2nd Rank Has Returned chapter 11



My head is complicated today.


So train until your head is empty.

[Hey. High-flying game.]

Concentrate enough to not hear such trivial swear words. Until your head is empty…

[…joking killer.]


Keep dropping the sword. A scream-like chorus comes out of his mouth continuously.

[The trick of the joke-killing technique…Keup…!]

His face turns red and the speed at which he swings his sword increases.

“Shut up!! Shut up!!”

[The joke assassination technique that transcends proverbs…

There is anger at everything. Reporters, newspapers, jokes, and even that chum ‘Keup’.

“I will kill you!! You old man!!”

The end of this black history covered in anger goes back to 5 minutes ago.


[‘I’m really sorry. Butler Alfred.’]

Today, I went to the butler’s office early in the morning to apologize for not being able to yesterday.

Inspector, anyway, Leo himself was responsible, so there was a need to apologize.

You might think you came too early, but Alfred always gets up on time in the morning, so it doesn’t matter.

[‘It would be okay if the topic of conversation was tea or sweets. You should never make jokes…’]

With that thought in mind, Leo knocked.

[Come on in.]

With permission, Leo opened the door.

[Hello, butler Alfred.]

[Oh, this is Leonardo-kun. good morning.]

Alfred was reading the newspaper in such a healthy way that he couldn’t even think of a person who fainted yesterday. It was also a bonus to have a cup of tea on the side.

[That car is a Darjeeling. It seems to be quite advanced.]

[Oh, you’re noticing this… I didn’t know you had a knack for tea ceremony.]

[I still lack a lot of knowledge. A person with a really deep knowledge can match the number of months that tea leaves are ripe just by smell.]

That person was Alfred. It was a high-level speech skill that humbly accepted his praise and raised his opponent.

[Still, it is difficult to know the type of tea at that age. Besides humor, you are outstanding in other aspects of culture.]

It feels like my heart is being pierced by those words. You will be angry too.

[…I’m really sorry about that. Since I was young, I was a mercenary, so I had no talent for cultured farming.]

[no. no. That was a really great joke. It’s been a long time since I really laughed.]

My heart is being pierced and it is falling apart. I feel like I want to bow down because I can’t apologize.

[…You are reading the newspaper. Aren’t you tired of reading three kinds?]

To change the subject, Leo moved the subject to the newspaper in front of him. It’s a characteristic change of subject, so it won’t look too awkward.

[Today’s newspaper is really interesting. Especially one side. Would you like to see Leonardo-kun too?]

[yes? Yes, what is it […]

Leo’s words ended there.

【A 13-year-old boy becomes a joke killer.】

Sometimes the shocking truth is

「The secret of joke killing techniques, butler faints」

human language ability

《The joke assassination technique that transcends proverbs》

because it paralyzes

[How is it? Isn’t it a much more pleasant article than the economic downturn or accidental death?]


and currently


The paralyzed language ability was now erupting and exploding.

[The killer of jokes that transcends proverbs…

“Shut up!! Shut up your mouth!! What a crazy inspiration!!”

Leo shouts, swinging his sword like crazy. The ghost, the sage, couldn’t be hit by the sword, but he had to do something to clear his mind.

[Hey hey, don’t listen to my jokes… Because I’m still out of control… Kwok…]

That smile cuts the cord of patience.

“I will kill you!! I will kill them all!!”

It sounds like you’re excited again, but you’re mistaken.

That’s the way it was.

“Aria, why is Leonardo like that?”

Chris, who came to the gym a little after dawn, looked at Leo who was running wild and asked.

“That’s Leonardo’s training method. Last time, I practiced while getting angry and screaming.”

“Hmm… I think it’s a training method that draws out the power of the body by eliciting emotional anger.”

It’s not like that.

“At such a young age, trying to control anger and nurture your strength… is beyond great and scary.”

“It’s also Leonardo…”

Not at all.

“But it can be dangerous. You might end up being a slave to your anger.”

Read at noblemtl.com

Just not If not, it’s not.

“Leonardo, are you training in the morning?”

To stop Leo from becoming a possibly wrathful slave, Chris gladly went to his adult advice.

“Kill…! ah? Chris?”

When I saw Chris, my excitement subsided. In front of the boss, no matter how humiliating the incident was, I needed to calm my mind.

“Hello, Chris. good morning.”

“It’s good to start training in the morning, but calm down a little. It’s time to cool off in such a situation.”

It was a shame, but it was true. In such a situation, it was necessary to deal with it more calmly.

“sorry. As a seed, you have shown an ugly appearance.”

“No, the power to entrust that passion was strong enough. It’s still too early to take it, so it’s just drying up.”

…Something was odd, but Chris made it clear.

“By the way, I heard from Arya, but I heard that you have another special training method.”

This crazy thing isn’t a training method, but Chris said so.

“Other training methods… Are you talking about mana training?”

“Mana training, um… is that a name?”

“Yes, can I show you?”

“It would be better to demonstrate it to the person who made it.”

The moment I was about to take a pose for mana training,

That moment

“You are this child…! You were here!”

Seniors like the sky trudged through the ground and ran. His face was so red that he could tell at a glance that he was angry.

“Oh, seniors. Did you find me?”

At that casual and stern word, their red faces burned even more.

“you…! Now say that…!!”

“What’s going on?”

Chris in front looked at the servants as if in doubt about their actions.


“You were probably… Rosia’s servants? What happened to Leonardo?”

The moment Chris asked the question, another footstep and voice rang out.

“sorry. Chris, these guys! What rudeness is this?!”

It was Rosia. Rosia appeared and began to seize their seeds. Tension grew on their faces when their immediate supervisor appeared.

“Okay. It is also a virtue of a knight to listen to the complaints of his servants.”

The expressions of the servants, who were nervous at the generosity, were released. And that reassurance,

“So what’s going on?”

It’s bound to bring a lot of luck.

“This junior, Leonardo, came to rebuke me for being rude.”

The smartest vector of this seed group came forward. Among the other children, as well as in this group, Vector was known for his excellent speaking skills.

“Excessive rudeness?”

“Yeah, they didn’t respect us as seniors, and they attacked us with the lowest point.”

As evidence, they lifted the clothes and showed the affected area. The person who was hit in the face was clearly bruised without having to wear clothes.

“…is that true? Leonardo?”

it comes out like this? this is so…

<It is advantageous.>

It was a benefit.

“Yeah, that injury was mine.”

In response to that answer, the servants in front exclaimed with joy.

It was a crime that even the knights would severely punish, and it was really expected that that stupid commoner would receive some kind of punishment.


“It’s because the seniors blasphemed Chris and Ariaspil.”

And the song of joy that I had been singing inside suddenly turned into a dissonant sound.

“…You insulted me?”

“When did we do that?! When will we…!?”

“Yesterday, you must have looked at my attitude and said I’m a crazy bastard, didn’t you?”

Although he was trembling at those words, the servants answered first.

“okay! I did it! But that’s your climax…!”

“And at the same time, I was like, ‘He’s the guy Chris brought along. You’re supposed to be crazy, right?’

That was also true. The servants were hesitating without answering right away, and at some point they were getting caught up in Leonardo’s pace.


“These words were blasphemy against Chris, whom I had chosen as my servant, and disloyal words and actions that did not trust Chris’s eyes.”

There were some exaggerations, but they were all based on facts. As evidence of that, those seeds were noticing without even making a proper protest.

“And in the end, even Ariasviel insulted him.”

“When will we…!!”

“It’s not enough to call Ariaspil-sama by name, I said that I seduced the youngest of the family and passed over it.”


I remembered the words I cried when they were suddenly beaten.

[Aria Spiel!! You said you cheated on the headmaster’s daughter!! I’ve seen something happen! You are rated […]

The words came out without being able to properly distinguish them from the sudden punches. However, in a battle of eloquence, even such a mistake could be defeated.

“Before I honored myself as a senior, I thought that the sin of insulting my benefactor and the young girl of the family was serious, so my hand came first.”

The explanation left the seeds completely speechless. In the first place, the level of dialogue between Leo and them had been going on for over 10 years.

“…but isn’t it too much of a hand? They are your seniors and nobles…”

Leo cut off the conversation just in time, as if he could no longer listen to Rocia’s words.

“Before that, my seniors asked me to compete.”


“It was a kind of declaration form. It had been a long time since the sword I gave as a weapon had already been cracked, as four people charged at the same time against me, one of them. If you don’t believe me, I have that broken sword in my room, so you can check it out yourself.”

Moreover, it was very clear on which side the fault lay, considering the circumstances, even if there was no need to speak.

“When it comes to this, if I had less hands, I thought it was less, but I didn’t feel it was excessive. If these thoughts and actions are not correct, please correct them.”

Even Rocia became a mute with her vocal cords intact.

“Is this all true? Rocia?”

“That’s good for me too…”

“If you don’t know, that’s a bigger problem. Reinhardt’s knights can’t even manage a single seed.”

No excuses were needed. No, it was clear that he would follow the same train as Jehard.

“sorry!! I will educate you so that this never happens again!”

“Do your best. Reinhardt doesn’t think mistakes are mistakes if they are repeated.”

“All right!!”

Rosia showed a will to reflect as much as possible with a loud voice. At the same time, he glared at the immature seeds and expressed his burning anger.

With the heat around their eyes, the faces of the servants except for Leo were dyed gray.

“…Then let’s go. I am very sorry for being rude.”

After the apology, Rocia and his servants left the gymnasium. The faces of the seeds had already turned gray and burned to the color of earth.

“…for some reason, you can only see Reinhardt’s wealth. No face.”

“it’s okay. On the contrary, if it had been so perfect, it might have been so far away that I would have quit the seed.”

“It’s a funny joke. Also, the nickname “Joke Killer” suits him.”



Suddenly I wanted to scream.

[Hey… If you hear my joke, you’ll be cut in half. Please don’t wake my intestines…

No, I wanted to die.

Would you commit suicide as a joke?

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  1. SenatorArmstrong says:

    Social Death is scary

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