Everyone Said They Were My Lover in a Dream chapter 3

Everyone Said They Were My Lover in a Dream 3

Memories of Last Night

“Regardless of what happened, I need to make significant revisions to the plan.”

After Sophia left, I took out my notes and made several modifications to the plan.

In just one day, I managed to capture the attention of two out of the three heroines I had set as my goal.

…It wasn’t my intention, but somehow I ended up receiving their help, allowing me to proceed with my plans.

“It’s a bit unsettling to think that I experienced something completely unfamiliar in my dreams and yet it turned out to be something that actually happened….”

Well, what can I do?

If I can receive help from these powerful individuals of high status, I should humbly accept it.

Squeak, squeak.

After making several adjustments to my original plan, I turned off the lights in the room and lay down on the bed.

I’ve made enough changes for now, I’ll deal with the rest tomorrow.

I have my first class at the academy tomorrow, so it’s about time I went to sleep…

Thud, thud, thud.

“Ah, damn it.”

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard someone roughly knocking on my door.

Thud, thud, thud.

“Who is it?”

“It’s the Holy Maiden of the Holy Kingdom! I felt an ominous sign and suddenly came to your room!”

Beyond the door, I could hear the resounding voice of a knight.

The Holy Maiden?

Wasn’t she the same Holy Maiden, Artoria, that I met earlier?

Why at this late hour?

Bang bang bang

“There’s no time! Open the door quickly!”

I immediately opened the door.

Well, even if she claims to be a saint, what can she possibly do?

There’s no way someone would impersonate a saint right in the heart of the academy.


As I unlocked and opened the door, Artoria, accompanied by her knights, appeared on both sides.

“Nice to see you again?”

She smiled at me.

“Wait here.”


Artoria, who made her loyal knights wait, entered my room as she was.

“I’m sorry for coming suddenly at this late hour. But I felt something very, very, very ominous here.”

Something ominous?

“I felt something so terrible that it could harm Your Highness’s well-being. That’s why I came here without hesitation. I apologize.”

Something terrible?

In that moment, her presence crossed my mind.


Could it be that she’s talking about Sophia?

“Is it possible that a fox who knows nothing about the subject would dare to wag its tail at my lord? My lord, is something the matter?”

She was supposed to be a gentle and compassionate saint… but I couldn’t feel that at all from her energy. Unconsciously, I shook my head.

“…You don’t know, do you?”

Artoria approached me step by step.

Why, why did she come here?

Unknowingly, I took a step back.

One of the three women hailed as the most beautiful in the world.

Artoria, the saint of salvation, was coming towards me, and all I could do was retreat.

Because her smiling aura was ominously foreboding.

“Snniff… this scent.”

Artoria suddenly lifted her nose and started sniffing.


Sophia was just here a moment ago.

Women are good at distinguishing scents. Can she possibly figure out that Sophia was here?

Although I don’t have any special relationship with Sophia or Artoria, I felt that if Artoria were to find out that Sophia had half-nakedly embraced me in this place, it would be a big problem.

“This is strange.”

She sniffed with narrowed eyes.

“Snniff, snniff… hah.”

And then she seemed satisfied.

What’s going on?

“Oh, I’ll stop here for today!”

What am I doing, just smelling her scent?

“Sigh. If I keep smelling the handsome scent of the Duke, I won’t be able to properly criticize him!”


“Ah, anyway, I’ll go now!”

Arthoria, feeling bewildered and unable to respond properly, suddenly turned to leave.

“Um… But someday, the Duke will come back to me. I believe that someday, he will tell me everything without leaving anything out… So I’ll go now.”


“Oh, Your Holiness.”

“Are you finished with your work?”

“Yes. The purification of the negative energy is complete. From now on, this building and its grounds will be blessed by the sacred Deus.”

“Oh, thank you so much, Your Holiness.”

The innkeeper was bowing his head to Arthoria.

Why did he deceive me by saying there was some negative presence here and bring the knights to my room at this hour?

Arthoria winked at me and closed the door.

It felt like a whirlwind had just swept through here, or something.

…But more importantly, can I wake up early tomorrow morning and go to the academy?

* * *

I rubbed my sleepy eyes and packed my things, leaving the room in the morning.

No matter how I formed relationships with the two heroines in just one day, it was still just the beginning.

Like any other novel, a crisis of destruction has come to this academy.

And this crisis of destruction is a massive wave that is difficult to overcome without the protagonist and their companions.

In order to survive this wave, I must diligently run, even if it means stealing the protagonist’s opportunities and events.


I checked the classroom and yawned as I sat in the back.

Luckily, I arrived early and there was no one, so I could sit in the back.

There was no other reason for me to come to the classroom early in the morning and occupy the back seat.

It was to secure a seat that would not attract the attention of other students.

Three human relationships are necessary to achieve the goal.

Any other relationships beyond those three are unnecessary.

Among them, two were unexpected, as I gained their friendship yesterday, and one is not yet in the academy.

If I were to get involved in the power struggle among the nobles in the academy, it could hinder my goal.

And even the forces that are scheming within the academy.

In that case, I would rather quietly disappear without attracting any attention within the classroom.

Quietly living the academy life without attracting any attention and growing stronger can be considered the ultimate goal.

And that’s why I came to school early today.


One by one, students started coming into the classroom.

After taking a look at me, who was diligently taking notes, they gathered and took their seats.

Each revealing their status, various stories between territories, societies, and nations.

A story of nobles who are completely unnecessary to survive.

It’s not even a story where the younger sibling of a marquis who passed the academy with a chin-up can interfere.

I simply pass by quietly.

Receiving no attention and quietly…

But why does it suddenly feel quiet around me?

“Oh! Secretary!”


Someone pulled out the chair next to me and sat down.

Calling my name?

What’s going on?

When I looked up, I saw Sofia looking at me with a bright face.


When I looked around, I realized that all the students in the classroom were looking at me and Sofia.

I see!

The heir to the throne and a prosecutor with extraordinary talent.

From Noble mtl dot com

Sofia can only be the center of every noble conversation.

It’s only natural that all the students’ attention would be focused on her now that she’s here!

But why did Sofia sit next to me?

Why would she associate with a pathetic guy like me, a marquis who hasn’t even been heard or seen?

“Did it go well yesterday?”

Sophia blushed slightly as she looked at me.


“Yesterday…didn’t we? The two of us…passionately…”

Yes, we did?

“Did it go well?”


“Our Sophia and passionately?”

“How dare you…”

I could feel the surrounding male students glaring at me intensely.

What is this about “Our Sophia”! Is there a fan club or something!

…Come to think of it, the three heroines might have had fan clubs.

No, but why blush and say such things!

Especially in a crowded place like this!

And there’s room for misunderstanding!

“At night…”

“W-W-W-Wait a minute!”

Unconsciously, I covered her mouth with my hand.

Somehow, it didn’t seem right to let her say anything more.

“At night?”

“Is it to the point where I have to cover my mouth with my hands?”

“It seems like we have a deep connection, doesn’t it?”

Deep, profound, and I saw you for the first time yesterday!

It seems like I’ll have to make some modifications to my plans again.

* * *

A bedroom prepared for the highest bloodline in the Empire.

The iron-blooded princess standing at the center of that power opened her eyes.

The princess surveyed her surroundings and her own state, her eyes wide with surprise.

“Have you returned again?”

The assassins who wanted to kill her.

The rebels who wanted to overthrow the Empire.

The traitors who had brought the Empire to ruin, murmuring only the sound of flattery to her, were all gone.

The Empire of the past.

She had returned to the Empire before she met him.

That means she hadn’t rejected him yet.

In fact, it becomes a story of foolishly returning to a time before she rejected him, the one who had kept the Empire alive.


To a time where everything can be redeemed.

“I will head to the Lichten Academy. Prepare yourself.”

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  1. Only 3 or more will be arrive shortly?

  2. I hope their past lover was Mc’s soul rather than the guy Mc possessed

    1. the possessed character is a nobody, the only way it can save the empire is if the mc does something. On the other hand, the angel thing will be pure speculation if someone tries to explain it.

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