Abandoned Priest at the Hero’s Party chapter 251

Abandoned Priest at the Hero's Party 251

251 – How to Stop It

From the moment you take your first step toward life, every life begins its own advance toward death. There is nothing permanent in this world, so we are ultimately destined to fail to escape mortality.

Nevertheless, the reason people gain strength and move forward is,

Even though you know that that day will definitely come to you, you believe that at least it will not be tomorrow. If you think about it, whether there is a primal being or not, we will die anyway when the time comes.

He looked at me with a somewhat mysterious gaze. I seemed to be curious about how I would react after realizing the truth. Fortunately, I wasn’t too surprised. If I had still stayed in that small town, Larpentia, I would have definitely been shocked.

I’ve been so surprised so many times that I’ve become used to it. I’m not sure if I should call this introspection, but my previous experiences definitely helped me keep my cool.

‘Of all the big things I’ve experienced so far, this is definitely the biggest.’

I was there when a civil war broke out in the imperial palace, and I was also there when the Citadel almost collapsed. Each was a major event that almost brought down the royal dynasty and the country, but nothing can be compared to this incident. It is true that the collapse of a family or a nation is a once-in-a-lifetime event, but it is meaningless compared to the story told by the Demon King.

Now I can understand why the ancient demon king was so detached from worldly fame and good. From the beginning, he could be anything and do anything.

But he did nothing. It was because I knew it was meaningless anyway. Listening to what he said, it seemed as if he had seen that cycle with his own eyes several times.

He had seen most of the world’s life being wiped out and new ones flourishing, and in a sense, he was the most despairing person in the world. There was already no light in his heart, so he didn’t even have the desire to do anything.

That thing called primeval cannot actually be called despair. It’s something that simply wakes up and goes back to sleep in its own cycle.

Rather than fear or despair, it is simply a tragedy. The only unfortunate thing is that we were living the moment when the play began without us knowing. So, as long as we live in this moment and this time, we cannot avoid it.

-hahahaha, stop talking bullsh*t. What kind of nonsense is this? Even if you are the strongest being on the continent, that doesn’t prove that everything you say is true.

Evil God, Oberta asked back with a smile. However, her smile was somehow awkward, as if she had forced it. And she couldn’t even hide the fear on her face.

The reason why the old evil spirit who has lived with her for such a long time cannot even properly hide her own expression is probably because she knows. That there is absolutely no reason for that devil to lie to us.

“After attaining divinity and rising to the rank of minister, have you ever wondered? Do you really think there was no one like you before you? Even in the past era, there were people who prided themselves on being ministers. “What do you think they were thinking in the last moments of their era?”

The evil spirit could not bear to give any answer.

“Did you think that since you have already abandoned your body and become a god with only your spirit remaining, you will be immortal as long as you have faith? It’s not wrong, but if the subjects of the faith disappear in large numbers, God can’t do anything. If you are thinking of manifesting yourself and trying to stop the Primordial Body, I will not stop you. “If only I could do that!”

She stepped back without even being able to hide her trembling appearance, and Roca and Yanid, who saw her, fell into deep thought.

The Demon King just muttered with a dull expression.

“You call me the devil and the best of the continent, but in front of the true continent, all those titles are worthless. “I devoted a long time to research to find a way to stop it.”

“The so-called monsters are merely by-products created during the research process. No matter how many times I studied it, the results were the same. The only conclusion left was that it was too big for me to do anything about. “Even though I devoted myself to training for such a long time, I still don’t know whether the gap between me and it has narrowed.”

From Noble mtl dot com

It is impossible to stop with force through training,

It is impossible to stop with knowledge through research.

In the first place, the gap in birth was too large,

Humans are not beings that can be subjugated by training in force.

However, it is not something that can be subdued using wisdom. At least that is the case for now.

A person who repeats the same process and expects different results is called a madman.

But only today, I understand what a true madman is. That is the person right in front of me.

You already know that no matter what you do, the result will be the same.

[Is there a way to stop it?]

Because I already guessed the answer to this question, I was hesitant to ask. Taking advantage of that opportunity, the dragon next to me spoke first.

The Demon King simply burst out in laughter and responded.

“It would be great if there really was such a method! But if there was such a way, I would have found it already. It is possible to avoid it, run away, or even postpone it for a while. But there’s nothing you can do to stop the cycle itself. Even the ancient gods don’t have that kind of power.”

“There was a time when I had high hopes for the power of the ancient gods residing in the elves’ world tree, but I was only disappointed. Even the Shinigami born with some of that power was not a vessel capable of stopping the cycle.”

When the story of the Reaper, Modrig, came out, Oberta’s expression became distorted. Since he is a god who personally competes for faith with the Shinigami, it seems that he cannot help but be somewhat sensitive.

-They created the Shinigami for just that reason? If I had known it was a failure, I would have thrown it away! Thanks to this, the continent has become very attractive to see. Is this what you wanted?

“It is natural for a newly born god to not be able to use his abilities, so he wanted to give him time to get used to his powers and develop his skills. Then maybe he will be able to surpass the Great God.”

-Thanks to you, you are quite detached even though the world has become a mess.

“Even though I waited so long, he couldn’t surpass me, let alone the ancient body. Since it won’t be able to withstand this cycle and will naturally disappear, is there any point in considering it further?”

Seeing her dumbfounded and unable to continue her words, I swallowed back the question she was trying to ask. Although it had little to do with the fate of the continent, there was one question I definitely wanted to ask.

Why was the monster Manticore sent to Pumpkin Vine Village that day? I really wanted to ask that. I really wanted to know why I harmed my neighbors in my hometown and my parents.

But now I think I can understand the reason. No, you don’t have to ask, it’s clear.

The author has no interest in monsters, which are nothing more than research failures, or in us humans, who will die anyway without being able to withstand the cycle! That was the reason why the monster was letting go and letting go of whatever he was doing.

“Rather, that was the question I wanted to ask you.”

The author in front of me is clearly my enemy,

I had no idea how to deal with the author.

This is because he has already been caught up in the idea of the primeval being, and has plunged himself into a pit of suffering. When he saw my somewhat complicated expression, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

“Even though you heard these stories, aren’t you afraid?”

“Because I know that there is no use in being afraid.”

“Maybe that’s not it.”

He seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, resting his chin on his chin. It wasn’t long before he opened his mouth again.

“The being behind you is probably also a member of that lofty ancient god. Even if I, a human, don’t have that method, he, a god, might have it. Why did he bring you here? Does he really have a way to stop the cycle?”

Before I could say anything, the Demon King glanced somewhere and answered.

“If there is a way, whatever it is, it would be a good idea to try it as soon as possible. Maybe it’s already too late. Now…”

Suddenly, the glacier begins to shake. I felt the ice shaking with a rumbling sound. Roka hurriedly came next to me and shouted as if he was anxious.

“What are you doing now?”

“Can’t you see that I’m not doing anything?”

The tremors gradually weakened, but did not stop. No matter how powerful an earthquake is, it will shake the surface for a moment and then stop, but that was not the case this time.

Yes, a similar feeling as if the ground vibrates every time a monster steps on it.

However, it is a vibration that cannot be compared to that and has a different weight.

“Now, Kalkamir has awakened.”


Unless something huge like the Kalkamir Mountains moves directly,

This cannot normally happen.

Something that no one has ever experienced has now really happened.

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