Villain Awakening after Divorce chapter 103

Villain Awakening after Divorce 103

Dmitri jumped up at the report that he had found the Red Witch.


“That is···. A new S-class Hunter was just born in Korea. The Red Witch appeared at the press conference.”

to that absurd statement.

Dmitri couldn’t help but laugh.

There was no doubt that Russia was tracking down the Red Witch.

In particular, it was a red witch who would not know which head the S-class hunters belonged to.

That’s why it must have been hidden until now.


It was as if he showed himself to Dmitri.

“Could it be that the Red Witch has lost her memory?”

“It didn’t seem like it. Check out the interview with the reporter. The Red Witch seemed to be aware of our ongoing pursuit.”

“Despite that, he proudly reveals that he is confident in Korea.”

Dmitri’s thoughts stopped.

It was just when I remembered the part about the birth of an S-class Hunter.

Dmitri was also aware of the rumors about the Awoken that have been making a splash in Korea lately.

Despite being an A-class Hunter.

One Awakener who shows absurd powerlessness just like his past self.

It seems that each sperm has become an S-class Hunter this time.

The Red Witch was revealed at the press conference announcing that she had become an S-class Hunter.

In Dmitri’s head, after thinking that far.

An absurd thought came to my mind.

“hahahaha. Are you provoking me then? Now I’m not afraid of this Dmitri. By announcing that you are in Korea?”

There was no reply this time.

It wasn’t something I was looking for an answer to.

Dmitry, with a surge of displeasure, made a decision.

He decided to go to Korea and catch the red witch who provoked him.

“I’m going to Korea right now.”

If you’ve been provoked, you have to answer.

The moment Dmitry is about to head to Korea.

“Dmitry. It is impossible.”

Opposition came out.

If you were a member of a decent head, you would have ignored the objection.

I couldn’t ignore the words of the person who stopped Dmitri just now.

“I don’t know if it was before a full-scale conflict with the European Union broke out by touching Poland. If you show up in Korea in the current situation. It is clear that they will push through that gap.”


Although he had a displeased expression on his face.

Dmitry was well aware of the validity of that opinion.

I was just moved by the momentary provocation of the Red Witch.

Such a sudden change of feelings.

It was a minor side effect of Dmitri’s abilities.

Boiling blood momentarily clouded Dmitri’s reason.

A minor side effect that puts you in a state of excitement.

“yes. Europe comes first.”

The Red Witch could have been brought slowly.

It appeared in Korea.

It was like the Red Witch’s declaration that she would no longer hide or run away.

“There are S-class people in Korea. There are not many of them, but each one is tricky. You must not forget that.”

“I can’t help it.”

It was.

Even after Korea appeared in the world of the Awoken.

What was able to stand firm while staying close to Russia and China?

It was because the skills of Korean S-class hunters were outstanding.

From the perspective of Russia, which has to deal with numerous S-class hunters in the European Union in earnest.

I couldn’t increase the enemy more.

“Eat Europe as quickly as possible. I’m going to catch the red witch.”

Anyway, Europe was enough with Dmitri himself and Head.

The Red Witch was only a necessary existence to deal with the world’s most powerful country, the United States.

Of course, it was necessary to figure out what level the newly born S-class hunter was.

It was more chaff than I thought, so if I could catch the red witch, it would be a win-win.

After organizing his thoughts, Dmitri began to give instructions.

“I can’t leave it like this. It is officially announced that the Red Witch is a criminal who committed crimes in her home country and escaped. Let’s ask Korea to extradite the criminals.”

“All right.”

First of all, I was thinking of putting pressure on Korea by extradition of the red witch.

Like those European idiots who shrank until Poland was invaded.

It would be better if Korea offered the Red Witch on its own.

Dmitry thought so.


Lia couldn’t hide her excitement and excitement.

Cheol-han, who had seen Lia so far, saw vivid emotional changes that were turbulent.

“Cheolhan. I’m sure there will probably be a ton of viewers coming in today.”

“okay. Because there were many reactions that the interview article was not enough. A huge number of viewers will flock to see you today.”

“Oh my God! A lot of people are coming to see me!”

To say that a lot of viewers might come in to see him.

Lia put on a happy expression in disbelief.

Already through Choi Woo-joo broadcasting.

It was predicted that Cheolhan and Lia would appear together today.

Even in various communities, there were a lot of people who wanted to watch today’s broadcast live.

“What if I make a mistake today because I am so nervous?”

Lia was even worried about what would happen if she made a mistake during a live broadcast.

It’s the moment I’ve been waiting for so long.

And that’s why it was so incredibly tense.

“Okay. You already know it from the comments on the article and the reaction from the community. That the reaction to Leah You is incredibly favorable right now.”

“I know. But today is a really important day. I can’t help this trembling.”

It was.

It wasn’t just broadcasting to communicate with viewers.

To stimulate Russia.

It is also a broadcast to get Head and Dmitri to bite the bait.

I briefly introduced Lia through an interview with reporter Kim Ha-na.

So far, Lia was only known as an awakened person who came to Korea from Russia.

The reason for Leah’s escape from Russia was not disclosed.

Also about what happened in Russia.

Through today’s broadcast, I was thinking of spilling more rice cakes that would stimulate Russia.

“I really wonder if Head and Dmitri will bite the bait.”

“I won’t be able to survive without being bitten. Even Alexar, who was already sent to Korea, is missing. However, due to the situation with Europe, he will not be able to come directly.”

“Cheol-han came up with a great idea.”

If today’s broadcast of Cheol-han and Lia ends successfully.

A response was to come from Russia soon.

Cheol-han and Lia were waiting for the moment Russia would bite the bait.

After a while.

After meeting Choi Woo-joo, Lia nodded and introduced herself.

hundreds of times. No, because it’s a greeting I’ve practiced thousands of times.

Now, wherever she goes, it is Lia who uses that version of greeting.

“hello. I am Riastasia Ragnanov, a 2nd Awakening Class Red Witch. You can call me Leah. It is a real honor to meet Choi Woo-joo, whom I have always only seen on TV.”

“Bar, nice to meet you. My name is Choi Woo-joo, a broadcaster helping Cheol-han.”

As expected, Lia’s weapon was powerful.

Now, as a professional broadcaster, Woo Joo Choi never panicked under any circumstances.

As soon as he met Leah, he was taken aback.

Lia’s cuteness was so incredibly powerful.

Leah, who was looking at the broadcasting equipment, was left behind.

Choi Woo-joo quickly approached Cheol-han and whispered something in his ear.

“older brother. Actually, I was worried a lot until I saw Leah in person. But after seeing it myself, I was worried for nothing.”

“why? Because it’s too cute?”

“yes. Just one self-introduction would be enough. I’m sure. With that cuteness, you can turn an anti-fan into a fan.”

With the confidence of Choi Woo-joo.

Lia’s first broadcast has begun.

“Bar, welcome!”

Let the frozen Lia greet you with a creak.

└ Huh… Great cuteness. what? I didn’t watch the press conference, so I didn’t know. What is this crazy cuteness?

└ I saw it for the first time at the press conference and waited for today. It’s so cute that I unknowingly shot Done with my mother’s smile.

└ It responds not only to Done but also to the chat window. It’s so cute how you nod off and say hello like a trumpet.

└ I also unwind. hahahahaha I secretly watched Cheolhan’s broadcast while hiding. He said he wanted to come out too. hahahahaha lol

└ Now that I’ve added lia to my nickname, I guess you like it? hahahaha I started changing my nickname because people’s reactions were so cute hahahaha

└ Wow. This is how it feels to be healed just by looking at it. Rather, are you taking the question in earnest now? There are so many things I want to ask.

Viewers’ reactions to Lia were extremely favorable.

No, it was a level of enthusiasm beyond goodwill.

Like the confidence of Choi Woo-joo.

People couldn’t come to their senses at Lia’s cute charm.

“I can only answer questions that I can answer. I’m really sorry I couldn’t answer all your questions.”

└ Is the real 2nd awakening class a red witch? Even in Europe, there was a lot of buzz because of it.

It was a sharp question.

When many people are surprised that Cheol-han has a hidden colleague.

The part that drew attention in Europe was Lia’s 2nd Awakening class.

‘Red Witch’

Even if you just look at the European S-class Hunter, the Night Witch.

It was because Europe knew better than anyone the fraudulent nature of the witch class.

Wasn’t it even attached to the modifier ‘red’, not just a witch?

“you’re right! If I just say it, I think you won’t believe it. After Cheol-han re-measured. I was also quickly measured.”

Lia pulls out the measurement result sheet she folded up from her pocket.

It was so cute that the chat window was filled with laughter again.


The moment Lia opened the result sheet and showed it to people.

Silence came to the chat window.

└ ···What? Unless my eyes are wrong now. It’s the highest grade A beyond grade A, right?

└ Do you think it’s right? Class A if the measurement result is not an error. That’s a top-class A-class hunter, too. In particular, the magical power level has exceeded the level of a monster? DDDD

└ Crazy… A top-notch A-rank hunter? Also, the 2nd awakening class is the red witch? Now I understand how a hard-hearted hunter was able to go through the dungeons alone.

└ Add Nim at the end. Wouldn’t Lia become an S-class Hunter like Park Cheol-han? Then, another S-class Hunter will be born in Korea?

Let Leah show you the measurement results.

People started to notice the skills hidden behind Lia’s cute appearance.

Lia’s stats, which are of the highest class A.

Especially the mana far beyond the S-class.

It was enough to surprise and astonish people.

A European S-class Hunter, one of the most famous Awakeners in the world.

Recalling the fraudulent abilities that the Night Witch Amelia showed.

└ If it is the 2nd Awakening Class Red Witch. You will be treated very well in Russia. Why did you come to Korea from Russia? At this level, I don’t think Russia would have ever sent it to you.

It was a question that was still difficult to answer.

The reason why Lia had no choice but to escape Russia and come to Korea was because it was a secret.


It was also the question Lia and Cheolhan had been waiting for.

To solve one of the rice cakes that will be spilled on today’s broadcast.

Lia cautiously opened her mouth to throw rice cakes.


It was then.

The flow of the chat window changed unexpectedly.

Until now, the chat window was full of praise for Lia’s cuteness.

It started to fill up with chats asking for clarification.

└ Just made an official statement in Russia. Please give some clarification on this part. Sounds like an important issue between countries.

└ Huh? I thought it was aggro, but it was real. I heard that Leah is a criminal who committed a heinous crime in Russia and escaped? Is it true?

└ It’s very likely. Park Chul-han Hunter did that. He said he couldn’t announce his existence until he became an S-class Hunter. Could it be because Leah was a heinous criminal?

└ A. There’s no way our Park Chul-Han Hunter would have such a person as a friend and colleague. Let’s not waver in our faith and wait for Lia’s explanation.

└ Wait. Ha ha ha ha When an official statement was issued in Russia, they even demanded the extradition of criminals. If we ignore this, we will look like Europe. Wanna go to war with Russia?

└ No. Please wait. What if you’re lying in Russia? To the top A-rank hunter. Let’s just let the class red witch go?

└ There’s no way such a cute kid could have committed a crime. And if you’re that kind of person, there’s no way Park Cheol-han, Hunter, would have you by your side. Let’s all trust and wait for Hunter Park Cheol-han.

In an instant, the chat window became a mess.

Choi Woo-joo quickly stepped forward and tried to fix it.

to no avail at all.

Looking at such a mess.

Cheolhan and Lia smiled.

I thought Dmitri and Head would only move after today’s broadcast.

It was a much quicker response than expected.


Russia’s move was rather an opportunity for Cheolhan and Lia.


“It is done.”

Russia took the bait.

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