Avoid the Yandere Constellation chapter 199

Avoid the Yandere Constellation 199

Twenty minutes before Kane encounters the Women’s Alliance.

Let’s walk as they come out of the tracking crystal orb.

“It looks like we will reach our destination soon.”

Eventually, we almost reached our destination.

Hearing those words, except for Yvesrin and Lien, they put on a determined expression on their faces.

Just like the hero just before reaching the Demon King’s Castle.

‘no. Why are you making such a face?’

On the other hand, Yvrin, who was watching from behind, did not understand.

Who are the people here now?

Aren’t most of the saints and the denominations on the risk list?

It wouldn’t be difficult to destroy a country.

‘What is she talking about?’

It was a situation that could not be understood by Ivrin, who did not yet know the identity of the constellation.

She asked Lien next to her quietly.


“yes. Yvrin.”

“I don’t understand, so why are you making such a face? everyone.”


Lien, who vaguely noticed that she is a constellation, closed her eyes for a moment and pondered.

Soon, he smiled softly and nodded.

“Just not knowing is medicine.”

“Ah yes····.”

That’s when Yvrin nodded her head with a shaky face.

-Shoot it.

A cool breeze blew with the sound of flowing water.

In the next moment, the party moves towards it.

not long after that


A valley so refreshing that it was difficult to enter was reflected in my view.

Is that all?

A majestic mansion comparable to a castle used by the imperial family was nestled in the vicinity of the valley.



There was a subtle silence between the party for a moment.

Then Cage asked.

“Rice. Are you sure the master is here?”

“yes. To be precise, it looks like he and I are in that castle.”

“Then what do we do now?”

At that moment, Illin interrupted their conversation.

Richie is a bit confused by her question.

‘You can’t act like you just came.’

Then, it would be no different from saying outright that you were a stalker.


“Prepare quickly and act like you’re here to play.”

Hearing those words, the group of women hastily prepared themselves.


After hearing Richie’s explanation, Kane rubbed his trembling temple for a moment.

“you also. That’s great. Richie.”

“Thank you for the compliment. young master.”

I said it sarcastically, but Richie understands it as a compliment.

Kane looked at her and sighed deeply.

“You don’t say this in front of fate. If I make a mistake, I will get a real honey night.”

“Don’t worry. Our mouths are not that light.”

I don’t know about anyone else, but I think the cage will be light.

With that in mind, he turned his head to the constellation.

just as expected.

“It was made just to play with Kane. Why are they here…?”

He purses his lips and starts to mumble.

It seems like he was expecting quite a bit to be alone with him.

Kane said, scratching the back of his head with a troubled face.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu go inside the mansion and pack up your things. The constellation will understand that.”

“yes. All right.”

Richie nodded at his command and headed for the mansion with the party.



When the constellation saw them disappear, they sighed deeply.

It’s like being hit with a hammer in the back of the head.

“I feel like I have been scammed. Kane.”

“…and I can’t deny it.”

Even when we first met, the constellation had asked Riche why he was stalking him.

However, Richie smiled as if waiting for that word and denied it.

– We’re just here to play. It’s just a ‘accidental’ overlap of places.

Destiny couldn’t even respond to those words.

In fact, the people who came here weren’t just Kane’s mates.

“Just think of it as a trip together.”

“Wow… you’re always like that. Honestly, how are you feeling? Did the other party come with you?”

“no. What.”

To be honest, I was relieved.

Who knows what will happen when you are alone with the constellation.

On my last trip to the hot springs, I made a mistake and almost got killed.

“Wow. Look, don’t deny it. I was just looking forward to it. uh?”

“Hmmm. Anyway, second to that, what do you do?”

“what? What could be worse than this?”

“Hey, can’t we use our room together?”

A constellation with a hard face at his question.

Soon, she narrowed her eyes and stared intently.

“Let’s hear the reason first.”

“no. you did When a man and a woman travel alone, it is a rule of thumb to share a room.”

“Uh… that’s right.”

She nodded her head with a vigilant look on her face.

Kane slowly opened his mouth.

“But we are not alone anymore.”


“So. There are 12 people including the two of us right now, aren’t we sharing a room? No, I don’t think they will allow it to leave that.”


A constellation that has temporarily turned into a nectar in an unexpected situation.

I’m afraid to finish speaking.

“young master. There was something strange about one of the rooms in the mansion.”

“Kane. where is your room Oddly enough, there was only one room, but there were two people’s luggage.”

“Kane. Where are you using your room?”

Richie, Skaya, and Ilyn in bikinis ask where they are using the room.

Just as Kane was about to answer their questions.

“You share a room with me. why? Any complaints?”

The constellation answered instead, covering his mouth with one hand.

Lisana, who joined the question a little late, shook her head.

like it’s so natural.

“Of course there are complaints. Think about what you’ve done so far.”


A constellation that keeps silent because she has nothing to say about Lisana’s facts.

Judging by the reaction, she seems to know herself.

Until now, he was trying to do something that crossed the line.

‘I’m going to cry like this.’

Even though I was depressed because the trip between the two of us was ruined, the constellation was beaten with facts.

The moment when an ominous feeling wraps around your body.

“Profit! I can’t stand it anymore! All jump! In the first place, this is what the winner chooses!”

With her face blushing, she screams.

Kane looked at her like that.

“Eh. I do not know. Do it yourself.”

I decided to give up thinking and slipped away.


Kane went into the valley trying to ignore their non-fighting fights.

next moment.

-with a plop!

A cold warmth rushed through my body.

Normally, I would have shivered from the cold, but is it because my physical abilities are different?

‘It’s not as cold as I thought.’

Kane’s got a subtle feeling.


Suddenly, Keiji’s bright voice came from behind.

Kane turned his head back.


“Why… Kei… Pooh!”

Before he could finish his speech, his face was covered in the clear valley water.

Clear water dripping down your chin.

At the same time.

“host! Very ugly!”

Cage pointed at her with her finger and then smiled sarcasticly.

“····It seems that education is lacking these days.”

With a serious face, he splashed water on the cage.

As if not to lose, Cage begins to attack.

Two water cannons advancing at an unusual speed.

Then then.

“Help Cage!”

Yvrin abandons her master and helps her best friend.

‘Wow. Look at them gossiping.’

Two beasts who start cowardly stalking.

Kane couldn’t do it.

“As the owner, I command you. Yvrin, take my side and attack Cage.”

It wasn’t the slave I made with Yvrin… but I took out a legitimate contract and ordered her.


“The master is cowardly…

Before Cage could finish speaking, Yvrin splashed water on her face.

Soon after, Yvrin apologized with no regret at all.

“Sorry, Cage. Do you know my heart?”

“…you’re not sorry about Iverin’s expression at all?”

“yes? It’s not like that, it’s not because they train me as a mutt every day in the name of education.”

I was expecting it, but it must have been that I was abusive to Evelyn.

Kane looked at Yvrin’s mischievous smile and gave a persuasive expression.

‘It seems that the first thing attached to Cage expected this situation.’

Other than that, there is no reason to change the stance so quickly.

While Kane is stunned for a moment.

“It seems that education is lacking these days. Junior Yvesrin.”

With a bright smile, Cage sprayed Everin with a water cannon.

In the next moment, Yvrin even strengthens her body and avoids her attacks.

[The goddess of happiness is said to be cowardly toward children.]

At that time, Happiness sent a message as if the world was pathetic.

It’s a compliment to hear someone say you’re cowardly.

“yes. Thanks for the compliment.”

Kane responded with a rationalization of himself.

At the same time.

“I’m going to share a room with Kane!”

“Not as much as that!”

“The old man is gone! I will use it!”

The group of women laughing and playing in the water rang in my ears.

Looking at the conversation, it is clear that they are having a lot of fun.

‘okay. How nice it is to be so peaceful.’

-thud! bang! Whoa!

Of course, it sounds like a bomb exploded from somewhere.

it must be my mistake


About 5 hours have passed since then.

Now, slowly, everyone came out of the valley as if they were exhausted.

Except for me, Rien is the most mature.

“all. Let’s eat slowly now!”

He called out to us and shouted loudly.

Like a teacher dealing with kindergarten kids

‘I’m so sorry about something?’

Unlike the group of women who had only been playing, Lien took a break and prepared meals at the same time.

She would have wanted to take a break, but she must have felt a bit sorry for her.

‘Really, I’ll have to take a vacation later and give them a bonus or something.’

Thinking like that, I walked and arrived at my destination.

next moment.

“…Kane. Did you say let’s eat ramen?”

“young master. A little bit of ramen so far.”

“babe. Anyway, I think this is a little harsh?”

The eyes of the group of women were focused on me.

‘no. Why is everyone doubting me?’

I like ramen very much, but that doesn’t make me a little suspicious of me without any proof.

The moment I was about to shake my head in an unhappy heart.

“I didn’t order Kane, but I did it on my own.”

Lien cleared up the misunderstanding instead.

And then, he continued.

“Originally, I was going to make other dishes, but because there were so many people, I thought it would take too long, so I made instant ramen. Is there anyone you don’t like?”

Lien looking around the world with a scary smile.

The girls, who had just had fun and had nothing to say, quickly changed their posture.

“actually. I wanted to eat it from the beginning. Mom.”

“I like ramen too. Lien.”

“I, me too!”

The change of attitude is very quick.

I smiled to myself and ate the ramen in a bowl.

– Whoop!

Soft noodles that run down the neck.

Even with 10 people alone, I felt that the water was controlled quite well.

“thank you for your effort. Lien.”

“yes. thank you Kane.”

Lien smiled and nodded her head.

With that said, we focused on eating ramen.

I looked at the girls who were playing in the water, not fighting fiercely.

‘···· At first glance, everyone looks fine.’

To be honest, I’m kind of curious as to who won.

As expected, of course, it’s a constellation, but you still need to ask.

“So who am I in the same room with?”

When I turned around and asked who won, the constellation answered with ramen in both cheeks.

“All of us.”

Yeah····? shit?

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  1. SenatorArmstrong says:

    I want to see an orgy.

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