Became a Servant the Dragons Are Obsessed With chapter 84

84 - I got a pizza I didn't order

84 – I got a pizza I didn’t order

[Half and half wood-fired pizza – ★★★★ / ?????]

I baked two pizzas, so two stars.

This is the first time that each star has appeared.

Still, it was obvious without looking at which one was 4 stars.

Of course, the T-bone steak, cherry tomatoes, and basil leaves are the toppings.

Steak Pizza and Salad Pizza.

It was a strategically prepared menu.

I didn’t know Bennettrick’s exact taste, so I deliberately balanced the meat and vegetarian diet.

And the one with only five question marks would be the side with drill apple, blue cheese, and various sausages.

Hawaiian Gorgonzola Pizza and Johnson Bill Pepperoni Pizza would be appropriate if I had to name them.

ㅡMorakmorak… … .

A subtle steam rises from the pizza.

First of all, the visuals pass both.

It was thanks to Raylin’s baking better than I thought.

The side with the sausage on top is a typical pepperoni pizza. On the other hand, the side with blue cheese and drill apples was slightly closer to mint color, probably because of the blue mold on the cheese.

I know that blue cheese usually goes on top of Gorgonzola pizza, but how dark does it have to be to get this color?

It was a color that I didn’t even bother to taste. No, to be honest, it was a color that I was afraid to taste. Perhaps because of the hot heat, the creamy scent of cheese vibrates.

If I had to compare it, would it smell like old socks? It’s not a scent I want to smell for very long.

‘But now I see this question mark… … . Didn’t it pop up when I made the mint chocolate chip cake?’

Even in the explanation that appeared yesterday, I was reluctant to evaluate it as a masterpiece or a masterpiece of the century rather than opening a new horizon of taste.

As if the act of evaluation itself is an example.

A system window that maintains its neutrality well.

He refrained from direct evaluation, saying that it was obvious that likes and dislikes would be clearly divided.

ㅡSol sol sol… … .

After carefully reading the status window, I sprinkled parsley powder on top as a finishing touch.

The blue color is added on top of the yellowish cheese, so it looks even more appetizing.

This was all the role of the parsley powder. It was an ingredient that gave a visual effect rather than adding a specific taste.

Oh, of course, I didn’t bother to sprinkle it where the blue cheese was topped. Because it was already excessively blue.

“How-wah-? It looks pretty appetizing, doesn’t it? Are you sure you’re white?”

When the finished pizza is transferred to a bowl that is easy to eat, Raylin shows interest. Especially towards the pizza with various sausages on top.

Then sniff and savor the smell.

Perhaps it is not a fire dragon who likes hot taste, so he showed interest in sausage pizza that is spicy like salami with paprika and peperoncino.

ㅡgulp… !

Raylin sniffed and licked her lips. As if he wanted to swallow a piece right away.

A dragon’s appetite is great.

How long has it been since you ate steak?

It means you’re already savoring your appetite again.

“Hey, sister? No matter how much I look at it, I can’t show you the taste this time. I understand?”

“Oh, of course! It just looks so delicious that I don’t know… … .”


While sighing and chatting lightly with Reirin, the grandfather clock solemnly rang. Twelve times in a row.

It was.

Lunch time finally arrived.

Benedict will be visiting soon.

‘Pizza shouldn’t get cold, so keep it warm near the oven… … .’

ㅡA jump! with my daughter… !

It was when I was putting on my oven mitts to keep the pizza.

“Hmm, it seems I arrived just in time.”

A woman opens the door of the lounge like a knife and enters as soon as the grandfather clock stops. The hair style that is neatly rolled back is impressive.

“Oh, are you here? Professor Bennettrick?”

It was none other than Vice Principal, Bennettrick, who entered through the break room door. She still kept her cool expression.

Should I say it looks arrogant?

Or, should I look chic?

A face that is difficult to approach first.

What was certain was that it was an impression that was far from friendly.

“Don’t call me by name, pretending to be friendly. There is nothing unpleasant about being called by a dragon hater.”

Look at this. It’s cold.

I was just saying hello

As soon as he entered Bennettrick showed a high-handed attitude.

She enters the break room and takes a quick look at the facilities inside.

“Looking at it again, it was very old. A little more and it could be called a pig pen.”

She was always rude.

There was a hint of arrogance in his voice.

She stares at me with her kind eyes.

“How the hell have you been managing the break room?”

“Yes? It’s only been a month since I started working… … ?”

“Don’t talk back, think of it as your house from now on and keep it clean. Got it?”

“Yeah, what… … .”

Seriously, what about the precious mint chocolate supplier?

I’ll try to find something like laxatives later. That the dragon’s pride could be destroyed with human power.

“Yo, dragon haters? white boy… … ?”

“ah? yes?”

As I was glaring at Benetrix with a malicious gaze, I heard Raylin’s meaningful voice from the side.

Raylin’s eyes were round.

A pupil who seemed to be in a pretty big shock.

I see my reflection in her big eyes.

Come to think of it, Raylin probably didn’t know about my crime. He seemed quite shocked by Bennettrick’s remarks earlier.

“Hmm? What about Raylin? Why are you here?”

“… Oh, Professor?”

Due to this reaction, Benetrik belatedly notices Raylin’s existence.

“I banned the 4th graders from entering the common room, but what are you doing here? I know you have a special training session later this afternoon, right?”

“I-I… That is… … .”

That hot-tempered Raylin froze in an instant.

I thought she wouldn’t be so nervous during her 3rd year, but now, Raylin’s appearance was staggering like a soldier with a military discipline.

Just like yesterday, Benedict must have been like an annoying executive to all the girls, apart from his position as vice principal.

“I can’t hear anything you’re saying. Wouldn’t it be better to say the right thing?”

“Vice principal? So that’s… … .”

Raylin could hardly speak.

A cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Even in the high heat of the oven, she did not break a single drop of sweat.

I can’t leave it alone like this.

Something bigger could happen.

This time it was my turn to help Raylin.

“… I’m sorry, but without hesitation, I asked for help from the lady first.”

“What? white boy… … ?”

“I was having a hard time because the stove was too old and the fire didn’t light well, but luckily Lady Raylin passed by, so I risked my rudeness and got help.”

I deliberately defended Raylin by appealing to the poor condition of the break room.

How did you attack the SSR rank?

And how much you helped me

I can help with this much with my life skills.

“okay? Raylin, is this servant’s words true?”

“Yes Yes… ! Yes, Vice Principal!”

“Well, yes. By the looks of things, it looks like the problem has been resolved now… … . If you’re done with your business, why don’t you go soon?”

Benetrix looks at the freshly baked pizza and chins to Rayleen. She was more interested in the food I made than Raylin.

“Yep… ! Then let’s go!”

“Ah, yes. I have high expectations for you, the academy’s only shooter of the Extermination Cannon. So always be diligent.”

Bennettrick maintains a cold expression even towards the students.

“All right! Enjoy your meal!”

Reirin nodded at this! I bow down and exit the break room. Before moving her feet, she winked at me and said, ‘See you later during roll call?’

It seemed like they were cheering me on, telling me to do my best until the end.

Even if I put aside the resemblance to my younger brother,

Besides being a Balaur-hater,

My relationship with her is already at the cult stage.

Raylin, who had reached the highest level of affinity, was by my side until the end.


In that way, only me and Benetrik were left in the break room where Raylin had exited.

“Could this be it? What dish did you prepare for me?”

Bennett sighed and nodded as he sat at a table at the bar counter. Toward the freshly baked pizza.

It looked like a begging for a look.

As if to bring it forward quickly.

Even when Raylin said hello just now, her gaze was focused only on the pizza.

“Yes, that’s right. You will definitely like it.”

“Huh… Did you just try to satisfy my appetite with pizza? I’m a fool for expecting a little bit, it’s disappointing.”

Bennett kicks off the harsh criticism even before the pizza is served.

She said, ‘It’s just pizza…’ … . I should have just gone out to eat today.”

it’s funny

Even though I only gave you one day.

And I gave you the ingredients. What did you do?

ㅡ Less like… !

I put two pizzas in front of her and barely swallowed the curse. I almost put the spicy profanity on it as an additional topping.

‘You just have to be patient. a little bit… … .’

I used to think that the girls at the academy were quite arrogant, but compared to Benedict, they were really cute.

It seems that dragons, like humans, become brazen and eccentric as they age.

“Hoo? Still, looking at it up close, it doesn’t seem like an ordinary pizza, does it? Are the toppings on each plate different?”

Still, when he brings out the pizza, Bennett shows interest.

“Yes, that’s right. I tried to express various flavors by dividing it in half so that you can enjoy two flavors in one plate.”

“This is interesting. Sausages, tomatoes, basil, and even steak… … ?”

True to his nickname as a gourmet, he starts by analyzing the ingredients. It seems that he has a sharp eye.

“… The cheeses are also mixed differently. Am I right?”

“Oh, that’s right. As expected, he has the discerning eye of a gourmet.”

“Pretty interesting combinations, right? Why can’t other cooks come up with something like this? interesting… … .”

Benetric bent his head to examine the pizza closely. And then he was reciting his sentimental comments to himself.

The first run isn’t too bad.

To arouse Bennettrick’s interest,

If this is enough, I think it will be okay to look forward to it.

“… By the way. What are the toppings on here? Doesn’t cheese look unusual?”

Benetric points to a Hawaiian pizza and examines it closely. Then he asked me with an expression that I didn’t know.

The musty smell of blue cheese seemed to be nothing.

“This is the highlight of the day. Actually, I didn’t know what the vice principal would like, so I prepared several flavors, but I’m sure he’ll like this one, even if I don’t know anything else.”

“Ohh, I thought they were just trying to compete with quantity over quality, but I didn’t know they prepared a different combination for pizza as I requested… … ?”

At my answer, Bennettrick brought his eyes even closer to the pizza. At this point, he is ready to eat the pizza with his real eyes.

“… So, what’s the yellow one up here? I haven’t heard the answer yet.”

“Would you like to see for yourself what that is?”

“Ha, what? Such cheeky… … .”

“If you eat it without knowing it like yesterday, the impression will be doubled.”

“Huh, impressed? You said you were good at talking about humans since yesterday?”

Bennett puts on a puzzled expression as if he is at a loss for words at my answer. Still, he wasn’t outraged.

It probably reminded me of the mint chocolate chip cake I tasted yesterday.

“I am sure you will like it. Come on, let’s try it.”

I didn’t bother to tell Benetric the identity of the topping.

Hearing that what was on top was grilled fruit would cause a sense of rejection.

“Then where… … .”

Then Bennettrick reaches out for the pizza.

‘It should suit your taste… … .’

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  1. Weasel says:

    Okay, I’m starting to lose my patience. It’s really annoying for these characters. When the role of the first annoying character is gone, they bring in the second one and the main character can’t do anything but be a big mouth in his heart even though there are 3 dragons beside him. little one He should at least make himself look better. It doesn’t look like trash at all, and this trash woman hopes her role will end soon because it makes the food I eat taste like a big pile of trash.But I would like to give a little praise to the protagonist for his opinion about this woman. It is exactly what he said, but in the end he could only say it in his heart with low regard for the protagonist even though he held the upper hand.Because his food is very delicious, you should use it to your advantage to gain benefits for yourself or even for a better status.But like I said, he’s so stupid and naive that he can’t think of even simple things. In the end, I hope it improves quickly before I feel like I can’t stand it anymore.

  2. Weasel says:

    Okay, I’m starting to lose my patience. It’s really annoying for these characters. When the role of the first annoying character is gone, they bring in the second one and the main character can’t do anything but be a big mouth in his heart even though there are 3 dragons beside him. little one He should at least make himself look better. It doesn’t look like trash at all, and this trash woman hopes her role will end soon because it makes the food I eat taste like a big pile of trash.But I would like to give a little praise to the protagonist for his opinion about this woman. It is exactly what he said, but in the end he could only say it in his heart with low regard for the protagonist even though he held the upper hand.Because his food is very delicious, you should use it to your advantage to gain benefits for yourself or even for a better status.But like I said, he’s so stupid and naive that he can’t think of even simple things. In the end, I hope it improves quickly before I feel like I can’t stand it anymore.

  3. SenatorArmstrong says:

    Steak Pizza sounds interesting.

  4. Icarus2 Icarus2 says:

    Ahh that arrogance!

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