A Famous Traitor and Treacherous Genius chapter 52

A Famous Traitor and Treacherous Genius 52

52 – The Little Tyrant of the Orphanage (1)

Lady Myrddin, the governess of the Gibraltar family, was honestly embarrassed by the new mission given to her.

-You would know better about the repercussions of sending Cesar’s successor to us.

The Margrave warned, and he did.

-I understand that you sent Ethan out of goodwill and sympathy. However, regarding the matter of sending César, your wife will know better what was said in the royal capital.

What did they say at that time?

She has committed a mortal sin, so please forgive her.

She didn’t mean to put pressure on the Gibraltar family.

She said it was okay for her to be killed so that no harm would come to her children.

She got down on her knees and prayed with tears in her eyes.

How did she survive?

-Mrs. Mirdin is a talent that will never be replaced.

Her her father her her her.

Gray Gibraltar.

-Please save me. Instead, she will have to take responsibility.

A child who is not like that child, a child who is more monstrous than the Margrave.

-If you say that you don’t just send children away but provide ‘educational service’ for them, people won’t whisper so much.

If she teaches Ethan Cesar and other children knowledge for freedom, she will be able to survive in the social world.

I survived thanks to Master Gibraltar, who can be said to be more ‘aristocratic’ than anyone else.

After that, Mrs. Myrdin practically lived in Gibraltar, where she taught the children of the family and the children of the orphanage.

So she decided to do her best in the second life she was given.

And now, she has faced the biggest challenge in the second act of her life as a daycare teacher.

“…You’re better than I imagined. You’ve already mastered all the basics.”

Mrs. Myrdin clicked her tongue as she looked at the white-haired children sitting in front of her.

“She became like this in just four days of learning the Korean language.”

I’ve already heard that she’s an orphan from the empire.

Of course, she was able to stand in this church because she made a blood oath not to reveal it anywhere, but as a teacher, she could not bear to brag about her talent to others.

“Lord Mente. Aren’t these children amazing?”

“Yes, I see.”

“Of all the children I have taught, there has never been a faster learner. Really, it would be great if everyone were as smart as you!”

Lady Myrddin’s companion and scapegoat was chosen as Lord Mente, who stood as an escort in the same space.

“Lord Mente, isn’t language something that can be learned so easily? Although the Kingdom and Empire languagesare similar in many ways and have grammatical structures that are easy to learn, I never thought that everyone would learn it so well!”< Br>

“Yes, yes. I see.”

“In that sense, no matter what future these children go into, I have a responsibility to take responsibility for them and make sure that I can confidently express my opinion so that they can live in this kingdom-“

“Lady Myrddin.”

Sir Mente was not very patient when dealing with a lady who constantly chattered.

“Break time is over.”

“Ah, that’s right! Look at me. Then I have to teach the next lecture…”

Mrs. Myr Din glanced at the time and then glanced at the people sitting in her chair, including White.

“As much as you learned a lot from today’s lecture, shall we use this for the remaining time?”

Sasak, Sasak.

The girls’ eyes began to sparkle when they saw the imperial language written on the blackboard.

“How to survive in Gibraltar.”

It was a bit harsh and rough for girls to learn.

“If you want to survive in this white orphanage, or rather the ‘canyon,’ you must keep three things in mind.”

Even though the imperial language was a little vague, the girls’ ears were wide open.

“One. “Don’t insult the Countess.”

Sasak, Sasak.

“The Margrave loves the Countess more than anyone else. Sometimes, even more than her her, her her children her, her her.”

The girls even take notes with feather pens and record the phrases written on the blackboard.

“One day, she brutally killed servants who had worked for the family for a long time. There was a day when her wife attended a party in the royal capital, and she failed to assist her properly and her wife was insulted.”

The pen stopped.

Some girls swallowed their saliva in disbelief, and silence fell in the room.

“Second. You must be loyal to the blood of Gibraltar. This is an earldom, but the earl’s children are practically no different from princes or princesses here.”

Square, square.

Again, the feather pen moves.

“And lastly. This is actually my personal opinion, but…”

Madame Myrddin continued speaking with a somewhat serious expression.

“Gray Gibraltar.”



The space was frozen.

I only said one name, but all the girls looked at Madame Myrddin with their expressions hardened.

“Uh, well, since you’ve been together for the past week, I think you know a bit about ‘his’ personality, right?”


Like dolls, the girls nodded their heads heavily.

“You must never provoke her. Especially in this orphanage. You don’t have to know the language. If you keep that beauty as is, to be honest, you will be able to live in the kingdom even if you don’t know the kingdom language.”

Madame Myrddin spoke to the girls in a sincere voice.

“But in this orphanage, in this canyon, you must never know Master Gray. His disposition, the way he treats you, etc.”

Mrs. Myrdin took a moment to sigh and catch her breath.

“Think of Him as the prince, or rather, the tyrant, of this valley.”

Tyrant, Gray.


At those words, the blonde girl tilted her head for a moment without any expression.

“Hehe, prince…”

One of the silver-haired girls was smiling alone with a blank face and her face was blushing.


The green-haired girl-like person laughed as she watched the different moods of the girls from behind.

* * *

A new prince or princess is born in Gibraltar.

Blessings on the birth of a life.

When the knight called, I leisurely returned from the nursery to the mansion and tried to celebrate the birth of life, but honestly, I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

‘Will I be born properly?’

Everyone has the same concerns.

There is always a risk involved in giving birth.

Whether it’s a legacy.

Or, the death of the mother.

The former is better.

Because my mother is not dying.

Gibraltar will not fall, although it will continue to mourn for a while.

But what if it’s the latter?

‘I’m sure they won’t try to strangle the baby, but they won’t be loved for the rest of their lives.’

Fourth, he will not receive any love from his father.

To that extent-

Now, the atmosphere in the count’s mansion is extremely bloody.

“Yes, master!”

“Malcolm. Why is the mood like this?”

“Yeah, that’s right…”

“It looks like your father is very uncomfortable.”

Malcolm, the deacon, tried to put his index finger on his lips his his his-


“Hee, hee hee… Ah, no… !”

I was scared.

I just said one thing.”

“It’s not like something happened, why is everyone so scared?”

“Do, Master…!”

“I know. I don’t plan on making my father hear this.”

A situation where the mother is suppressing screams or screaming due to the pain of childbirth.

“Everyone, be nervous, but don’t stand there like you’re about to die. Today is someone’s birthday, right?”

If there is anyone who can get on my father’s nerves in a situation like this, it is a truly crazy person.

“Everyone, straighten your frown. Huh? Who would see it and think it’s a ghost?”


“Well, master?”


“Well, if even you, Master, are like that…”

“…Ah. Have I become a bit sensitive?”

I finally realized it thanks to Robert talking behind me.

“I was the one who became sensitive. I’m sorry.”

I’m more nervous than my father right now.

‘But it has to be that way. This is something that never happened in the future.’

The fourth was not in the future.

‘There was no reason for a fourth child to be born in the first place.’

Instead of improving his relationship with his father, the future took a turn for the worse.

‘The father doesn’t do it, but the child is born? Life ends that day.’

My mother occasionally visited the royal capital, and each time, my father took advantage of the opportunity to meet with people from the empire.

‘But that doesn’t exist anymore.’

There is no such future anymore.

‘They couldn’t remove the buds, but they broke off the stems.’

For three years, her mother had never even spoken to a man outside of her family, let alone in the royal capital.

‘How hard did your father work? Even though he hated it so much, he always did it for her mother.

The father did not allow her mother to leave the bedroom, the mansion, or the nursery.

‘There is no cuckoo.’

Since the two spent every night together, there is no possibility at all.

‘The problem is not the cuckoo coming to break the egg or the snake trying to eat it, but whether the chick itself can break the egg and be born well.’

I sincerely hope that the child will be born well, but if that is not the case, the countess’s life is a bit difficult to bear.

If someone dies.

It would be better for my mother to die than for the count’s family to fall into disrepair-


Someone ran behind me.

“You came!”

“Letar. Then? Of course you should come. Did you cry?”

“Uh, that is.”

I wiped Letard’s crying eyes with my sleeve.

“Or who ran? Who. Noir? Or Ethan?”

“Oh, no! Ethan doesn’t! Ethan doesn’t make me cry!”

When Ethan is mentioned, Lethar immediately jumps up in fear.

“Eh, don’t say anything to Ethan. Ethan isn’t a bad kid.”

“I know. Then it’s Noir?”

“Well, that is.”

“Uh, bro, wow, are you here?”

Behind Lettar, Noir with a sour face approached hesitantly.

“What happened? Answer me.”

“It’s nothing! It’s just Lettar say something strange.”

“Strange sound?”

“The youngest is definitely a girl.”

“It’s a younger sister! It’s not a boy!”

“That’s just what you want. The youngest child has to be your younger brother. Absolutely!”


Suddenly, laughter came out.

‘I’m worried about whether I’ll be born or not.’

Was I too worried?

I guess I was too pessimistic to say that my younger siblings could not face the cruel reality.

“Shall we make a bet?”

“My bet?”

“Tongue, bro? What is that all of a sudden…?”

“If a younger sister is born, Lettar wins. If a younger brother is born, Noir wins.”

It’s a simple bet.

A bet based on gender, based on the premise of unconditional birth.

“If Lettar wins, I’ll introduce you to the Whites at the orphanage.”

“Oh, really? Wow, I’m excited! I’ve never seen any girls with white hair other than me!”

“That’s right.”

Letard has pure white hair.

It has nothing to do with imperial blood.

‘It’s just that the color here is so heavy.’

The children of Gibraltar have inconsistent hair color, and the same goes for eye color.

So, it is common to name a child based on the color of the child being born.

Letard’s white is only the color of Gibraltar, not the color of the empire.

However, it is similar to white in that it is the same white.

“Oppa, I heard you’re staying with the white girls these days?”

“That’s right.”


“Isn’t it pretty?”

“Then introduce me to your sisters!”

“That’s as much as you want.”

“Me too!”

Chat Noir, who was standing behind, suddenly shouted.

“If I win, introduce me too!”

“…What are you doing?”


Without realizing it, I answered with the same feeling as before the regression.

Still, I should praise myself for barely swallowing the words, ‘What are you going to do with so many women?’

“I’m not just asking you to introduce me! My kids are curious!”

“Children from daycare?”

“Yeah, that’s right! The orphanage kids and candidate students I saw in passing keep asking me questions!”

“Ah, is that so?”

The boys became energetic after training as prospective candidates for the Knights of Gibraltar for three years.

“Well, if they ask, they’ll do it to you. Are you sure they’ll do it to me?”

Nine (+2) white-haired, sickly-looking pretty girls suddenly appeared in front of them.

“Well, do you want to say hello?”

“Uh, um…”

“Or do you want to eat together? Should we set up a joint class?”

“…If you do, thank you.”

He is truly an honest guy.

This guy is such an honest and forthright human being that you would never think of him as a man born from his father.

‘I built a harem honestly and honestly.’

How many people were there?

I remember there were a maximum of 9 people.

I didn’t want to keep bringing in women and changing them around the mansion, so I built a separate villa, and I invited women to the villa and had a crazy party.

-You should follow your younger brother’s example, Gray.

It was so amazing that the emperor once said that to me.

Literally, a sound that will make your stomach explode.

If you think about that-

Jeopuk, Jeopuk.

I hear familiar footsteps.

From noble mtl dot come


My father comes down the stairs, looking as if he has lost his mind.


No way.

It can’t be.

No matter how much time has changed, there is no way that a child was born without a child would not be born properly-



“Garnet, Ruby, Carnelian. What do you think should be the name?”



The sight of my father being possessed was not due to anxiety.

“Are you your daughter?”

“Yes. It’s my daughter.”

The youngest is my younger sister.

“It looks exactly like me, and is red.”

It seems he inherited his father’s hair color and eyes.

“Why? Were you even worried?”


No way.


“The expression on his face he looked so serious. You thought someone was about to die.”

Are you kidding me?


“Um, okay.”

“Lettar. That’s good. Your little sister was born.”

“Ah, yes! Chu, congratulations! Father!”


As Lettar bowed and greeted his father, he smiled softly.

“But Noir. Wouldn’t it be a bit of a waste for you?”

“Tongue, bro?”

“You wanted a younger brother.”

“Well, that’s…!”

I glanced at my father.

My father didn’t think much of it, but-

“Now the fifth child can be a younger brother, right, father?”

“…Gray, you?”

“I will tell my mother separately. Noir wants a younger brother of hers.”

At my words, he immediately glared at Noir and frowned.

“Ah, father. It’s not that I don’t like the fourth child being a girl, it’s that… “


Noir couldn’t raise her head.

“Hey, everyone. Congratulatory applause.”


“Everyone in the capital will praise this news when they hear this. Their love is still burning brightly!”

If he had listened, he would have known that his father’s eyes were fixed on me, not on him.

“For the eternal love of the Earl and Countess of Gibraltar, who are still healthy and forever strong.”

Clap clap clap.

No matter how my father sees me, this is sincere.

The birth of the fourth child is also proof that history has changed.

“I hope you love so passionately that the mansion burns down.”

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