Became a Servant the Dragons Are Obsessed With chapter 89

89 - How to tame a sensitive dragon

89 – How to tame a sensitive dragon

ㅡSalang Salang

A white hand waved at me.

A gentle gesture like Sophia’s voice.

Even if you just look at it, your feet move on their own as if you are possessed by something.

But what is it? not even come out?

Does that mean I’m going to be rough with the roll call now?

Sophia’s personality doesn’t seem like that… … .

‘Did something urgent happen?’

ㅡ Creepy! Creepy!

Suddenly, a sense of incongruity sprouts all over the body like chicken meat. Instinctive sense of crisis ability was activated.

Of course, I don’t know why it was triggered.

Just a strong feeling crossed my mind.

I don’t know what Sophia’s intention is,

I didn’t really have any other options.

ㅡTurbug, turbug… !

I have no choice but to go to Sophia and get a report.

Besides, there was no point in hesitating.

He wanted to quickly ask Sofia about Derke’s whereabouts.

‘It’s just a feeling of incongruity, it must be because of my mood.’

ㅡ Smart!

“Sophia? May I come in?”

“Yes, please come in. Breeder and I have a lot to talk about.”

As soon as I knocked, I heard Sophia’s cold voice through the slightly open door. It was clearly far from the usual gentle and warm voice.

The sense of incongruity suddenly comes back to life.

But it was already too late to turn back.

As the dormitory superintendent, I can’t skip the roll call.

I had no choice but to go in, hoping it wouldn’t be a big deal.

“… What are you doing? Why don’t you come in?”

ㅡ Kiki profit… … .

After I hesitated for a moment, the large door slowly opened from the inside. And the green eyes of Cylon Sophia through the slightly open door… … .

“yes? Green eyes?”

“Quickly come in, Death Yong-!”

“D-Derke… … ?!”

It was Derke, not Sophia, who greeted me through the crack in the door. It was a guy who showed up in unexpected places every time.

Do you have a knack for surprising people?

ㅡ Come on!

At the same time, two short arms suddenly stretched out through the crack in the door.

“Desseuyong- who doesn’t have much time! quickly… … !”

Derke pulls on my collar.

While begging me to come inside.

The boy’s voice was as unusual as Sophia’s. It was a voice that sounded like he was angry, but his voice was dead.

But why were the two of them together? I never thought that Sophia would call Derke.

“Mr. Breeder? The roll call downstairs is all over, right?”

“Yes, but what is the situation now… … ?”

When I was forcibly led in by a small hand, Sophia was glaring at me with her arms crossed. The full Holy Spirit bag draped over her arm slowly moves as Sophia’s rough breathing.

After finishing my escort, Derke looks up at me with the same pose as Sophia. While maintaining a pretty sharp eye.

“It’s useless to act like you don’t know anything.”

“Right yap-! We all know death-!”

“so… You need to tell us all about what happened yesterday.”

“Desseuyong for listening!”

Before I even ask what the situation is, they gather their voices and question me. I don’t know what happened, but one thing is for sure, both of them were very nervous.

I’m not pretending not to know.

I really don’t know English.

What do you want me to say?

I’m so embarrassed I don’t know what to say.

“It’s yesterday… ? What do you mean I can’t… … .”

ㅡSlowly… !

As I continued to say I didn’t know what was going on, Sophia strode towards me, leading the hem of the pure white castle.

Before long, Sophia’s eyes meet.

The golden eyes are quite cold today.

His eyes seemed to be a mixture of sadness and anxiety.

ㅡSue… … .

Then she slowly reached out her hand towards my face. Sophia stroked my cheek with the same hand that gestured to me. To be precise, he was gently caressing the right Volga.

At the same time, Sofia moved her moist light pink lips.

“The lip mark left on Mr. Breeder’s right cheek yesterday… … . Whose trace was it? You could smell the smell of a female strongly, right?”


“It’s about saying the right thing quickly… !”

Sophia and Derke raise their ax eyes and question them with a higher level of intensity.

I wondered why I felt uncomfortable earlier,

I can now understand why.

A lot happened yesterday too… … .

“How does the lady know that?”

“Hmm? Is Mr. Breeder naive, or did he not see the note I left this morning?”

“Ah, note… … ?!”

I had completely forgotten about it.

A note stuck in the door of the bed and breakfast room this morning.

Apparently, it was written on the note to tell only the truth during the evening roll call.

I forgot to finish my hectic routine today. But I thought Sofia wrote that note. I couldn’t imagine.

“… … .”

“Seeing that he keeps showing no answer and only making a puzzled expression, it makes me even more suspicious. We were just wondering what happened yesterday… … . With this kind of reaction, I have no choice but to be more suspicious of Mr. Breeder, right?”

“I can’t believe that Tetsuyong made an oath with another senior… ? If that’s the case, it’s disappointing!”

Just as he was hesitant about where to start, Sophia and Derke press once more. In particular, Derke was making a pouting expression.

“Hehe, don’t be too scared. Do we still believe in Mr. Breeder? Could it be that you left us alone and turned your attention to other dragons?”

Sofia tries to smile while stepping back as if to mediate with Derke. Her face struggled to regain a smile, but there was still something about killing in her tone.

“It’s not like I kissed like that with other seniors, Death Yong… ?!!”

“Ahaha… ! Well, there seems to be a misunderstanding.”

The atmosphere becomes even more brutal.

Even so, I was relieved.

So far, the message about the decrease in favorability has not popped up.

I don’t know how Sofia and Derke got to see Laylin’s lip marks, but if it was a big disappointment to me, I’d have fallen in love with them long ago.

Fortunately, it didn’t seem like they were hasty to doubt me, perhaps because it was a favorability rating at the worship level.

just… He seemed to be asking for a detailed explanation of how the lip marks were left.

“Is it a misunderstanding?”

“Just calm down. I’ll tell you everything… … .”

“Of course it should. I hope you will only tell the truth.”

“We still believe in you, Death Yong… !”

I’ll have to be careful with this.

It wasn’t really my fault, but

It seemed obvious that only Reirin would be angry if she said it right away.

That’s why you can’t lie outright. If that happened, things could have gotten out of hand… … .

I’ll have to say it in a plausible way.

It would be a waste to sacrifice Raylin.

How did you capture the SSR class dragon… … .

First of all, I had to say it in a plausible way and then kiss Raylin, so both of them seemed to be safe.

“Mr. Breeder? Are you going to continue to remain silent like that?”

“no. Actually, Lady Raylin is—”

In that short moment, I rolled my head, found the best way for myself, and slowly opened my mouth.

But just in time.

ㅡ smart smart!

—-Slap… !

At the same time as I opened my mouth, the door to Sophia’s room suddenly opened.

The identity of the person who pulled the door with Knock is none other than… … .

“… Senior Sophia? Reporting back to training and asking why the roll call is taking so long—”

“”… … .””

“How-wah-? What mood is this now… … ?”

It was Raylin who opened the door and entered.

Her attire was the same as seen during the day.

It was the same tight training outfit.

Covered in sweat and dust from training, Raylin hardens as soon as she steps inside.

He must have sensed the unusual energy that Sophia and Derke were radiating.

“Who said you can open the door and come in?”

“Oh, sorry… ! As always, I was going to report my return briefly and leave… … .”

“Fufufu, Raylin? Just because I didn’t say anything in the meantime, doesn’t it mean you can open the door to me and come in?”

Even in this situation, Sofia still kept her smile. A very bitter eye smile.

The plaid sinews sprouting from her forehead were a bonus.

It was only a smile on his face, but anyone could see that he was uncomfortable.

“Sorry, sorry… ! Then I’ll go right away-“

“No, it just went well. Please come inside.”


“I heard that Raylin, you left a lip mark on Mr. Breeder’s cheek yesterday?”

“Whoa… ? That, how did senior… … ?”

No luck either. Why did I come in at the right time to bring up Raylin’s name… … .

If this happens, my plan to defend Reirin will go awry.

“Sophia?! I’ll tell you everything! Lady Raylin yesterday… … !”

“That’s Okay. Mr. Breeder, please stop going out now.”


“Everyone seems to be dissatisfied with the long roll call, so hurry up and finish the roll call. I have to listen to my junior’s confession for the first time in a while, so please leave now.”

Sophia’s gold eyes flashed and she gave out a bloody voice with a smile on her face. Same for me, while maintaining a smile on the outside.

It seemed that he was more angry with Laylin who left a lip stamp on me than I was. But even so, I couldn’t disobey Sophia’s words.

“Well, then I’ll leave this alone.”

ㅡSue… !

But I still have a trump card left.

I took out three small pockets from my chest and held them up.

I never thought I would be able to use it in this situation, but it was good to make ‘three flavors’ marring cookies during the day.

“Hmm? what is that?”

“This is a snack I made in my spare time for the ladies. If possible, could you simply taste it?”

ㅡDeguru… … .

I placed several small meringue cookies on the palm of my hand and looked at Sophia.

It is a meringue cookie with an impressive pastel blue-green color.

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  1. SenatorArmstrong says:

    Yeah, Meringues are awesome snacks.

  2. Eiji Toh Eiji Toh says:

    Oh meringue. Damn childhood days. Sucks the bakery near us doesn’t bake those stuff anymore. Those were the shit back then especially the fruit flavored ones with varying colors.

  3. 🪦 says:

    Darn it’s the last chapter

  4. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    Lmao I wasn’t expecting this to be the last chapter. I’m bind af HAHAHAHAH

  5. Icarus2 Icarus2 says:

    Hehe mint cookie huh
    Aaaaand here it ends back to reading another novel

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