Became a Tycoon in a Night Game chapter 26

Became a Tycoon in a Night Game 26

26 – 26. Date (1)

“Why do my ears still tingle?”

Is it because I was excitedly nagging you yesterday?

I went to report to Chairman Seo and came away after hearing all kinds of nagging that I had never even heard of.

Ha. Old man.

You really talk a lot.

Fortunately, it seemed to have gone well.

If I had been picky, I wouldn’t have been able to get through it.

I think Chairman Seo immediately understood the situation because there was a recording of Professor Kim In-tae’s bullsh*t, but the problem was Kim Yun-seon.

People are getting angry and asking me if I’m bringing in someone whose skills aren’t proven as an alternative, and that’s just nonsense. hahahaha.


It is not wrong.

Having a lot of knowledge is different from having the ability to relate it to work.

But what?

What should I do?

I have to turn the Mexican branch into chaos right now.

If Chairman Seo doesn’t approve, I’ll be in big trouble!!

So, I managed to convince him by saying all the empty words.

I’m not the type of person who’s particularly good at talking, but that’s what being a person is, right?

If you work hard, it will happen.

My stance toward Chairman Seo was simple.

‘We will grow Seohwa Group bigger!’ This is one thing.

So what can you say?

First of all, I said ‘Oki’.

Chairman Seo probably doesn’t trust me either.

Even when I search through my memories, Seo Woo Jin before I was possessed was not a very talented or hard-working man.

Hanryang itself.

The good news is that there was no accident?

Thanks to him, he didn’t seem to think I was doing anything foolish.

Have you come to your senses? Should I say that it seems like they are looking at it a little like this?

From Noble mtl dot com

So, when I said I would do something, it seemed to work.

Chairman Seo! Look warmly at your grandson!

“Now that this has been resolved somehow, should I focus on dating now?”


It’s a date.

This is my first date since becoming possessed in a night game.

Something like Doki Doki?


Let’s park and move first.

This is the center of Myeong-dong.

When I made an appointment near Han Se-rin’s house, I found out that Myeong-dong was a good place to hang out nearby, so I decided to see it there.

It’s also Saturday.

It’s crowded with people.

I searched for a large parking lot, but the navigation showed a parking lot in an alley.

After avoiding people, I parked my car in the parking lot.


It’s hot.

Is it more so because it is daytime?

Parking was good.

I wonder if the search was successful. It was a really big parking lot.

It’s a bit unfortunate that it’s located in an alley, but the parking lot is large and open 24 hours, so there was no problem with parking.

Are there any parking attendants?


But that receptionist looks a little young?

Seeing him working while sweating profusely reminds me of myself before I was possessed, and it also seems like he went through a lot of hardships despite being young.

Shall we do something nice today?

I passed by the guide.

“Thank you for your hard work in the heat.”

“Four? Yes. Ah. Thank you.”

I am embarrassed as I have never received a greeting like this before.

That will happen.

Who would give me words of encouragement while parking here?

And, do you think what this person really needs is words of encouragement?

I smiled slightly and held out my hand.

“Please take care of my car.”

A puzzled parking attendant.

He definitely saw me leaving my car keys at the counter.

Sometimes, there are people who do not know the procedure and leave their car keys with the parking attendant as if valetizing. Then, how do they receive a receipt with the parking time stamped?

So, when a customer like that comes in, it is the parking attendant’s job to kindly inform them that the counter is where they can leave their car keys, but since I am not in that case, I seem to be a little embarrassed.

But is it because people are nice?

When I extend my hand, the nice parking attendant automatically extends his hand.

“Ah. Yes.. Eh?”

A strange texture felt in the hand.

After shaking hands, the parking attendant opened his hand.

And the 50,000 won bill visible in the palm of your hand.

What could it be?

This is my tip.


The parking attendant looked at me with quite surprise.

Don’t be surprised.

There are days like this too.

“Thank you.. Huh?”

The parking attendant was fiddling with bills while greeting me, and there I discovered a hidden truth.


It wasn’t one, it was two.

A parking attendant with shaking pupils.

“10, 100,000 Won..??”

“I told you just now. “Please take care of my car.”

“Ahh! Thank you!!”

A parking attendant who looks like a god.

The look in your eyes is a bit burdensome, but what do you do when your money is rotting away?

I have to do something good, even if it’s like this.

And I was moved when I saw the parking attendant really sweating.


Live hard.

I support you. Sincerity.

I looked around the street to get to the meeting place, leaving the bright-eyed parking attendant behind.

“Is it around here?”

It seemed like it was probably right.

Did I come a little early?

Han Se-rin has not been seen yet.

Then, shall we check at this timing?

I opened [Slot 2].

[Slot 2]

[Name: Han Se-rin]

[Age: 22 years old]

[Height: 167.2Cm]

[Weight: 49.1Kg]

[Size: B36 W23 H37]

[Body: Slender with a juicy beauty]

[Occupation: college student]

[Personality: Honest and bold]

[Likeability: +46]


The likeability remains the same.

I think they said they would give a reward if it goes up and a penalty if it goes down, but surprisingly, it didn’t change like a fixed value.

“It’s a slot..”

Actually, I don’t know exactly what the slot is for.

Does it provide information about the female character found through the event, or does it have another purpose?

First of all, the important thing is to increase your understanding of slots.

What is a little special is the likeability..

I think we need to manage it by looking at reactions to see how the favorability changes from time to time, and we need to see how useful the slot is.


I turned my head.

Han Se-lin approaches, waving her hand.


Look at fashion.

She came out wearing white hot pants and a red V-neck knit.

I’m going to kick it.

Aren’t my breasts too hollow?

Thighs too…

Also, what’s with the black neck leash?

That sucks. Testimony.

But I pretended not to be shaken by that at all and greeted him like a gentleman.

“Serene. I’m here?”

“When did your brother come?

“Just now?”

“A. “I know you waited an hour.”

This is a big deal.

You’re already trying to gaslight me.

This is getting interesting.

I simply ignored Serin’s drip and asked where to go.

“I don’t know much about Myeong-dong, but do you know anything? “There’s still some time left for dinner.”

“There’s a pretty cafe nearby. Should we go there first?”

Her long, long hand stretched out and pointed into the distance.

Your forearms can be this s*xy.

“Let’s go!”

Serin said and quickly wrapped her arms around me.

Thank you.

You are a child who deserves to be loved.

I pretended not to be able to win and followed where she led.

Because Han Se-rin was so honorable, she definitely caught the attention of people around her.

Men passing by looked at me with very envious eyes.

Hey. The woman next to you is glaring at you.

While I was thinking about that, I arrived in front of the cafe.

Was there a place like this?

Actually, as I said at the beginning, I didn’t know anything about Myeong-dong.

Even if you know it anyway, this world is completely different, so it’s okay to find out, right?

The cafe was full of people, perhaps because it was a hot place.

Is there a seat?

“Over there!!”

Serin rushed over and took her place.

Thank you again.

Thanks to you, I got a good look at her lifted butt.

But as soon as she settled down, Serin became restless.

“Ah. Her brother is sitting here. “I-“


It’s because of buying coffee.

It doesn’t look like he’s acting, so he seems like a kid with a solid mind.

“Stay safe. “What do you want to do?”

“I’m frozen.”


I bought two glasses of Ice America and went to my seat.

The cafe was pretty, and they gave me pretty glasses as well.

There was a reason there were so many people.

After briefly clearing her throat, I started talking to Serin.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t awkward.

First of all, Serin was bright and talked a lot.

Just a very ordinary story.

She continued without a hitch, but then something hit her.

“I’ve never dated a guy before?”

“Don’t be rude.”

Heo Eok.

It was so absurd that strong words came out.

But Serin continued her words as if she didn’t really care.

“Is it true? “If you think that’s because of your clothing style or because you went to a club, you’re wrong.”

Osan, Gyeonggi-do Don’t talk nonsense.


I wish the slots showed her with or without her virgin non-virgin.

Will there be such a function?

As I continued to look at her with disbelief, Serin’s expression turned serious.

“I didn’t have time to meet men because I was studying. And I wasn’t particularly interested in men. “I hate it because men follow me around so much.”

The statement that a man followed him was a fairly reliable statement.

Look at it now.

Even when I was with them, there were people who kept glancing here and there.


But wait.

What is that blonde bastard?

You keep staring at me so blatantly?

There’s a woman in a cage next to her, and she’s looking at another woman?

From Noble mtl dot com

“Wow! Serin!!”


Suddenly, the woman who was being held next to the man who was looking at her openly stood up.

When the man looked at the woman, his gaze naturally came this way, and as soon as he saw Serin, she called his name.

What is it? Are you a friend?

“Huh? “You’re Minha, right?”

As expected.

It was someone I knew.

And the women’s pairing follows soon.

They seem happy enough even without that, so just sit down. I’m embarrassed.

Soon, the girl Minha brought the man she was with.

“This is my boyfriend. Say hello. “Me and my high school friend Han Se-rin!”

The man looked at Han Se-rin intently and greeted her.

“Hello. “It’s called the Golden Sun.”

…What is the name Geumtaeyang??

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  1. shelwyn shelwyn says:

    chaebol vs golden sun

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