Became a Servant the Dragons Are Obsessed With chapter 78

78 - sometimes recklessly

78 – sometimes recklessly

“… I won’t let you go until I call you noona! And it’s not that difficult of a request?!”

What are you saying all of a sudden?

I want you to call me sister… … ?

In this situation? out of the blue?

“… … .”

At first, I was dumbfounded and didn’t say anything. Of course, the word sister didn’t come out. Instead, it was just before an urgent moan erupted.

That would be too… … .

ㅡCheei Iik… !!

Shit, it feels like the area around my neck is ripening in real time.

It’s not called the Fire Dragon for nothing.

Same with the inferno marathon kiss.

Same with the flame headlock now.

My whole body felt congenitally hot.

Like yesterday, my whole body feels hot again.

The hot dragon’s blood covered my throat.

A much hotter energy than yesterday comes over me.

I had to live with my sister and whatever. To do that… … .

“Who, sister?! I’ll call you sister, so please let go of this for now! I’m going to burn my neck for real if I do this!!”

Being in such an emergency situation,

Calling her sister was not a problem.

It comes out on its own to live.

I was in such an urgent situation.

The same goes for Raylin’s arm wrapped around his neck,

Her face was on the verge of being consumed by her hot breasts.

You can’t burn your face just because you call her older sister, can you?

“Ho-how-?! Hee, White Doong, are you okay… … !?”

Laylin released the hot pressure as if she finally understood the situation at my urgent voice.

“Cool, cool… !!”

Could it be that I forgot that I am human?

It almost became a whole roasted neck.

The area around the neck feels hot as if a hot pack has been applied.

“Oh, what should I do-!! You’re not really burned… ?! Sorry! Really sorry… … !!!”

Leirin, who stepped back while loosening the flame clamp, looked at my physical condition and handed me an apple over and over again. It was a very flustered voice, as if she hadn’t expected it at all.

My throat is hotter than that.

As if the flesh had been peeled off in the summer sun.

This time it felt like a real burn.

I just wanted to bake cookies in the oven… … . For some reason, only my throat was cooked.

‘My throat hurts and I can’t move… … .’

I couldn’t look down at my own neck,

The tingling of the skin is quite painful.

I don’t know what happened, but it felt hotter than yesterday when I was drunk with marathon.

Was it that much sincerity in the title of older sister?

Anyway, I need to start with first aid.

My throat is burning and I can’t move.

Is this today’s dessert or what? First of all, from the infirmary… … .

“Howa wow—?! Hey, white kid? you… what did you do now… … !?”

“… … ?”

Raylin is making a fuss next to her even though her throat is still sore and she is going crazy. Was the wound worse than expected?

“… Don’t just watch it, help me—”

“Isn’t the wound healing on its own?!”

“Yes… … ?”

“look! The skin that had just been swollen red and swollen has already subsided! The color is gradually returning to its original color!”

“What nonsense is that… uh, what? what, what?”

Surprisingly, it was as Raylin said.

All of a sudden, the pain stops.

As if I had been given painkillers, I felt instantly better.

ㅡ stuttering… … .

I carefully touched my hand, just in case

What I felt on my fingertips was soft skin.

The hot and throbbing energy is gone,

The soft skin feels as if new skin has sprouted again.

“… Really? How did this happen???”

Come to think of it, I had a similar experience yesterday. Didn’t the swollen cheeks from Raylin’s flame kiss subside faster than expected? Even the kiss marks were erased overnight.

I didn’t think much of it, but

Today, I get a little goosebumps from the same experience.

Could this be the effect of the oath?

If you shared some of the dragon’s power, it wouldn’t be impossible. But to say that, I still haven’t even been handed a dragon heart… … .

It is difficult to easily judge what happened.

“Well, I don’t know what happened… … . I’m really sorry-! White kid, were you kidding me? Anyway, I’m really glad you weren’t hurt, really… … .”

“Miss Raylin?”

Raylin is restless in front of me.

I am afraid that you will hate me in any case.

The SSR grade dragon was frozen, looking at mere humans.

It wasn’t a particularly malicious act, so I didn’t have any personal feelings for Raylin. I don’t know what happened, but my body was fine.

Still, if you just let it go like this, the same thing could happen again next time. Therefore, it seemed necessary to take corresponding measures so that he could never play such violent pranks again.

Just as a muzzle and leash are essential for fierce dogs, I intended to put a similar safety device on Raylin.

Because Raylin was so playful.

Shock therapy (?) would be appropriate.

First of all, shall we give a little scare as a warning?

“Ha, Lady Raylin… ? I just got a little disappointed in you.”

“Yes? What a disappointment… … ?!”

“Yes, I thought you were a good person, but from yesterday to today, I have—”

“How-wah-? Hey, you white kid?! It wasn’t intentional… … ! Really! Trust me-! My, I was wrong!”


Laylin cuts off my words and immediately kneels down.

“what? miss… … ?!”

I just raised my voice and said a word,

Raylin’s reaction was quite intense.

To see a dragon kneeling in front of a human? Is this possible?


And that wasn’t all.

Raylin grabs my hands tightly.

There were even wet tears in her red eyes.

“Huh, black-! I’m so sorry-! I was short on thoughts. sniff… ! I never thought I’d put you in danger this time… … .”

“yes? What do you mean by that all of a sudden?”

“I guess I’m really helpless like Seirin-nee said… … . Heck, no matter how much you resemble Shaolin… I shouldn’t have done that to you… … .”

Raylin lowers her head with tears in her eyes.

‘To think that a dragon, a supreme creature, knelt down and shed tears in front of a mere human… ? By the way, who is Shaolin again?’

I was just trying to get revenge with the same joke, but it was embarrassing to see an excessive reaction than expected.

Anyway, one thing is certain:

I don’t think we can leave Raylin like this.

If you keep letting it go, your emotions will rise and you might spew fire.

“miss?! Come on, wake up! Are you suddenly on your knees?”

“Haha? But white boy… ? That I was wrong… … ?”

“I will forgive you just this once. I don’t know what happened, but… For now, my body is fine.”

“Is that true-?!”

“instead… ! Are you going to be really mad next time? Also, please explain why they call me an albino and who Xiao Lin is.”

“Are you really going to forgive me for that?!”

Tears run down Raylin’s face.

And soon, the color spreads across his face.

Your face shines bright like a freshly lit ember.

Raylin was desperate not to be hated by me.

I had already forgotten why my body was fine despite the high fever, so I only looked at my eyes and begged for forgiveness.

“Yes, please explain briefly and concisely instead. I am a busy body right now.”

“Ah, I see… ! I’ll explain everything… … !”


“… So that was it.”

“There must have been a story like that… … .”

Raylin’s explanation was simpler than I thought.

It was a simple but not light story.

It was a story that even bothered me.

Raylin’s explanation was as follows.

The albino was the nickname of his younger brother,

Originally, she had the name Shaolin.

Unfortunately, that Shaolin is now gone to a place where we will never meet again… … .

According to Raylin, 300 years ago,

He was brutally murdered by demons.

Near the place where they went out together to prepare a gift for Raylin’s entrance into the academy.

At that time, what Shaolin was trying to prepare as a gift was a dish using flowers… … ?

Oh, and I was able to hear an explanation about monsters.

Demons were the by-products of darkness and demons that were created when the demonic dragon Detronos was resurrected. Monsters born for the sole purpose of killing without intelligence or reason.

You can think of it as a monster that appears in each stage of Destiny Dragons.

Anyway, to put it in conclusion, my younger brother named Xiao Lin and I look a lot like each other, so I nicknamed him White Doong.

You must have seen my younger brother in me.

That’s why he took extra good care of it.

Hearing a story like this breaks my heart.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been away from my family for quite some time? It’s not like I’m talking about others.

But on second thought, he didn’t explain why he felt guilty toward his younger brother. It seems like he said earlier that he put Shaolin in danger.

“Now stop raising your head. I am okay.”

Well, there must be a reason I can’t tell you everything. Even if I bring up such a thing, it doesn’t seem like it will end in a short time.

“Gee, really… ? I don’t hate myself anymore… … ?”

“Do you hate it? It can’t be. However, please refrain from making violent jokes in the future.”

“Yes-!! Okay! Thank you very much, White-headed… ! I’m sorry! I will do better in the future!”

The color of my forgiveness quickly turns.

Like a fire dragon, his personality is easy-going.

Bessie smiles as if she had never done that before.

“By the way, miss? Have you ever given permission to call me white-headed—”

“By the way, white kid? What were you just making?! dough?”

“… … .”

Laylin deftly cuts off my words.

She was just snooping in front of the dough.

As if you didn’t hear me.

I don’t know about anything else, but I guess I couldn’t give up the nickname ‘Hindoong’.

“Shit… I made it in advance knowing that tomorrow would not be a day off.”

“cookie? Or is it like a biscuit?”

“yes. But for now, I think we should stop and make something for Professor Bennetrick.”

“yes? Why is the vice principal?”

“I was curious about my skills after the incident yesterday.”

“Ah really? Wouldn’t it be a big deal if I got caught at the restaurant yesterday too?”

As the topic naturally passed, Raylin regained her energy. He seemed happy just mixing ordinary stories with me like this.

“Iknow, right. It seems that the kitchen was rather safe because it was dark under the lamp.”

“That is also true. The vice-principal hates places that look even a little bit unclean.”

“Well? Are you familiar with Professor Bennettrick?”

“Well, I’ve been watching you for almost 300 years, so you know how much?”

“Oh, then can you help me?”

“Ah? What do you want help with?”

It was fine at times.

I still needed some direction.

Raylin, who has been in rapport for 300 years, can help me.


I clasped her hands and begged.

“I was worried about what to make, but I need your advice.”

“Whoa… ?! Hey, white kid? Go, why is your hand suddenly… … ?”

Power enters Raylin’s hands.

But I never gave up.

I just shudder and my body stiffens.

funny. When was the first time you held my hand?

I only hold your hand, but I can feel the heat.

Her face was also dyed red like a flower.

Even the two clasped hands start to get hotter and hotter, like a hot iron block.

It must be that her body temperature is rising due to embarrassment or a violent change of heart like before.

Even so, I couldn’t let go of my hand.

Because I had to seize this opportunity.

Right now, there was no one he could trust except Raylin.

So I had to nail it properly.

“Could you tell me what Professor Bennett likes, Raylin… sister?”

“What, what, what, what, what… ? White kid? What did you just say—?!”

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  1. SenatorArmstrong says:


  2. Icarus2 Icarus2 says:

    Hmm mc making another yandere huhu

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