The Place Where I Was Sold as a Slave Was the Imperial Palace chapter 55

The Place Where I Was Sold as a Slave Was the Imperial Palace 55

< Worst Ruler >

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The eyelids that Levin hit on the day of the magic tool demonstration became unsightly swollen after one night.

When we went to training in the dark of dawn, Levin’s eyes literally grew as big as eggs.

“Lu, Rudy-sama! sorry. What the hell am I doing…”

He was the one who was hurt by being beaten, but Levin, who was bent over in tears, looked even more pitiful.

“are you okay. It looks bad, but it’s not that painful.”

“I’m sorry.”

When they meet face to face, they bow their heads.

Boris chuckled and laughed at Rudy’s bruised face.

“You’ve become manly.”

Saying that, Boris stirred his hair with a large hand.

Rudy slightly dodged to the side, but quickly grabbed his head again.

My hair became more messy.


Perhaps because of this side of Boris, the borders of his mind were a little broken.

In normal times, he acts like a father or an uncle when he behaves viciously.

I’m not even old enough to miss that, no, of course I’m six years old, but I feel that way without even realizing it. Maybe the mind is following the body.

“It must have been difficult yesterday, so let’s keep it simple today.”

Boris patronized it, but the training immediately after that was the same as usual, just a little bit shorter.

Avoid the chasing weapon and roll, roll, and roll again. Even though I rolled like that for about ten minutes, sweat flowed from my whole body like rain.

Somehow, it seems that the difficulty level has increased from the day before yesterday.

Panting and staring at the ceiling, he lay down on his back, and Levin staggered over and collapsed nearby.

Boris sat down at the bedside of the two of them.

“Both seem to be able to read and write, and I don’t know how much they know about the imperial palace and this country. From today, let’s study that part little by little.”

“Uh, should I learn that too?”

Levin asked, and Boris touched his forehead with his finger.

“You are already late. I bet you don’t think that servants open doors and stand next to people to serve dishes.”

“Well, that’s not it.”

“You bastard, if you keep idling around like you, you will be entangled in someone’s treason and dragged to the death penalty in an instant. Learn well when teaching. You should listen more carefully than Rudy.”


Levin slowly got up.

Yesterday’s events had made him very depressed.

“Rudy, I heard that you are from Dicoquaria. How much do you remember living there?”

“I hardly remember what happened then.”

Rudy also sat up from his seat.

I was wary, wondering what the meaning of Boris’ question was.

However, Boris nodded as if he had no intention.

“Yeah, then you don’t know a thing about Dicoquaria’s situation. Well, how much would a child like you know?”

Boris placed a small bag in front of Rudy and Levin. It wasn’t even time to eat something yet, but there was some sweet fruit in it.

As the two lifted each one, Boris grinned.

“I’d better start today with the story of Dicoquaria. It is a country that has been placed in a very unique and complicated situation. It’s perfect for basic explanations.”

It would be great if Rudy could also tell us about the world.

In a concubine who lives away from the outside world, it is very difficult to obtain information. Rudy still didn’t know too much about this world.

“Unlike other countries, Dicoquaria has two dynasties. The current dynasty is the dynasty that succeeded the country later. Originally, the dynasty that created the country is the lineage of the Duke of Watoringu.”

Levin’s eyes widened.

“Could it be?”

“It is a very unusual case. Many generations ago, when the king passed away, leaving only the young princess, the fiancée’s family ruled as the state secretary and succeeded the king as it was. The princess had no offspring until her death. Well, there were various situations at the time, but we’ll talk about that later, so the position of the Duke of Watoringu in Dicoquaria is very ambiguous.”

Rudy nodded inwardly.

Indeed, in that case, as the king of Dicoquaria, Watoringu would be out of sight.

The first time I searched for memories of my previous life, I remembered what the captain of the guard said.

[… We must not forget. Your name is Eddieru Pere Seruhi Machi Watoringu. He is the heir to the Duke of Watoring, the noblest family in the Kingdom of Dicoquaria.]

At the time, I thought it was because it was the Corea Dynasty that I was talking about noble blood, but it seems that I completely misunderstood.

Boris continued.

It is said that the Duke of Watoringu never rebelled against the royal family, but the royal family continued to persecute them for some reason.

There was no big fight because they were constantly having minor disputes on the border with the Kingdom of Cania, but inside they were on the verge of bursting into festering.

The richness of the duke’s estate and the duke’s marriage to a princess from the Corea dynasty were also causes of jealousy.

And it was decisive that a child bearing the coat of arms of the Corea dynasty was born.

No matter how many magic stones you have, it is useless without magic tools. In this world, only the Corea Dynasty was the only human who could enchant magic tools.

Owning only one Correa Dynasty gives that family a better weapon than anyone else.

The already nervous royal family couldn’t help but roll their eyes.

It seems that he was pressuring the duke to somehow bring the child into the royal family.

However, even as a duke, there was no reason to send a child from the Corea dynasty to someone else’s family.

Moreover, that child is the only legitimate heir. Even if they got married, they were brought in, not sent out.

It is said that at the time, the duke was more concerned about the assassination of the royal family than Chania.

Rudy never thought that his birth had such a great meaning.

‘Then maybe the witch’s magic beads I ate were prepared for the royal family. I’m sure I wasn’t the cause of the duke’s fall.’

Boris looked at the two of them with a grin.

“Okay then, let me ask you a question. If you were the Duke of Watoring, what would you have done in that situation?”



Rudy and Levin looked at each other’s faces.

“Inside the kingdom, the royal family is trying to capture the family, and the head of the family is in danger of being assassinated. And the newborn heir might be kidnapped. And that’s not all. Outside, the kingdom of Cania continues to wage war. Watoringu is one of the first places to suffer because it is close to Cania.”

Boris’ gaze turned to Levin.

“Levin, what would you do?”

Levin swallowed the fruit and answered.

“…Uh…if it were me…just marry the princess and son of the royal family, and if the two of them have a child, send it to the royal family…”

“no. The king does not intend to wait that long. Besides, no one knows whether the child born later will have the coat of arms of the Corea Dynasty or possess magical powers. It’s more likely that you won’t have it. Crests are connected through blood, but they appear rarely.”

Boris looked at Rudy this time.

“What would you do?”


Well, I’m not sure.

If you get there, maybe there is no other way.

Enemies were on all sides, but according to what Rudi knew, at that time, many magic wielders had already died.

He said that only the duke and the captain of the guards were left in the duchy.

If the war continued, money would have been insufficient.

When Rudy couldn’t answer, Boris chuckled.

“I don’t think there is any way to get to that point. I don’t have enough strength to fight the king, but even if I get sympathizers, the kingdom of Kania is aiming next to me. I can’t even fight, but even if I stay still, I’m slowly losing my strength. It’s like being entangled in a spider’s web. If only a few years had passed, neighboring countries would have invaded, and in the end, both Kania and Dikoquaria would have been ruined.”

Boris put his hand on Rudy’s head.

“It is best not to fall into such a situation. However, if you are in such a situation, there will be situations that you know but cannot help. Even if you find the best way, problems will inevitably arise.”

Boris said, looking at the two faces alternately this time.

“Remember. No matter what happens, you must find a way out before you are surrounded by enemies on all sides. You always have to double-triple your protection.”

Boris quietly rose from his seat.

“I leave this as homework for you two. Keep thinking. What would you do if you were me? What methods could have been taken before that time came? Keep looking.”

Levin tilted his head and asked.

“Well, what did the Duke of Watoringu do?”

Boris grinned.

“I do not know. There is no way to know now what he did or how he came up with it. The duke apparently did nothing.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Boris murmured.

“But that person did something, so the successor hasn’t been found until now.”

“You said it was discovered some time ago.”

At Levin’s words, Boris flicked his forehead with his finger.


Levin held his forehead and wept. Puck, it sounds pretty sick.

“You must learn to doubt. The child who had been looking for it until now, but was not found, suddenly appeared. Who knows if it’s real or fake.”


Boris says a few words to Levin about yesterday’s events.

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Do you know how dangerous it is to surrender to your emotions without trying to think about the situation? He was nagging me that if something like that happened in the future, even if I had two lives, it wouldn’t be enough.

Levin became even more depressed and his head lowered.


Rudy had never thought deeply about the Duke until now.

To be honest, he’s like no other at all.

I only saw his face as if I was running away, and I have never spoken to him.

There were only one or two scenes left in the memory of the duke. It was like watching a movie or documentary.

To be honest, Princess Lilitha or Nadia Gravy felt closer to him now.


‘He had a way in place for me.’

The captain of the guard and the nanny who raised him all sacrificed for him.

Is it too heartless to think of revenge for them, let alone think of it in my head?

Rudy was thinking about that, but Levin rubbed his forehead and asked as if remembering.

“Oh, but what did the empire gain from this war? From the rumors I heard before coming here, I didn’t get anything other than slaves…”

Levin stopped talking and covered his mouth with his hand.

It seemed that he remembered that Rudi was also a slave of Dicoquaria.

Levin said with a downcast face.

“I’m sorry, Rudy.”

“are you okay.”

Although he had no consciousness that he was a citizen of Dicoquaria, the world he saw while living here was painful for both winners and losers.

Just like the women and Levin in Mama Nadia’s residence, the world will not be so easy for the Emperor and Boris, although he doesn’t know it well.

Boris glanced at Rudy and opened his mouth.

“The Empire did not do much in that war. Dicoquaria and Kania were so similar in strength that no one could say who was superior. If one person’s strength is strong on one side, the other side pushes with numbers. The Empire only upset the balance by sending a small number of troops.”

Boris’s quiet voice pierced Rudy’s ears.

“If left alone, those two countries would have collapsed within a few years. The worst rulers of his people are neither tyrannical nor indulging in luxury and pleasure. A ruler who lets the enemy’s horses trample his country is the worst ruler for his people.”


In that sense, the Duke of Watoringu, who was said to be respected by the people, was not the best, but the worst lord.

Human values here are completely different from those on the other side of the Earth.

The value of the person at the top and the value of the person who forms the most base are the same.

If the world we live in is different, even the standard of good and evil is different.


When we returned to the mansion earlier than usual, Princess Lilitha, who was waiting at the door, opened her eyes wide when she saw Rudi.

Yesterday, Princess Lilitha couldn’t see Rudy’s face because she was crying so hard.

Moreover, the eyelids that were slightly red yesterday turned blue today.

It seemed very strange and unfamiliar to me.

Unlike other times, Princess Lilitha didn’t run into Rudy, but stood and clenched her fists.

He stood still, stared at Rudy’s face, and began to pout.


When Rudi called, Princess Lilitha let out a strange breathing sound as her chest thumped, hee, hee, and began to cry.

“Lu… uh uh… uh uh… uh uh… uh uh…”

I didn’t understand it at first, but after hearing it repeated a few times, it seemed that Rudy’s face had been eaten by an insect.

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Did the blue part of his face look like a bug?

Children’s thoughts are incomprehensible.

“Princess, this is not a bug. A bruise is what happens when you hit something.”

Saying that, he took a step closer, and Princess Lilitha jumped at him and hit Rudy in the eye.



It seems to say, “Get out of the bugs.”

“…it’s not like a bug got in your face, princess.”


The words didn’t work.

After that, he had to be beaten several times by the little hand of the princess.

I thought I was going to die because I tried to flip my eyelids to see where the bugs were.

< Worst Ruler > End

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