A Reincarnated Person With a Sub-Dimension chapter 26

A Reincarnated Person With a Sub-Dimension 26

Episode 26

With our backs to the trolls, we prepared to welcome the uninvited guests.

It wasn’t long before a group of men and women appeared in unison.

Ten of the uninvited guests were men.

Wearing heavy armor and carrying heavy weapons, he was no different from any other mercenary.

The peculiar thing was the clothes of the other two women.

They were both wearing leather armour, and in their hands were holding shortbows that looked to be about a meter long.

‘I should be careful.’

The surrounding area is full of bushes and trees.

There was no way to carry a shortbow in a place like this unless you were quite confident in your bow skills.

I put women in the first place to be dealt with in the event of a battle.

In the midst of a confrontation between the two sides, one person walked out of the crowd of uninvited guests.

At the same time, the women’s hands went up on their shoulders, and they took a posture as if they would draw arrows at any moment.

“My name is Tandal, who is leading the expedition. I see a few familiar faces, so why don’t we talk for a while?”

“The archers in the back don’t seem to think so, do they?”

At Wilmot’s words, Thandal looked at the women and chined.

Then the women nodded and lowered their hands.

“Looks like you’re ready to talk now. My name is Wilmot. It looks like you’re going somewhere in a hurry. Don’t waste your time and go on your way.”

Tandal responded to Wilmot’s celebratory order with a nonchalant face.

“It’s just that our destination is here. As long as we pack our things over there, they’ll leave even if we catch them, so can you move away for a while?”

Thandal pointed to the troll and said.

“I don’t quite understand what you’re talking about. All I see is the troll we hunted. Did you bury any treasure in the ground somewhere?”

As Wilmot deftly changed his words, a young man in the group of uninvited guests shouted.

“You hunted him? Bullsh*t! That troll was the one I found earlier.”

At the man’s rebuttal, Wilmot sneered.

“Is this young guy losing his mind? What are you talking about? If an unowned item falls on the ground, the first one to take it is the owner. What are you going to do now?”

As the atmosphere began to escalate, the hands of the women holding the short bows rose again.

I also quietly picked up a stone that had fallen on the floor.

“Stop! Who told you to interrupt the conversation? Excuse me. Anyway, you’re not wrong. But if you’re right, then you, who haven’t collected the by-products yet, can’t claim ownership of that troll, right?”

“So what do you mean?”

At Wilmot’s question, Tandal stroked his chin and said.

“I think it’s difficult for us who discovered the troll first or you who appeared later to claim the rightful ownership of each other. So why don’t we clearly determine the owner through a duel?”

In this world, dueling trials have a great meaning.

Unusually, the people here do not hesitate to strike back for profit, but the moment a duel is established, they accept the result without hesitation.

The reason for this is the belief that Teres watches the dueling trial.

To think that a real God is watching over them.

Those deeply rooted in their faith had no choice but to accept the outcome of the duel.

Even in the course of the duel, even if he died gloriously, he did not want a cowardly victory.

As a result, for the purpose of ensuring fairness in duels, duels were held between people of similar skill or in situations where one side was superior, the fairness was increased by applying unfavorable conditions.

‘There’s no way I’ll just let it go if I see a duel.’

A situation where the troll’s ownership is still unclear.

Refusing a duel now meant risking one’s life in battle.

“Okay. From our side, we’ll let the warriors of the Three Orders go. Instead, we’ll make the condition that we don’t use weapons and don’t do life-threatening attacks. Do you agree?”

“I agree.”

After negotiations, Wilmot called our party together.

“Is there anyone who will volunteer? If we win, we’ll pay more for that amount. Even if we lose, we won’t say anything, so if you want someone, tell us first.”

Everyone in the party was silent at Wilmot’s question.

Of course, it would be nice if we won, but it would be because we have to bear the burden when we lose.

‘Should I step in?’

From noble mtl dot com

If you don’t use a weapon, you’re confident that you can win even against skilled fighters.

If the other party loses, dozens of silver coins are lost.

Just as I was thinking about it, Nick made an opinion.

“Hey, brother. If Ian and that friend are okay, how about going as a representative? Even just the armor we’re wearing must be quite heavy, but our movements won’t be pushed back by us at all. It seems like it. I think everyone will admit it to some degree.”

At Nick’s words, Wilmot looked at me without saying a word.

After thinking about it, I opened my mouth.

“I’ll do it.”

Wilmot turned his head to look at the group and said.

“Since you don’t say anything, I think everyone agrees. Then only you will believe me.”


Wilmot put a little pressure on me by saying that he believed.

I laid down my weapon and my baggage and stepped forward.

After a while, a man in plate armor walked up to me from a group of uninvited guests.

The man was slightly shorter than me and had a stocky physique.

There was no other signal announcing the start of the duel.

The man and I looked into each other’s eyes and watched each other’s movements.

No one made a sound in the tense atmosphere.

‘Let’s finish quickly.’

I had no intention of protracting the duel, so I moved forward step by step with my arms stretched out in a slightly bent state.

Finally, at the point where it was judged to be an appropriate distance, I lowered my upper body and charged toward the man’s waist.

The man seemed to have expected an attack, so he calmly moved his feet and stepped back.

At that moment, I slightly increased my speed and approached the man.

The man’s left ankle was caught by the quick half-beat movement.

I grabbed the man’s ankle tightly and pulled him hard.

Then, as she turned to the left, she quickly dug into the back of the man who lost her balance and fell.

My right arm immediately wrapped around the man’s neck and squeezed it.


The man pulled my hands and wrists with both hands to get away from me.

But it was useless.

When I didn’t budge, the man changed his strategy.

I’m not wearing my left pauldron, so my shoulder and upper arm are exposed.

Attacking an opponent’s weak spot is the basis of combat.

The man bent his left elbow and pushed it forward, probably intending to slap me on the shoulder.

In this situation, you may be injured by the sharp elbow guard.


However, as I raised my mana, I felt the opponent’s movements one after another.

As soon as the man’s arms were open, I slammed my fist into his armpit.


The man was in so much pain that he couldn’t even scream.

I raised my left fist to strike the man on the head.

“Enough! We lost.”

At that moment, Thandal’s voice echoed through the forest.

I took a step back, loosening the arm that was holding the man’s neck.

The man sat down with his back bent and massaged his neck and armpits with both hands.

“Good job.”

At Wilmot’s words, I nodded lightly and walked among the group.

The crowd of uninvited guests left without a word.

Their faces as they left were gloomy, probably because they had lost a considerable amount of money right in front of their eyes.

“Nice job, Ian! I knew I would win.”

Nick shouted as soon as the group of uninvited guests disappeared from sight.

The other party also congratulated me on my victory by adding a word to each other.

After a while, we gathered the by-products of the trolls and started moving in the direction of Erita.


In the forest where everyone left.

The dead troll’s head twitched.


A soft sound resounded as if something hard had scraped the bone.

hard. hard.

At some point the sound gradually got louder.

The troll’s skull shattered at once, and something came out of it.


Its identity was a wasp the size of an adult forearm.

He staggered and crawled on the ground, as if there was something wrong with his body.

The wasp, which hovered around the troll for a while, flapped its wings and disappeared into the forest.


We returned to Erita about a month after we left the country.

Originally, I could have arrived earlier, but I was a little late as I hunted orcs to fill my score.

After parting with my party, I went straight to the Mercenary Office.

After submitting 2 troll teeth and 62 orc teeth, I was finally able to be promoted to the same rank.

I expected it to take at least 3 months, but I achieved my goal faster than that.

While he was away, he received a letter from the village.

I kept the letter with the intention of looking at it later.

I left the mercenary office and stopped by Uncle Kit’s shop.

Upon arriving in Erita, Wilmot weighed the troll’s spine and removed my portion.

Of the dead troll by-products, my share was about 30 percent.

Adding the by-products of the trolls he had previously hunted, he was able to earn 170 silver coins.

Originally, the regular price was about 168 silver coins, but Mr. Kit neatly filled the last spot.

Uncle Kit did not hold back his praise throughout the conversation, saying that his eyes were not wrong.

After returning to the inn and taking a clean bath, I read the letter.

Looking at the contents, everyone seemed to be doing well.

In the meantime, Richard’s older brother had succeeded in rising to the 4th rank, and in the fall he said he would be knighted by the Earl of Stoke.

In addition, he took an interest in Alec, as if he was planning to place seeds at the time.

He said that if Alec is sent to the village, he will decide whether to take him in as a servant after checking his character and qualities.

‘I wish I could do that too, but only when I get a call.’

Laura still has not been contacted.

I don’t even know where it is, but I can’t go there and tell them.

I decided to assume that if contact was cut off like this, it was not meant to be.

I left the inn to meet Eva.

My best friend in Erita is Eva.

It was necessary to get closer when it came to practical gains apart from personal preference.

I had dinner with Eva and asked her to spread the word about her relationship with Uncle Herbert.

Sister Eva said that it was still too early, so she would work on it at the right time.

Then he seduced me again, telling me not to worry and join their mercenary squad.

But I declined the offer, saying sorry.

Once I climbed the proficiency sutra, there was nothing to be afraid of unless the leader, who seemed to be Jerome, came.

If, while Uncle Harbert’s name was being eaten, he could not reach the proficiency level, then there was another way to prepare.

After eating with Eva-sister.

I drank from the dragon’s goblet with Nick.

Nick knows a lot, and how fun he is at talking.

We drank happily and left the dragon’s goblet.

I paid for this drink.

“Also, thanks to you, my pockets have become thicker, so I can’t end it like this. I know a good place, so let’s go.”

I followed Nick, hoping to find a good bar.

and after some time

I regretted not asking Nick where he was going.

“Uh… Mr. Nick, I don’t think this is a good place.”

“No, it’s nothing. I’ll pay for it, so open your eyes and find out if there’s a girl you like.”

The street we stopped at was full of red lanterns.

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  1. Asthal says:

    Lmao do bro about to pop his Cherry?
    Wait does the MC even a virgin tho? Like idk bout his past life but in his second life he totally Haven’t do it

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