After Saving the Villains, They Became Obsessed With Me chapter 61

61. Head-On Breakthrough

#61. Head-On Breakthrough

A corridor that has been fought endlessly.

Lee Yoo-hyeon quietly touched his forehead.

My house is not as soundproof as I thought.

Wait a minute.

So, did you say everyone stopped by next door the other day too…?

For some reason, everyone he met in the hallway avoided his gaze.

“What, what is it…?”

While I was calmly fixing my complicated hair, Jang Ha-ra sneaked up next to me.

What a frightened expression.

Looking around like watching the build-up part of a horror movie.

Apparently, he didn’t know that the sound was coming from my house.

I’m glad.

It’s fortunate, but…

The real problem was something else.

Nari Seo doesn’t even move.

I don’t care that Jang Ha-ra is attached to me, only staring at the front door.

What is certain is that it is human psychology that makes people more anxious when they do that.

I swallowed once and tried the skill.

I was nervous as if I had opened Pandora’s box.

[ Observe the status. ]

[ Nari Seo – Anxiety, concentration, life, obsession, possessiveness, jealousy, s*xual desire, impulse ]

First of all, the condition was bad.

Somehow, none of the eight expressions are perfect.

After preparing my mind, I opened Pandora’s box a little more.

[ Observe your thoughts. ]

After a while, countless letters covered my vision.

《 It’s a female voice. The smell I smelled earlier was not an illusion. I see There is a woman in Yoohyeon’s house. Wait a minute, then is it because of that woman that you were making excuses earlier? Who is it. Eugene Choi? What is God? No, it smelled different. That’s annoying. Who the hell is Yoohyeon covering for? Should I just remove it? Oh, that can’t be. Yoohyeon will hate it. She hates being hated. But, what happens to the two of them? So what to do? Ah, i imagined it’s annoying. It’s annoying. It’s annoying. What is he doing that is interfering with me and Yoohyeon? Yoohyeon’s body and mind are all mine. Never give up 》

It was more serious than I thought.


[ Disable the skill. ]

[ Abnormal skill end. ]

[ Cooldown is reduced. ]

[ 20 Minutes -> 5 Minutes ]

I didn’t dare to read any more, so I turned it off.

How did Nari end up like that?

It feels like it’s getting weirder and weirder.

Anyway, it seems like you’re already convinced that there’s a woman in my house.

Saying no now would only backfire.

······So, how can we get past this situation?

I gave up after thinking of a few strategies.

In the first place, Nari Seo knew Dohanna’s face.

No matter how many lies I tell you, I won’t be fooled.

After all, is there only a frontal breakthrough?


Nari Seo was still speechless.

I’m guessing you’re continuing what you were thinking about since it’s a fait accompli.

······I suddenly got goosebumps.


I could hardly make up my mind.

Is it really okay?

Bringing those two together.

“I wanted to avoid it if possible.”

Maybe it won’t end with simple jealousy.

I should do it anyway.

Because I have to save even Dohanna.




I opened the front door and told them to come in.

Nari Seo entered the house like that.

I ran into Dohanna right away.


“Hello, how are you?”

It was a one-sided reunion that only one side remembered.

Nari Seo clenched her fists tightly. Seeing his trembling fists made me feel a little sorry.

But I couldn’t help it.

Because it would be better to face it now, when there is a possibility of resolving it.

So this choice would be the right one.

It has to be.

“Please explain.”

Nari Seo said. It was a voice full of emotion.

“······Hey Hara, let’s talk about us.”

First of all, I sent Jang Hara to the living room. Jang Ha-ra nodded her head with a puzzled expression, and she sat down on the sofa.

I entered the room with Nari Seo.

“What should I talk about first…”

I have no idea how to explain this complicated situation.

First, Dohanna explained why she is here.

“······Living together?”

“Just for a while.”


The number of times Nari Seo had to wear it made her pout.

I have a lot to say, but I’m in such a state that I can’t bear to say it.

After a while, she struggled to open her mouth.

“Yoo, you know Yoohyeon too. What did that woman do to us…….”

“Right. Know.”

“But why… ….”

You don’t understand. The sense of betrayal will be great.

Because the guy who knows everything is protecting the ‘culprit’ of all that.


“It’s a choice to protect you. I want you to be happy.”

This choice, like a betrayal to save Dohanna, is the choice to save Nari Seo.

Quests do not tolerate failure or giving up.

If you don’t follow it, Nari Seo will lose happiness.

“Now you say that…….”

Nari Seo let out a tearful voice.

I didn’t say anything.

She suffered a lot and she deserves to be angry at Nari Seo who remembers that pain.

“… ….”

However, Nari Seo did not get angry.

I didn’t scream or curse.



A fist swung with weak force.

Apply even that to the least painful part.

Nari Seo’s fist, which touched my chest, fell helplessly.

“······You know what’s really bad, right?”

“I’m sorry.”

Nari Seo chose to understand rather than get angry.

The understanding that was just requested without proper explanation.

Seo Nari carefully dug into her arms.

Bury his head in the chest where his fists touched, and hug him around the waist.

“…… You said it was definitely a choice for me.”

“I did.”

“I want you to be happy.”


“Then, you will be happy too, right?”

“・・・・・・Of course.”

Nari Seo put strength on his arm.


[ Observe your thoughts. ]

《 Let’s wait. You promised not to force my heart. 》

A choice made by pressing and pressing emotions.

I was very grateful for that choice.


《I don’t want to be a nuisance like last time. 》

I hated having to ignore this feeling.

“Let’s go now. I will wait for you.”

“A little more.”

Two minutes later, we went out into the living room.

“Oh, are you done talking?”

Dohanna talked to me first.

Then Nari Seo glared coldly.

“heheheuk. Why, why do you look at me like that…?”

From noble mtl dot com

Dohanna looked at me with a needy face, but she turned away.

“Don’t talk to Yoohyeon.”

“…… Yes?”

Nari Seo said firmly.

But you’re saying respectful things.

Nari Seo sighed and sat down on the sofa. I too was taken and sat next to him.

Dohan I escaped from Nari Seo and took refuge on her floor.

Then, why did the composition of the three of us look down?

“He lives with Yoohyeon.”

Seo Nari crossed her legs and asked.

“Oh, yes.”

Dohanna stiffened as if she were having an interview.

Jang Ha-ra opened her eyes wide and looked at me and Dohan-na alternately.

“Do you two live together…?”

Come to think of it, this one was left.

I also explained the situation to Jang Ha-ra.

It’s for protection, and it won’t last long.


As a result, Jang Ha-ra’s face was stained with shock.

“I envy you…”

Maybe not.

“I’m sorry…”

Dohanna, who was on his knees before he knew it, said.

I wondered why, but Nari Seo’s gaze became even colder.

Could it be that I’m craving it now…… ?

“What are you sorry about?”

“Uh, that, me with Mr. Yoohyeon—”

“Youhyeon ‘Mr.’?”

“No, um, Yoohyeon-sama…?”

Of course, I stayed still this time too.

How would you take Dohanna’s side in this situation?

“Just don’t call me by name.”

“Then master…?”


Although I wanted to stop him from constantly saying strange things about what he usually sees.

When we didn’t say anything, Dohanna’s face turned red.

“Shall I call you Master?”

What’s wrong with this guy?

“Let’s stop talking about this.”

Eventually, I intervened.

“Oh, we should have a birthday party.”

Janghara clapped her hands and said.

Come to think of it, today was my birthday.

Was the date April 12th?

Let’s memorize it.


“Do it now?”

What is the atmosphere like?

“I have to.”

Seo Nari said that and stood up.

The preparations for the party soon began.

The dishes believed to have been made by Jang Ha-ra were placed on the table, and the cake occupied the center.

I also helped with the preparation, but I couldn’t leave the thought of ‘Is this right?’

After the setting was over, they simply sang songs, blew candles, and made wishes.

I felt a little bewildered at the unexpectedly normal party.

Of course, I flinched at the life of Nari Seo, who leaked out in between.


I blankly looked at the birthday prize.

It’s my birthday.

I felt it belatedly.

It’s not really a birthday, but it was nice.

It didn’t matter if the atmosphere was bad. It’s the first time in years or decades that someone else has given you a birthday.

“Thank you everyone.”

I saw everyone’s face once.

I also remembered the face of Shin Yeo-eun, who was not here.

…… There’s only one left now.

I opened the quest window after a long time.


{ Quest – There is no happy ending for villains. }

A happy ending is impossible for a villain. So why can’t they be happy no matter what? No, it’s not! It’s because they don’t become villains.

Clear conditions – You have returned to the past. Oh, is it a little different to say you’re back? Anyway! Solve the case that made the main villains unhappy and make them happy.

Reward – stop possessing, return to the real world.

Penalty in case of failure – Eternal continuation of possession, misfortune of villains.

(You can abandon the quest. However, if you give up, it will be treated as a failure.)


I slowly read the letters floating in the air.

[ Reward – stop possessing, return to the real world. ]

And that gaze stopped at the reward.


Suddenly, I remembered what Na-ri Seo said a while ago.

Saying I’m happy.


Will I be happy at the end? I honestly don’t know.

As I kept looking at the quest window, I remembered the ‘question’ I had asked the system not too long ago.

─I want to stay here without giving up on the quest. How do I do that?

…… Happiness.

Well, I should try.

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