Another World Returner’s Game Streaming chapter 6

6 - Nightfall - First Broadcast (4)

6 – Nightfall – First Broadcast (4)

To prepare for the broadcast, Winter played the first part of Nightfall as a ‘preparatory’ level, and of course had the experience of facing that werewolf.

So she knew it well.

Even though it was a monster that appeared in the tutorial, how fast, brutal, and elaborate strategies those werewolves were made to the extent that curses came out of their mouths.

Nightfall is not a game where you can compete against enemies like other games.

It was a game where, if possible, you had to deal with the enemy one-on-one, and you were forced to use skillful techniques and exquisite strategies to subdue the opponent rather than punching them with force.

Moreover, in the tutorial section, it was impossible to increase the player’s specs, such as leveling up or exchanging equipment.

‘But in that state, you killed the werewolf instantly with a single sword?’

Also, it wasn’t just Winter who rubbed her eyes, wondering if his own eyes were wrong after seeing the blow that Eugene had just delivered.

– Crazy… You killed a werewolf with one kill in the tutorial? Is that possible?

– I first saw a werewolf killed in one shot in a tutorial hahahahaha

– A while ago, a critical hit judgment went into the vital part, and the counter judgment overlapped, so it seems that the damage was blown up? Theoretically, a werewolf one-kill is not very impossible.

– ㄴ After hearing your explanation, I don’t know anything else, but it seems to me that the impossible is right ㅇㅇ

Viewers also responded that they were ridiculous when they saw Eugene killing a werewolf at once, just like in winter.

‘Nightfall’ is basically a game with fantasy elements added, but a fairly realistic element is added in the part of inflicting damage on the opponent.

For example, if an attack hits a vital part, such as the head or pit, there is a possibility of being killed in a single blow regardless of the remaining HP.

Or even if you don’t get killed by a single blow, you can inflict much more damage than if you were attacked by a normal part.

In addition, if you hit the counter at the exact timing of the opponent’s attack, it is possible to inflict more than three times more damage than normal at once.

So, even in the tutorial section where you haven’t leveled up yet, if you hit the counter at the right timing and cut off the opponent’s vitals, killing a werewolf in one blow isn’t very absurd.

If there was a problem, however, it was the fact that the person who made such a ridiculous super play was the first person to experience a virtual reality game today.

‘No way… Was it really true that he had been working as an undercover agent or something for the past five years?’

Speaking of fact, Winter and her parents didn’t believe at all that Eugene had been kidnapped by Europe for the past five years and worked as a secret agent or something.

When she first heard that, she didn’t even doubt Eugene’s words because she was happy that they were reunited after 5 years, but now that she thought about it again, there were more than one or two things that didn’t make sense.

However, Winter and her parents did not bother to question Eugene in order to know what the truth was.

Even while Eugene told such a ridiculous lie, if she had a past she wanted to hide from them, she could do as much as she could to pretend she didn’t notice anything.

But the series of movements that Eugene showed me just now.

No matter how you look at it, it couldn’t be said that it was the movement of a person who played a virtual reality game for the first time in his life today.

‘No way… Are you that strong because you’ve killed a lot as a secret agent?’

At that time, misunderstandings that were not winter misunderstandings were deepening.


Eugene, who could be said to be the culprit behind all these misunderstandings, swung his sword while maintaining a nonchalant expression.


The screams of the werewolves also resonate everywhere whenever Eugene’s sword is reflected in the moonlight.

It’s not a roar that expresses the intent to kill the enemy like before, but a scream that comes from fear that one’s own life is being threatened.


As if making a last-ditch effort, the werewolves desperately reach out their claws at Eugene.

However, Eugene easily dodges the werewolves’ desperate blow.

No, it’s not just about avoiding attacks.

As if he knew in advance how the werewolves would behave, Eugene evaded the attack with ease, as if he were enjoying a walk.

Even in winter, who knows nothing about martial arts, he instinctively realizes something by looking at Eugene.

The fact that the steps Eugene is taking and the blade cutting through the enemies are something exquisite and beautiful, like a painting.


Eugene’s sword, reminiscent of a ray of light, decapitates the last remaining werewolf.


The werewolf’s throat sounded like something was boiling, and then his body slumped to the floor.

As expected, the werewolf died instantly with a single sword this time.


As soon as Eugene finished the lead sword action with a leisurely motion, the chat window that had been quiet as if time had stopped just now started to burn up in an instant.

– Did you really beat 5 werewolves in 1 fight???? ?????

– Even though I said I was a beginner in virtual reality games, I was really breathing.

– I really never imagined that I would be able to see plays that would only come out from pro gamers in the celestial realm during the winter broadcast hahahaha

I couldn’t believe it, but the viewers who watched the scene where Eugene actually killed all five werewolves from the front were literally in a crucible of enthusiasm.

Bondi Nightfall was a game in which even an expert in the game could die at any time with a slight mistake.

It was a very natural kind of game to risk your life even to kill a single mob, and to retreat if two or more enemies attacked at the same time.

So, at this moment, viewers couldn’t help but cheer.

Until now, no streamer had shown a play reminiscent of incomparability in Nightfall, but Eugene’s play, which instantly slaughtered five werewolves, relieved the viewers’ hidden dissatisfaction.

‘Spirited Away No. 1’ Sponsored ‘10,000 Won’!

[Wow, it’s really great!! There was no one who showed such an exciting scene among the broadcasters who were live in Nightfall.]

“Uh… Spirited Away No. 1, Thank you for your support. Well, thank you for liking it. I’m playing the game for the first time today, and I feel good because there are a lot of people who like it.”

Recalling Winter’s advice to answer the question along with a comment saying thank you unconditionally when a message of support comes from her, Eugene stuttered her mouth open.

From noble mtl dot com


[‘Nightfall J Mangem’ sponsored ‘2,000 won’.]

[‘Physical is the best’ sponsored ‘5,000 won’.]

[‘Take My Money’ sponsored ‘10,000 won’… ]

[‘Parking king parking’ said ‘3,000 won’… ]

Maybe it’s because of the reaction that other streamers have never shown before.

Although it was not such a large amount, there was a line of people who supported her towards Eugene.

Around the time Eugene was reading her chat window and expressing her gratitude to the person who sponsored her, Kyeol-gyeol expressed her admiration as she looked at the amount of her sponsorship that had come to Eugene. I’m tired of it.

“Wow… Is your brother very popular? It’s been 10 minutes since the game started, do you know how much donation money has already accumulated?”

“How long have you been in?”

“103,000 Won.”

“… 103,000 Won? Really?”

At most, she must have received about 10,000 to 20,000 won in total, so it was no different from a culture shock to Eugene, who she thought lightly.

“She earned 100,000 won in just 10 minutes of starting the game? The performance fee I was supposed to receive from you today was 100,000 won?”

– Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

– Winter is really too much. Did you try to beat it with 100,000 won after appearing on your brother’s broadcast? Lol

– Isn’t this the true nature of Koreans?

– Oppa Winter’s appearance on today’s broadcast = The amount he received from being on the show for 10 minutes hahahahaha

Viewers who are of one mind only at times like this.

“No! What is that? I wish I knew! The fact that my brother was actually a lottery ticket he didn’t scratch!”

– It’s Chute, let’s just keep our mouth shut

– Sprout Wiki: Winter / Accident and Controversy

– You’re not a graduate student, isn’t 100,000 won for an appearance fee a bit excessive, Winter?

She seemed embarrassed on the outside, but in fact, viewers of her winter usually enjoyed teasing her in this way, so it was safe to say that this was also a piece of content.

In this way, Winter was also able to communicate with viewers instead of communicating with them and keep them in this room, so it was a win-win for each other.

“By the way, how did you just do that?”

“…I mean, how do I know when you talk like that.”

“No! You killed the werewolves instantly with a single sword! How the hell did you do that!”

At Winter’s question, Eugene opened her mouth, blinking her eyes as if it wasn’t a secret.

“Um… In fact, there’s no such thing as too much of a secret. I just blocked the enemy’s attack and stabbed it when there was an opening. It’s very easy once you know. Maybe you can do it enough if you practice?”

Eugene Her words were full of her sincerity.

He really only ‘observed’ the patterns of the werewolves, and after understanding them, took the enemy’s gap and cut off his head.

Of course, it was completely incomprehensible to Winter and viewers.

– Ah~ That’s right~ Turns out it was a very easy method~ I didn’t know that!

– ??? : How to go to Korea University, it is not very difficult. You just need to study the textbooks and thoroughly review the preparation lessons…

Listening to Eugene’s explanation, Winter and the viewers felt a sense of absurdity.

Anyone can imitate the previous one with a little practice?

Eugene is the first person in the world who has played Nightfall to show such a scene, so how can such a word come out so easily?

However, such a sense of collapse was short-lived.

Georeum and the viewers realized that Eugene’s collapsed answer was an answer he could give because he was not a ‘normal person’.

A person who lives in this world with a completely different perspective from ordinary people.

And a person who can do things that normal people can’t do even after they die, just like breathing.

The world used to refer to such people as that.


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  1. Zzz says:

    Now try to study for 20 years
    And there will be exams every so often that of you dont meet a certain mark you are to die
    It suddenly sounds all the more probable

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not work with dark mode