2nd Rank Has Returned chapter 29



mana exercise

Immediately after returning, the sage’s teachings and Leo’s own experiences were combined to create a technique.

Apart from the simple and quick acquisition, the value of the training was comparable to those of the previous knights and families.

‘It’s not like Chris was making a fuss for nothing.’

Because the combination of mana training and physical training was truly revolutionary.

“But even so, kidnapping me…”

To be honest, I didn’t fully understand the kidnapping in this way.

He wasn’t the only one who learned the art of mana training, but even attacking the knights of the family wasn’t a very safe choice.

“…it was a wiser decision than kidnapping the young girl of Gaju.”

That, too, was correct. Abducting a knight was a much more stable option than a family maiden.

“It is not uncommon for knights to die while defending Youngae. Perhaps the Blood Shadow was trying to kidnap you with such a development.”

It was an obvious repertoire.

The assassins who failed to kidnap Ariaspil caught and killed the knight in order to keep their mouths shut.

Even if it was a little strange, it wasn’t a case enough to raise objection.

“And he must have been trying to get you out of the way. Whether it’s conciliation or torture, it’s all about mobilization.”

I was able to overcome it with my mental strength because I had been subjected to numerous conciliation and torture. However, it was not an impossible story if he used advanced magic to extract memories, or mobilized drugs and hypnosis.

[Drugs and hypnosis…]

<Whatever you imagine, it won’t be.>

Why would someone with no experience do that?

“So you gave me the weapon as insurance.”

This kind of sneak attack will be repeated over and over again. He could deal with it, but Leo’s current skills must make him feel insecure.

Because Leo was the same.

“Don’t get me wrong. It’s not because I’m worried about you. It was only given because it was difficult for the impure people to have such powers.”

[I’ve been quiet since a while ago, but I misunderstood.]

<I will.>

It’s hard to wrap Marken now, so they hit each other. When I hit the beat once, the 10-year-old congestion went down like a wash in cold water.

“But even if they gave me a weapon, the fundamentals did not change. It will probably take a long time for most to give up.”

That was an accurate prediction. Rather, he coveted Leo’s armor and had to consider the possibility of an increase in raids.

“Then what should I do?”

“…so I thought. Meanwhile, I remembered the agenda that Christina had proposed.”

The item that Chris (Tina) suggested was the one that Leo emphasized over and over again when he first demonstrated mana training.

“Maybe mana training…”

“…Yes, I don’t like it, but I will incorporate your mana training method into the Reinhardt family training method.”

Aside from being displeased, this was a proposition to understand, even if screamed out loud.

[Is it that great?]

It wasn’t great. It was unusual to say that it was unusual to officially put the skills of a ten-year-old boy to a school of knights that had been around for several hundred years, even to a family of warriors.

[In terms of magic tower, it is a level that incorporates the magic created by children into the formal curriculum taught by adults.]

It was an accurate analogy compared to the tone.

“…is that okay? I wonder if it’s going to put pressure on Reinhardt…”

“Who do you think Reinhardt would do to just one young chick?”

Even though it was a hard way of speaking, it was an action that he gave for Leo as a result. Even if Leo had gained something at the moment, nothing as much as what he had lost.

“…and I hate to admit it, but as Cristina said, it’s well worth the formal teaching of mana training. If you refine it, you will surpass even the previous training methods.”

[Then say you will admit it. Why are you conflicting with your own personality?]


At the words that were so refreshing, Leo bit his lip until his lips turned blue, holding back his laughter.

[But what would be different if I put it like that? After all, assassination is possible.]

That wasn’t it. because…

“You seem to be asking if that makes any difference.”

It was an expression that barely endured laughter, but I was only thankful that he misunderstood me like that.

“In other words, if you now steal that training method, you are not stealing your personal secret, but Reinhardt’s martial arts.”

There is a limit in responding to the kidnapping of a single knight. Even for a brave family, if the other great families and the state put checks or pressures on them, it will become difficult to use their power.

<But if you steal the martial arts together, the game changes.>

Stealing a school of martial arts gives reason to attack the entire organization, even with just one technique.

Because that action can be regarded as an insult to Reinhardt and a declaration of war.

“In that case, it will be impossible to intimidate you by means of a threat. No matter how stupid you are, there is no idiot who can defeat Reinhardt as an enemy.”

In other words, it meant accepting Leo himself as a member of the family, not just as a Knight of Reinhardt.

This kind of treatment was unacceptable unless they were married or adopted.

“…Thank you very much.”

“I didn’t make a decision to thank you. If you want to express your gratitude, use the insurance I gave you.”

It wasn’t that hard to find the hidden meaning of the word.

‘It may be blocked externally, but there is no way to completely block the attack in the shadows.’

Those who deviated from common sense, such as magicians or warlocks, could not be reassured by such a safety measure.

Because there is nothing strange about crossing any line in order to achieve their greed.

“Try it more than insurance.”

So, those enemies should be solved by Leo himself.

The armament you gave me now must have meant that.

“Oh, by the way.”

By the time Marken reached the entrance to the cave again, he looked back and said:

There was a sura in his eyes.

“If you touch Arya on the pretext of being recognized, I will make you take your life with your weapon.”


“I don’t listen to stupid answers. so…”

“Ah… You said you didn’t admit it when it entered the Armory, right?”

It was hard to forget because it was a serious, venomous remark.

“…that… think of it as you like.”

[I don’t know if a woman was like that, but it’s disgusting because a chubby grandpa is like that.]


I couldn’t stand this at all.

Hearing the laughter, the crumpled-looking Sura rushed in.

It didn’t seem like I could go out comfortably.


“Wow, I didn’t know Grandpa would admit it though.”

Rios said while watching the duel and pouring leftover popcorn into his mouth.

“I definitely knew how to force myself not to give.”

“Even though the Commander-in-Chief may speak harshly, he always keeps his promises. It’s one of the misunderstandings everyone has.”

“okay. Thank you for those kind words! Christie…!”


Suddenly darkness disappeared with the shadow. Her shadow was already holding her nephew by the neck.

“Is there not enough education about titles? What was my name?”

“Dad…! Daddy!! Help me…!”

“Just do it there. Kris. What if Arya learns?”

Maybe it was because of the fact that he said Chris again, Chris put Rios down.

“Thank you…! father…! I will do my best…!”

“Then, for the sake of filial piety, I will forbid you from reading pure novels for a month. It is forbidden to speak about it.”

“Can I do filial piety with the fire attribute?”


A shadow fell on Rios’ expression at the resolute remark.

“But what will Leonardo-kun choose?”

Silica brought up a topic that would be liked by civilians in an attempt to change the topic.

“Hmm… I think it’s a lava sword Hwacheong. Apparently, his good firepower matches Leonardo’s personality.”

“I think the Shield of Mirrors wouldn’t be bad either. By reflecting the attack, strategic battles will also be possible.”

“No, considering this battle, the lightning spear Pulgor is not bad. The method of strengthening the body with lightning is more stable than magic.”

Opinions were strongly divided. But among them, the young Mu-in, who had outstanding talent, was the only one who kept his mouth shut.

“Aria, what do you think?”


Arya didn’t answer. It wasn’t because it was just Rios’ words.

“aria? Are you listening?”

“…yes? Yes, I’m sorry. I have something to focus on.”

“What are you thinking about? Let me help you with some difficult problems.”

At Chris’s words, Arya brought out her deep worries.

“…I don’t know how Leo’s sword reached before mine.”

It didn’t mean just denying that Leo was strong.

It should be considered as research and concern to analyze and deal with exactly ‘how’ Leonardo defeated him.

“…the speed and power must have been similar… Why…”

Perhaps such a thought was extraordinary, Chris boasted of his age in darkness and explained the analysis of the battle.

“It’s because of a kidney problem.”

“Height… how tall are you?”

“okay. Because Leonardo is taller than you, Arya.”

In battle, height was also included, which was important in a one-on-one battle. In close-quarters combat, the fact that his physique was large also meant that he had a long range.

“You and Leonardo are about 6-7cm apart, so it’s not strange if the game is divided through Richie.”

After hearing that detailed explanation, Arya nodded and understood. Obviously, the height difference was a difficult field to overcome with only effort.

“Eat well and sleep well, you will grow well. aria. You grow up in the blink of an eye.”

“But Leo is that big…”

When his father, Gaju, stared at him, even the savage Rios kept his mouth shut. Even listening to a love story from a bard would be banned.

“…but… there’s a way to overcome something…”

While he was thinking about it, something flashed in Arya’s head.

It was information I heard while training with Leonardo not long after I met him, before the duel.

“I think Leo would know!”


“I’m sure Leonardo would have gotten a lot of information while he was wandering… maybe he knew food or training that would help him grow.”

It wasn’t completely wrong, but I had a strong feeling that it was too overrated. If he had known the secret of growth like that, Leonardo would have won with a bigger physique.

“there! Isn’t that Leonardo?”

While talking like that, two knights coming down from the mountain came into view.

“But… why are you so tattered?”

It wasn’t a serious injury, but his face and body were covered with scratches, and his clothes were quite torn and in rags.

“What happened?”

“It doesn’t matter. I was just checking to see if that kid was able to digest the weapon he was given.”

Leo nodded without saying a word. It may be the reason why it is attached to a very thin side branch, but it would not be a lie.

It would have been less embarrassing if I believed that.

“So what weapon did you get?”

Leo confidently raised his arms. A black bracelet was worn on his arm.

“…that’s the first time I’ve seen it. Is this a new weapon you acquired during the expedition? father?”

“Look carefully. I didn’t know it would change like that.”

When Marken gestured, Leo changed the shape of the bracelet. I wondered if the black bracelet would change like a bead, and then it turned into a one-handed sword, a spear, and a shield.

“…Oh, it’s a deformable weapon. It’s the first time I’ve actually seen it.”

“It seems to be a weapon that chooses its master like a holy sword. So, Christina.”

Marken paid attention to Christina, who was staring intently at the black stone with her mouth wide open.

“Do not covet.”

“…what kind of kid am I?”

“Sometimes worse than a child.”

Cristina blushed in shame at those words, and Rios strangled Chris again before she could laugh.

“there…! Leo…!!”

In such a mess, Arya approached Leo to ask her a favor, relying on the memories she had barely remembered.

“Yes, Miss Arya.”

“I want to ask you something… is it okay?”

“Of course, I will do my best if I can.”

At those words, Arya smiled brightly and made the long-awaited request.

“Will you… hold me tall…?”

The atmosphere suddenly turned cold.


The back of Leo’s neck also became cold.

The reason is probably because of the two heads behind them.

you can be sure

“You know what I said last time, what I said when I first trained. It’s a slang word for bad guys…!”

Leo’s life became cold.

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  1. Bob Marley Bob Marley says:

    Daym the translation flux ain’t helping

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not work with dark mode