The Possessor Has No Desire To Be a Protagonist chapter 157

The Possessor Has No Desire To Be a Protagonist 157

155. Hot spring trip (2)

There are many reasons for choosing Ronbiaban as the destination, but the reason was the hot springs.

City Lonbiaban.

Ronbiavan was a famous city with a magical land. A magic field where magic power flows strongly under the ground and throughout the city.

As it is a place rich in magical power, it was also a place where a lot of strange phenomena took place. Magical energy flowed through the ground and hot water poured out, and Ronbiavan’s hot springs were as famous as those of Lynchester.

If Lynchester has hot springs due to the influence of the Magical Land and the Volcanic Zone, Ronbiaban is a city famous for its hot springs due to the Magical Zone.

And above all.

The reason why Ronbiaban was chosen as the destination for this trip was that it had a villa in the upper part of Erze.

In any case, the wagon passed the city and ran a long way towards the outskirts. Eventually, the carriage stopped and Tia got out of the carriage first.

“Okay, everyone has arrived!”

Tia pointed to the villa. The villa at the top of Erze arrived like that, and it was a huge mansion that reminded me of a palace. The wide-spreading garden was more splendid than most manor gardens.

It was desolate because it was winter, but it was not difficult to guess that if spring came, flowers would be in full bloom here.

With a fountain and swimming pool attached to it, it was truly a mansion of a wealthy man.

“Wow, great. It’s really big.”

Anya looked around the garden in meek admiration. Not only Anya, but Sonny and Arthur were overwhelmed by the scenery of the mansion with round eyes.

“Everyone, be careful not to get lost. You’ll get used to it after a couple of days.”

“Well, that’s pretty good.”

Sepia’s words followed Tia’s glare.

“You mean very good?”

“You never said that?”

Those words seemed to stimulate Tia.

“Sepia’s grammar is like that. I can’t be honest every time, and the evaluation is always harsh.”

“Wow, when am I? I am a person who admits what I have to admit.”

“Ah, is that so? So, Sephia will admit that she can’t cook, clean, or wash properly? You even lost to me in a match?”

Sepia was furious at the words, but then shrugged her shoulders leisurely.

“Originally, aristocratic ladies don’t do miscellaneous things like that. Right, Vivian?”

“Yes, lady. That’s my job, not the lady’s.”

Vivian, who was by her side, answered quickly. The reason Vivian was with her on this trip was because of Sepia’s willingness to go with her.

Because Vivian was also planning to enter the academy soon. It’s better to build a relationship with us in advance.

“After all, sepia is also recognizing it, right? Sepia has no talents other than magic?”

“Tia, don’t keep arguing.”

To come to the trip and argue.

I decided to intervene before the atmosphere gets weird again.

“Stop both. Do you want to come and fight?”

“Edaan, this is not a fight… .”

“Sorry. Ethan… . Oh look at my mind It’s not like this, I’ll introduce everyone to the structure of the mansion, albeit roughly.”

Tia took the lead and explained the structure of the mansion. It is a mansion that is not usually used, but the inside was clean as if it had already been cleaned once.

“First of all, this is the kitchen. All tableware and food are prepared… .”

Tia’s explanation continued for 20 minutes. We followed Tia, who leads like a tour guide.

“I don’t know who it is, but the cleaning skills are quite good.”

Vivian ran her finger across the railing in the hallway and murmured. I just laughed at those words.

“Vivian, even here you have a strong work ethic.”

“Yeah… . I guess it just became a habit.”

“By the way, Vivian, when you enter the academy, you should quit your job as a servant?”

“… It must be busy.”

It was a bit of a pity. It was Vivian, who had been a servant of Sepia for a long time. In the first place, Vivian’s entire family had been servants in the Lognes class.

Tia finished her explanation while me and Vivian were exchanging conversations.

“This is the end of the explanation. Oh, you know what? sepia?”

“what is that?”

“I heard that ghosts are often found in this mansion.”

“No, why are you saying that now? What a ghost! Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come here! It’s a damn cursed mansion.”

Tia grinned at Sepia’s reaction.

Read at

Judging by that smile, it seemed like it was made up to tease.

“Oh, I have prepared various events for you guys! As I said before, I’m going to hold a cooking contest first! how about it? Sounds like fun, right?”

It’s a cooking contest.

Is it that event that often appears in academy youth stories? It was time to eat dinner anyway.

“uh? Sounds like fun, right?”

When Arthur responded, Tia hurriedly promoted the event.

“Okay then, let’s draw lots! It is a lot to select judges and participants. Please vote for everyone!”

So me, Hessia, and Sony cast lots for the judges. Reus didn’t like it on the outside, but he secretly had a smile on his lips.

It was the reaction of the tsundere Reus who comes out when he is having fun. He seemed to want to show off his hidden cooking skills.

I’m probably the only one here who knows that Reus’s hobby is cooking.

“All the ingredients are ready over there, so let’s start now. Let’s set up a fancy dinner table with the food everyone made!”

I licked my lips while looking at the swallow with the name of the judge written on it. It was a chance to showcase chicken in front of everyone, but it’s a pity.

“Hey, Tia. Can’t I participate too?”

“But then one judge is vacant?”

“is it… . Then what should I be doing?”

“Ethan is resting. Because the lot was drawn well.”

While everyone was hesitant, each one picked up a piece of tableware. Sepia, Tesha, Reus, Ariane, and Arthur soon immersed themselves in cooking.

It was as if they had come to a college empty teahouse as they all gathered together and each immersed themselves in the cooking contest. It’s a trip from a club, so it’s not much different from the club empty.

Although, there is no word empty here.

By the time Hesia fell asleep, the time limit was over. Tia clapped her hands and brought food.

“Now, the judges waited a long time… ?”

“I thought I was going to die of hunger. really. Can I look forward to it?”

Tia nodded at Sonny’s reaction. Tia brought all the food so that no one knows who made it.

It feels like watching some kind of cooking audition program.

“Okay, everyone, from now on, you just have to decide the order by scoring!”

I scooped up the food one spoon at a time with anticipation. The first food colonized was bread with cheese. After tasting the taste, Sonny drank water in succession.

‘Isn’t it that tasty?’

I tried to take a bite of the bread Sonny had eaten. And I knew right away whose food it belonged to. Sepia was looking at me with eyes full of anticipation.

uh… . Umm… . It tasted like meeting an ancestor.

I said after wiping my mouth with a napkin. After all, I can’t hurt Sepia.

“It’s delicious… .”

“No, Ethan… , I’m serious?”

“uh? am i delicious? It’s unique… . The taste of the cheese and the subtle uniqueness of the bread… .”

My conscience was pricked by lying to Sonny’s question, but it was better to lie while watching Sepia grow sullen.

After tasting the cheese bread, Hesia dropped her fork.

“The taste is strange… .”

At those words, Sepia looked quite shocked.

“I think wheat will grow if I plant this bread in the ground… .”

“hahahaha, the expression of Hessia is really good! Does that mean it tastes so fresh?”

I had to grit my teeth and hit the shield. Pasta with shrimp, stew, and omelette followed.

Then came the herb-sprinkled lamb. It seemed that the unique smell of lamb was caught with herbs.

“What, why is this delicious? Ethan, try this.”

Sonny put the lamb on my plate. Is it that delicious? I thought it was Sony’s unique fuss, but it wasn’t.

Isn’t this the taste that you won’t know even if the two of you die while eating? In a different way, I almost met my ancestors.

“Masitse… !”

Hessia also nodded and stomped her feet. Eventually, after each dish was eaten, we discussed and ranked them for a while.

I wanted to give Sepia’s food a good score, but… .

I was caught up in a terrible inner conflict. Do you sell your conscience to protect Sepia’s mentality, or do you do an honest and fair review?

Anyway, even if I gave it a high score, the food made by Sepia was confirmed last. Then wouldn’t it be okay if I gave you a good score?

Does this mean the arm bends inward?

At least I compromised and gave it a score in exchange for the reason that it suits my taste well.

After a while, the rankings were announced.

Of course, 1st place was decided. Personally and objectively, the lamb with herbs was the best.

“The first dish this time is herb lamb! And the chef who made the dish… ! It was Vivian!”

After all, the all-round maid Vivian. I kind of predicted it.

“Three judges unanimously awarded 10 points, 30 points out of 30! Congratulations. Vivian.”

The second place was Reus’ barbecue pork chop, and the third place was a smoked dish with Anya’s special sauce. And this was unexpected, but it was Arthur who made the omelet.

“what a waste. I’ll try a little harder.”

Arthur regretted it as if he had finished 4th by a narrow margin in a match.

“I still like Arthur’s food the most.”

At Arianne’s words, Arthur smiled brightly like a male protagonist in a love story. Tia looked at the scorecard and was puzzled.

“But I am surprised. sepia. Did Ethan give the sepia food good marks?”

“I’m okay. I’m in last place, but Ethan likes my food!”

Before long, we gathered the food we had made and had dinner. Soon, Sepia was by my side, spreading out a lot of food she had made.

“Edaan, I’m glad you said it was as delicious as Edan.”

“uh… , Yes. It was delicious… .”

“Eat a lot, Ethan. I love you.”

And that evening, I paid dearly for my lie. I swore in my heart that I would never lie again.

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  1. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Well, what did you think would happen Ethan? The kindest thing you could’ve done for her is to tell her the truth so she can improve. Then you could eat her cooking all you want without any risk of dying. It’s a win win.

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