The Paladin Owns the Relic chapter 14

14 - Beverick (3)

14 – Beverick (3)

That’s right.

A dirty bastard who doesn’t know where he came from!

Beverick stumbled. Maybe it was because he was hit unexpectedly, but he was hit harder than he thought. His cheeks flushed bright red.

What is it?

I don’t think it’s just cheap, right?

“You bastard!”

He swung his hand right away. However, the boy in front of him avoided his hand by simply cutting his face.

Wow. Okay.

You’re hiding something, right?

Beverick rolled up his sleeves. He had a bitter taste. He finally wanted to get a taste, but he was interrupted at the crucial moment.

I feel irreparably hurt, so I’m going to have to break at least one limb of this bastard to get angry.

Then take what you want. Beverick glanced at Irene.

Cliff flowers.

Gave her a year to f*ck her whole. It was just right in front of me…!

Suddenly, a negative mind came out. More fiercely, anger flared up.

“I’ll kill you!”

An apprentice priest from the church headquarters. Beverick came from a religious family with bishops as parents.

From noble mtl dot com

Naturally, he learned the faith from a young age and even inherited his stigma from his father, who was his bishop.

It is said that it is a stigmata given to it, but its power was real. He served Ra, and in exchange for the offerings and prayers he accumulated steadily, he was also able to use his holy power.

A power that only priests possess in the world. The holy power swirling in Beverick’s hand became a flame and burned up.

“It burns every bone!”

It’s a flame. Even hot Of course you are right to be afraid.

Strangely, however, the boy in front of him did not change his expression. I haven’t tried it myself, so I’m not surprised.

Being in his own hands is hot. It’s enough to dig through human skin and scar what’s behind it.

Weberick was convinced that he had the upper hand.

The outcome of a battle is clear. There was no way that an apprentice priest who had just entered could not use the holy law.

Beverick had no doubt that he could burn all the skin off the apprentice’s face.


By the way. Obviously it should be

“…Hey. f*ck. The apprentice priest who came out of the headquarters is only ashes? Is that all about intensity?”

His outstretched hand was caught. The flames died down, and in front of him, a boy one head shorter than himself let out a bored sigh.

The gripped hand did not move. He didn’t even flinch even when he shook it with all his might.

It feels like being grabbed by a predator far above you.

“I recognized her since I was crazy about women… Ha…”

The ash went out in Beverick’s hand. The flame ate and was swallowed in an instant.

A much bigger fire broke out before his eyes. Beverick opened his mouth at the palpable heat burning from his fingertips.

“That’s not all, is it?”

Ashes burned in the boy’s hand.

With heat that burns red, like the flames of Ra.

“Take out everything you have. If you want to live one more second.”

. . .

I was thinking of trying to rip off something more…

“What the f*ck!”

Beverick struggled in front of his eyes.

There is no moderation in gestures. It’s not that the holy power is bad.

At least, it was a process that I overlooked even the vocal method. I heard that you worked as an apprentice priest for quite a while…

You bastard, aren’t you just half a penny?! There’s no way to break it off?!

“Dogs, dogs…”

I can’t even curse properly and gasp. The fact that my legs gave out and I collapsed was just because I was tired of my grass.

My stamina is low, and my head is empty…

The future of the church is clearly visible. Is this the bishop’s son?

Didn’t you just bring it to a foreign country because you didn’t have the ability?


I touched him. A powerless fist flew by. Slow movement enough to make you sigh.

I didn’t want to catch it, so I dodged to the side. He was kicked in the jaw and forced to lie down.

“What did you believe in and fool around with? Huh?”

“You, I thought you would be safe even after doing this…”

“Can’t you judge the situation? Which one do you think is not safe now?”

I trampled on his chest with my feet. Beverick, who had been giggling, opened his eyes. He turned his head and reached out his hand to Irene, who was stiff.

“Do, help…”

Irene flinched. She hurriedly came up to me and grabbed my shoulder.

“That, you can’t do that!”


“Beverick has a connection with the bishop of the church headquarters! If you do something like this, you won’t be able to go to the church headquarters! And if you come from the church headquarters to the inspection…!”


Weber Rick shrugged his shoulders. He looked up at me with his chest trampled on.

“Did you hear that? You idiot… Don’t get out of here right now? If you get out of here even now, I…”

“What if you get out of the way?”

“Yo, forgive me…”

“Forgive me?”

I put my weight on my feet. Giggling, Beverick struggled.

“Did you say forgiveness? Huh?”

“Yo, forgive me…!”

“Tell me one more time. Now. Forgive me? Forgive me?”

“Oh, something that never happened…!”

“Anything that wasn’t there?!”

“Oh, nothing happened…!”

“Nothing happened?!”

“What, what are you saying?!”

“What can I say.”

I snorted. If the man draws his sword, he must also cut the radish.

And since I’m out there, at least I’m going to have to break all these baby bones!


“Now, I was wrong…!”

“It’s late!”

I lifted him up. He slammed his face into the window.



In the midst of gasping moans, Irene flinched.

“How are you going to handle the aftermath?!”

“Senior. Now that this happened, let’s be honest.”

Beverick’s eyes were already upside down. Irene flinched when she saw that face.

“What, what?”

“To be honest, don’t you want to beat me? I only endured it for about two weeks, but Irene sunbaenim endured it for over a year, excluding the pilgrimage, right?”


“Now, don’t do that. This is what happened anyway…”

I slipped the nodule of Beverick’s hair. She smiled sweetly at her.

“It’s a present. Senior.”


Irene carefully grabbed Beverick by the hair. She looked back and forth between me and the guy.

It’s your turn that still needs some teaching.

I wrapped my hand around her hand. And just like that –

I stabbed Beverick into the intact window next to me.



“Now, senior. How are you feeling?”

“This can’t be like this…”

“Have you already done that? And look at this bastard’s face…”

I stroked Beverick’s face pitifully.

“That looks like a f*cking thing, doesn’t it?”


“Are you going to end it like this? Isn’t it? You know. Both of us have been through a lot. You must have suffered many times, even dozens of times more than me. Do you want to leave this f*cking face alone?”

“Ha, but I might die…!”

“Senior. Where did the usual meticulous senior go? We’re priests. Even though we’re apprentice priests, we’re priests.”

I raised my holy power proudly.

“Would you let the priest kill people?”

Irene’s expression changed due to the overflowing power of the treatment.

“…Come to think of it.”

Something within Irene was waking up.

“I won’t ‘die’ anyway… I think it’ll be okay if I do a little more.”

“I will assist with all my might. I will take responsibility for Priest Beverick’s life.”

“Thank you. Junior.”

Irene smiled sweetly for the first time as if telling her to just do what she wanted.

Beverick’s face was smashed against a stone wall.

“What a wonderful gift!”

We alternated locations throughout the night, grinding Beverick’s face.

Beverick, waking up from fainting, let out a miserable scream, but it didn’t matter.

Then he shouldn’t have given the damn thing.

It’s all about cause and effect.

. . .


Irene laughed. Fun. She had never been this happy. It feels like a tooth has fallen out and a new tooth has grown in its place.

She tossed Beverrick straight out of the way. The guy with his face in the mud rolled over and rolled across the floor.

Wriggling as it is. Her appearance was so bug-like that Irene kicked her in the ass.

Beverick’s voice was such a pig-picking sound-

Irene, who was immersed in her feelings, eventually returned to reality. She swelled up and put her hand on her right chest and let out a deep sigh.

It was fun.


For the first time in her life – she felt amused.

“…Thank you. Junior.”

Day by day, she lowered her head more and more. She became more and more aware of others.

The more I did, the more I felt like I was disappearing. Sacrificing for others.

In order to repay her kindness, she pretended nothing happened.

They festered and festered and seemed to have become tangled up like pus. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have felt so refreshed even after beating the apprentice priest at the church’s headquarters and beating a powerful person within the church whose father was a bishop.

It was clear that everything would be messed up after the night’s dream. But it was such a fun night.

To the extent that she wants to make the person who gave her such a gift her lifelong benefactor.

“Thanks to you, it was fun. Junior.”


Irene looked down at him at an angle. He’s a little bit smaller than himself. An apprentice priest who will probably outshine himself as the days go by.


Call that name in your mind. He was a mysterious child. Maybe everything would have been the same without this child.

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It must have gotten worse.

“…I’m sorry.”

“Suddenly what?”

“At first…I told you to leave the church. I’m sorry. I misunderstood the person.”

“Ah. I forgot everything. Besides, senior took care of me knowingly and unknowingly, didn’t he?”

“…Did you know everything?”

“The bed is tidied up every day, and it’s senior who left snacks every night. There’s no way the priest would have done that. He’s a bit cheap, he’s someone who doesn’t even dream of snacks. Someone who wants to save money on food.”

Irene gave a small smile.

“Because I could see you studying hard. The juniors are smart. They are clever and kind. Isn’t it strange that they don’t take care of the juniors who work hard to go to the church headquarters?”

“Don’t you think that’s not nice?”

“I don’t know. I know everyone takes care of the children without knowing or not, but are you going to cheat? You could have swallowed the money alone, but you didn’t bother to distribute it to all the churches.”

“…Well, that’s where I live.”

“You could have taken the money and taken it to the Church headquarters. If you didn’t, the fact that you stayed here…”

Irene brought her knees together. She sat down next to him and looked at her side face as she glided away from her gaze.

“It was to repay the favor, right? To Priest Meerkant.”

“…It’s an illusion.”

What are those slightly red ears? Is it because my true feelings were revealed?

It’s cute. Irene laughed lightly. Ah. If she knew it was going to be like this, she should have been more open and talked about it.

She should have spent a little more time with her.

“Don’t worry about today.”


“I was the one who scolded the apprentice priest Beverick. Juniors, you just have to keep your mouth shut. I’ll take care of the rest.”

“…What is that?”

“You are capable. And above all, I am certain that you will be of more help to Priest Meerkant than I am. If you are all right, that will probably be worth more than anything I’ve ever done to repay a favor. It will work.”

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No one can avoid taking responsibility.

Irene looked up at the moon.

“…Yes, junior. I wanted to become a shaman during the day. I wanted to have power. Rather than believing in ‘Ra’, maybe the power that comes after it is more important. If you have power. ..Because I can do anything.”


“So, junior, please follow me. Have strength that no one can defy, and help Priest Meerkant. As you know, he is a very gracious and kind person. Giving to others More than that, he deserves to be happy.”

Irene sighed. It was the coolest sigh she had ever let out.

“Can you promise me?”


Zahard scratched his head. Then, he brushed his ass and stood up.



“You’ve always lived like that, so you seem used to taking on other people’s share… You don’t have to do that to me.”

Irene looked up at him. For some reason, he seemed so much smaller than he was, but he felt so big.

“I take responsibility. There’s no need for you to lose. So, don’t make that kind of face toward me. You put up with it that way. If you don’t want to put up with it, don’t.”


“You don’t have to try to protect me.”

Zahard laughed. Irene stared blankly at him.

“I’ll protect you. So don’t worry about anything. I’ll take care of everything.”

…To protect?

Irene inadvertently turned her face away. She couldn’t raise her head because her face was hot for some reason.

What is it?


Why do you look cool…?

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  1. SenatorArmstrong says:

    Get f**ked Epsteiner Believer

  2. And so the conquest to harem began..

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