Abandoned Priest at the Hero’s Party chapter 245

Abandoned Priest at the Hero's Party 245

245 – Irreverent Thoughts

“Please help me… Or at least, just kill me.”

When I saw Mr. Kisea again after a few days, he already looked like he had become very skinny. He had already heard that he was able to complete the gate because of that person’s great ‘cooperation’, but when he saw it in person, it seemed like he went through a lot more trouble than he thought. In any case, your physical condition never lies.

After infusing him with divine power, he now looks much better. Judging from the way he swallowed food and water when people who appeared to be members of the gray wolf clan brought him food and water, he was probably not even able to eat properly and was engrossed in his ‘work’. He may have had no choice.

[Anyway, the gate can be activated right now. The amount of magical power of humans is not something to be underestimated as much as I thought.]

“Preparations for relocation are going well. “I wouldn’t say the backlash is small, but it’s not so bad that it can’t be suppressed with the authority of the Beast King.”

There may be people gnashing their teeth behind the scenes, but there was no huge backlash as feared. Chancellor Lambeth commented that the residents of the eastern plains were accustomed to being obedient under Ephyrna, so they did not seem to be able to easily renege on the words of Roca, who defeated Ephyrna and became the Beast King.

“There is some unrest, but it is not uncontrollable. When I first planned this, I was prepared for civil unrest. “For that matter, the current situation is better than expected.”

Of course, the reason they obeyed was not simply because Loka was strong. Also, it is not just because the authority of the Beast King is high. There are certainly reasons for that, and it is a bigger part, but the most important thing is that the princess herself made a promise on behalf of the empire.

No matter how much one person accumulates, he or she cannot take all of his or her belongings. I have no choice but to leave my home here. You probably won’t have enough space to even take livestock. In any case, people come first, not livestock.

You have to leave behind all the wealth you have built up your entire life and move to a place you have never been to before. If you have no hope of living a decent life there, no matter how strong Loka is or how high the authority of the Beast King is, it doesn’t matter. It’s meaningless. People will not care about such things and will stand up and fight until the death.

It will be a mixed bag anyway. However, there is now hope that one can at least make a living in the empire. If the promise was properly fulfilled, life might be better than it is now.

Kisea, Leon, and all the other beastmen leaders made a promise, and the princess guaranteed it. The empire’s promise is that if you participate in the migration, you will be provided with a house and land free of charge.

The situation in the empire is not so good that it willingly nods to such a promise. To the point where I could easily pay this price to hire three masters.

I don’t know which side is truly desperate, but the empire probably judged itself to be in a more desperate situation.

They don’t know that the Kalkamir Mountains are alive, and they don’t know why we are trying to evacuate the beastmen. If a messenger comes right in front of you and you say you’ll lend a hand, then of course you can’t say anything bad about it. The empire offered pretty good conditions.

Of course, there is no guarantee that the promise will be kept. This is especially true if the princess follows me to the North Pole. However, she succeeded in persuading him this time, and since he will be going to the islands with them, she can only hope that seeing his face, he will not be able to break his promise.

“Anyway, does it make sense to leave the mountain and river where our ancestors are buried?”

“You have to be able to trust the Empire. “I don’t trust humans.”

“How is this any different from abandoning our homeland, which we worked hard to build for half our lives, and going into the throats of humans? After all, a young person shouldn’t be the king of beasts. Epirna was better. Now the Beast King is in the ten directions. What is he doing? “I don’t have a beast-man mentality, I have a beast-man mentality.”

When you treat people, you naturally have conversations and listen carefully to what other people say. At least from what I heard, the older people were, the more negative they were about this move. If they are of that age, they are truly people who lived through a period of sharp conflict with humans.

He is negative toward humans and the empire, and instead has no choice but to feel attached to this land where he has lived his entire life. That’s not a bad thing, and maybe it’s natural. There was a high possibility that they would never try to move there no matter how much the empire paid them.

Still, there is not only opposition to this great migration plan. Mainly young people viewed our plan with at least neutral, if not positive, opinions.

“They say you can make money. “You have to be able to believe that.”

“I heard the imperial city is so splendid. I would like to see it at least once. “I’m not sure if I want to live there, but…”

“As long as the promise is kept properly, there is nothing I can’t do, but if this is a fraud…”

Of course, they did not agree with the Great Migration. ‘There is nothing I can’t try’ and ‘I want to do it’ are completely different things, so it was difficult to say I agreed.

There is no support from anyone, but it is still something that must be done. When it’s all too late, there won’t be any way to escape.

Anyway, this matter has now come under the jurisdiction of politics,

It is no longer an area that Roka and I can touch.

This is a matter that must be completed by the high-ranking members of the beast race, including Prime Minister Lambeth, and the princess. In fact, no matter how strong the opposing views, what will happen will happen and there will probably be no exceptions.

When the time comes, the Kalkamir Mountains on the Arctic border will rise up, and when that time comes, everyone will have no choice but to agree. Ancestors are important and family wealth is important, but they are not more important than life.

But when that time really comes,

There is no way the Empire could not figure out who is desperate.

And it was impossible from the beginning for Her Majesty Ardain, the princess of the empire, to give up the interests of her empire and take the side of the beast people. So perhaps conditions will change and become worse.

There is already a precedent in the past, but it is highly likely that they will try to receive land instead of giving a house and land. It was the same for Citadel refugees, who were also humans, so it was no wonder that it was even more expensive for beastmen. Even empires don’t live off the land.

From Noble mtl dot com

In fact, Roca had already warned about all of this.

But the only thing that came back was that the wolf was talking bullsh*t. Anyway, we’ve already done everything we could. The rest has no choice but to leave it to the mercy of the Lord.

“We will take care of the rest, saint. As you said, someone has to protect the house and solve these problems in the meantime.”

The princess spoke while brushing her hair.

“So now, saint, focus on getting to the North Pole. “Please don’t put any more effort into these issues.”


Thanks to this, we were now able to properly prepare for the North Pole.


Actually, this does not apply to us who have bluebird feathers,

When going to the North Pole, cold protection measures are essential. No matter how powerful that person is.

An absolutely strong person of the level of a Master may be able to temporarily overcome the extreme cold by mobilizing magical power, but the cold is not something that can be removed by cutting with a sword or stabbing with a spear.

Even if you generate heat, you will soon be overwhelmed by the cold around you, so you must continue to use your magical power to protect yourself from the extreme cold. It might not be impossible for a master, but it would be quite a hassle.

So even if the result is the same anyway, there is a big difference between wearing a sleeveless dress and wearing thick fur clothes. That was something Yurinel tested with her own body.

In any case, the North Pole is still an area full of unknowns, so there are many things you cannot know unless you try it yourself.


Roca, dressed in fur so much that he looked like a bear rather than a wolf, waddled over. These eastern plains produce a lot of fur, and getting several sets of clothes made from fur can now be done with a single command.

“If I wear something like this, it’ll be warm, right?”

hehehehe, I feel sorry for the laughing child, but that won’t happen. It’s just less cold.

This is what happens if you rely only on that fur coat without the bluebird’s feathers. The North Pole is an extremely cold place, and the average person’s entire body freezes after being exposed to it even for a moment.

[I just hate cold places.]

Ajahada grumbled and put on her clothes, which were just as big as a human face. Why, just like you dress a horse in barding, you can make any number of fur clothes that fit a dragon once you custom-make it.

The dragon, wrapped in fluffy fur, shrank back as if feeling uncomfortable from the cold. This may be natural since lizards, members of the same family, also dislike the cold.

[I think he’s thinking something irreverent.]

“Is that possible?”

I quickly turned my head and looked at Yanid, who was fully equipped not only with a fur coat, but also gloves and snow boots. Heavily armed, he nods when he sees me.

It looks like it’s half dragon and doesn’t like the cold. For a dragon, extreme cold is not something life-threatening, but it seems that it just hates the cold itself.

-Everyone is crazy. Are you really going to go to the North Pole? He’s crazier than me, the evil god. This is really crazy. Hey, can I really not go?

Oberta pleaded, but no one listened to her. Yanid, her titular saint, even seemed more interested in her fur gloves than in her own gods.

Now that everyone is ready to go to the North Pole, all that remains is a decision.

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