The Possessor Has No Desire To Be a Protagonist chapter 36

The Possessor Has No Desire To Be a Protagonist 36

037. Midterm exams and the princess’s secret (2)

Tesha opened her eyes slowly.

Vision was blurry, but it soon became clear.

Something was placed on his forehead. As I pointed out, it was a wet towel.

“Are you awake?”

A girl in a maid outfit was reading a book. Tesha straightened her upper body.

“who… please?”

“This is Vivian.”

Vivian replied in a monotonous tone.

“What about Ethan… ?”

“I went out to look outside for a while.”

“uh… , Anyway, how did this happen?”

“Isn’t that what you should have asked?”


Tesha sighed briefly. His face flushed as if something had been revealed.

“Now, drink cold water first.”

Vivian put down the book she was reading and handed her cold water.

Tesya, who accidentally took the cold water, quenched her throat.

Only then did she realize how thirsty she was.

“There was a demon attack in the dormitory.”

“is that so… .”

He himself was attacked by a demon who turned into a guard.

Of course, it was the day after the mana management test, so my mana was quite lacking.

And Ethan, who suddenly intruded, saved him.

That was the whole story Tesha knew.

‘Heh heh… , f*ck, I don’t listen to real words.’

The words Ethan had casually uttered came to mind.

For some reason, when I heard that, I felt a sense of immorality and a strange thrill like the first time I deviated.

‘No matter what, I’m the princess, to hear such a thing… .’

Of course, he had never heard anything vulgar from anyone while living in the imperial palace.

‘My heart is beating… . Did you just lose consciousness for a moment… . under… . What a f*cking year. So why didn’t you listen… .’

I was treated like that twice today alone.

I should have felt bad. But instead, I felt a strange joy. Tesha rubbed her thighs for no reason.

‘Somewhere in my heart I felt strange… .’

I wanted to receive the pathetic look from Edan.

For some reason, I wanted to hear more scolding.

oh! After coming to her senses, Tesha lowered her head.

What kind of ignorant imagination could this be as a princess?

“Hey, Tesha, are you listening?”

“Ah, yes… . I’m sorry. Vivian.”

“So, Mine installed a huge barrier in the dormitory. Thanks to that, the entire dormitory was disconnected from the outside world.”

Is that why he brought the injured himself to the servant’s quarters? If so, the front and back fit perfectly.

“You are Edan’s maid… would not be Then the Logness family?”

“Yes, I am serving the Lognes family.”

Tesha tilted her head.

But how did Ethan appear at just the right timing?

Not a single question remained unanswered.

It was already the second Mine who appeared in front of her. There was something reluctant about dismissing it as just a coincidence.

‘Do they know that I am the princess?’

For that reason, he understood the attack he had suffered.

But Ethan… . why did you help yourself?

‘Very few people know that I am the princess.’

Not to mention, even Sepia Logness didn’t know that she was a princess. You know, you can’t act like that.

And Ethan wouldn’t even know that she was a princess.

‘If you knew, you would say such an insult to me… Ugh.’

Even though I said I was studying for the test at the dormitory, I came to the dormitory to find myself. She doesn’t know she’s a princess, but she hovers around her.

It was nonsense unless you liked yourself.

* * *

Dormitory roof.

For the time being, the attack of the second demon passed by.

There was only one problem. Originally, I was thinking of handing over the skill ball I got after catching mines with Arthur to the main character, but it got twisted.

Ethan fiddled with the skill ball in his palm for no reason.

“If you just hand this over, he won’t even accept it… .”

Ethan has Mine’s medallion, and Arthur takes the skill ball.

That was Ethan’s original plan.

However, Tesha did not show up at the library. Thanks to that, Mine appeared not in the library but in the dormitory. Unknowingly, the story was twisted little by little.

The red full moon regained its original color.

It meant that the barrier was weakening.


The roof door opened, revealing Tesha.

“Ah- Ethan. You are here.”

“Tesya, are you feeling better?”


Tesha nodded once. Soon she came to the railing where Ethan was standing and stood.

“that… , thank you I live thanks to you. I will definitely repay this favor.”

“no. I’m glad you weren’t hurt.”

“which… Sorry.”

Tesha wiggled her fingers and twisted her body.

“What are you sorry about?”

“I’m a bad bitch who can’t even keep promises and break promises at will.”

Eh? self-absorbed all of a sudden?

Ethan only blinked, wondering why this woman was acting like this.

“No, I can cancel my appointment.”

“no. Ethan. Rather, please curse at me coolly. Then both Ethan and I will be relieved. I should have told Ethan to cancel the appointment. Not just Arthur. What I did was to betray my friend’s trust.”

Tesha explained in detail why she was unable to save herself.

It was as if he was confessing his sins in front of the priest.

“And I broke my promise not only to you but also to everyone in the club because it was annoying. I made excuses that I was not feeling well even though I was not sick. I-I am suffering from guilt right now.”

“What kind of confession is this all of a sudden? Okay. It’s okay if you know you did something wrong. You don’t have to do that next time.”

Ethan threw up his hands.

It was also funny to do this for nothing.

However, the opponent seemed rather serious.

“no! I mean, give me a face-off to alleviate my guilt.”

Tesha’s eyes were strangely bulging with anticipation.

Suddenly, Ethan remembered the words of the writer.

―Depending on the setting, the princess is Jinseong M. I don’t know if that tendency will come out in the novel!

It was a forgotten setting.

In the original story, Tesha was a normal princess.

It was upright, firm, and upright.

There was not the slightest inclination like M. However, the princess’s eyes were sparkling with anticipation in front of him.

‘As expected, I didn’t open my eyes to the world of M after meeting a good person like Arthur… .’

Soon, Ethan realized what he had done wrong.

Could it be that the M button was pressed just because I was a bitch?

“I didn’t keep my promise to my friend, so please scold me so I can come to my senses. And we’re going to shake off each other’s sediment!”

“under… , great. Okay. Take care in the future.”

“Joe, I think I’ll come to my senses if I show my sincerity in a more scornful tone!”

Tesha’s eyes were colored with joy.

“under… . you f*cking bitch My stomach still boils when I think of the hardships I went through because you broke your promise on your own.”

It was half sincere.

Tesha rubbed herself.

Even at a glance, it seemed that the body was twisted in joy.

“ha… , under… ”

Tesya lowered her head and grabbed her chest.

Ethan looked at Tesha, wondering if he had pushed her too hard.

“Bar, what did you just say? I think I didn’t hear properly because I was thinking about something else.”

“Oh, hey, you damn bitch. Listen straight. four years… ”

Ethan was dazed even after pouring out insulting words once.

I wondered if this was something to say to the princess.

I was also quite worried. Revenge or not?

“Are you done now? Do you come to your senses?”

“… Yes Yes! I won’t break my promise with Ethan! Ethan seems to have felt relieved too? Yes?”

Tesya’s eyes were full of vitality, as if she had made a full recovery.

Looking at Tesha, Ethan sighed.

* * *

Sepia stood in front of the dormitory.

The huge barrier that covered the dormitory like a dome was disappearing.

After Ethan suddenly ran out of the library, Sepia instinctively sensed something was going on.

Tesha was nowhere to be seen in the library.

In the end, Sepia couldn’t hold back her curiosity and asked Arthur about Ethan’s whereabouts.

‘Tesha is wagging her tail at Ethan.’

Read at

Just looking at Tesha’s appearance, she seemed to have grown up precious.

However, it was clear that he was doing it right when he secretly held Ethan’s hand in the club room.

‘Ethan likes me. ugh! You foxy woman!’

It wasn’t until Sepia arrived at the dorm that she realized what had happened. A tingling Magi emanated from the dormitory.

‘Did Tesha ask Edan for help since the devil appeared?’

Upon hearing the news, Ethan ran out without hesitation.

But why is it Edan?

There were Arthur, Anya, and Tia in the library.

Even if you call all the members of the club, it’s not enough, so you took out only Ethan?

No matter how you think about it, there was only one conclusion.

‘As expected, this damn bitch was diligently flirting with Ethan… !’

Seeing that the barrier disappeared, Mine was eliminated.

And Tesya says thank you to Ethan for running to exterminate Mine, and even asks her out on a date naturally, saying she wants to reciprocate.

It was to the point where it was clearly visible.

‘Hmph, but Ethan likes me… .’

But the anxiety did not go away easily.

Sepia contacted Vivian.

[Vivian, it’s Sepia.]

[Yes, lady, this is Vivian.]

[What happened?]

Vivian, to the best of her knowledge, reported what had happened. Ethan saved Tesha and couldn’t get out of the dorm, so he contacted himself. And he took care of Tesha for a while. Sepia’s expression subtly changed.

[So where is Ethan?]

[He said he was going up on the roof for a while.]

Sepia immediately took the transfer seat and headed for the rooftop.

‘under… . you f*cking bitch My stomach still boils when I think of the hardships I went through because you broke your promise on your own.’

Insulting remarks were heard through the slightly open roof door.

‘… Do you understand, you bastard bitch? Answer me!’

‘I’m sorry… . I won’t do that again!’

Sepia listened to the words while standing in front of the door.

I was out of breath.

It was Ethan’s voice no matter who heard it.

And the person who heard those words was Tesha, a blonde-haired female student.

I don’t know exactly what happened between the two.

But Ethan was pouring out contemptuous words at Tesha.

Has Ethan ever said such harsh things to anyone?

It would not be an exaggeration to say that there was none. After that, their voices were so low that I couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying.

‘… So, are you feeling a bit relieved now? Now I won’t break my promise with Ethan!’

However, the opponent was not at all frightened by such an insult.

It was strange.

Doesn’t it seem like the two of them are exchanging even fixed lines?

All of a sudden, Tesha was walking this way.

Sephia hurriedly climbed the transition stone and went down from the roof.

“What are you thinking, lady?”

Vivian’s question brought Sepia to her senses.

The image I peeped at on the roof kept coming back to me.

‘At first, I thought Tesha and Ethan had a bad relationship.’

However, if it was an acting between the two… ?

Even though Ethan poured out insults at Tesha, Tesha didn’t look bad at all.

‘rather… seemed to like it probably not I must be mistaken.’

But what if, just in case, they lied to each other by kissing in advance knowing I was coming?

And what if Ethan is fooling my eyes and meeting Tesha right now?

Sepia didn’t know what to do with jealousy.

It felt like my stomach was burning.

“Here is Vivian.”

“Yes. Sepia girl.”

“There is something I want you to do.”

Vivian waited patiently for Sepia’s words.

“It is to seduce Ethan. Try to seduce Ethan.”

Vivian’s eyes widened for a moment at the words that followed. It was someone I hadn’t even predicted.

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  1. Light says:

    LOL she’s a masochist. So we have Vivian who’s obedient, princess who’s an m, teacher, Sepia who’s yandere, Tia who’s manipulative/scheming and might also be forgetting someone.

  2. T V T V says:

    why your princess 🤧

  3. Lku says:

    So teshya is a M?🗿
    🤓 intresting

  4. kk77 says:

    hah… even the wholesome princess, i’d had high hopes for her

  5. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    I know you probably intend to test him or something like that…but I’ll call you an idiot, because that plan is bad, what will you do if they ended up actually falling in love huh?

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