A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 31

A Veteran of the Hero Academy 31

After the battle, the man really ate food and rolled around in bed with many women.

– Wow…

‘This friend also had a great bed. Watch this and learn, boy.’

– You’re the f*cking Lunagum.

‘It’s still too slow to notice that now.’

There’s nothing wrong with learning, so I focused on the man’s movements.

When a relationship with a woman is over, a man always asks the woman for her wishes.

– What’s with that strange ritual? Should I ask such a thing after the original relationship?

With no experience, I thought it might be.

‘It’s just that kid’s tradition.’

– Aha, I almost ripped it off later.

‘Can I?’

crazy bastard.

Women said various wishes to such a man.

From money to a wish to kill her husband.

Men have always made women’s wishes come true.

whatever it is

Finally got it done

– That’s why you’re so poor that you can’t even wear clothes to win.

The man went out to the arena again.

The man’s movements were like a wild beast.

A man’s strength was not strength through systematic training, but strength due to natural talent and numerous experiences.

The man was handling even the energy instinctively.

The way I dealt with that energy was different from mine.

With a reckless movement, the man killed any number of opponents and pulled out their heads.

There was only roughness and destruction in the man’s movements.

– Is this a person?

It was the most subversive strength I had ever seen.

In the end, no one challenged the man any more.

I’m itching because I can’t drink blood.

Thirst for blood was to no avail, no matter how much he hugged the woman.

Then a man came from the empire.

The man with the beard like a mouse kept his eyes on me and delivered the emperor’s orders.

“Cartastre, go up north at the Emperor’s command and pluck out all the savages who do not know the subject and expose their teeth.”

– This is the first name I’ve ever heard.

‘Aren’t boys basically ignorant?’

The man who delivered the order trembled and pulled out a pocket full of gold from his arms.

It’s funny that I have to subdue a savage because I have black hair and black eyes that are characteristic of a savage.

It didn’t matter to me as a savage who had been taken captive to the Empire as a child, so it didn’t matter.

If you can quench this thirst, it doesn’t matter who you are.

They even give you gold.

That’s it, and I pulled out the rat’s head.

The mouse boy did not rebel as if he knew his fate.

I’m so thirsty now.

The man’s blood entered his mouth and awakened his mind.

Then, shall we go home after a long time?

– Shit! Heck!


The man was in the middle of the battlefield.

Today must be my birthday.

I mean, there’s so much blood.

“Die! You deserve it!”

The man in front of me ran towards me, cursing at me in the slurred imperial language.

He threw the head in his hand at the man.

Then the man panicked and his legs were slightly twisted.

I shoved my fist into the man’s chest and my hand pierced the man and protruded from his back.


He also pulled out the man’s head and drank it.


– Crazy shit, wow.

After that, he ran at random and pulled out the heads of the savages.

At some point, the savages were busy running away from me.

these cowards.

It was just a rumor that barbarians are not afraid of death.

I ran along to the forest where the savages fled.

In the forest, the barbarians had more fun.

Spears and arrows that do not know where to fly.

And even the traps that pop up from time to time.

There is no general gift set.

It took me a while to drink the blood of the last man.

I won’t be thirsty for a while.

I just fell down and fell asleep.


The sharp feeling automatically went out and blocked it.

When I opened my eyes, a charming savage woman with brown skin and big eyes was stabbing my heart with a sword.

The woman holding my hand resisted.

The woman’s shiny skin and bursting breasts caught my eye.

“I just needed a woman.”

“You crazy beast!!”

The woman rebelled by swearing in the weak imperial language.

I hugged the woman roughly.

The woman resisted, but at some point she surrendered herself to me.

– It’s kinda…

A man who had spent the night hurriedly came down from above the woman.

The woman’s body was shaking violently.

“What is your wish?”

The man looked at the woman with indifferent eyes and said.


Life returned to the woman’s eyes that had fallen.

“Yeah, wish. You can say anything.”

“…Take down the empire that killed my family. Then you can take me as much as you want.”

The woman’s eyes were full of poison, who spoke in the weak imperial language.

it’s empire That would be fun.

“I don’t know if I’ll succeed. I’ll try.”

I pulled out the sword I had put on the ground again.

I won’t be bored for a while.

The woman looked at me like that, and then got up with her shaky legs.

“I’m going too.”

The woman drew her dagger.

“That’s right. I have to release my s*xual desire too.”

“However much”

Poison flowed in the woman’s eyes as she answered.

– It’s hard to understand.

‘Don’t worry, boy. Eventually the boy will understand everything.’

Sword said in a voice that forced her to laugh.

what the f*ck are you talking about




Now the man fought against the Imperial Army.

Normal soldiers could not stop the man.

The man did not tire, he did not stop, nor did he fall.

The Imperial Army, which initially ignored men because there was only one person, became urgent when the number of soldiers killed at the hands of men exceeded a thousand.

My mind was getting worn out because I had to see and feel the whole process.

I felt like I killed a thousand people with my own hands.

no did you kill it?

Even the woman who was suspicious at first believed and followed the man from a certain moment.

Gradually, savages began to group behind the man.

The man didn’t care about them.

No matter who followed me, I fought when I wanted to fight and slept when I wanted to.

The savages followed such a man with an eye on him.

When a man plucked the head of one of the infamous commanders of the Imperial Army and drank the blood, all the savages wept and chanted the man’s name.

“Ah!!! Our King!! Cartastre!”

– Wait, this savage is the king of savages?

‘It’s not called that’

– Crazy f*cking beautification was so bad.

‘Ha ha ha ha ha’

The man stared at him with a blank look on the piles of corpses of numerous imperial soldiers.


The number of barbarians involved in the ongoing war, independent of the overwhelming force of men, dwindled.

Now there were only a dozen left.

But their eyes were full of faith in the man.

Still the man didn’t care about them.

– This is the pinnacle of indifference.

Eventually, the man was able to go as far as the capital city could be seen.

The man’s body was engraved with scars.

It’s so packed that it’s more difficult to find an empty space.

“It’s nice to see you again after a long time.”

“Have you ever been to the capital?”

Now, a woman with scars all over her body asked the man in a friendly tone.


The man answered lightly and began to warm up.

“…it’s fine up to this point”

The woman hurriedly grabbed the man and spoke as if chewing or spitting it out.

“Isn’t that your wish?”

The man’s unsuitable clear eyes looked at the woman.

“…my wish has changed”

The woman’s imperial language had already become proficient. The woman bowed her head and caressed her slightly protruding stomach.

“You are the first woman to change wishes in the middle.”

The man grabbed the woman’s hand and smiled.

“Don’t talk about other women without notice.”

The woman tapped the man’s chest.

The man smiled and looked at the woman.

The worried woman opened her mouth.

“…just go and live far away with me.”

Tears welled up in the woman’s eyes. The woman couldn’t look at the man’s mouth for fear that the answer she wanted would come out of the man’s mouth.

“I do.”

The man answered without thinking.

The woman smiled brightly at the man’s answer and wept.

With that bright smile, the man thought that he wanted to live for the first time in his life.

“There are a lot of unnecessary tears.”

The man wiped the woman’s tears with his scarred hands.

– Whoops.

‘Pu ha ha ha you are very sensitive’

– No, it’s not that I’m very sensitive, it’s because I’m that guy now.

f*cking sword bastard.

At that time, a large creature flew over the capital with an overwhelming presence.

– What the f*ck is that.

‘It’s a lizard’


The cry of a dragon with a dark blood color shook the world.

It was a presence that scared me even when I saw it through a man.

– The dragon really cries while crying.

‘It was just a little bit similar’

“Go first.”

The man said as he gently pushed the woman’s hand holding his arm.


The woman once again grabbed the man’s arm and clung to it.

“Don’t worry, I’ll definitely go.”

The man smiled softly, not matching his scarred face.

– no! If you spit those lines out!

The woman bit her lip.

“…just don’t come.”

There was no more poison in the woman’s eyes looking at the man.

“I’m going to kill you.”

The woman spoke in an infinitely soft tone that did not match the content.

“It wouldn’t be bad for you to die.”

The man grinned and turned back. The woman looked at the man’s back for a long time, then turned and went away.

“I wish it was sharp enough to cut that lizard.”

The man raised the corners of his mouth, gripped his sword again, and walked towards the red lizard.

The sword in the man’s hand shone brightly as if answering.

The dragon looked at such a man as if it were funny.


The dragon’s howl shook the earth.

Hearing that cry, the man started running towards the dragon.

“I was wondering what dragon blood tastes like.”

The man took the sword and jumped vigorously.

“I hope it’s delicious.”

– He must be a real crazy bastard.

‘Ah ha ha ha!’


“I’ll support you!”

Andrea made a loud noise.

“Miss Andrea? But Miss Andrea didn’t like being out of the academy very much, did she?”

The priest’s eyes widened in surprise at Andrea’s loud voice and said,

“As one of the people in charge of the academy, I want to fulfill my mission! I also have the highest divine power!”

Andrea’s voice grew louder without knowing it.

In the eyes of the suspicious bride, Andrea deliberately shed a little divine power.

As he met Aiden and made holy water with various things, and studied the divine power to make him feel less, Andrea’s divine power increased rapidly.

It seemed that the aptitudes that had come out of the former academy were gradually being expressed.

Andrea was the first to thank her talent for divine power.

“Oh! Andrea-sama’s divine power has reached this level before?!”

The bride opened her eyes wide and looked at Andrea.

An ‘oh-‘ was heard from the surrounding area as well.

Already, Andrea’s divine power was beyond the scope of a general priest.

Of course, other combat abilities are poor, but shouldn’t a priest have only high divine power?

“Then I think it would be good for Andrea Yang to join us.

“thank you!”

Andrea’s voice grew louder again.

“Andrea-sama is very faithful.”

The bride was slightly surprised, but then smiled kindly.

Aiden, wait a minute.

There are still many parts of me that I haven’t been able to feed Aiden-sama.

Just thinking about it made my face turn red again and my stomach warmed up.

I’ll save you.

My dear and only customer Aiden.


The thick steel door smashed and flew in.

That door is specially made, but it flies so easily?

And a familiar woman walked through the door.

Red hair and red eyes.

It was Vicky that I didn’t want to see even in my dreams.

“Bee…Vicky-sama! What’s going on in this shabby place!”

Grayson habitually put his knees on the ground and greeted Vicky.

Grayson, the guild leader of the information guild, was of no use to Vicky.

Vicky naturally placed her feet on Grayson’s head.


I heard Vicky’s voice filled with anger.

Grayson had seen Vicky for years, but it was the first time he had seen Vicky so angry.

Even though he was not the object of his anger, he was afraid for nothing, and his heart beat faster.

“What!? What information are you talking about…”

“Give me an hour of information about the groups wearing white masks.”

Vicky spit it out and sat down on the guild leader’s chair.

An hour is too short to gather information.

But Grayson saw Vicky’s eyes and realized.

If we don’t get it within an hour, our information guild will be blown away.

Vicky’s eyes lit up with anger burning like fire.

Grayson ran out of the office with all his heart and shouted.

“Emergency! Emergency! Keep all other quests and get information about the White Mask group! Within an hour!!!”

At Grayson’s cry, the guild members looked at them in surprise.

Ah-oh! Really boring bastards.

“Rescue them quickly! f*ck you! Mothers behind you! If you don’t want to be behind!!!”

Then the informants started running around.

I really need to cut it all off. boring cubs.

Grayson hurriedly ran to the warehouse where he had gathered the information documents.

There was a sound of something breaking in the guild chief’s office, but I tried to ignore it.

f*ck the white mask!

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