Became a Servant the Dragons Are Obsessed With chapter 57

57 - To the Drake Training Grounds

57 – To the Drake Training Grounds


“The chicken you ate on the ice was delicious, right?”

“right! It was very chewy and crispy!”

“I wish I had chicken every day. It was the best thing I’ve ever eaten.”

“By the way, the breasts are kind of tough, so I don’t care… … .”

“Huh, it tastes good, but there are too many bones. It’s hard to eat.”

“Old? Aren’t you going to eat the bones as well?!”

“Huh-? My stomach doesn’t hurt-?!”

“I don’t know. It feels good to be full.”

“Ah? Don’t wipe your hands on my school uniform… !!”

ㅡKyareuk, kkareuk… ♬

Laughter blooms at the academy during lunch free time. In particular, the naive first graders burst into laughter over trivial things.

A time when everything is fun.

Although they were dragons who lived for 200 years,

It’s the first time I’ve been together with people of the same age.

Rather than the fact that it would take another 450 years at the academy to graduate, the fact that I had new friends was just as enjoyable.

Besides, I was satisfied with the meal for the first time in a while, so I couldn’t hold back my big smile.

The chicks go on a picnic as a group and cheep, cheep -! It didn’t look any different from the way he was walking around and chirping.

“Guys! Now, let’s gather in groups!”

Even in the midst of this, Tina, the representative of the first year, did not forget her duty and brought her classmates together.

The responsibility of being the class representative is heavy.

Moreover, instead of armbands, badges were awarded.

A sign that anyone can see that you are the representative of the grade.

As a result, Tina was inspired by the pride of being the class representative and took the lead more voluntarily.

“Did everyone get together with their own members?”

“”Ugh-!!! “”

Everyone responds in unison to Tina’s answer.

In the afternoon, it is time for individual group activities.

Each week, the study location is determined according to the theme.

The common theme this week is field trips.

It was time for each group to tour the facilities of the academy located on Valkyrie Island and learn geography. It was such a large island for freshmen that a week was not enough time.

“Okay, Derke? Let’s go with us today!”

When all the motives are gathered, Tina invites Derke.

On the first day, she led her friends to bully her, but now she willingly reached out to play first.

“Hey… ? That, but I have an appointment… No, I have an appointment-?!”

In response, Derke suppresses ancient dragons and speaks the common language of the continent. The boy shook his head with a smile.

Derke’s heart went to the flower field.

To be precise, in the dormitory common room.

He was also full of Breeder’s thoughts.

“Are you going to see Mr. Breeder again?”

“Uh-! Today, I will make something delicious… !”

“But yesterday, a senior in 3rd grade came and didn’t let me share it, right?”

“Oh, that’s right-! Tina is smart too… !”

Suddenly, Derke’s plans are disrupted.

I forgot what happened yesterday.

I didn’t even know that, and I was excited all day.

“Then it’s decided. Let’s play with us today, okay?”

Tina stands in front of Derke and spreads her arms. That’s why Derke looked like he was going to jump out towards the break room at any moment.

Even though there was no reason to go to the break room, Derke’s body was still heading towards the dormitory.

“Oh, no… ! I mean, I made a promise to my brother. I promise to help you every day… !”

“Derke? why so… … .”

“And I’ll go today and see if I can secretly hand them out at other times than roll call!”

Tina has been trying to convince me since yesterday,

Derke’s will was unnecessarily firm.

All along, he had only thought of a single-minded breeder.

As if he had given up all of his heart.

“Oops, I get it. But you know, Derke?”

Seeing this, Tina takes a step back and shrugs.

“Uh… ?!”


Tina continued talking as she grabbed Derke by the shoulder, who was about to jump into the break room at any moment.

“Motivation is more important to me than the snacks you bring. I’m the class representative… … !”

“Hey… … ?”

At the same time as the words, a green badge that shimmered in the sunlight. The expression of the dragon drawn on the badge representing the class representative is humorous.

“… So! Why don’t you give us some time once or twice a week? Breeder brother… Oh no! I made a promise with the breeder teacher! I will take good care of you as a class representative and as a roommate… !”

Tina spits out plausible lines on the topic of young hetzling. The guy let out a thin stream of steam through his nose, reminding him of the breeder who was handing out snacks on the first day.

Even in sunny weather, Tina’s Volga turns red for some reason.

Derke, who was watching this… … .

“Hehe-♬ Got it! Then let’s play together tomorrow!”

ㅡPook… !

He smiled and hugged Tina.

“Whoa, Derke… … ?”

“Thank you for saying that, yap-! Anyway, Derke is going to go away… !!”

And then he turned his back and left only a deep hug, oh do do do! Derke running forward.

“Chit… ! I would like derke I envy you… … .”

Tina looked at Derke and muttered with a puzzled expression.

“I also want to get something delicious while being loved by the breeder teacher… … .”



“Heh heh, heh heh, heh-♪”

Derke, who was heading to the break room, hummed spontaneously. It was a happier time than ever, so the anticipation and excitement were not controlled.

But this didn’t last very long.

When I arrived, the laughter disappeared.

Naturally, Derke’s expression also hardened coldly.

“Huh… ?! Breeder brother… ? Uh, where is Death-?!”

The heightened anticipation had cooled down.

Also, there was no one in the break room.

There is only a sign saying “OPEN”,

The inside was bleakly empty.

Derke searched inside the counter and even in the warehouse, but in vain. I didn’t feel any popularity.

Only the plates and glasses placed on the table let us know that there were people not too long ago.

“Hmm-! How long have I been waiting for this time… … .”

Derke was sitting alone at a table inside the break room, dangling his legs. With air blowing into both cheeks to show how grumpy he was.

30 minutes of waiting like that.

ㅡdalgrak, moongrak… ! Dalgak!

Derke got up from his seat tired of waiting and was tidying up the break room. He was washing dishes with the ghosts who had been his family since he was born.

‘If you put it away cleanly and wait, you’ll surely be praised for doing well… ! Even though I hate my older brother who disappeared without a word, if he treats me bitterly, I can be forgiven!’

It was when I was almost done with the tidying up again with a lot of anticipation.

ㅡKi profit… ! ㅡ With my daughter!

Finally, the door to the break room opens and I feel a presence.

Accordingly, Derke naturally knew that the breeder had returned.

“Welcome, Dessyon-! Wherever you go, you come so late… … .”

But in reality… … .

“Hehehe-?!!! School, Vice Principal… … ?”

Vice Principal Bennetrick, with his bright yellow hair curled up behind him, was entering the break room.

“Well? you are obviously… … .”

“This is a first-year Dercane, yap-!”

“Oh yeah. You’re the kid I gave you the badge on the first day.”

Bennettrick remembers Derke’s peculiar way of speaking when he is nervous. As she said, Derke was the same as the subject of her research.

Despite his young age, he was using ancient dragons freely. That’s why I was awarded the badge of a warrior of interest.

It really meant nothing else.

It was a resource that was expected to grow in the future.

At the same time, it was also the subject of research.

It was judged that there was no talent like him in researching ancient dragon words and deciphering ancient documents. After growing up to a certain extent, he even had the idea of reaping his teaching assistant.

Well, thanks to that grand plan, it was difficult because only Derke was ostracized.

“… But what are you doing here?”

“Che, I’m in the midst of experience activities, yap-!”

“yes? experiential activity? In the break room?”

“Right yap-! Derke wanted it so voluntarily… ! The death dragon who was helping the breeder brother!”

“When you say oppa, do you mean that human servant? So, where is that human now?”

Bennett didn’t think much of it and asked the question.

Derke was also the object of her interest,

What I had to do now was the breeder.

I wanted to see his human skills with my own two eyes.

“Sah, actually, I don’t really know… ! The seat has been vacant since a while ago… … .”

“what? Was that for real?”


“How dare you quit your job for being a former criminal slave… … ?!”

Hearing Derke’s confession, Venetrick suddenly shows a lattice-patterned sinew on his forehead.

An expression of unacceptability was etched on Benedict’s already cold-looking face.



“Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Can I serve you dessert right away?”

Halfway up Valkyrie Nest Mountain located in the center of Valkyrie Island.

A place overlooking the whole view of the academy.

A flying dragon training ground located in an alpine area.

In a corner there, the breeder was sweating profusely.

Because he climbed to this high place to treat Sofia and Diora with a special dessert.

“… Well! What do you want to taste as soon as possible?!”

“Mr. Breeder. I’m fine, so it’s okay if you take a slow breath.”

Diora and Sophia each react differently to this.

“Hmph, still pretending to have a good personality? While preoccupied with dessert more than anyone else?”

“Diora? Wasn’t our purpose, after all, a conversation for the next 100 years of the academy? It seems like you’re only obsessed with dessert, right?”

“what… … ?!”

ㅡpa support position… !!

The two of them spark a spark when they say they only met eyes since yesterday.

Unusual energy flows from the inside of the steep cliff cave in the flying dragon training ground.

‘Ha, I want to go home… … .’

In this situation, the breeder caught in the middle was just to die for.

It’s hard on the body and mind to the point of dying.

I wanted to hit them all.

Still, he couldn’t give up.

Because now the notice was in front of my eyes.


He opened the basket of desserts he had kept so far, leaving behind the two girls who were still in a war of nerves.

To treat the two ladies with the long-awaited dessert.

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  1. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    The timing… Yikes…

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