Acquired the EX-class attribute ‘Transcendence Copy’ chapter 139

139 - Into the Enemy Camp

139 – Into the Enemy Camp

The last chapter of the legend route is a head-to-head confrontation with Angra Mainyu and the nihilist. Players inevitably have to build a double-sided battle against two enemies at the same time, and in the process, more than half of the royal road is blown away, taking devastating damage.

So no matter which ending you watch, behind the last illustration are the figures of people rebuilding the collapsed city. This is also a story when you see the good ending, and if you fail to stop the enemy in the last chapter, the entire royal capital will disappear and countless lives will die.

I can definitely proceed with the story according to the game’s good ending. I said that the trajectory of the story deviated greatly from the original, but that doesn’t completely change the information about the enemies I know.

Furthermore, I have now gathered friends comparable to the final chapter of the original work. The Church of the Sun, a noble family, and even a dragon.

I have enough confidence to spread the wires on both sides. That’s why, even if I waited patiently for the enemy to invade, I was confident that I would see a good ending.

However, in the game, numerous sacrifices are described in just one line.

Should I, who feel this world with my own skin, have to endure it?

Perhaps my parents will be included among the numerous sacrifices. Although they are not real parents, they are the ones who gave birth to humans called John Baker. Not just parents. Merchants, blacksmiths, bakers, chimney sweeps, carpenters, guards, leatherworkers, butchers, shoemakers, tailors, and countless others living in the capital city I have never seen before.

Is it right for me to put their lives into one word: sacrifice?

So far I have been. And it did. Because what I did was a ‘game’.

A recurring world with loadable saves.

Because I, the protagonist of that world, have absolutely no reason to value the lives of NPCs.

But not now. At least this world is the real world that I feel with my skin.

That’s why I chose a road I’ve never been on before.

‘Yes. After all, this episode itself is a new challenge.’

To change our destiny, we will move directly.

The moon hung in the dark night sky. He raised his head and looked up at the star-studded sky. I have never seen such a clear sky before in the world.

“Are we really going?”

Arsha said with a firm expression. I nodded her head to her.

Arsha’s waist is filled with a bright red sword as if she had been fed her blood. It is her hidden piece, ‘Red Blood Sword’ that I gifted to her. It’s a so-called ‘red knife’ item, and it’s a different kind of hidden piece from the ‘dagger of ghosts’ I have.

Speedruns that use that fast knife are called ‘faster runs’, and it is famous for being the fastest speedrun along with the dagger run. By the way, the most used character when playing fastball is Arsha.

“Okay, now you have to be alert. I’ll say it again. The place we are heading to is the home of ‘Angra Mainyu’. It is where they prepare their wicked rites.”

“Are we really going to be their opponents? No matter how strong you become, leaving this to others….”

Lire spoke with her uncharacteristic voice and demeanor. At her words, I shook my head.

“It is dangerous to withdraw other troops prematurely. They are ready to attack the capital at any time. If there is a troop gap, the capital side is rather dangerous, and they may find out our movements.”

The effect of a surprise attack is maximized when the opponent does not know about it. In other words, this operation should move as a detached unit.

“And be confident. We are strong enough.”

At my words, Sierra nodded her head.

“I believe in John.”

“I believe in Yohan too!”

Lir shouted with her cheeks flushed. After checking our equipment for the last time, we quietly moved to the central cathedral of the Church of the Sun. Jayden Phoenix, who had been contacted by me, was there. With a holy spear on his back.

“Are you here?”

“Oh, that window. It suits you well.”

“It’s back in the arms of its owner.”

Jaden Phoenix answers with a shrug. I laughed at that answer.

“Is the warp gate ready?”

“Yes. You’re probably the only one who freely uses warp gates like this for an outsider.”

While saying so, Jaden Phoenix gave us a warp gate.

“You didn’t forget my words, did you?”

“If you mean that the demons are rampaging in the capital this morning. How can I forget those words?”

If you attack Angra Mainyu’s stronghold, they won’t stay still either. In the original story, Angra Mainyu leads a disturbance by summoning demons from within the capital prior to the full-scale invasion. Their actual goal is to launch a diversionary operation to disperse the palace’s forces by exploding underground mana veins in the palace.

‘It would be right to think that the preparations have already been made.’

Summoning demons is not something that can be done overnight.

At least the summoning preparation ritual must have been completed. I’ve also thought of a plan to deal with them step by step and attack Angra Mainyu, which will inevitably give them time to prepare for the main base. Therefore, the decision I made was to believe in the Sun Church.

‘I have Longinus, and I know where demons might come from. I fed them all this far, but they won’t let me suffer.’

In this operation, sword master Kalden and sword master Professor Flora also join. In addition, the Church of the Sun even has a holy spear.

‘With this level of strength, I have a good chance against the devil.’

This is the conclusion drawn from calculating the level of the enemy with the original knowledge. The biggest thing was, of course, the presence or absence of the holy spear.

“By the way, are you guys really okay? Attacking Angra Mainyu’s stronghold with all that power seems suicidal no matter how you think about it, doesn’t it? It would be better to send some special priests from this side-“

“They must protect the royal road. Keep in mind. The opponent is the devil. If we do not mobilize all the power of the Church, there will be countless victims in the capital.”

“If the opponent is a devil, it would be.”

“And reinforcements were supposed to come from this side. A reliable support group.”

At my words, Jaden Phoenix touched his holy spear once and nodded his head.

“Yes. May the Lord guide us. I wish you luck hero boy.”

“I wish you good luck.”

We crossed the gate. After leaving the gate, we arrived at a common area in the northern part of the kingdom. This land, with a large mountain range resembling a snake, was frequented by animals and the land was barren, so there were few people. The fact that there were branches of the Church of the Sun even in these remote villages showed the influence of this Church.

“Is this the land where the Angra Mainyu is located?”

Sarah’s tone is different from usual. His voice is much sharper and more serious. From here on, it’s a real enemy line. The intensity of the tension has changed.

“Their lair is hidden in the mountains. It’s a deep place that you can’t go on foot, but…. Oh, you’re here.”


I pointed to the sky. A gigantic creature with blue scales glistening in the moonlight came down to the ground with a flap of its wings. The look on the faces of her children, including Sara, is astonished.

“That, that… !”

“He is the one who will take us to Angra Mainyu’s stronghold!”

“Dragon! Ah, could that be your teacher!?”

I nodded at Arsha’s question. The blue dragon, Droea, landed on the ground with a powerful flap of its wings.

-It came as promised. Merrick Car.

Droea’s voice echoed in my head. It is telepathic magic.

I revealed my identity to her. To get her help.

“I never thought the day would come when I would live and meet a real dragon! This is a rare experience that cannot be paid for!”

Ellie was delighted, her eyes twinkling. It was Elli’s way to get excited without panic or fear when facing the dragon.

“I don’t have time. Everyone, get on Master’s back.”

“Gee, can I really ride on your back?”

Sarah looked back and forth between Droea and me.

-These are troublesome children.


Droea used magic. Our bodies floated above her and landed on Droea’s back.

“Wow! I really rode a dragon! I thought the dragon knight appeared in a fairy tale!”

Arsha was completely excited.

Droea’s body floated above her. Due to her great speed, the wind mercilessly beats her face. Then Sara cast her magic, creating a curtain of air around her.

“Wow! I feel better now!”

“Hmm. Jugglers are comfortable at times like this.”

We flew through the sky. A sight that could not easily be seen even with flying magic spreads out in front of you. A splendid sight unfolded in front of our eyes to relieve the tight tension.

“It’s beautiful… !”

Sierra said, looking up at the night sky. To be honest, the shape itself is not much different from what you see on the ground, but the feeling of the night sky seen from the sky is completely different. Is it because we are closer to those stars that shine as brilliantly as the tears of a chick?

We must protect. This beautiful sky. This beautiful world.

“Whoa… ! Let’s get our minds right!”

Arsha exclaimed, slapping herself on the cheek. There is a determined will in everyone’s eyes.

-It will be arriving soon.

It was Droea’s telepathy. I said looking down at the ground.

“It is arriving soon. Everyone, prepare for battle.”

I also took out the dagger of ghosts from within my bosom. The end of this dandorun is slowly coming into view.

-I will descend.

Droea said that, and her body began to descend.

From noble mtl dot com

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not work with dark mode