The Place Where I Was Sold as a Slave Was the Imperial Palace chapter 76

The Place Where I Was Sold as a Slave Was the Imperial Palace 76


It was unusually cold this year. Is that why? The new year has passed before, and buds are already sprouting in the cracks in the snow, but the wind is still fierce.

‘The castle on top of the mountain where His Majesty is staying must be even colder.’

Not long ago, I received a letter from an attendant who accompanied the emperor there, saying that His Majesty’s health condition had deteriorated significantly within a short period of time.

It may have been too cold for the body. I chose the safest place because the condition of Dicoquaria was unstable, but it may have been a mistake.

Reynolds busily wandered around the palace and observed the progress of the work.

“You! The color is too old. You forgot that the owner of this palace is still young. Change it to a lighter color.”

As Reynolds pointed out, the attendant hurriedly picked up the drooping cloth from the bed.

The thick dark blue and brown curtains that had been stretched out in two layers were immediately removed, leaving only thin white fabric at the four corners of the bed.

The attendant who was directing the exchange of various fabric products on one side gives another order about the curtains to be brought from the fabric product storage.

On the other side, dozens of servants and maids climbed ladders and cleaned chandeliers and window frames that had slung from the ceiling.

The palace, which had not been used for decades, had been fussed over for several months to redecorate and redecorate it.

This palace was originally used as a detached palace by former emperors in their later years.

Emperor Hwang Sang-je passed the throne to his son and passed away after living quietly with a few concubines here.

For that reason, the interior of this palace is tailored to the age and taste of Hwang Sang-je.

But from now on, a young new heir, Rudy, will live. Everything had to be changed, even the decorations, the furniture, and even the smallest things.

Considering that it will be used as a separate palace by a grown-up heir in the distant future, the color will not be too youthful and lively.

Just cleaning this vast palace is a big job, but trying to change almost all of the interior decorations and fabrics to suit the young heir and his future, months were not enough.

Even the number of people was not enough because it had to be handled quietly so as not to attract the attention of the empress and her aides.

Feeling sorry for the time and manpower, Reynolds felt like borrowing at least a cat’s hand.

Still, it’s a lot better than when I first set foot in this palace. At that time, it was really hard to know where to start, so I couldn’t think of anything.

Seeing how he was becoming, Reynolds left the palace.

The barbarian envoy’s wish to see Princess Lilitha was put to rest because of the sudden death of the countess.

For several months after that, the empress was living quietly.

Reynolds sighed and moved toward the empress’ residence.

It’s so quiet.

Rumors of the prince’s inability were now known to everyone. At a tea party or a ball, the crown prince became the subject of ridicule and people talked about it.

There was no way the empress was unaware of that, but she made no move.

Rather, the second prince was a mess.

He is already making contact with various nobles, boasting as if the crown prince had stepped down and his position had come to him.

It seems that not long ago, he even promised to accept the daughter of an ambitious low-ranking count as his concubine. I heard you’ve already spent several nights with her.

The 2nd prince has a bad head and a bad personality, but he is only ambitious. It was always a headache for both the emperor and the empress.

When Reynolds arrived at the empress’ residence, one of the empress’ attendants greeted him.

This is a different look than before.

In the past, empresses put maids at the forefront rather than attendants, and they were also in charge of entertaining guests.

However, for a few months after the countess died, the ladies-in-waiting only took care of the empress and lived quietly. It was like a withered petal.

‘It’s also strange. What the hell are you thinking, Won.’

When the empress does something clumsy, the emperor is offended. I wanted to stop it if I could.

Reynolds let out a long sigh.

He is an emperor who has been killing individuals for the sake of his country for a long time. I didn’t want to trouble the emperor’s heart, who had only a short life left.

The attendant guided the chamberlain inside and quietly went out.

“Mama, long time no see.”

“The chamberlain.”

The empress’ face was unexpectedly calm. For a while, I thought that I would be haggard because I hadn’t been able to go outside or even visit well, but I was a little embarrassed because it was different from what I thought.

While exchanging a few words of ceremonial greeting, they secretly explored the empress’ heart. I was particularly worried that he was going to do something about Nadia B.

Since the empress was good at socializing, she immediately noticed what Reynolds wanted to say.

The empress looked at him with a calm face.

“Are you worried that I might harm her? No, the chamberlain is not worried about Nadiagra, but about His Majesty. She is the love in Your Majesty’s heart.”

“What are you talking about. Empress Mama. She’s just one of many concubines. Even now, she’s out of her mind, and she doesn’t even need Mama to care.”

The corners of the empress’ lips rose, and a small laugh leaked out.

“Are you even treating me as an idiot? Your Majesty alone is enough for such a person.”


“She looks a lot like the Princess of Correa. I knew it the moment I first saw her.”


Could it be that the empress knew?

Reynolds was taken aback.

As far as he knew, the empress had never met the Princess of Correa, the Duchess of Watoringu. Even if he had known about the emperor’s heart, he would not have known that Nadiagra resembled her. Where the hell did you see the Princess of Correa?

As if understanding Reynold’s feelings, the empress smiled hysterically.

“I’ve seen the portrait your Majesty has. That little adornment you always have.”

Reynolds clicked his tongue slightly.

What the empress was talking about was a small pendant necklace. It had a lid so that a portrait or painting could be placed inside.

It was made when the emperor was going to propose to Princess Correa, but I never thought he would have seen it inside.

“Mama, the Duchess of Watoringu was just one of the concubine candidates.”

When Reynolds said, the empress raised her hand and stopped.

“Let’s not tell lies that we know each other clearly. You know it, and I know it. The fact that she was the only love for the emperor. Your Majesty is someone who doesn’t completely break his heart, even to me, whom I’ve known since childhood. Such a majesty, No matter how much conditions were set on the other side, she was a woman who abandoned state affairs and searched for her every day.”

The empress lowered her head slightly and said, “If it’s not love, then what is it?”

‘That’s why he was so obsessed with Nadia B.’

A woman’s intuition is really scary. Sometimes it penetrates the truth stronger than logic.

“You’re tired today. It’s a long-awaited visit, but please leave.”

The empress turned her head away and spoke quietly.

Reynolds bowed politely and came out.

Originally, after talking about this and that, he tried to subtly mention the crown prince and the successor.

The empress is a wise person.

If you can calmly think about what kind of situation you have fallen into, you may enter the path that hurts the least. I thought so.

However, the fact that she had been suffering from a heart for so long had disappeared.

If the wound is too old, it cannot be removed. traces remain The empress would probably not be able to tolerate Nadiagra to the end.

On the way back, he met Buradov, an attendant of his aide.

“Strengthen the empress’ surveillance.”

When I said it in my ear, Buradov lowered his head.

“I’m already monitoring my entourage, but I’ll put in one or two more.”

“Yes. How about Princess Lilitha?”

“It looks like the food is finally ready. It’s been wrapped in a bag for several days.”

“Tsk tsk, haven’t you given up yet?”

When Reynolds said, Buradov gave a small laugh.

“It’s the princess’ grand dream. Sometimes I hear the princess’s voice over the fence. I’m determined to find Lou and bring him back.”

“Haa, why did he grow up like that? Even though he was reluctant because of the empress, he put in a good teacher.”

The one in charge of Princess Lilitha’s studies was the elderly baroness, but originally she was the daughter of a duke. Because he married with a low status, he is despised in the social world. However, he was a well-educated and impeccable person in his conduct.

Buradov shrugged his shoulders and chuckled.

“The baroness seems to be having quite a headache too. She says she runs off somewhere when it’s time to study.”

Reynolds shook his head.

Princess Lirisha, who turned 9 as the New Year passed, resembles her mother and is already beautiful enough to win people’s hearts.

That is until you say something or do something.

It was the first time in my life that I had seen a princess sliding and fighting to step on an aristocratic wife’s foot.

“Is it because of that slave?”

Reynolds muttered and let his shoulders droop.

I once tried to dispose of Marie, a slave in the mansion. When thinking about the future, he thought it was not good to have low-level slaves nearby.

But Rudy stopped him.

The child, who quickly realized that he was in a certain position, smiled nonchalantly when Reynolds first visited the Duchy of Watlingu.

[I hope nothing will change when I go back there someday].

At that time, the child’s eyes were like a witch’s spell that had a little bit of color. It made me think that I had to follow it, and that I had to do it.

Reynolds was worn out by the imperial palace’s tricks.

That kind of self was enough to flinch, so a person with less experience would have answered without knowing it.

‘Well, you grew up well. With that much, I won’t be defeated by anyone even in the imperial palace full of serpents.’

Reynolds smiled bitterly and moved on.

It wasn’t long before the young owner of the palace returned. There is no time. We must hurry up and prepare to greet the successor.


From nob le mt l dot com

Dozens of wagons pack their luggage and put it on the roof and go down the narrow cliff road. In front of and behind the carriage, numerous soldiers walked in a line like a procession of ants.

In order to return to the Empire, they had to wait until the snow melted. Otherwise, the cliff road carved into the mountain is too dangerous.

The emperor, who rode a horse and entered the castle with a dignified appearance, was sitting in a carriage with fur wrapped around his knees.

It’s not that I can’t ride a horse, but if I overdo it a little, I get a fever and fall ill.

Because of frequent diarrhea, there was a chamber pot in the carriage. An attendant never leaves and takes care of the emperor.

Instead of the emperor, Rudy led the people and rode his horse forward.

The soldiers walked in front of the party, checking for frozen spots, and sprinkled sand on them when they came across slippery spots.

Even so, the wheels of the wagon sometimes spin.

Rudy lightly shook the reins and moved forward.

“Don’t try to hold on to the luggage. If the carriage slips, the person falls on its side!”

As Rudy passed by, urging the soldiers to pay attention, spirited replies rang out from everywhere.

“All right!”


Rudy’s black horse walks by the soldiers with a light hoof clatter.

A few soldiers’ shoes seem to be slippery. There was a person who tilted when he met an ice sheet.

Almost all soldiers were given straw soles to stick to the soles of their boots, but a few seem to have none.

“Didn’t you put straw on the bottom of your shoe?”

The nervous soldier answered Rudy’s question loudly.


The soldier right next to him quickly makes an excuse.

“I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. I’m a little short of straw.”

Rudy nodded and gestured.

“You go inside. If you fall from here, you will go to the other world. It’s not a war, but if you fall down from a mountain and die, you’ll be laughed at for the rest of your life.”

Laughter broke out among the soldiers.

Even if they think about it, it would be an absurd death.

There was a dizzying scene in the middle, but everyone came down from the mountain safely, and the procession slowly moved towards the empire.

All the work, such as determining the route and lodging, was done by the staff, but all decisions were made through Rudi.

The emperor sits in the chariot as quietly as a shadow and watches it.

And with an occasional smile or nod, he showed that he was happy with Rudy’s decision.

The party moved slowly so as not to overwhelm the emperor.

Around the time when the trees were green and the flowers were blooming on the roadside, Rudy and his party arrived at the borders of the Empire.

This time, unlike before, we do not stop by the town close to the border. He went straight to the imperial palace.

‘It’s soon.’

When I saw the magic tool’s CCTV yesterday, the princess was doing something with a large cloth spread near a large tree nest.

Only the rear view can be seen from the side where the CCTV is located.

‘What the hell are you doing?’

When you arrive at the imperial palace, you can visit the mansion accompanied by an attendant. A little excited, Rudy tilted his head, unable to understand the princess’ behavior.

<Road to the Imperial Palace>


author’s words

Corrected a typo. thank you

(Today I thought I was perfect and I was confident…why ;;;)

< Each person’s anxiety >

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