Acquired the EX-class attribute ‘Transcendence Copy’ chapter 64

64 - Hiring Mercenaries

64 – Hiring Mercenaries

“I never thought Miss Lire would think of me that way. I saw this and thought I should give a serious answer.”

Lir had a chance to undo his wrongs.

A strange misunderstanding that started with a letter from a roommate.

Unintentionally, Lire, who NTRed her friend’s unrequited love, was able to organize the situation with her words.

“Ms. Rir. Thank you for confessing to me. Then…. It is the first day from today.”

But, her mouth won’t come off. She didn’t make amends. It was a truly bizarre thing that Lire couldn’t understand. When she came to her senses, she had been with John for the first day.

‘No! This…. It’s not!’

The only thing that comes out is the thought, but the words do not come out of her throat. Rather, her heart beats incredibly fast at John’s words. As if she was burning firewood in her heart.

‘Yes! I didn’t answer! This is a misunderstanding that John arbitrarily….’

No matter how unspoken she said affirmatively, she herself did not return a complete definite answer. In other words, this is not dating. It’s just that Yohan is mistaken that she’s dating.

Lire, who quickly found her rationalization, collected herself and waited for Johann’s next words.

“Ms. Rir. I’m going out for a while, would you like to come with me?”

What is it?

No way, a date already?

John Baker was a man much more skillful than he seemed. Going out with the girlfriend you just met?

Perhaps even this was a planned procedure.

I knew from my own experience that John’s reading skills were amazing, but his romance tactics were just as thorough. He sure is, he is a man who can’t let his guard down.

What should I do?

A brief thought passed through his head, but Lire made a quick decision.

This is not a date. To win the next match, follow and analyze John Baker. It’s just Yohan’s delusion to think it’s a sweet and sour date, but the essence of this outing is to gather information.

Lirre, who achieved rationalization again, followed Johann out of the academy. As soon as Yohan came to the academy, he took a carriage.

From noble mtl dot com

‘Hold the wagon…. Where are you going?’

A scene was drawn automatically in Lire’s head. The carriage with the two people naturally stops in front of the inn.

– Miss Lir. Shall we take a break here?

-Shh, take a break? I came by carriage….

– Child. Don’t do that.

John forcibly leads his hand.

And then, unable to overcome him, he got off the carriage.

Even in that situation, Lire organizes the situation with the implausible self-justification of observing John’s body. The two entered the inn like that….

“Ms. Lir!”


Leir let out a cute scream that he had never uttered before at the sound of Yohan’s voice penetrating his delusion without warning.

“What, what!? Because I’m not that hard! No need to take a break!”

Unbeknownst to me, I screamed at John.

“Yes? What are you talking about?”

When Yohan tilts his head and asks back, Lire finally comes out of the delusion perfectly.

“Oh no! Wait a minute, I was thinking about something else….”

“You can get off here.”

John got off the carriage first, and Lire cautiously followed him. I was wondering what to do if I got off in front of a real inn…. Fortunately, the place where the carriage stopped was an ordinary street. Unless John is an ordinary strong-hearted man, he wouldn’t do anything insidious in a place like this.

“Where are we?”

“It is 10 pitches.”

10 Balls.

I’ve come a long way from District 3, where the academy is located. I was delusional in the carriage for a long time, and I never imagined that I had come this far.

Lire’s heart tightened as he watched John take the lead. Although, I didn’t go straight to the motel right away, I still couldn’t be vigilant. Don’t you know when that beast will suddenly change and grab your arm and drag you into a harsh place?

In the Non-Geom, Yohan reversed the situation with a single move. He presents himself as a amiable gentleman now, but if the opportunity presents itself….

“Yo, John? Why do you have to walk down these alleys? .”

“Ah, the place I want to go is in here.”

In an alley?

Watching John enter the narrow alleyway, refusing the wide avenue, Lire felt the scenario he had imagined materialize. Her imagination, tempered by image sparring with her master (?), Came up with the villainous figure of John all too easily.

– hehehe. Miss Lire. I’m sure you’ll follow me this far. You can’t do that.

-Kun John! Did you cheat on me?

-Muhh! It’s what I felt in the last match, but Miss Lir is too easy to get over.

John leads himself to a dark place.

As you enter the winding alleyway, a deserted end appears. In places like this, there are always cute pranks between men and women.

“Yo, Yohan… ! May I ask where we are going?”

“It’s all over.”

John said, pointing his finger at his shop at the end of a winding alley.


I saw a radical signboard with no hint of dignity. In an instant, it seemed that the head heated by delusions cooled down.

If you choose a place like that for your date course, you will break up on that day. Yohan’s escort, whose motives are unknown, put a lot of question marks in Lire’s head.

What is that?

Could it be a surprise event?

If you go inside, you might see a restaurant with a bright atmosphere. A restaurant where all sorts of events are waiting for you to commemorate your first day as a couple.

That momentary delusion was shattered the moment I opened the store.

The men’s terrible sweat greets the two. As soon as you enter the store, what you see is not a colorful bouquet of flowers, but muscular men talking loudly. It was full of men talking meaningless stories half mixed with obscenity and nonsense while drinking strong liquor that stung their noses with the smell of alcohol.

It was only when the situation reached this point that Lire was able to fully wake up from her delusions. Come to think of it, she just started dating today. It means that John brought him here for a different purpose, not a date.

‘Ew! Fool! Alone, what misunderstanding did you make!?’

I wonder if the fortunate thing is that I didn’t bring that misunderstanding out of my mouth.

Anyway, Lire regained her sanity and watched the situation unfold.

This was a bar for mercenaries. Not just mercenaries. They are veteran mercenaries who are said to be doing well wherever they go. Lire could read their subtle momentum.

Then, a surprising thing happened. John quickly captured the mercenaries. With a few words, he overpowered the mercenaries who risked their lives for a day. Attention in the store quickly turned to John.

“I have come to entrust you with a request.”

The meal was served, and a word from John.

At that one word, the mercenaries’ faces showed interest.

“hehehehe! What a fun friend. I have come to entrust you with a request!”

The B-rank mercenary, ‘Chasing Mistral’, said that with a tearing smile on his lips.

“Boy! Why don’t you go to the mercenary guild and ask for errands? For us, the ransom is not a bit expensive.”

Mistral said that on behalf of the other mercenaries. Even the veteran mercenaries here couldn’t help but acknowledge the courage that that boy named John showed. Indeed, it is like a strong heart who fearlessly took the top spot in an academy full of nobles.

He is a fun friend whom I would like to meet as a colleague later and have a drink with.

However, if you become a client, the story is different. The person who entrusted the work to the mercenary must pay that amount of goods. Mercenaries do not move by loyalty. He runs on money And the mercenaries here were not light-assed enough to move with the light pockets of commoners.

Of course, even if you were a commoner, the story would be different if you were a young master of the target family, but John was not one of those types.

“The content of the quest is to clear the dungeon. The dungeon is a ‘volcanic zone’.”

John went on with his words without hesitation. At his next words, some of the mercenaries who were looking at John turned their heads with disinterested expressions on their faces.

“What is it? A volcanic field?”

“Well, after all, you’re still a child.”

“Oops. None of my brothers here deserves to play in such a childish playground. Hey, go to the mercenary guild and find out.”

The volcanic dungeon located in District 7 was a place where veteran mercenaries had no reason to go. It wasn’t a high difficulty dungeon, nor was it a dungeon where you could make a lot of money. Usually, dungeon difficulty and dungeon profitability are in a proportional relationship, so easy dungeons were just dungeons for mercenaries.

Of course, the easy thing here is that it is easy for a veteran mercenary. If it was a dungeon of the size of a volcanic zone, it was a place where five mercenaries would go and two would die if they didn’t stay alert.

“Hidden area.”

The moment everyone turned their heads, John’s words grabbed them again.

“There is information about the volcanic area and hidden area.”

That wasn’t the end. John placed a thick pouch on the bar table.


A lot of silver coins flowed out of a pocket that wasn’t small.

The mercenary’s principle of action is based on money.

In other words, there is no mercenary that will not move as long as there is money.

“You only need one mercenary. Then…. Shall we kill each other from now on?”

The mercenaries felt their hearts warm at the sight of Yohan throwing a joke with a wide smile.

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