After Saving the Villains, They Became Obsessed With Me chapter 77

77. End of settlement

#77. End of settlement

As the synchronization rate increased, the appearance of monsters changed slightly.

The appearance of being far from the monster.

The thorns that sprouted from his arms also disappeared.

Except for the cracked, gray-colored skin and long fingernails, he was just human.

Ah, when I look in the mirror, the whites of my eyes are also black.


It’s still uncomfortable in my head, but it’s better than before.

This must be the effect of the sanctuary.

I stared at Lee Comet with black and white eyes.

Lee Hye-sung screams and swings her fists as if she has no reason.

Nari Seo, who was behind her, summoned her chains.


I called her name and stopped Nari Seo.

Then, after dodging Lee Hye-sung’s fist several times, he blocked it.

The shock was great, but it was worth it.

“I will do it.”

To be honest, I didn’t do anything in this situation.

All the plans I made went awry, and because I died in the middle, I only caused other people to suffer.

So I want to let him rest.

I also want to try 100%.


For your reference, the special skill you got this time.

[Dongguijin – At the cost of your life, you gain the strength to stand against anyone for 10 minutes. ]

This is it.

To be honest, I can’t test anything right now.

Because if you use that, you really die.

I deflected Lee Hye-sung’s fist.

Then, let’s test your skills first.

[ Use the skill, ‘Destruction’. ]


[ 4Th life sync rate is 100%. ]

[Your skill goes to a higher level. ]

Another message came to mind.

[ Obtain the skill, ‘Destruction’. ]

This is unexpected again.

Once the skill evolved, it seemed that destruction was everything.

Shall we try it right away?

[ Use the skill, ‘Destruction’. ]

When I reached out my hand, a purple light came out.

I couldn’t tell the color apart because it was black and white, but I could just tell.

Is it because of my ability?

The light soon permeated Lee Hye-seong’s arm and destroyed it.


The broken arm fell to the floor.


Lee Hye-seong, pitifully missing both of her arms, screamed.

If the original ‘Destruction’ was broken plainly, ‘Destruction’ became something splendid.

I liked one effect.

But that’s it.

There was one problem.

“If you just change the name, it will be perfect.”

Pre-evolution skills are the same, so why do all the skill names of the 4th life look like this?

Dare I say, I don’t like this kind of name.

I wonder if it made me think of my middle school days.

I let out a sigh and approached Lee Hye-seong, who was still screaming.

“After becoming a monster, I lost my patience.”

I clenched my fist.

I don’t know about other lives, but for this fourth life, the combination of skills had a good effect.

That was proven when I first met Gu Seol-hwa.

Then, what if you combine all available skills?

What will happen?

[ Use the skill, ‘Destruction’. ]

[Use the skill, ‘Destroy’. ]

[ Skill. Use ‘Overheat’. ]

I used all skills except for the risky ‘runaway’.

The same purple light as before wrapped around the fist, and it spun like a blender.

I was able to tell the moment I got power.

It would be more effective to blow it from a distance than to just hit it.

I took a step back and threw a fist.

At the same time, the same light as before extended from the fist.

It was far from light beams or light bullets.

It wasn’t that neat, it was just a clump of power that was ignorantly fired.

The mass that went like a storm broke, tore, and destroyed Lee Hye-sung’s entire body.

Even though it had only passed for a moment, Lee Hye-seong’s body was shattered before he knew it.


I was a little surprised because I didn’t expect to die right away.

It was regrettable at the same time.

This is too bland.

“Did you get rid of it?”

I tried talking just in case, but nothing happened.

After licking my lips again, I released my monstrous transformation.

The regret didn’t go away easily, but I can’t help what has already passed.

It’s my fault for not being able to control my strength.

I turned my head and looked at everyone.

Nari Seo sweeps her chest as if in relief. Shin Yeo-eun was similar.

Jang Ha-ra is still unconscious.

Joo Hyun-ah and Do Hannah… They couldn’t keep their mouths shut as if they were quite shocked.

“What are you doing? Let’s go.”

I told Joo Hyun-ah as if to come to his senses.

“Oh, yes.”

Joo Hyun-ah, who became dignified for some reason, opened the gate right away.

We entered the gate. Gate moved to shelter.

There were many people at the shelter.

Since not all heroes died, order was maintained. There must be a virtue of the association staff.

······This won’t reduce the blow to the Association.

I feel sorry for the association’s employees who will soon lose their jobs.

“······Is this really the end?”

Shin Yeo-eun asked.

“That’s too bland…”

I wondered if I could say this, but I understand.

From what I can see, Lee Hye-seong died too easily.

“It won’t be a complete end.”

Contrary to what I said, strictly speaking, the end is correct.

The end only leads to another beginning.

“Because there seems to be something worse.”

The final boss in the original version was Dohanna.

Then who is the boss of the changed world?

Until recently, I thought it was Lee Hye-seong.

The result, as you can see, was not.

Then who is it?


Personally, I wish there would be no such existence at all, but unfortunately I have been given a quest.

You can tell just by looking at the list of quests that have been given so far.

The system wants me to kill my enemies, and it forces me to do so.

Therefore, the ‘final boss’ who will give me the final ordeal will definitely exist. You must overcome it to clear the main quest.

And that must be the ‘King of the Monsters’.

“It’s a headache.”

As the weight in the original work was small, it is an opponent with little information.

I figured out the location, but I wonder if that means much.

“Oh, Hyeon Yoo!”

While I was lost in my thoughts, I heard a voice calling me from afar.

When I checked, they were in the same class.

“Well, it looks like the evacuation went well.”

“Ah, yes. Hero Eugene led me here as soon as the incident broke out. I was going to look for you right away, did I not meet you?”

“·······Really? I haven’t met you.”

Where did that person go again?

Since the danger was almost eliminated, I wondered if it would be a big deal, but since the situation was the situation, I was worried.

“Youhyeon-ah, are you not hurt anywhere?”

“You’re fine, so take care of your friends.”


The half kid backed out.

“Isn’t it difficult? Give it to me.”

I supported Jang Hara instead.

“And…You go back. Thank you for coming, but you guys are the villains.”

“Ah, is that right…?”

“Why did you come in the first place? This is Hero Island.”

“No, that, um, that…”

Dohanna hesitated as she scratched her cheek.

Joo Hyun-ah, who was watching her notice, also covered my mouth and threw it into her gate.

“Then see you at home.”

Just like that, the two disappeared.

“·······What is it?”

I have some doubts, but I decided to ask at home later.

“Anyway, when are you looking for a house?”

More than a month has passed since I lived with Hannah Do.

But Joo Hyun-ah still hasn’t found her home.

It’s clearly a lie, but there’s no way to prove it.


I sighed and carefully laid Jang Hara down.

She was provided with a mat but no pillow, so she stretched her legs and put her head on her thighs.

It’s better than having a headache when you wake up.

“You guys should rest too.”


Nari Seo sent me a look of envy, but I just smiled and didn’t do anything.

Now is the time to yield to Jang Ha-ra.

Because I suffered the most.

I activated the Sanctuary skill so that I wouldn’t have a nightmare.


Jang Ha Ra slowly opened her eyes.

The touch I felt on the back of my head from the time I woke up.

When I checked it out, it was really Lee Yoo-hyeon’s thigh.


In my heart, I wanted to rub my face, but I couldn’t because I thought I’d ask you to come out if I found out you were awake.

Let’s pretend to sleep a little longer.

“Are you awake?”

And it failed.

How do you know?

Jang Ha-ra, who was wriggling her eyebrows, raised her body as if regretting it.

By the way.

“Get more rest.”

Lee Yoo-hyeon pressed his forehead and laid him down again.

Once again, her thigh touched the back of her head.


She looked up at Lee Yu-hyeon with her blank face.

‘Wow, there are people who can survive from this angle.’

From noble mtl dot com

At first, I admired it innocently without thinking much, but why did Lee Yoo-hyeon keep making eye contact.

Jang Ha-ra, a little embarrassed, averted her gaze.

Of course, the gaze that averted returned to her face.

“Why, why are you looking at me like that…?”

“······I just wanted to not be surprised.”

Lee Yoo-hyeon awkwardly scratched his cheek.

“I died in front of you. But you are very calm.”

“······Dead? I thought you weren’t dead.”

“I didn’t know… I guess.”

It was a bit of a shock.

It was dead.

So death was part of the plan?

······If it’s Yuhyeon, that might be the case.

“Then did you come back to life?”

“That’s how it is.”


Lee Yoo-hyeon smiled.

It was his signature relaxed smile.

Looking at it makes me feel relaxed.

I did.

I liked that smile that seemed to tell me there was no need to be impatient.

Janghara smiled.

“I’m glad I’m alive.”

“I think so too.”

It was comfortable.

Both body and mind.

This atmosphere of speaking the truth without hesitation.



“You know my relatives.”


“He died.”


Janghara turned her body slightly and lay down on her side.

“But I am not very sad. Because they weren’t nice people.”

“I’m glad you didn’t mind.”

“Thanks to you.”

Why did you turn around?



I don’t think I can say this without seeing his face.

“Hyeonah Yoo, I…”

Jang Ha-ra said, closing her eyes tightly.

This is a really courageous statement.

It may not be accepted, but it was something I really wanted to say.

“I want to live in your house!”

Dohanna also lives, so there is nothing that I cannot live with.

I just thought so.

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