile of things to discuss today.

“I was there, Shiuya.”

“Are you here, Mother?”

Seeing the name change of the two, Injehu widened his eyes.

Shin Ae-ra knew that their relationship had already been established, but it wasn’t Injehu.

“The wedding venue and date have been announced. Aera, you’re going to see a dress with me tomorrow.”

“yes… … .”

“Now that I have roughly finished the important things, Siwoo, please take care of the hospital room tomorrow.”

Now that the date and place had been decided, there was no more time to delay.

At Insuin’s words, Siwoo nodded his head.

“I’m going to look for a dress, and the groom can’t miss it. Tomorrow I won’t be in the hospital.”

“Father, are you free?”

“What is left is time. And don’t I need friends and time too? Do that.”

In the midst of the noise, Shin Won-sun did not wake up.

It probably means that your hearing is very dull.

Injehu looked at him with sad eyes.

“Make it the best wedding ever. I want you to not spare anything and prepare the best for anything, Suin-ah.”

“I am doing that. Do not worry.”

* * *

Injehu and Shinwonsil looked at each other and were silent.

“Ae-ra and Si-woo went to pick up wedding robes.”

“is it? I slept so deeply yesterday that I didn’t even see Siwoo’s face.”

“I’ll just pick up a robe and come right away, so why not take a look then?”

Shin Won-sun was Inje-hoo’s best friend and companion.

They have endured hardships together, and in a crisis, the two came together to grow a group of princes.

They were more like brothers than just friends.

“I’m sorry for you. leave first… … .”

“Everyone returns to dust. You and I will not be able to get out of order.”

“… Please take care of Aera and Siwoo.”

“Don’t worry. Ae-ra is more than a granddaughter to me.”

The two looked at each other calmly.

You don’t have to say it out loud.

Because we knew and understood each other’s feelings better than anyone else.

The two of them have been together for so long that you can tell just by looking into their eyes without saying anything.

“You only think of one thing. Holding Ae-ra’s hand and entering the wedding hall.”

“I will.”

“I am sad and sad about this situation, but I am happy at the same time. Because you have a family by your side, who you have endured alone for so long.”

“Thank you.”

The two just looked at each other and smiled.

What more can I say here?

There was no need to say sorry or sad.

Because we knew each other so well.

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