The Strongest in the World Doesn’t Want To Do Anything chapter 38

The Strongest in the World Doesn't Want To Do Anything 38

38 – Cyclops Pepe Episode 38

While the ground floor of the morgue was already a dark space, compared to the underground, it was like a typical house with slightly less sunlight.

Darkness, as black as a swallowed ink, spread so much that even the immediate surroundings were not visible.

Tendrial, having come to the morgue for the first time, was somewhat bewildered by the darkness she had never encountered before.

Since she had nothing to emit even a bit of light, she decided to use the characteristic of her elven race, which could adapt to darkness.

The elves adapted to low-light conditions better than other races.

Moreover, they had a vision in the darkness that was ten times brighter than that of humans, who claimed to have night vision.

Nevertheless, the darkness in the underground sanctuary was more intense than anticipated.

Even with the elves’ vision, only the immediate surroundings were barely visible.

“Sigh… Dammit, how am I supposed to find anything like this?”

Tendrial’s sigh deepened as he couldn’t gauge the extent of the underground sanctuary.

“Still, it’s damn huge, so I’ll find it soon.”

Tendrial held onto a small hope, envisioning the impressive size of “it.”

With that hope in mind, he continued his exploration into the darkness.

Various rumors circulated about the underground sanctuary.

Whispers of the royal palace storing the bodies of traitors and heinous criminals, conducting secret experiments on necromancy, or mysterious cults gathering to summon demons.

There were even conspiracy theories suggesting that, despite demons being thought to be impossible to capture alive, a few had been captured and were being used as research materials there.

Tendrial knew that such stories were nothing more than urban legends.

After becoming a high-ranking member of the Order, he naturally came to know quite a bit about confidential matters related to Terosa, including the contents of what lay beneath the sanctuary for the dead.

“Ah, damn it, scared the hell out of me!”

Tendrial spat out curses upon suddenly encountering the giant spider’s face in the darkness.

After calming his startled heart, Tendrial took a moment to scrutinize the grotesque monster’s face, even more repulsive due to its immense size.

“So, these things really exist…”

The underground sanctuary of Anchi was a place that had long served as a storage for the carcasses of giant monsters subdued from all corners of the world.

These bizarre collectibles were the secret hobby of Hector, the ancestral king of Terosa and father of Rosalia.

Swallowing dry saliva, Tendrial resumed his steps.

He encountered carcasses of peculiar creatures with horns on their noses, enormous fish with human teeth, and a variety of monsters with faces resembling humans or birds.

Continuing to observe these creatures, the sense of horror gradually became somewhat familiar.

It was after walking for several minutes that the amount of blood pouring from Tendrial’s nose increased even more than before.

“Darn… I don’t have much time left.”

Deciding to hasten, Tendrial took his next step, and there, he found what she had been tirelessly searching for.

“Ha… So, you were here. Nice to see you, Feifei.”

She retrieved a small bottle containing purple liquid from her embrace.

Rosalia sighed as she watched the regular army that had overwhelmed the forest dwellers, the non-humans, like a tidal wave.

‘They are too valuable to be discarded like that…’

Once resources that could be effectively utilized with the characteristics of various races, they were now entities that needed to be eliminated from this place along with Tendrial, now that the full story of Casey’s death had been revealed.

Watching the forest dwellers being ruthlessly slaughtered to an extent that seemed merciless, Rosalia felt something strange.

Before she knew it, Tendrial’s figure was no longer visible.


Rosalia quickly unfolded protective magic around herself.

If Tendrial had used drugs, it wouldn’t be surprising for him to suddenly appear from behind.

“No use struggling. Where did you disappear to, Tendrial?”

As expected, as Tendrial disappeared, some of the non-humans who had been bound in shackles and were usually at a disadvantage started to counterattack with their shackles released.

However, it was far from enough to overturn the already unfavorable situation.

Tendrial did not reappear, and the scope of the counterattack did not expand.

It seemed like the situation was being easily resolved.

“Tendrial wouldn’t withdraw so easily…”

As Rosalia began to suspect Tendrial’s whereabouts, the ground suddenly began to shake.

Humans and non-humans, entangled in combat, paused as if they had entered into a sudden ceasefire, bewildered by the unexpected tremors.

The vibrations continued for several minutes, and with a thunderous noise as if the ground were splitting, something huge rose from the direction of the corpse disposal area.

Witnessing the giant figure rising from the ground, one human soldier screamed in terror, “Ah, a demon!”

People who had experienced the onslaught of demons before recalled the similar symptoms when demons first appeared, trembling in fear.

“No, that’s…”

Observing the scene where a terrified soldier faced the giant entity, Rosalia could immediately identify its true nature.

With blood-red skin as if inverted, towering height almost like a giant tower, warm, single-eyed head larger than any rock, it was none other than Pepe, the only cyclops that had existed until his death by Wolfgang and the Order.

One of the reasons they, known as the secret weapon of the forest, could exist as the worst criminal organization without being easily eradicated compared to humans was because they had a numerical disadvantage.

Before Tendrial joined the Order, Pepe had been effortlessly killed during the Forest Annihilation Operation by Wolfgang.

Subsequently, his corpse had been conventionally stored in the underground corpse disposal facility of Tessa.

“How can that be…”

Watching the terrifyingly huge non-human monster approaching the royal palace, Rosalia was speechless.

With each step Pepe took, debris collapsed like toys underfoot.

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Cyclops’s shoulders bore Tendrial, pouring coffee with a cheerful expression.

Forest members, watching the scene, erupted in cheers.

“Pepe! Pepe is back!”

“The leader has been resurrected!”

“Kill these bastards!”

Unlike the non-human entities whose momentum rose with Pepe’s entrance, the human soldiers of Terosa were overwhelmed by the monstrous giant, unable to move.

Seizing the opportunity, the forest members began attacking them.

Goblins, using the iron chains of handcuffs around their wrists, strangled from behind, while sturdy orcs with thick skulls smashed human skulls with powerful blows.

Dwarves, somehow unlocking their handcuffs, swung them like weapons, shattering the throats and knees of the humans.

Each showcasing their skills, the non-humans swiftly became a picture of them killing humans.

Of course, Terosa’s army, numerically and qualitatively superior, quickly counterattacked, but facing the approaching Cyclops, they couldn’t ignore him, making it difficult to overwhelm them as before.

“That crazy woman…”

Rosalia, eyeing Tendrial on Cyclops’s shoulders, muttered.

Seeing the queen’s expression, Tendrial laughed and patted Cyclops’s head.

“That potion you used to revive her is very expensive. Judging by that expression, it seems like it’s already worth the cost.”

Pepe roared as if responding and increased the speed of his steps toward the royal palace.

Below, citizens scattered in chaos, confronted by the sudden calamity.

“Ha, summon Handro quickly!”

Rosalia, kicking a servant at her side, commanded to send an urgent request for reinforcements to Handro.

But the servant was so frightened that he couldn’t even hear the queen’s command.

Rosalia slapped his cheek to bring him to his senses and commanded again.

“Snap out of it! Quickly go and send a message to Commander Handro! It hasn’t been long since he left Tessa, so hurry!”

“Yes, yes! Your Majesty!”

Recovered, the servant quickly disappeared from the queen’s sight.

Handro was an expert who had left this morning with King Hector to hunt a giant monster, and his help was desperately needed.

He had left to set a path for reinforcements to be sent to the Eastern Watchtower this morning.

Although the promised support to the Eastern Watchtower might be delayed a little, given the urgent situation with Terosa, it was an unavoidable choice to put out the more pressing fire.

The Cyclops, now dangerously close like a looming shadow, swung his fist toward the front of the royal palace, where the battle between Terosa’s soldiers and the forest members was in full swing.

As if explosives were detonating, a deafening sound accompanied the colossal fist slamming into the ground.

Underneath, the soldiers laid out were twisted beyond recognition, indistinguishable in form.

“Well done, Pepe! Let’s destroy that palace now,” Tendrial commanded satisfactorily to Cyclops.

Cyclops let out an uncomfortable groan as if something was bothering him and let out a horrifying scream.

Tendrial, who was right next to Cyclops’ face, blocked his ears and bowed his head at the sound.

“What the hell, Pepe! Why are you doing this?”

Pepe’s giant palm was descending rapidly over her head.

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