The Place Where I Was Sold as a Slave Was the Imperial Palace chapter 28

The Place Where I Was Sold as a Slave Was the Imperial Palace 28

< My Ink Test >

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I jumped up from my seat.

Small cloths were hung over the stomach and legs. It seems that the nanny covered it.

There was a growl in the stomach.

The sound was loud because the place was quiet.


In my previous life, when I saw the phrase about a growling sound in a novel, I thought it was just a way to explain the situation.

I never thought it would sound like that when you’re really hungry. In the modern world, it’s rare to go hungry.

Even if you’re hungry, you won’t be hungry until you hear a growling sound.

But really, when your stomach is completely empty, if you haven’t eaten much throughout the day and into the next day, your stomach really rumbles. a little curious

It was then.


A loud noise echoed from the princess’s stomach, incongruous for her size.


The princess opened her eyes wide and looked down at her stomach, perhaps in surprise.

And touch the belly with a small hand.

I think I was very surprised because I couldn’t hear the sound when I was lying wrapped up, or I didn’t know it was coming from my stomach.

And it looks interesting.

When there was another growl, the princess laughed.

“Wow, I saw it for the first time. Laughing princess.”

I thought that his face, which was too skinny and had big eyes, looked ugly, but when he smiled, his impression changed.

Right now, my skin is a bit rough, and I feel ugly in some way, but I think it will change when I gain weight.

“When I grow up, I might become a beauty just like my mother. Can’t you just call it an ugly doll? princess. Let’s go eat munga.”

no. This guy’s tongue is too short, so when he speaks for a long time, the baby’s tone goes in.

Rudi’s shoulders drooped slightly at the tongue that was out of control.

Come to think of it, if the princess understands what you’re saying, you’d better call her by name.

The name the nanny had taught me was a bit long.

Lilitha, Marina, or something.

I don’t know why all noble names are so long. Rudy’s own name was unnecessarily long, and so was the princess.

‘Anyway, people with titles are called by their title names, or aren’t they using only the first name?’

He mumbled to himself and put his hand on the princess’s armpit.

In a matter of days, it seems that Princess Lilitha has gotten quite used to being carried around by Rudy.

He hugged him tightly by the neck.

The little body clung to him like a koala, and her legs got entangled in her waist.

“Lilisha-sama, you’ve changed a lot in just a few days.”

Rilisha tilted her head.

Your name seems unfamiliar.

Maybe it’s never been called. It seems that neither Mama Nadia, nor the nanny, nor the princess spoke very little.

“I will call you a lot from now on.”

The more you talk, the richer your child’s language will be.

When Rudi said, Princess Rilisha widened her eyes and met her gaze.

The expression that looks a little goofy is cute.

“When the book comes in, I’ll read it every day.”

Among the lists requested from Buradov were books on mythology and history.

Rudy himself thought he needed to see them, but those two are for the princess.

“Because the words I know are somehow limited. I think mythology and history are essential even when we grow up later.”

“… eh… heh…”

As if babbling, the princess said, slightly sticking out her tongue.

You nod your head as if you know something.

It was very unsettling to see his big head bouncing in comparison to his body. If you do it wrong, it seems that your head will fall backwards.

“Be careful, Lilitha-sama. People die when their necks are broken.”

People die easier than you think.

I was about to say that, but Rudy shut his mouth.

It wasn’t even a joke to say to the baby.

Having said such a thing unintentionally, it seems that her senses have been paralyzed a little after coming into this world.

Rudy laughed bitterly.


Upon entering the food pantry, I saw a round wooden chair by the entrance covered with a bulging cloth.

When the cloth was removed, there were two concave bowls.

It seems to be food left for Rudy and the princess.

One was soup, the other was porridge with meat.

It’s obvious, but it’s cold.

I decided not to have attachments to the earth of my previous life, but at times like this, I can’t help but miss it. a microwave.

The microwave oven, a truly great invention!

Refrigerators and air conditioners are considered inventions of the century.

I think, but the microwave that cooks and heats anything is more than an invention for busy modern people.

Microwave ovens aren’t just for heating food.

He is a lifelong friend who makes glutinous rice cakes with just glutinous rice flour and water, cooks bagged ramen, and frys popcorn at home without having to go to the cinema.

It even boils dishcloths, and when you’re busy, it boils socks and even underwear.

You don’t know how to appreciate it if you’re by my side, but life becomes impossible without it.


Rudy sighed and went out of the food storage again with Princess Lilitha in his arms.

After putting down the princess, she again picks up the bowl of porridge from the food pantry with both hands.

Taking care not to spill it, I carried it to the fireplace.

Princess Lilitha crawled after him.

How adept he was at crawling, faster than Rudy could walk.

Moving her arms and legs like a spider, she overtook him and crawled near the fireplace.

“Princess Lilitha! stand there It’s dangerous to go near the fireplace.”

I was in a hurry and said it a little loudly, then I stopped and looked back.

I’m glad through the words.

Rudy stumbled and sprinted to the fireplace.

Princess Lilitha waited patiently, then growled again.

The princess looked down at her belly and lifted the fetish with her hand.

The only clothing the princess is currently wearing is a loose shirt.

In this era, there is no separate children’s clothing, and it is said that adult clothes are made the same by reducing the size.

In the case of the princess, none of that.

I heard that they haven’t made it yet because they wrap it in a wrapper until they reach a certain age.

So I cut off a little bit of Rudy’s clothes and put it on, but when I lifted it up with my hand, my naked lower body was exposed.

Red skin looks sick because of inflammation and wounds.


Rudy slightly looked away.

“…a tomboyish princess.”

While muttering, Rudy knelt down.

He put the bowl of porridge aside and held the hand of the princess who was pinching her stomach.

I put down my clothes and look into my eyes.

“It hurts when I touch it. Until you find something, you have no choice but to wash it clean and not touch it, so let’s not touch it. And the growl is untouchable.”


Hmm, baby is not the original word. The princess struggled to free her hand. It seems that he is curious about the sound coming from his stomach.

I also had to wrestle for a while trying to lift the hem.

“Women shouldn’t throw away their clothes carelessly.”

At the earnest admonition, the princess widened her eyes and became angry.

I thought he was a calm baby, but he really has a temper.

An upturned ‘U’ shaped pot holder was installed in the fireplace so that pots could be hung when there was a fire.

I thought there would be no such thing because it was the residence of the royal family, but it was surprisingly normal.

Actually, when I first saw it, I didn’t think it was a pot rack, I thought it was just a decoration.

Rudy poured the porridge into the small pot the nanny had brought out and squeezed it tightly with both hands.

After turning off the gas stove magic tool, put the pot on it.

It was heavier than expected.

After struggling to put it on with a whimper, he turned on the light, warmed it up a bit, and took the pot out of the fireplace again.

I scooped a little bit with a spoon and transferred it all to a bowl, but it was lukewarm.

It seems that the porridge on the bottom was hot and the top and middle were still cold.

‘A microwave would have solved it in one shot…’

Hungry anyway.

After turning on the heating again, I sat side by side in front of the fireplace with Princess Lilitha to share porridge.

I couldn’t eat the soup.

I was a little reluctant to boil it in a pot with porridge on it, but most of all, I didn’t have any strength in my hands.

Like a robot with a broken body, it was impossible to lift the pot twice.

As soon as her stomach was full, Princess Lilitha fell asleep with her head on the floor while sitting up, as if drowsy.

In the end, he dragged the blanket he had found during the day, laid it under the princess, and put it to sleep in front of the warm fireplace.

After that, Rudy is completely alone.

Now is the time to experiment with My Ink.

After Rudi confirmed that Rilisha was fast asleep, she quietly headed to her desk.

The moonlight came softly through the window, illuminating the scattered inkwell.

Rudy climbed onto a chair and laid ink, pen, and parchment side by side.

After shaking the ink bottle to mix the magic stone and the ink, the feather pen was dipped in it, and the nib shimmered.

‘What shall I use?’

Even if you succeed or fail, you have to choose the one that has no risk at all.

After thinking for a while, Rudy started writing Korean on the parchment.

[peacocks; no authentication; available to anyone; 3D image; Command “implement peacock” “destroy peacock”]

Glittering letters were written on the parchment, but nothing happened. It looked like normal letters written in pearl ink.

“Should I use magic?”

As I muttered, I put my finger on the letter, and suddenly a soft light began to spread along the letter.

It was a light similar to when the magic tool was activated.

The light started where the finger was touched, spread over the entire letter, and then gradually faded as if it were sinking.

Hangeul, wrapped in magical magic, is drawn on parchment like a fantasy.

My heart was pounding, running.

Rudy spoke Korean in a low voice.

[Peacock implementation]

Small lights rise from the letters and leave the parchment. The light gradually increased and rose into the air.


It seems that the Milky Way is being realized right in front of your eyes.

The twinkling light spread in the air in a splendid way, and in an instant it changed its shape and became a peacock.


As he let out an exclamation involuntarily, the peacock blinked at him with round eyes.

“oh my god! It moves.”

I thought it was just a picture, but it seems that this peacock has a will.

He lowered his head politely, as a servant does to his master, and spread his wings.

Soft light spread out in all directions from the wide open wings.

It is not a bright sun-like light. It was a soft, beautiful, cool light like the moonlight.

As if bragging to its owner, the peacock slowly leaned forward and showed its wings.

and slowly turn around

The peacock, completely in his own form, looked at him as if to say, ‘How are you, how do you like it?’

Rudy reached out his hand involuntarily.

“thank you. pretty.”

As if understanding his words, the peacock lightly touched Rudy’s hand with its beak.

Something like a burst of air hit my skin.

Maybe that’s magic too.

It doesn’t have a hard body, but the peacock’s body was made of something unknown.

“I’m sorry, but could you help me with my experiment for a moment?”

At Rudy’s words, the peacock slightly lowered its head.

“You really do talk.”

It’s a strange thing.

Rudy lowered his hand and quietly recited an incantation.

[Peacock Extinction]

The moment Rudy’s words came out into the air, the peacock’s figure disappeared little by little, as if each grain was extinguished.

After that, it was repeated ten times, but there was no sign that the peacock’s appearance had disappeared or weakened.

Even if it’s not a magical tool, if you write it with magic ink and pour magic, the spell is complete.

‘Then why do you need magic tools? There was also a magic stone there.’

Maybe you need magic stones to use greater magic?

‘I don’t think you’ll need magic stones to use water or lights.’

You can’t make water or fire inside the house, so tomorrow let’s take My Ink outside and do an experiment.

And let’s show this peacock to Princess Lilitha.

‘I’m sure he’ll like it very much.’

She’s still a baby who can’t speak, so there’s no way her secret will leak out, and she’ll be fine.

Somehow I look forward to tomorrow.

< My Ink Test > End

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