Werewolf Survival in Apocalypse chapter 41

The rainy season begins (2)

The rainy season begins (2)

Sniff sniff sniff.

Misoah sniffed it several times. She

Turned her head towards her comrades.



When she asked if she had seen this in a questioning voice, she immediately shook her head as if the other colleagues around her didn’t know.

If you don’t even know the other older individuals in the pack, this is unknown.

It was something completely unknown.

A smile was lost in her thoughts. She

Will she continue to explore more, or will she back off at this point.

Her desire to explore has risen, but she has felt a sense of danger proportional to it.

Those werewolves are objects that can sense an unreasonable sense of threat.

There must be something like that somewhere here.

The opponent is undoubtedly dangerous.

If the momentum you could feel from just a single hair was this much, it was an opponent you couldn’t even guess what kind of guy he was.

In the end, Misoah made a decision.

As she turned her head, the other werewolves around her seemed to have made up their minds as well.

Everyone’s impressions were hardened.

What that means is obvious.


They looked around slowly.

I cautiously backed away from there.

* * * *

The environment is constantly changing.

When the day comes, the night comes.

When the heat comes, the cold will come.

There is no stopping.

The world always flows like a flowing river, and that much change is also accompanied.

And that’s why the ‘season’ changes.

Here in Korea, it was even more like that.

A Place Where the Changes of the Four Seasons Are Clear Located in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula in East Asia, the branches of the changes are particularly distinct.

At this time of year, which finally enters the middle of August, the hotter time arrives and at the same time the humidity starts to creep in.

* * * *



He was biting the monster Roadhog with a sharp growl along with Yui and Yumi.

Roadhog’s appearance was disastrous.

With no limbs intact, the whole body was covered in blood and was dead.

You could tell just by looking at the surroundings how fierce their fight was.

The surrounding trees were broken as if they were millet, and the grass on the ground was all overturned to reveal mounds of dirt.

The blood of a dying Roadhog.

They were soaking wet, biting him like crazy.

Then suddenly.

Winter came to his senses and let go of the guy he was eating.

‘… Eh.’

It’s a bit belated.

Winter regained his intelligence, and tempered his sharp instincts a little.

He looked down at Roadhog at his feet.

The guy was out of breath.


Let winter turn its head.

From noble mtl dot com

But Yuina Yumi didn’t seem to have come to her senses yet.

The two sisters continued to growl with their eyes still turned upside down.

But soon.

I wonder if I felt winter’s gaze, or if not, it’s time for my sisters too.

Little by little, he began to calm down his life and spirit, and then, slowly, his sisters also let go of the guy’s skin from their mouths.

Since he was already dead, he had no reason to bite and shake him if he had come to his senses any longer.


At that time, short footsteps were heard from behind.

At that sound, everyone pricked up their ears.

It’s a familiar noise.

The soft footsteps that those werewolves would make when they touched the damp earth with their bare feet.


When I looked back, my mother, Yuhwarin, was standing there.

She looked at her children and smiled softly.

To the belated appearance of the mother.

“Ooh, ooh ooh ooh…”

The two sisters shed tears for a while.



She ran as fast as she could and hugged her.

Yui and Yumi were frantically rubbing their faces and bodies against Yoo Hwa-rin’s arms.

Monster Roadhog.

It was a small, timid complaint about why he showed up late now, in front of him.

Yuina Yumi was really embarrassed when Yuhwarin, her guardian, disappeared out of nowhere.

The opponent was a very threatening monster.

It was a shame because the number was three, to the extent that I would have been terrified otherwise.

“How woong.”

Yu Hwa-rin only smiled.

She warmly embraced and cared for her whining children.

Perhaps Yuhwarin around this time was also like that.

She was so terrified that her eyes were watery and she whined in her mother’s arms. It was also her mother’s job to care for it.

She gestured towards Winter, who was still watching her from a little distance away.

Her winter stared at her for a moment, then puffed out her loose tail hair.

He jumped up and fell into her arms.


To be honest, a little bit.

······No, a little too much.

Even though he had abandoned them coldly and withdrew from his seat, Yuhwarin’s mother’s arms were still as warm as before.

Even in the winter when I was secretly dissatisfied with Yoo Hwa-rin.

As she got closer to her, she could feel her melting away as quickly as snow.

It was around the time when the momentum of their whining and rubbing their bodies against their mother Yu-Wha-rin calmed down.

Suddenly, I felt a bit damp in winter.

‘Huh? Something······.’

It felt a little strange.

His beard tickled.

Monster, Rasser Ratman’s characteristic ‘thick beard’ is applied to his beard.

Compared to other werewolves, it was much longer and more sensitive.

Especially, I quickly noticed the detection of changes in atmospheric airflow around me.

When Winter reflexively looked up at the sky.



Georeum flinched in surprise when something fell on her cheek.

It was cold.

Winter blinked at the water running down his nose.

‘This is… Water drop?’

And soon.


A drop of water that fell from the sky quickly turned into many drops of water.


It turned into an intense torrent of rain.

‘It’s raining.’

The surroundings quickly got wet.

Water started to flow like a river in the soil and grass, and water dripped from the trees.

The entire body of those werewolves was also wet.

Soon everyone looked up.


Black dark clouds gathering in the sky flashed lightning with a loud sound.


To the resounding sound of strong thunder.

Surprised, Yui and Yumi hid behind Yuhwarin.

Yuhua Lin bit the big roadhog to death, and she laughed and beat the two children who were terrified by the sound of thunder.

Like that.

At last the rainy season has arrived in the forest.

More serious, change is beginning to arrive.

* * * *


Lightning struck.

Dark clouds in the sky flashed thunder and lightning, and strong raindrops poured out with a force that seemed to grow endlessly.


The nearby water started blowing rapidly.

A lakeside where waterfalls usually fall.

The water level there rises rapidly, little by little.

Rising water levels flooded the surrounding area.


Brownish waterways, which had already become muddy, were appearing everywhere in the forest area.



Mantis, Giant Ant and more.

A number of insects and beasts began to cling to higher places such as wooden poles, following the warning signals that their instincts began to sense.

The water level was gradually rising.

In order not to be swept away by the rising water, it was necessary to evacuate to such a high altitude.

Those monsters who rely more on instinct than intelligence had a hunch that this rain would not stop at just a short shower in one season.

This rainy season was probably going to last a very long time.

In addition, the momentum and aftermath of it were also unusual.

Furthermore, the fact that the intensity was so intense at this time, when the rainy season had just begun, meant that it would become even more dangerous in the full-fledged period later.

Instinct was warning them.

This rainy season is “Dangerous,” They say.

And that.

They, the pack of werewolves, did the same.



The sisters whined.

The condition of the nest was unusual.

It was after the werewolves’ dwelling they were staying in was soaked with splashing water.

Not only was the outside of the crypt a mess from the pouring rain.

Right now, even inside the space where they sleep, the level of water splashing and splashing was splashing to the point of rising.

At such a serious condition that it came up to the ankles, the sisters expressed deep concern.


The sisters expressed their dissatisfaction by whining about the wetness of the inside of the cozy crypt.


My mother Yuhwarin.

She didn’t answer despite the whining of her two sisters.

Usually, he would have turned his head to the two of them a long time ago and comforted them or responded to them, but today was different.

I was just staring outside in the pouring rain, deep in thought.

Her attitude was particularly strange.

Your expression is serious. I was thinking about something.

‘Why is that?’

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