Acquired the EX-class attribute ‘Transcendence Copy’ chapter 68

68 - Snailfish

68 – Snailfish

“Damn it! Let’s see!”

The shooter, who had been firmly disgraced, exited shabbyly, reciting lines that a third-rate villain would do. He is nicknamed ‘The Reckless Shooter’, but he is an extra character who is not even mentioned much in the original story. If you go around District 10 with Cain, he’ll appear and talk to you like Pokemon, but he’s a disaster for all speed runners.

Because if that guy talks to you once, he takes 5 seconds away. If Zeon Strandall is reviled for memes, reckless shooters are reviled for steam.

“Hey! The empty cart is loud, but that wasn’t even an empty cart. To think that such a person is a mercenary! You can’t help but want to be prejudiced!”

Lire shouted, shaking her shoulders with a powerful snort. It feels like the tension has been raised more than usual. Perhaps the reason is to be praised by me.

-Aren’t you complimenting me like this!!!?

Lire Berger.

In the original work, she is a character hungry for approval, just like Sara or Arsha. The difference between the two is that Lire is hungry for praise from ‘people she likes’. Also, she gets into big trouble when she gets neglected by a ‘person she has a crush on’.

Lille Berger is a scary character who turns black into a ‘revenge demon’ if he manages his good impression incorrectly. Because of that, in order to maintain an amicable relationship with Lire, carrots must be properly sown.

“Ms. Rir. It’s the best.”

She raised her thumb towards Lire. It is simple and clear, but it is a sincere compliment.

“Rice, it’s nothing! I just did what I had to do!”

The reaction was not at all different from what was expected.

Lire, her face reddened, scratches the floor with the tips of her toes, feeling ashamed. It seems that the fact that he glanced at me while avoiding his gaze was mixed with half shame and half joy. Suddenly, playfulness reared her head.

“Surely so. It was what an academy student should do.”

As if he was fully charged by her compliment, Lire’s atmosphere droops like a puppy wet in the rain with her words.

“However, the work that everyone has to do is the most valuable.”


From noble mtl dot com

“However, the most valuable is not the most difficult.”


“Still, just because it isn’t difficult doesn’t mean it isn’t important.”


“But, even if it’s not important…”

“I…. By any chance, am I being teased right now… ?”

Lir, who noticed my prank a beat late, puffs out his cheeks like a squirrel that has collected a lot of acorns. I couldn’t feel her force at all when I flicked up her star-scarred hand. The force of being a disciple of the Sword Master cannot be found even after washing her eyes.

I want to poke my swollen cheeks with my fingers…. Will you be angry then?

“Don’t make fun of me!”

“hahahaha. Miss Lir, the reaction is too strong, stop it.”

“The response is so fast! I just matched it with Yohan-kun’s beat! There’s no way I, a sword master’s apprentice, would be happy with Yohan-kun’s compliments in the first place!”

Lire looks away with her hands on her hips as if she were Superman.

Lil’s lie is too easy to see through even without information about the original story. In a fight, our Miss Lir, who asked us to seek extreme numbers, was so lax.

This is dangerous information that must not be passed on to the enemy.

“Then I will leave. Thank you in many ways today. Mr. John and Mr. Lir.”

“Please enter carefully.”

Cain is back. It was time for us to head back. Lire, who lives in a dormitory, has a curfew.

“How was your day?”

After getting on the carriage heading to the academy, I asked Lire that.

“Um…. It was fun.”

Putting his hand on his cheek, Lire, who was a little troubled, replied in a plain voice. If you infer her liking from her answer, it is about 30.

‘We decided to go out, but since it’s a ‘fake romance’ route, I don’t think the affinity level is that high yet.’

You can’t be full on the first drink.

Today’s achievements are not too bad if you evaluate yourself. If I slowly increase my liking like this, Lire’s characteristics will soon become mine.

Lirre’s characteristic, which boasts powerful performance in the Great Magic War, is one of the characteristics that I must copy.

“I see the academy.”

We returned to the academy just like that.

“Hmm… !”

She gets out of bed with her arms outstretched. Thanks to her comfortable bed, she has been sleeping well every day since she entered the academy. She feels a sense of well-being that reminds her of her street life, when she slept on her stone floor with the night sky as her blanket.


I checked the time on the clock hanging on the wall.

The time was 6:00 am, early, but it was rather late for Sierra, who always wakes up at 5:00. I slept late because today is the weekend.

“Haaa… ! Today was finally the dungeon exploration day.”

To create a circle, you must convince Professor Mercu. And what you need to convince Professor Mercu is the core of the magma golem.

Today is the day I decided to explore the ‘Volcanic Zone’ dungeon where that magma golem lives.

“Sniff sniff! The smell has faded….”

Sierra muttered with a disgruntled expression as she buried her face in the men’s underwear lying at the head of the bed. Her vitality comes from the yohanium released from this underwear. It is a matter of course that the fresher the underwear, the more iohanium is released.

After about two days, all the released yohanium disappears, so it had to be replaced with a new one (?).

‘It’s a bit late…. Shall we go to John’s dormitory?’

I washed my face and lightly applied cosmetics. Of course, she started using cosmetics after she entered the academy. Thankfully, Yohan’s parents even take care of themselves, not their children.

-Whoops. My baby, did you ever get into an accident?

-Ah, not yet….

-This bakery suits him. New baby. If you ever get into trouble, come back.

It is safe to say that his relationship with John was already half-official. Realizing that it wasn’t long before she let go of the dull surname of Grimkeeper, Sierra involuntarily smiled.

“Ellie, I’ll go out for a while.”

Sierra left her dormitory, leaving a greeting that would not reach Ellie, who was sleeping soundly with her saliva drooling.

Sierra heads to John’s dormitory, ‘Chilseonggwan’, with steps as light as a feather.

It’s not just the steps that are light. Her heart was as light as that step.

Arriving at Chilsung Pavilion in no time, Sierra found her key under her flower bed and opened her front door. Somehow, so as not to wake Yohan who was sleeping, he sneaks into the dormitory with his back foot.

John was not the type to live neatly and tidy. The crumbs of cookies on the table and the dishwashing piled up in the magic-powered sink stood out.

“I must have had a late-night snack last night. What do you want to eat?”

Cleaning the table and washing the piled up dishes as if it were natural. Sierra finished washing the dishes, being careful not to hear the sound of the dishes colliding, and broke into John’s bedroom.

“Zzz…. Zzz….”

I saw John sleeping sweetly. Even the way he sleeps seems to be appreciating a masterpiece. A great aura that overwhelms the antique room interior is felt from John.

“Whoops. I think I gained about 200 grams of weight. Maybe it’s for a late night snack.”

A regular diet is very important for maintaining good health. Sierra, who had suffered all kinds of trouble because of irregular eating, knew this fact better than anything else.

It seemed that she could do it all day to watch John, who fell into a dreamland like a princess in a fairy tale, but Sierra did not forget her original purpose. She retrieves (?) John’s underwear from the laundry tub. And instead, she neatly folded his washed underwear and put them in the closet.

“Zzz…. Zzz….”

When I saw Yohan sleeping, I couldn’t resist the urge to recharge Yohanium directly. No, I had the urge to go further than that and create a ‘faithful fact’ with him. It seems that mother and father are also half wishful thinking, but here she may not be okay with taking a step forward.

‘But, yet.’

That’s John’s choice. A wise wife on her knees should learn to wait and respect her husband’s choices. Sierra swore not to touch John until he asked for herself first.

“There is still some time left, so let’s go make breakfast.”

In the commoner dormitory where Ellie and Sierra live, breakfast is served in the dormitory cafeteria or in the academy cafeteria. In the aristocratic dormitory, the servants cook and bring them home.

However, in the single dormitory where Yohan, Sarah, and Arsha live, it seems that the magic storage is filled with food every day. It also has good quality cuisine.

“Today is exploration day, so it is important to take care of your physical condition. The ingredients seem to be in storage.”

I opened the magic cellar to make a homemade dish full of sincerity. In the storage room, along with the finished dishes, there were high-quality ingredients airlifted from all over the continent.

“Huh? This….”

Unlike other dishes in the cellar, a slightly rustic looking sandwich caught my eye. Sierra took out the dish.

-Don’t skip breakfast. Your favorite ham and egg sandwich. (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚A.S

A.S is definitely an abbreviation for Arsha Sword Horn.

“Sister. You know this is a false start, right?”

Sierra throws away the sandwich without regret.

To begin with, Yohan prefers bacon and tomato sandwiches to ham and egg sandwiches. I only ate ham and egg sandwiches 7 times after entering school, but on the other hand, I ate bacon and tomato sandwiches 21 times. To sew John’s side without knowing this.

Having prepared John’s breakfast with her joyful heart, Sierra cautiously left the dormitory. The dormitory where the snails came and went became very, very, very clean.

The meeting place is the central plaza.

It was a little after 10 o’clock when Lire, who was called by John, moved to the central square.

– Miss Lire’s strength is needed to clear the dungeon.

When John, who had come to visit him the night before, said that, Lire felt an uncontrollable joy in his twitching cheeks. I still don’t know what caused it.

‘Hmmm! The fact that I need you means that I will acknowledge my skills…. You must be happy, right?’

Maybe. That’s clear. If it wasn’t for that, wouldn’t she, as a sword master’s apprentice, shed a big laugh just because she was called by a man?

Well, it’s not like an old maid who falls for her virginity and makes excuses.

“Ooh! Miss Berger! Hello~!”

A voice overly cheerful is heard, like the clear autumn sky. She calls her own name, but Lire doesn’t know who the voice is.

‘Who are you?’

“My name is Ellie Janet, the cutie of the Janet top~! If you need anything, please use our Janet Merchant!”

Ah, I heard about it from Cathy. There is a daughter from the top of Janet in this dormitory.

She was said to be the type to approach and talk to strangers without hesitation because she has an affinity like a magnet.

“You seem to be busy since the morning of the weekend~! We are busy too.”

“Uh…. Yes.”

“Ha ha ha! Then, excuse us! Miss Sierra. Let’s go.”

The name of the pretty girl next to her must be Sierra. Seeing Ellie, who came to her on her own, talked to her, and lived on her own, she thought that there were people like Lire.

“Huh? Is Miss Berger this way?”

By the way, the destination overlaps with that strange person.

“Oh, yes. There was someone I was supposed to meet at the central plaza….”

“Oh! What a coincidence! We also have a meeting place there! Well, usually the place to make an appointment at the academy is the central plaza~!”

Having met such an awkward companion, Lire quickly moved her steps and arrived at the central square. John was there beforehand.

As soon as he saw his face, Lire’s heart skipped a beat. Perhaps, the body recognizing the strong one was getting excited on its own. Today, I did makeup that I don’t usually do, but anyway. Anyway.


From noble mtl dot com

“John! You were with me!”

As Lire raised her hand to call out to John, Sierra jumped at him.


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