Abandoned Priest at the Hero’s Party chapter 239

Abandoned Priest at the Hero's Party 239

239 – The Word is Evidence

When that inevitable time comes, the sleeping mountain ranges will awaken, the fragile shell of the earth will crack, and the end of the eastern plains will come.

Even if we were lucky and the situation didn’t get to that point, it was as obvious as seeing fire that we would suffer great damage. The problem is who will believe this story?

“Actually, I don’t really feel it.”

This is why I agreed with what the princess said as she scratched her head. Actually, so do I. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, or if it was just something someone else had told me, it would have been difficult for her to believe it with her head but sympathize with her heart.

“Still, I can’t imagine that what the Holy Son says is a lie.”

At least when he saw my face, it seemed like he believed me at least to that extent. In fact, Roca, who had been up there with us, still seemed confused.

I thought it was because I said that the mountain range was alive, but it seems like the reality still hasn’t come. Honestly, if someone other than me had told Roca this, he would have reacted by telling me not to be weird.

The problem is that this strange sound is true,

The bigger problem is that we must convince the people of the Eastern Plains of this fact.

This is difficult for me, who was not born here, do not know the people here, and am still not a prisoner. Chancellor Lambeth, who was born here, knows the people here well, and is also a prisoner, frowned.

“If all that is true, this is not something I can handle on my own. In a sense, it signals the end of the kingdom. First, let’s invite more people and have a meeting. Ha, I never thought in my life that I would become a traitor.”

So we called some more people.

To be precise, Roka ordered the people residing in the kingdom to call him. However, in the meantime, people who were not invited also came in.

-Did you call me? Did you call me? So I came. But what happened? Over there, the dragon was grabbing the wolf and shaking it. Did you do that too?

“Did you find it?”

The evil spirit and Yanid came to us without even calling us. He probably came here when he heard the call of servants who were looking for others and happened to have nothing else to do.

Since this is what happened, I decided to stick with what I sang from the beginning.

“What on earth is going on at this late hour? Has an external enemy invaded? “Hmm.”

It is true that we called the messenger who wandered in, and he is also the one who should be here.

“Kisea probably won’t be able to come. Oh, don’t be mistaken. I didn’t run away this time. Guardian Dragon seemed so angry that she returned to her dragon form… Ugh? Sister, weren’t you there? “Did you even teleport?”

Now that I think about it, Leon-san has never met Ajahadaka face to face.

You might have mistaken the dragon that was flying above the capital earlier for Yanid.

“Anyway, that’s why Robbo and Blanca can’t come either. Uncle Urban will be here in a little while. But why did you call us like this? “I don’t feel like giving a gift.”

“General. “I will start with the conclusion.”

Prime Minister Lambeth seemed to be reluctant to open his mouth, and even as he spoke, he had a disapproving expression on his face. But soon, he closed his eyes tightly and opened his mouth.

“The Beast Kingdom can no longer be maintained. “I need you to join me in dismantling the kingdom.”

The answer that came back was pretty obvious.

“Are you all drunk by any chance?”

Because there has never been anything like this before in the world.

It is not an invasion by a foreign enemy or a national war, but it is unthinkable for the king to dissolve the country with his own hands. The so-called national body is something so heavy that no one can tamper with it, even the monarch is no exception.

“Or is everyone going crazy? Huh?”

“Mister. As a king, I will ask you a question. Can you defeat a living mountain? “If he’s confident, I’ll assume he doesn’t have any plans.”

“What, what? What mountain? A living mountain?”

“The Kalkamir Mountains are alive and moving.”

But in the face of such a huge external force, such things really have no meaning. Even if the framework of the country is destroyed, shouldn’t people live and see?

The lion, who seemed ready to show his teeth at any moment, quietly blinked his eyes. Actually, this question is a no-brainer. He grunted and responded in a low voice.

“I am quite confident in my physical defense, but what about mountain ranges? How do you defeat something like that? How can I stop something so big with my power? “No, the Beast King who says that, is that possible?”

“You’re saying let’s abandon this place and run away because it’s impossible. I’m not asking you to abandon others. “We can all escape through the gate created by the dragon.”

“Oh, no, what about more evidence? Do you have any proof? “Proof that the mountain range is alive!”

“Master’s word is proof, do you need other proof?”

Loka’s words drew attention to me.

I was embarrassed, but I can’t refute it because it’s the truth. There is no physical evidence to show to people. There are only eyewitness accounts of me and Ajahadaka.

“So, you’re going to believe just one word from that priest, take down the sign of the Beastin Kingdom, and send everyone in the plains beyond the gate?”


“Are you telling me to leave all my land, houses, and property on this land?”

“First of all, life comes first.”

“Hey, you crazy…!”

The evil spirit nodded his head in agreement at the words of Mr. Leon, who was screaming while holding his head with both hands.

-If I, as a new believer, tell believers to abandon their farmland and household property, pack up only their belongings and families, and move to another place, I think there would be one out of ten fanatics who would follow my instructions. But you and they are not connected by religion. Do you think that would be possible?

“Well, I won’t say anything because I know the priest’s personality, but from the perspective of the residents, the only thing they can see is a pagan priest from a foreign country who is leading the queen into superstitions and manipulating her state affairs? Can you handle that gaze? “What about that responsibility?”

“Responsibility? “I can take full responsibility.”

Roka replied as he placed the laurel wreath on his head down on the table.

“Just give up your position as king and that’s it.”

The reason the child seems to be holding back laughter is probably due to his mood.

It is a well-known fact that a dead person can no longer be held responsible.

Of course, if the grudge is not resolved, the body can be torn apart. But that’s just an expression of anger, and it can’t do any harm to someone who’s already dead.

It is a heavy thing for a king to take responsibility for the failure of state affairs and step down from his position as king. As human beings, ordinary monarchs ultimately make countless mistakes in their lives, but none of them takes full responsibility for them.

In most cases, they either cut off the tail and pass most of the blame on to their subordinates, put an iron plate on their faces and take the blame, or suppress the criticism through oppression.

Even if you make a mistake that is too big, rebellion or rebellion does not usually occur immediately, so in most cases, it is just a matter of having your authority slightly damaged. Unless a person loses a war or truly fails in government affairs, the throne usually does not change for a long time once the owner is chosen.

However, if the king admits that he has failed in his administration and abandons his throne with his own hands,

It’s like paying a really big price. The king reflected and repented, even took off his crown and returned to being an ordinary person. How can they hold him accountable any further?

It would be a different story if the blood clot was really deep, but what we are trying to do is not cruel. They just want to move people on a large scale. It’s not even about sending them to the wasteland.

I owe a lot to the princess’s cooperation in this matter. Additionally, it was thanks to Mr. Kisea that he had already received the title of Viscount of the Empire.

“I just submitted a report to His Majesty. His Majesty says he will grant territory to Viscount Kisea on the condition that the masters of the Beastman Kingdom help in the fight against the Shinigami. The Empire is fully willing to accept you.”

Even excluding Roca, there are Leon, Robo, and Kisea. In addition to these three masters, the Beastman Kingdom also possesses the famous master Urban. For an empire that has been facing off against the envoy for a long time, this level of assistance is nothing short of rain in a drought. There would have been no reason to refuse.

“If you can control the order of affairs well, there may be no need for you to give up the throne. “I will coordinate the procedures as best as I can.”

Roca’s expression, which was about to burst into laughter, became sullen again. Prime Minister Lambeth drank a glass of water and continued speaking.

“Well then, let’s start with what has been decided. First, I will issue an edict telling everyone to pack food and supplies. Rather than immediately start talking about something as absurd as a mountain range, let’s first announce that it is to prepare for an unexpected attack by the monster Hydra, which is running rampant out of control.”

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