Acquired the EX-class attribute ‘Transcendence Copy’ chapter 127

127 - The flame goes out

127 – The flame goes out

‘It went in!’

A heavy feeling across the fingertips.

It was clear that the blade had pierced the other’s skin. A blow that cuts through the intestines is a fatal wound.

It was a proper blow to the unwary opponent. The secret is the power given to the twilight dew, the ‘Shadow of Deception’.

[Agility +7 Luck +5

Definitely applies a ‘collapse’ debuff when the opponent’s HP is below 10%

Apply special buff ‘Shadow of Deception’]

I ‘deceived’ the blue flame that burns all the mana and penetrated the guy’s stomach. The ghost’s dagger steadily touched the guy’s intestines.

However, Sierra was not caught off guard. According to what I heard from Yohan, the other person’s ability is at least that of an academy professor.

He is an opponent that he will never be able to defeat unless he makes full use of his superiority. That’s why I couldn’t be vigilant until I confirmed that the opponent’s breath was completely cut off.

“It’s hot.”

Ignis, who touched the bloody stomach, said so. He was the one who handled the flames freely, but he hadn’t had this kind of heat in a long time. After obtaining the blue flame, there was no opponent who dealt such a powerful blow to himself among the enemies who dealt with mana.

“I admit it. I was caught off guard.”

I was arrogant. If there is only a blue flame that burns mana, she can defeat any number of mana slaves.

In a way, that blue flame was the absurd power he hated so much. He thought he wasn’t, but at some point he was intoxicated by the power. He became part of the old world he was about to destroy.

The result was this. A girl who was far behind herself in terms of physical ability.

She allowed her to take her blow. If that girl had been a little better, she would have gone to rest.

‘I’m rather fortunate. I learned a valuable realization here.’

Ignis thought so positively. A small mistake this time will be a dam that prevents a big failure in the future. Of course, you have to get over this situation well.

“Girl. I respect you.”

“Hey~! I don’t need the reverence of a scoundrel who was beaten by me in the first place!”

Sierra said with a fishy laugh.

Sierra Grimkeeper.

She is a wild girl who has spent many days fighting back and forth in the back alleys. After meeting John, the ferocity as a villain that she suppressed seemed to be revealed along with the ‘twilight dew’.

She wasn’t in a bad mood. She feels able to immerse herself in battle to the fullest.

Sierra surrendered her whole body to that sensation. Then, her opponent’s every move caught her eyes.

“It was an excellent attack, but you are too weak to be conceited with just that.”


The flames burned fiercely around Ignis. The powerfully burning flames seemed to be performing a dangerous ritual.

“Condemned the blue flame.”


Ignis’ blue flame soars into the sky. The flame that ascended to heaven became a dragon. It is an oriental dragon with a long body. The dragon looks at Sierra.

“Hey~! It’s a skill that’s shiny on the outside!”

“Thoughts are free.”

A blue dragon made of flames rushes at Sierra at great speed. A normal wizard would have no chance of avoiding it. If even Sierra, the rogue, hadn’t fully immersed herself in the battle, she would have been pinned down.

However, the current Sierra was different. With the bonus agility of ‘Twilight Dew’, it is possible to move quickly.


Increase its speed with the Haste skill. The dragon of the blue flame rushed over Sierra like the wind, but Sierra dodged the attack like her thunderbolt.

What follows is a shuriken attack.

“Shuriken Burst!”

“As long as you borrow the power of mana, your attacks will not reach me.”

Ignis said so. But he wasn’t careless.

A while ago, that girl pierced her blue flame with a strange power other than mana. Even if it happens repeatedly, there is nothing strange about it. It is a lack of information that is suffered once, but a lack of intelligence that is suffered twice.


Sierra’s commendation penetrates the blue flame. Ignis threw himself. Just because Ignis handles fire doesn’t mean Ignis is a wizard class. In particular, his mobility is so fast that a wizard cannot see it.

He was the owner of a special power that could not be classified as an existing class. Not only he, but most members of the nihilist.

‘The power I used earlier covered the skill.’

Ignis was an executive in charge of the raid leader within the nihilists. His sharp judgment in battle is different from that of the janitors. He saw through Sierra’s application of the Shadow of Deception.

Ranged attacks aren’t that threatening. Because there is enough timing to avoid it. As expected, the most threatening was the melee attack from before. In particular, that knife in the girl’s hand is very threatening.

“Hey. Are you not attacking?”

Ignis looked at John, who was standing in the middle of nowhere. My concentration was distracted by the still boy. However, he didn’t even move from the start of the fight. He probably didn’t come here just to watch.

“Because I don’t have to step out.”

That was his answer. That kind of composure against Ignis, the raid leader of the blue raid.

I could only explain it as a leisure that came out of ignorance.

If you ask me if I hurt my pride, no. On the contrary, if the other person is vigilant like that, I feel comfortable with myself. However, I couldn’t believe that he would actually just watch the fight like he said. So, you still have to care about him.

From noble mtl dot com

But the main one is that girl.


The blue flame dragon roared loudly. A blue shockwave spreads out. Sierra quickly covered herself with the shadow of deception.

‘Not yet!’

I checked Ignis’ bleeding and measured his timing. The only timing Yohan told me.

“Surely fast. I will give up on catching speed.”

With Ignis’ horse, a blue dragon coils itself. At that, Sierra’s eyebrows raised. Even without prior information, it was easy to predict that the opponent’s big blow would come flying. Not to mention, Sierra learned Ignis’ pattern from Yohan.


The coiled dragon began to wriggle. At the same time, the blood flowing from Ignis’ abdomen increased.

All skills require a price. Power free from mana inevitably requires a different form of price.

Especially if it’s a powerful skill like Ignis’ Blue Flame.

The power that Ignis offers instead of mana is vitality.

The blue flame that burns all mana burns Ignis’s life.

The skill Ignis used now is ‘Blue Flame Explosion’.

A powerful skill that explodes the dragon summoned by ‘Condemn the Blue Flame’ to inflict wide-area damage in all directions.

The damage is ten times the amount of mana the target possesses. If it explodes properly, it is an instant death class cheat skill that cannot be avoided or blocked.

However, that great skill costs 70% of your life.

‘I just lost at least 20% of my HP with an attack!’

The life remaining on the opponent who activated the skill is less than 10% no matter how conservatively you set it.

-If the opponent’s health is below 10%, a ‘collapse’ debuff is given

It is a number that can cause ‘collapse’, an additional effect of ‘twilight dew’.

Sierra charged at Ignis, her eyes twinkling. Condemnation of the Blue Flame requires casting time as it has devastating destructive power. There was no way Ignis would not consider the fact that the opponent was aiming for that opportunity.


A mass of blue flame hit Sierra. Sierra’s body, hit by the flames, exploded! It explodes and is replaced with a log.

‘Decoy Dodge!’

Decoy Dodge has two effects.

Replaces her body with a log to evade the opponent’s attack, and the attack immediately after dodging has an additional critical hit effect.

In addition, the blinking distance of Decoy Dodge’s ‘Switching’ effect is proportional to your agility.

Sierra, who raised her agility to the limit with various buffs, was able to reach Ignis in an instant.


A new future she had not seen appeared before her eyes. She couldn’t believe it Until now, the power of foreknowledge had whispered a correct future to him. That’s why he expressed that power as ‘absurd’.

However, that absurd power was never revealed. This girl thrusting a dagger full of demons with an elated expression in front of her self.

Only one step to complete a fatal skill.

But Sierra’s attack was half a step ahead of him. The difference was huge.


[The ‘collapse’ debuff is applied! All buffs applied to the opponent are canceled, and all skills being cast are forcibly canceled.]

[The critical hit effect is applied! Attack power increases by 50%!]

Forcibly canceled Blue Flame Explosion, which was being cast as a collapse debuff.

In addition, the decoy dodge and the ghost dagger’s critical hit plus effect were overlapped to inflict critical damage that was almost guaranteed.


Ignis’s body collapsed backwards like rotten straw. The blue flames that swelled up all over her mansion faded.

“……The future I haven’t seen.”

A world where even the power of absurdity has not penetrated.

In Ignis’ eyes as he collapsed, there was a boy who looked at this situation as if he had expected it. A boy whose appearance is more absurd than her own precognitive abilities.

‘Did the author know about this future?’

If that’s true, that boy might be the embodiment of the absurdity he hated so much.


It was a pity that I couldn’t achieve my ideal. A fading consciousness signaled that his time was over.

“But…. No regrets.”

It was a life devoted to the ideal. Ignis closed his eyes.

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