The Paladin Owns the Relic chapter 11

11 - Reason (2)

11 – Reason (2)

-Yes man! Do you want to burn to death!

“Did he just kill him?”

What do you do when you throw it away to make you suffer?

Infinite Glory? A chance to fill out?

“Hey, Mr. Rana. You don’t know much about humans, but a deal is a thing. It’s not like that. A real ‘trade’ is when you give that person what they really want.”

-You think I’m just going to trade with a human!

“Oh, if you don’t like it, don’t do it. Hey. I’m not that stupid.”

Roll your head. You can achieve a lot by rolling your head. Cancer. By the way

“You called me arrogant and called me, but you never touched me, did you? It was all about threatening sparks. Maybe?”

-…You think you can’t kill yourself?

This is a very frightening tone. To be honest, I feel like my cheeks are going to shrink.

But be brave. Zahard! You are me and I am you!

You don’t have to be afraid of kidnappers!

“I’ve been thinking about it. You said something about causation the other day. Didn’t you say you couldn’t do that with a tribute like this?”

Obviously it was. And i remember it

“In other words…Causation means cause and effect, right? If there is no cause, there is no effect…Wouldn’t it be possible to see it like that? Mr. Ran. Our cute Mr. Ran. Even just raising one skill level can cause cause and effect. I was talking about it, but can I be regarded as a worthy being of cause and effect, who suddenly fell into this world without any warning?”

-You bastard…!

“God’s manipulation of reality comes with a price…Well, I think it’s a setup like this, but if you think about it the other way around, you think you’ve already paid a lot for bringing me here by force? Is that right?”

Ah. That’s cool logic.

Hey. Take a good look at what the line is.

This is a human!

The height of meanness!

“I don’t know what the first one is like, but is it possible for the second one too? I asked if you could get me a replacement. My dear God.”

-This crazy guy…

Ra sighed.

-I must have looked at the wrong person. I should have brought someone else under you…

“I heard that I’m the only one who finished the achievement? Is there anyone else besides me who can handle most situations?”

-…I wouldn’t hate it if I said the wrong thing.

Ra sighed. After a moment of silence, she asked quietly.

-What do you want?

Good. I’ve finally made up my mind to trade.

“It’s simple. Let’s see…”

Even if you think about it roughly, it is clear that it will be more difficult than any scenario you have ever experienced. Moreover, since it is a reality, if you fail once, there will be no next time.

Even if you scrape all the hidden pieces together, it’s a size that you won’t have to worry about. In addition, since my body is one, it is impossible to gather all the hidden pieces in the first place.

The only thing I can get is the Hidden Peace in the northern part of the Empire.

“I’d like to ask you something before the transaction.”

-What is it?

“When you see that you brought me, you see potential in me, right? But, how can I watch everyone by myself in a situation where someone might be corrupted?”

-It doesn’t matter if that’s the case.

A hologram appeared before my eyes. Most of the names on the numerous lists were names I knew.

A red ear, an obsession with the thighs… A good-looking guy, even a poisonous king?

Didn’t you just beat up all the important NPCs? All the guys who are treated as main NPCs are up there.

“…I don’t get any more? Aren’t there too many?”

– You are right. Too many guys to keep an eye on. But they also have something in common. Look carefully. If you’re clever, you’ll know.

“Couldn’t you just tell me, not riddle?”

-You must have a bit of a headache.

“Back end blast.”


I stare. I skimmed through the lists in the hologram.

-I’ll give you a hint. It’s time.

Time? Why is that with me Do they all have the same birthday?

After thinking about it, I quietly opened my mouth. There was only one thing that comes to mind when I think of time.

The current time zone. Imperial Year 216.

If you have to ask, that’s all there is to it. One of the big events. A place overflowing with delicious hidden pieces that you can never go beyond if you are a roguelike game, Gloria Fantasia.

“…Academy, right?”

-Still, my eyes aren’t wrong.

Ra answered with satisfaction.

– You are right. Most of the names on the list are tied to the academy. Their children are there, or they enroll themselves, or they are already enrolled students. The best educational institution in the empire. If you come out of that place, there is no choice but to succeed unconditionally, that place is now intertwined with many people.

“In the year 216 of the Imperial calendar… The admission period at the beginning of next year will be overdue, so I guess I should aim for the year after that?”

– This is the preparation period. Wouldn’t one year be enough? The timing will be just right. The ‘Golden Age’, when most important people enter the school, will take place in the early spring of the 218th year of the Imperial calendar.


To be honest, it’s possible if you sweep the things you know. If I gather all the mysteries that have been played in the northern part of the empire, it will be possible…

On the contrary, it means that it is impossible to control them at the academy without Hidden Peace.

“Has the location of the hidden pieces changed?”

-I can’t tell you.

“If you can’t tell me, it means there is.”

-…I will neither affirm nor deny.

Yes. Let’s put the significance of the fact that the demonic sword Surt was buried as it was down here.

Because that alone really took my breath away.

“It’s said that you can detect anomalies when you’re active in the academy…But it’s a hard difficulty. It’s much harder than the real ‘Hell’ difficulty.”


“Ah! It’s hard! It’s so hard! I want to die!”


“I never said I’d do it, but I’m forcibly dragged! There’s no save! I just die and I’m done!”

-Stop it! Just say what you want!

“Well then.”

I laughed a little. That’s what you want

Well, there’s only one.

“If it’s a god, isn’t anything possible? If I save this world, that cause and effect will be applied, so I won’t be able to do anything.”

– But?

“Then, please do one thing.”

I closed my eyes and thought about it. I’ve lived selfishly, but I don’t particularly regret it.

But there is only one thing that bothers me.

I was an orphan in this world and in the other world, but there was one difference. My younger brother, and the only one who acted as a blood relative.

“Because there was a younger sister named Han Seo-ah over there?”

-…By the way?

“He died. Instead of me. Just because he died rather ridiculously. Instead of me, he died while beaten. At the hands of the orphanage director.”

Then they were buried. He later tried to kill the director of the orphanage himself, but after he grew up and looked for him, he only heard that he also died of an illness.

Yes. If there’s one thing that bothers you, it’s probably the only one.

“Please save him. If possible, let him live happily.”

-…Is that all?

“Yeah, it’s kind of funny to say that it’s all about saving a person, but that’s all. God is God.”

– Weird guy.

I felt like Ra was laughing for some reason.

-I thought he was an idiot, but he has a lot of humanity.

“Ah. What kind of robot am I? But I take care of those who follow me.”

-Good. I won’t grant your wish. And when the work is over, you too go to the other world…

“Eh. You don’t have to.”

– What?

To be honest, yes.

“This side of the world is much more fun.”


Isn’t it enough just because it’s fun!

-That’s right.

Ra clicked his tongue.

-You’re crazy.

. . .

I devoted myself to training. First of all, the first hidden piece to aim for is the one at the headquarters of the church.

Once I got the relics there, I could literally enter the academy as the top of the list. It’s an easy way to gain power without much effort.

If you suffer a little more and are dispatched to the headquarters…!

While preparing furiously, I secretly got lucky about being dispatched to Meerkant. He replied with a broad smile. It’s a bonus to stroke your hair.

Somehow these days, the number of people liking me has increased.

But I wasn’t particularly happy about it.

“Do you want to go to the headquarters of the denomination? Actually. Your brain is so clever, and you usually study diligently, so you need more theology.”

“That’s right, priest. I want to learn more.”

“But wait a little longer. The number of apprentice priests that can be sent from the church branch to the church headquarters is limited. In the case of our branch, there is only one.”

“…Too little?”

“What can we do about the branch that has already been ruined? And the child to be sent this time has already been decided. Your senior, Irene, will come first.”

“What about me?”

“You have to wait. Don’t worry. It’s only been a year. Next year, you can definitely go.”

From noble mtl dot com


I only have one year.

I wiped my face. I sneaked closer to Irene. But surprisingly, Irene’s story was different from Meerkant’s.

“Your junior is going.”

“Yes? But the priest…”

“It’s nothing for juniors to worry about. Please pack your bags before spring arrives. I’ll take care of the rest.”

Irene looked at me.

“Junior, you just have to grind and polish yourself like you have done so far.”

“…Then what?”

I don’t know why, but I’m glad you said that.

As expected, the blue hawk! I believed! His name was on the list of planned corruption, but seeing as he behaved so kindly, the chances of him being corrupted are zero!

-Don’t connect that with the possibility of corruption!

I overheard Ra’s voice. Irene even gave me a definite answer, so all I have to do is to spur my training even more.

However, there was an unexpected stumbling block.

“…Beverick has arrived in the city.”

Meerkant glanced at me. For some reason, there was no strength in the laughter.

“Your senpai is coming. It’s Zahard.”

“The last apprentice priest you mentioned before?”

“Yes. To be precise, he is an apprentice priest dispatched from the church headquarters to this branch. He has about half a year left before he returns to the headquarters.”

“The timing is ambiguous?”

“He chose to stay a little longer. I accepted that.”

“Are you a good person?”


Meerkant, the nicest person I’ve ever seen, didn’t say anything. He just stared intently at Irene, who was cleaning the prayer room.

“…It’s Zahard.”

“Yes. Priest.”

“Did you know that originally, each branch had to have a bishop to be normal? Someone above me was supposed to be here. But no one came, so I’m taking the temporary bishop’s post.”

Meerkant looked at me.

“There is a big difference between the status of a priest and a bishop. A bishop is a high-ranking official who can manage a branch. His learning and faithfulness are of a different class from that of a priest. Beverick has one of the bishops at the church headquarters as his father. Is being taken as.”

“Do priests get married?”

“…? Most religious people can get married. Didn’t you know?”

“I didn’t know.”

I’ve never delved into the settings so deeply. In the first place, I wasn’t even good at my job as a priest.

Why would you choose a job where you get a penalty if you beat someone?

“If you are an apprentice priest with connections to headquarters…”

Ah. Drawn

“Seeing the priest say that, he must not have a very nice personality.”

“I don’t want you to look at people with preconceived notions. But, Zahard, remember. If you go out of your way, your talents and qualities may be ruined.”

Meerkant laughed forlornly.

“I…Want you to be happy. I’m sorry I’m weak.”

…Why are there so many apologies?

A human who has done nothing wrong.

“Don’t worry. It’s my specialty to be enchanted again, right?”

“hahahaha! That’s of course! There’s no one in the world who hates you. Maybe it’s because you’re old, the only thing you’re worried about is that you’re like this. Listen carefully.”

It was exactly two days later that Beverick came from him. I cleaned the yard early in the morning and secretly wiped my sweat pretending to have worked hard.

A carriage stopped in front of the church. What I see you have some money.

The door opened and someone jumped out. Quite a handsome face. A man who looked like a parasitic brother glanced up at the church.

Tilted like that.

“…Something has changed a lot.”

At the trembling voice, I hurriedly ran in front of him. He bent over and laughed with all his might.

A person with connections to the church headquarters.

The more visible you are, the easier it will be to get the relic!

“Hello! Senpai! My name is Zahard, the apprentice priest!”


Our eyes met. I smiled. Beverick’s face slowly hardened.

Without even greeting me, he strode into the church. He looked inside him as if looking for someone, and then approached Irene, who was praying with her hands together in the prayer room.

As it is, snapping.

He even held hands while interrupting the priest who was praying.

“Irene, did you wait?”

Irene’s face literally rotted away. Beverick smiled broadly.

“I’m back as promised. Marry me now.”


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  1. Lku says:

    NTR him mc

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