The Possessor Has No Desire To Be a Protagonist chapter 162

The Possessor Has No Desire To Be a Protagonist 162

160. Yuffie, the Wise Witch (3)

10 minutes at most.

That was enough time to talk to the soul. In the meantime, I leaned against a tree and looked up at the blue night sky.

You have to raise it while the body is damaged to become a zombie. However, if the soul is settled in the armor, it becomes a Death Knight.

other way?

Like Lunia, she needed the power of the queen to wake up as a vampire.

However, at this point, the Vampire Apostles would be searching the continent for the heart, and even if they had the queen’s power, there was no way to restore the severely damaged body.

Spirits that descended to the present world through necromancy, but did not settle down, are scattered.

In the end, the time young Sepia could talk to her mother was only 10 minutes.

I don’t know if it’s right to give you alone time. You won’t know even after a long time.

I slowly opened my eyes at the sound of footsteps.

Sepia was walking slowly. My eyes were bloodshot from crying for a long time. Sepia, who had been mumbling, whispered softly.

“thank you… .”

I don’t know what we were talking about. Sepia, however, looked more at ease.

“… The days are cold. Shall we go in?”

“Yes… .”

Vivian and I took our steps along the sepia. The winter night was deepening.

From that day on, Vivian and I had to stay in Sepia’s room. Because I couldn’t walk around the mansion in the middle of the day when there were many eyes on me.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

Once, twice, and three times, knocks were heard. Sepia pushed through the door. It was our own code for bringing meals.

“I brought you lunch.”

“I will enjoy this food. miss.”

Vivian slightly bowed her head and accepted the sepia tray. The tray was full of cookies and bread.

Cookies again.

I don’t want to complain about the side dishes, but since I was going to eat only cookies for the second day, it tasted like death.

Aren’t cookies a side dish in the first place, isn’t it a side dish complaint?

“There wasn’t much I could bring. They’ll think it’s strange if you make them bring meals to your room every time.”

Well, I think it would be strange to suddenly bring a meal for two to the room.

“Everyone asked me if my appetite was back. Next time I’ll bring something like beef jerky.”

Sepia was already in the midst of not eating well due to the death of her mother. Everyone will start popping the champagne saying that they have regained their appetite.

Sepia took out a cookie and asked. Like a squirrel eating an acorn, Sepia ate Cookie.

“by the way… , is that real? Me and Ethan are dating?”

“If you don’t believe me, don’t believe me.”

I replied, pushing the cookie into my mouth. After all, I only want to eat cookies, so I get bitten.

Sepia had a lot to say.

“Did I confess? Or Ethan, did you confess?”

“Does it matter?”

“Everything, of course it matters!”

Are ten-year-olds naturally interested in dating? Well, it’s worth paying attention to the fact that your future boyfriend came from the past.

“Not really… .”

“Why don’t you talk? Make people curious.”

You can’t tell a ten-year-old that you kissed him first. Sepia, whether aware of my troubles or not, was fat.

“Anyway, it’s a secret. You will know everything later when you grow up.”

“This is treating me like a child again!”

“really… , Maybe you’re cute when you’re angry.”

Sepia pursed her lips and blushed.

“… You are the only one who dares to say that the Lady of Logness is cute.”

“… But what if I’m going to die of cuteness?”

I had to resist the urge to stroke Sepia’s hair.

No matter how cute she is, she hates being treated as a child, and originally, she didn’t like skinship that much.

Of course, Sepia in the original world likes skinship with me.

“But I have a question?”

“What? If I can, I will tell you.”

Sepia stared blankly at Vivian and me.

“Are you really not related to Vivian?”

I followed Sepia and moved my eyes to Vivian. Between Vivian and me? It was far to be called a friend and close to be called a stranger.

“Vivian is a great colleague. Cancer, no way.”

Vivian’s eyes became strange.

I don’t think he looked disappointed, but his eyes weren’t particularly satisfying. It just felt like I had to add something.

“And sooner or later you will become my junior.”

Vivian sighed briefly.

“But why did you two come to the past? Is time travel possible in the future?”

“that is… . I was caught in a magical explosion. We do not know exactly how it fell into the past.”

If you knew the method or mechanism, you would be able to time travel to your heart’s content. You must know how to go beyond the dimension and return to Korea in the 21st century.

Suddenly, I wondered if I really wanted to go back to Korea in the 21st century.

If that was possible just a few months ago, it would have been… .

It’s hard to answer right now. Apparently, after living in a different world for nearly a year, he seems to have adapted to it and reached a level.

Sepia and Sylvia, Tia and Tesha, Arthur and Hessia, Sonny and Anya… . It was not easy to imagine breaking up with them.

The moment I was immersed in such feelings, the sepia crystal ball vibrated.

“ah… . Teacher Yuffie has arrived.”

Seeing the text, Sepia muttered. Now, it was up to Sepia to make an appointment with Miss Yuffy.

“I’ll go to class. You have to be quiet while I’m gone.”

It’s like saying hello to a pet. Sepia left those words and left the room.

Another tedious waiting period ensued.

Shall we take a nap? I lay flat on the sepia bed. It’s a lady’s bed, but it was possible because I was given permission to use it to my heart’s content.

Since Sepia had given the order to the servants not to enter the room at all, after a good night’s sleep, he should be able to face Yuffie.

So I closed my eyes for a while. how much sleep An urgent voice was heard. Someone grabbed my shoulder and shook me.

“excuse me. Ethan… . It’s a big deal. wake up.”

Through his heavy eyelids, he could see a bewildered Vivian.

I slowly got up. Rubbing his eyelids, he turned to Vivian. Soon, I opened my mouth.

“That hand… . suddenly… .”

It was an incredible sight. Vivian’s hand was half transparent. All ten fingers were translucent.

Vivian wiggled her fingers, which had become transparent like a ghost.

“this… , what is it? Ethan’s hand is like that.”

Then I checked my fingers. My fingers were half transparent like Vivian’s.

Didn’t even know that the hand that had just been rubbing her eyes had become transparent.

I hurriedly took off my socks. Likewise, the toes were half transparent like the fingers.

“Am I dying?”

“Calm down, Vivian.”

Vivian, who was normally calm, was greatly agitated.

“First, I’ll write a will and calm down.”

Vivian went to Sepia’s desk and pulled out a pen. It was reported that he was in a state of panic.

I looked at my hand again. All ten fingers are transparent.

As if the world were denying our existence. The only thing that Vivian and I have in common is that we have jumped across dimensions and come to the past… .

“uh… ? no way?”

A hypothesis flashed through my mind.

Time Paradox.

A concept that comes from many sci-fi time travel stories.

If I go back in time and kill my parents before I was born, what will happen to me now? Will my existence disappear? Or can I exist apart from that?

I was already born and my parents never died at that point.

Still, if I go back to the past and an environment in which I cannot be born is created, will I become something I cannot exist? This question was called the time paradox.

In a word, the fact that time travel is possible was a contradiction in itself.

If Sepia from the original world met me in the past, she would surely remember the meeting itself.

However, Sepia had never told me that Ethan from the future had come. If Sepia had met me now as a child, she would have remembered the past.

“Ah, ruined… .”

Until now, I have considered this world to be an independent dimension.

If that wasn’t the case in the first place, it would be impossible to meet Sepia like this.

However, if I intervene in the past and the future has changed, and the world line that I thought was a different dimension is actually connected to the world I was in… .

It is also understandable that Vivian and I are now disappearing like this.

“Oh, what should I write? To my mother and father… The letter… .”

“Even if I write a will, who will read it?”

In this world line, there were other Vivians besides Vivian right now beside me.

“But I… .”

“Calm down for now, Vivian.”

Only the fingers and toes are still translucent.

There must be some way. There is a way that Vivian and I will not disappear from this world.

what the hell was the problem

Did Vivian and I do something that would make us disappear without our knowledge?

Small actions create an unpredictable future.

If changing the past makes our existence disappear, it means that somehow we can also create a future in which we will survive.

‘no way… , Vassago kills young Ethan and Vivian?’

It was not an impossible story.

What if Vassago fell into the past with me and Vivian?

Ethan and Vivian in the future could face an ontological crisis just by making up his mind.

But could Vassago have come to Lognes Class?

“For now, let’s go out, Vivian… . I have to go see Yufi first.”

That was the best I could do for now.

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  1. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Ahh, so this is what the book mean when it said Sepia lost her memory.

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