The Place Where I Was Sold as a Slave Was the Imperial Palace chapter 122

The Place Where I Was Sold as a Slave Was the Imperial Palace 122

121 And 5 years passed

It’s been 5 years since Tae Sang Je passed away, and Ririsha is 14 years old. And in two days, it will be a new year, 15 years old.

“It was long.”

As Lilitha muttered, Tyra, who was next to her, lowered her head with a calm face.

“Congratulations, Empress Mama. You are finally officially becoming Empress.”


It wasn’t that she had been a fake empress until now.

However, Lilitha has not been able to attend official events until today.

Just as the emperor has official duties, the empress also has work to do.

However, the young Lilitha only played the role of waving to the people at most.

Instead of Lilitha, the woman who escorted Rudy to official events was Taehyung Hoo.

The only time young Lilitha became a partner was on the day of the coronation ceremony and wedding.

In any country, people are recognized as adults after the age of 15.

Lilitha, who was only a child, could not participate in events as the emperor’s partner. Lilitha, who was completely unprepared, would only be laughed at if she had to go out to public events.

Even Rudy, who looked up to him with his eyes as wide as a saucer from inside and outside the country as the owner of tremendous ability, went through all kinds of hardships just because he was young after the death of Tae Hwang Je.

The nobles who secretly protested and tried to suppress them, and the foreign envoys who ignored them behind their backs saying that they could deceive them because they were children. Numerous women oppress the young emperor with their bodies, believing that he would be easily fooled.

It was clear to the eyes what would happen if young Rilisha left.

Ah, thinking about it made me angry.

Empress Taesang, who is said to be less of a woman, and is relatively softer towards Rudy than Lilitha, hosts tea parties in place of the empress and introduces women who debuted in the social world that year to the emperor every time.

Of course, I’m inviting her to become a concubine.

Rudy is 16 years old this year, Tae Hwang Je, who is no longer in the world, has already become a father at that age.

Old Demonic Fox! After the Tao situation!

As Lilitha clenched her fists, Tyra lightly touched her wrist right next to her.

“Mama, your skirt is tearing.”


Gee, it was dangerous. It was now in the middle of the last fitting.

In order to tighten the waist of the dress, I cut back on food for several days. I barely reached the waistline I was aiming for. If you strain your stomach, the corset is not yet worn, so the part that was lightly attached with a pin will tear.

At the New Year’s banquet, Lilitha makes her first empress debut. Of course, she gave strength to the dress as well.

More beautiful than anyone else, more feminine than anyone else, and more like an adult woman than anyone else!

‘Yeah, that’s what’s important. adult female.’

Most girls in this country make their social debut between the ages of 15 and 18.

However, the empress, Lilitha, did not have such an opportunity.

From nob le mt l dot com

Debut itself is a ticket to enter the marriage market.

Lilitha, who already had a husband, was neither required nor allowed to debut in the social world. Because social debut is only for unmarried women.

So this New Year’s banquet is instead of a socialite debut. It is a very important day.

It was her debut in the world of society and her first official job as empress, but it was also the anniversary of her becoming an adult woman.

‘I’m really an adult now. Now I’m a real wife. I really became a woman.’

It was long. It was really long.

As she unconsciously nodded, she heard a sigh from the side and Tyra’s face suddenly appeared in front of her.

“Mama. The hair ornaments are running out. Please stay still for a while.”


When Tyra stepped back, the women who were working on the basting started moving again. Pin the fabric around the chest and waist and measure the circumference again.

The baroness, Tyra, and the other maids carefully checked Lilitha’s appearance from all directions, giving instructions or asking questions to the dressing women.

Raise the ribbon a bit, make the frills fuller, have extra lace ready, and so on.

There are four sets of dresses prepared for the New Year’s banquet. One dress for daytime wear, one for nighttime wear, and two spares.

In addition, several items were prepared, such as an overgown, a shoulder decoration to hide the sleeve and shoulder joint, and an inverted triangle decoration that covers the chest so that it can be added or partially replaced in case of emergency.

Normally, there is no such thing as preparing so many dresses, but the New Year’s banquet is special. That day is the most important and special in Ririsha’s life…

It was a big deal. Thinking of the New Year’s banquet made me nervous.

There are many women who rush at Rudy. There are unmarried women, but there are also a significant number of married women who aspire to be lovers. Among them, there are many really mature and beautiful women. Can I fight them and win? anxious, anxious I’m afraid I’m going to die

When Lilitha stretched out her hand to the side and struggled, Tyra noticed right away and took her hand.

“It’s okay, Mama. You’re really mature and beautiful.”


“Yes. You look older than me.”

“That’s too much!”

Tyra smiles brightly.

When the baroness cleared his throat, Tyra quickly returned to a new look.

Lilitha and Tyra still listened to the baroness’ nagging.

It’s limited to when there are only maids in my aide, but instead, it’s a headache because I collect everything I’ve been nagging all day and then get a lot of it all at once.

When Tyra’s eyes met, they both grinned at the same time.

Then the door quietly opened and the lady-in-waiting entered. He could be seen talking to the baroness in whispers.

The baroness stopped the basting women from working. He told me to do it again in a moment and instructed him to re-insert the pin safely.

The women hurriedly turned the pins over or added scraps of cloth to put them back in so they wouldn’t get hurt.

“I have received a message that Your Majesty will be stopping by for a while.”


The baroness’s eyebrows twitched when Rilisha made a noise involuntarily.

Lilitha straightened her back and gazed at the ladies-in-waiting, taking care to make graceful movements.

“Prepare to greet His Majesty.”

“Yes, Empress Mama.”

The ladies-in-waiting all lowered their waists and bowed their heads.

Seeing the happy expression on the baroness’s face, Rilisha slightly met Tyra’s gaze.

Carefully keeping her arms out to the side, she crosses her fingers to give them a funny look.

Tyra immediately bent her fingers into the same shape.

The young lady-in-waiting at the bottom saw it because of the angle of the seat. Put, she burst into laughter and received glares from the senior lady-in-waiting next to her.

‘The training is lacking.’

Thinking that way, when he glanced at Tyra, she gave a signal of sympathy with her eyes.

‘hehehe, cheating on the baroness is now a piece of cake.’

Rilisha moved to change her clothes and gave her a thumbs up as she brushed her against her.

Tyra immediately gave a thumbs up, and their thumbs touched lightly.

If you press down quickly, the tie will give you strength.

jane! You just learned something new The way I give power is slightly different. Lilitha is pushed. Eight, he said, straining his arm, when the baroness’s voice fell right in front of him.


oh my, this got caught

The baroness’ gaze turns to Tyra.

Before the baroness could say anything, Tyra joined her hands.

“I’ll bring you some lace to put around Mama’s neck.”

Tyra bent her knees slightly with a neat appearance and quickly left the spot. traitor, ran away

Just in time, the work of putting the pins back in was finished, and all the women who were dressing went back to the next room.

The ladies-in-waiting quickly added lace or robes to the garments that were being fitted. Lilitha had to listen to the baroness’ sermon while the maids worked.

At the end of the sermon, Tyra returned.

‘Sly! I saw you waiting on the other side without coming!’

I rolled my eyes with that meaning, but Tyra didn’t budge.

‘Heh, to not flinch even after receiving the empress’ stare, that’s a tenacity like a whale’s tendons.’

You should have known what Lilitha was thinking from her gaze, but Tyra was still pretending not to know.

The ladies-in-waiting finished the rough work. Her hair was left slightly loose, and ribbons and laces were attached so that pins were not visible here and there.

Attach lace to Tyra’s bare chest.

“Tyra, bring your chest a little more centered.”

Tyra frowned at Lilitha’s words.

“Mama, I’ve had enough.”

“A little more! The Valley isn’t enough.”

“If you collect more here, it’s not a valley, it’s just crushed flesh.”

“Then, at least lower the laces a bit!”

“No. That way, you’ll reveal everything.”

“How about revealing it a bit! They’re a couple anyway.”

When Lilitha made a sharp sound, Tyra tilted her head and said.

“That’s right.”

Tyra lowers the lace to the point where the baroness’s hand rises.

The lace came up again, and it was covered a little more.


The valley is gone. I made it at best.

“Ha, so why don’t you just let me do it.”

Tyra said with a small sigh.


Lilitha’s shoulders dropped slightly.

“Empress Mama, Her Majesty is coming. He has already reached the hallway.”

The maid hurriedly entered the room and said. The movements of the ladies-in-waiting suddenly sped up, and Taira and several other maids made a final check around Lilitha.

As the baroness turned and went out to the entrance, Tyra and two maids quickly lowered the lace on Lilitha’s chest and fixed it again.

“thank you.”

Speaking softly, Tyra and the maids raised their fingers to hide from the baroness.

At that moment, Rudy came in.

The maids all lowered their bodies and bowed their heads.

Lilitha slowly bent down, adjusting the angle so that her breasts were visible as much as possible.

A little more than usual, so that the valley can be seen all the way to the bottom.

look! This is the body of a mature woman who will turn fifteen in two days.

Rudy smiled and came closer. However, Rudy’s eyes do not stay on her heart for even one second. It was like looking at a stone.

“Our cute empress is beautiful today too.”

No, the usual reaction has returned.

Could Rudi’s eyes not see this valley? Yesterday’s Lilitha and today’s Lilithia are completely different.

This dress, unlike the ones I’ve worn so far, smells like an adult woman.

Until now, the clothes that Lilitha had worn were not revealing the body at all, as Rudy’s policy and the baroness’ opinion were in sync.

Rudi didn’t like the corset either, so she used a soft cloth and wore a dress that came up to her chest.

valley? It was something I didn’t even know existed. I think I would have believed it even if the man was dressed as a woman.

‘Today is the first time I’ve worn such revealing clothes.’

Shoulders drooped.

no. The scent of an adult woman does not come out. Taira and the maids worked hard, but Lilitha didn’t show any bewitching at all.

I feel like crying.

The chief chamberlain, who chased after Rudy like goldfish poop, opened his mouth.

“You’re really beautiful. It seems like yesterday that the empress was running through the corridors of the imperial palace like a child, but this look! You’ve truly become an adult now.”

Goldfish Poop 2 Levin also made a fuss.

“You are very beautiful. Now you are truly a grown woman. Isn’t that right, Your Majesty?”

Originally, those two never said anything to the emperor in front of other people. There are even people who say they have never heard the voice of the chief chamberlain.

However, as if the two of them were talking nonsense, they eagerly called out to adults and adults. To the extent that even Rilisha noticed.

When I looked up slightly, Rudy smiled as if he was really happy.

“That’s right. Our empress is really cute. She’s grown up a lot.”

You appeal as an adult woman, but why are you so cute! What else has grown a lot!

Unknowingly, my mouth popped out.

No, it’s the same as usual. When I stand in front of Rudy, my childhood habits come out. Only then is it wrong to be treated as an adult woman forever.

Rudy came closer, grabbed his hand, and held it lightly at the tips of his fingers. Rudy’s lips lightly touched the part where his fingers parted.

It feels like my heart is pounding and sinking.

thump thump thump.

oh i really like this guy I want to look like a woman not a child

He could see that his own eyes were getting hazy. Lou, so good.

When Rudy looked back, the attendant Levin held out a long box.

The lid was opened, and what was inside was visible. it’s a necklace


It was a black jewel.

After becoming empress, she saw many jewels. But black jewels were the first.

From the bottom of the round jewel, golden star shapes stretch out in all directions, scattering light.

Small black diamonds were embedded around the black jewel.

“This, Lou’s color and my hair color?”

Unbeknownst to him, the way he spoke came out when the two of them were alone. But Rudy didn’t care much and took the necklace in his hand.

“Yes. Now that I am an adult, I must mark that you are mine. Otherwise, someone might steal my lovely empress.”


I was so surprised that my eyes widened. Saying this, it seems that Rudy is not Rudy.

It was a big deal. My heart is beating so fast that I can’t breathe.

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