The Place Where I Was Sold as a Slave Was the Imperial Palace chapter 82

The Place Where I Was Sold as a Slave Was the Imperial Palace 82


“Your Majesty, can you trust anyone in this room no matter what?”

Rudy asked, and the emperor opened his eyes and looked at his face blankly. And quietly nodded.

“Yes, I never mentioned that. All of the attendants here are people who will work for you in the future. There are many unknowns in the imperial family. They will not only tell you about things you don’t know and give you advice, but also connect you to those who work behind the scenes. will be.”

As the emperor beckoned, the attendants in the corner approached.

This time the emperor turned his gaze the other way and nodded.

Suddenly, the walls opened in several places, and several attendants came out.

Rudy didn’t show his expression, but was a little surprised. Was there always an attendant to protect the emperor within that invisible wall? I had no idea.

‘Did the Phoenix know?’

If it was the firebird that always hides itself from Rudy’s surroundings, it might have known.

If they had even the slightest sign of hurting Rudy, the Phoenix would have warned them.

However, as long as he doesn’t have hostile feelings towards Rudy, the firebird doesn’t care. There was a bit of a dull side to worldly things. Well, it would be unreasonable to demand human attention from a demonic creature.

There were dozens of attendants who came near the emperor. It’s a large space, but I didn’t know there were this many people.

“The servants are the people who are in charge of the household of the imperial palace and at the same time assist the emperor in all matters closest to him. You can trust that they will not betray you.”

The emperor looked at the chamberlain. The head chamberlain lowered his head slightly and politely placed a hand on his chest.

“My first lie is the Emperor. But my second allegiance is to His Highness Rudy. I will never betray you until the day I die.”

The other attendants also bowed their heads in the same attitude as the chief chamberlain.

The chamberlain raised his head and looked at Rudy.

“If something happens to me or I am away, the person over there will assume command as a substitute.”

When the chieftain’s words fell out, the servant who had gone to Nadia Mama’s residence the other day lowered his head.

“In addition to the people present here, the only attendants who will be attached to Her Highness Rudy from now on are those she can trust. Please remember each person’s face each time.”

The chief of staff speaks politely.

Rudy looked at the faces of the attendants present one after another and then nodded.

“I get it.”

When Rudy’s words ran out, the attendants returned to their places.

The emperor, who was sitting still, asked.

“So, do you have something to tell me?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier.”

Rudy inhaled a little nervously and opened his mouth quietly.

“A few years ago, it was when Correa’s sorcerers demonstrated. I was able to read their magic formula.”


The emperor looked at Rudi with his eyes locked in thought.

“Could you say it again?”

Rudy repeated the same words one more time.

“Can’t you see it?”

the emperor asks

Indeed, the emperor quickly grasps the meaning behind a person’s words.

Rudy nodded slightly nervously.

“Yes, I can read it.”

For a moment, the expression on the emperor’s face seemed to be missing. It was a face that looked like a ghost.

“I can read it.”

The emperor muttered and jumped to his feet.

I went to the wall and took the light magic tool in my hand.

The flat magic tool was off. I don’t use it, but I keep it for emergencies.

“your majesty!”

The chamberlain quickly accepts it.

The emperor looked at Rudi without paying attention to the chamberlain.

“Rudy, do you know what is written here and what it means?”

Rudy got closer and saw the letters on the light magic tool.

The magic tool here had the same letters written on it as in the concubine.

“It says [lights, lights on and off]. [On] means to turn on the light and [Lights out] means to turn off.”

Words such as light, turn on, and turn off are Korean. Perhaps the emperor or the chamberlain could not understand. That word sounded a bit odd, and the emperor’s expression became strange.

But gradually, as if paint was smearing on the drawn emperor’s face, a smile appeared on his face.

The emperor suppressed his excitement and asked.

“Since when, since when did you recognize me?”

Rudy hesitated for a moment, but answered honestly.

“I knew it when I saw the magic tools in the concubine. At that time, I thought that the nanny was not a magic tool, but that she didn’t know, but later, at the imperial palace demonstration, I realized that not everyone understood.”


“I don’t know. It just makes sense.”

When Rudy answered quietly, the emperor was silent for a moment. It seems to be thinking about something complicated in my head. I looked at Rudy with sunken eyes.

There was silence for a moment.

What decision will the emperor make? Depending on the decision the emperor makes, the aftermath will change. To reveal more, or not.

Rudy’s heart pounded.

The emperor probably noticed that Rudi was lying a little bit. But there is nothing better than this for the empire. Some inappropriate words or situations are overlooked and passed over.

Rudy thought so.

If not…

My fingertips got a little cold from the tension.

The Firebird seems to know that he is nervous.

Behind the curtains, in the flickering light of the dark corner of the space, a firebird moved quickly and nestled. Occasionally something like static electricity spattered so small that it couldn’t be called a spark.

The moment the Emperor turns against Rudy, the Phoenix moves. Probably even without Rudy’s orders.

Suddenly the emperor murmured.

“Yeah, that’s what Boris said. Sometimes strange lights come on when you’re around.”

The candle flickers and casts a shadow on the Emperor’s face. The emperor looked at Rudy with intense eyes. Little by little, the emperor’s body swayed and he began to laugh. laughter grows louder

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

I laughed so much that I even cried. The emperor laughed for a long time like a madman.

Reynolds looked at the emperor as if he was embarrassed by the emperor’s completely different appearance.

“your majesty!”

The emperor looked at the chamberlain and stretched out his arm towards Rudy.

“Look! The empire has gained wings. Have you ever seen a lion? I saw one when I was young. A lion grew wings!”

The emperor smiled as he sprinkled his eyes like a ghost.

“On the way to the underworld, I received a great gift.”

The emperor had been in the shape of a sick man who had lost his strength until not too long ago. But now, as if a person had changed, he turned around with a powerful figure.

The emperor laughed as he lightly tapped the top of the desk with his fist.

“Ray, change the plan. I will abdicate in ten days! I will crown Rudy. The 11-year-old boy will ascend to the throne.”

“Your Majesty! That’s too dangerous. Besides, ten days is not enough time. To ascend the throne, at least a few years of preparation…”

“Those who oppose the coronation of the new emperor will be punished with the death penalty. Ray, the same goes for you!”

“your majesty!”

As the chamberlain screamed, the emperor turned his parched face to Rudi.

“My dear, there is an anecdote that has been passed down from generation to generation in the imperial family of our empire. A very long time ago, the emperor met a man. The man spoke strange words that people couldn’t understand and wrote strange letters. It caused great fires, created water, and created strange things.”

The mysterious man sold various items to the Emperor for money or various items.

However, as the man’s power gradually grew, the emperor became dangerous to him.

Knowing that, the man gathered people to defend himself and built a defensive city.

After some time, the man’s grandson established the kingdom of Correa and became its king.

“The man had black hair, dark eyes, and carried a strange creature that glowed transparently.”

The emperor grabbed Rudy’s wrist and pulled him closer to his face. The emperor whispered in Rudy’s ear.

“The emperor who was hostile to that man is dead. The crown prince, who wanted to avenge his father, and the person who became the new emperor after promising to avenge his subjects also died. Although there is no evidence, there is no proof that the man was responsible, and at that time, the noble status of the empire was high. Everyone knew.”

ah! Rudy’s body stiffened slightly.

It seems that the emperor noticed that it was Rudi’s demon creature that killed the empress’s maid.

The ghostly light in the emperor’s eyes was young.

“Anyone who becomes emperor after that hears this from the previous emperor. If you meet that man again, don’t be hostile to him. Bring him to the other side. Bring his lineage into the imperial family. Make him mine. That’s it.”

The emperor’s bony fingers dug into Rudy’s wrist. It’s not like the power of a skinny sick man. Looking into Rudi’s eyes, the emperor smiled.

“Only that man could read and understand the magic text. Only his son and grandson could see it, but no one in this world could understand the text. The man taught his children the meaning, but they couldn’t tell them apart.” Magic letters are invisible even to those who can see them. Like haze wriggling in front of letters, they confuse and impede judgment.”

“I am not that man, Your Majesty.”

At Rudi’s words, the emperor laughed loudly and put his hand on his head.

“It’s the same thing. That man and you are the only one in this world.”

The emperor lowered his voice a little and said.

“My child, show me the creature. A magical glowing creature. Please.”

The emperor doesn’t say a favor. command I had never seen an emperor speak like this before.

It seemed to be the same as the chamberlain. His eyes were wide enough that he couldn’t open them any further.

Rudy took a small breath and opened his mouth.


As soon as he finished speaking, a light began to rise from the air.

The figure of delicate feathers first appeared, lighting up in the darkness. Light spreads from feather to feather. As if time went backwards, the torso was revealed first, followed by a slender neck. And the face of a beautiful bird with round eyes…

After all appearances appeared, the fire bird flapped its wings. Small sparks scattered in the air, shining and then fading.

The emperor looked at the phoenix as if dreaming and muttered.

“Ah, this is a demonic creature. It’s beautiful!”

The phoenix flapped its shiny wings, circled over the heads of the emperor, the chamberlain, and the people in the room, then returned to Rudy.

The phoenix that landed on Rudy’s shoulder lowered its head and rubbed it against Rudy’s cheek. It looked like a child looking for praise.

When Rudy said, “Good job,” the fire bird’s round eyes blinked slowly. Then, as if slightly happy, he lowered his head slightly.

“It listens to you.”

When the emperor said this curiously, Rudy smiled.

“It listens to commands from the start, but it takes a while to become this friendly. It’s like taming an animal.”

When Rudy stretched out his hand, the firebird understood his meaning and spread his wings as a prisoner and sat on top of him.

He held out a phoenix to the emperor and asked.

“Would you like to touch it? I can’t feel it, but I can feel something passing by.”

Of course I thought he would agree, but unexpectedly the emperor shook his head.

“Don’t do that. That creature is special! Don’t let anyone come into contact with it. It should be used entirely to enhance your dignity.”

The emperor glanced at the chamberlain.

“Reynold, even if it’s an enthronement ceremony, it doesn’t have to be grandiose. Just do it in a solemn atmosphere. Sing all the ambassadors from each country. The sorcerers from Corea Dynasty have been here since yesterday, right? Call them too.”

The chamberlain said, sweating profusely.

“Your Majesty, there will be great confusion. Are you sure you want to do that?”

“Yes, I’d rather be confused. I’d rather take this opportunity to kill a few guys. Then there won’t be any more complaints. Cut off the rotten parts.”

At first, the corner of the chamberlain’s mouth, which seemed to be embarrassed and opposed, suddenly rose sharply. His eyebrows were raised, but his face seemed to be smiling.

“Your Majesty, you really are!”

“What! A violent idiot?”

“Yes. I always had a hard time because Your Majesty did it that way. Do you remember?”

“Yes, of course. It was fun when I was young. You and I both ran wild like crazy.”

“That’s not to say it’s fun. It’s the kind of thing you would say troublesome.”

The conversation between the two quickly became lively.

Rudy stood still and watched the two of them, then suddenly laughed.

How many years, how nervous I was before I said this. However, when I opened the lid, a completely different reaction came back than I expected.

The emperor saw Rudy.

“It won’t be so easy from now on. Dicoquaria and Cania will eventually be invaded by other countries. Then the empire will also participate. There is no reason to lose that country to another country. Maybe the entire continent will be engulfed in war.”

In addition, there is also the problem of barbarians.

If there is a drought, poor harvest, or winter, and livestock is not enough, the barbarians will raid other places to get food.

“Everything will happen in your generation. So I was worried, but if it’s your ability, it won’t be a problem.”

The emperor narrowed his eyes and smiled.

“While I’m alive, I’ll squeeze out all the pus from my body and hand over my scarred body. It’s up to you to save it and fight the others.”

The emperor added his words with a calm face.

But it’s okay.

There is a legendary elixir in your hands.

Even if you are driven to the worst by other guys, if you have your ability, you will be revived.

Even if the last piece of the empire is trampled on by a foreign country, it can rise again from a dusty corner.

The emperor smiled as he said that.

“Rudy, please take care of Lilitha and Nadia.”

‘The emperor is the emperor until the end.’

Rudy smiled bitterly.

Maybe it’s Nadia Mama. The emperor would have no interest in Lilitha.

But since Rudy has affection, he mentions Lilitha. I was saying this on purpose to protect her from being trampled on by foreign warhorses.

Your leash is that child, the emperor seemed to be saying openly.

Rudy lowered his head slightly.

“I know.”

well, good I have no intention of running away now.

< The Conclusion of the Wacky Emperor >


< 9-Year-Old Empress >

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