Became an Academy Heroine Stalker chapter 12

Became an Academy Heroine Stalker 12

Intertwined Stories – 2

‘…is this correct?’

Hanna, who was going to Taejin’s house, asked such a question.

These days, it seems to me that instinct takes precedence over reason. However, even if you try to put your reason first, in the end, instinct is one step ahead.

‘Huh… you just need to know the reason. That’ll do.’

The reason why I stopped stalking for two years in one day.

And what the hell made him that way?

If you know these two things, this obscene undercover investigation will be over.

It’s just curiosity, and it’s just a process to restore broken self-esteem.

It was a lack of attention that had been received every day for two years, and although I felt anxious that this absence would lead to numerous absences, I just dismissed it as a leap forward.

What a big deal that one stalker disappeared.

Stalking is a crime, and if you are free from the crime, you should be happy.

But strangely, and annoyingly, the sadness outweighed the joy, and Hannah was struggling to deny it.

‘You say I regret stalking? gibberish! It’s just that I’m mad!’


I was annoyed by being angry.

Who is second to the Academy Queen Bee, what is it that makes you annoyed by a stalker?

I even made Choi Do-han, the strongest academy, a hunter with a guaranteed path to success after graduation, into my own man.

Why would you regret losing a stalker?

‘…for a moment.’


Hannah stopped walking at the expression that had just passed. The word lost came out. It can be dismissed as a waste of time, but the word is repeated intensely in my mind.

‘Lost…? I…? Dog, dog whistle.’

But why?

I lost, I can’t think of a word to replace it.

Losing it doesn’t mean that my possessions have disappeared regardless of my will.

Why is the expression ‘lost’ appropriate for a stalker who has never had and never even thought of having one?

…maybe an obsession that stems from regret?

‘Oh no! No!’

As if Hannah had a seizure at the word obsession, she shook her head violently.

It’s an unreasonable idea.

An obsession, isn’t that a possessive desire for something you can’t have?

He just ‘did’t’ have Han Tae-jin, never ‘didn’t’ have it.

‘then! Where is the man I can’t have…!’

She is the daughter of Han Baek-ho, the most beautiful woman in the academy and one of the best hunters in Korea.

There was never something he didn’t have, and he had always neglected the word obsession.

‘This is just a check!’

The reason why the fandom that seemed like it would last forever changed and whether it was because someone was tricked into it.

If I just checked that, I would have quit mercilessly.

‘Heh, Choi Do-han is much cooler than Han Tae-jin.’


No matter how much I metamorphose, Han Tae-jin is Han Tae-jin.

A common cadet with sagging shoulders, a hunched back, a haggard face and a wretched body.

Strangely, however, the picture of Han Tae-jin in Hannah’s mind is drawn with wide shoulders, a straight back, a lively face, and a strong body with fine muscles.

From n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Jewels that were just mined and dirty with dust and by-products feel like they are being crafted beautifully by craftsmen.

Image distortion was happening, and Hannah was unaware of it.

As if that was the image from the beginning.

‘Ah-oh! I don’t know! Because that’s not important now!’


Once on the floor, Park Chan Hanna took a deep breath and vomited the burning fire inside, and immediately arrived at Taejin’s house and rang the doorbell.


– Bump!

“host! Why are you here now..!?”

Code 6 Rule.

Versailles, who was well guarded to cast ‘Polymorph’, had to face Hanna if there was any exposure to the outside.

At the same time, Hannah had to feel despair for some reason.

‘…crazy..!? Dog, dog is pretty!?’

# #

Long purple hair, white jade skin, as if God had carefully crafted the features without a single inch of disorder.

Even if a goddess had descended, Hannah had to stiffen with her mouth wide open.

‘No, that’s ridiculous! How the hell is Han Tae-jin with such a goddess?!”

It doesn’t matter if it’s a cadet or a hunter, it feels like you’ve met a huge barrier just by being there.

However, he quickly regained his senses and relieved the shock with a big cough.

‘Let’s calm down. Ho, don’t you know? Could it be a different sister?’

Yes, it is still not a hasty judgment.

Or maybe it’s my cousin’s sister.


Versailles stood still with the front door open with a look of embarrassment just as much as Hannah.

I was going to say something to the owner, who was late to return, but a woman appeared.

And that girl got lucky first.

“Who are you?”

“yes? Me?”

Hannah comes to the house on a moonlit night and asks who she is.

When Versailles asks with a face that sounds like some kind of fat, Hannah turns her eyes away and smiles awkwardly.

“Oh, hahaha, no. That’s what my ex-friend Han Tae-jin is called Hannah.”

When he bowed politely, Versailles also released the door handle with a slightly relaxed look.

“Ah yes. But for what…?”

“Ah, as a friend, I think it’s right to convey the situation of the same classmates… It’s late, but I’m here…!”

“yes? master, no. What happened to Taejin?”

“that is…”

I was just about to answer.

Hannah, who came up with the myo-su, slightly killed the momentum and sent a vigilant look.

“Oh that. How is your relationship with Taejin? I know you don’t have a family… And that’s, you know, personal? Because it belongs to information?, I need to check the relationship..”

“Ah… relationship.”

Hannah, who had spread sophistication, looked anxiously into her eyes, but fortunately the woman didn’t seem to have much suspicion.

I had no choice but to do so.

Because Versailles is in a very embarrassing situation right now.

It was because he had never given orders or simulations in preparation for the arrival of the head of the academy the master attended.

‘Uh… well, what am I supposed to answer?’

Peregrine sweat drips down

I knew the owner had no family.

It would certainly seem strange for an acquaintance, not a family member, to be at home alone at this time.

It should be at least as close as an acquaintance.

And I was told never to reveal the word ‘summoned’.

So, I didn’t have a choice right now.

In addition, when the intelligent creature begins to panic, the vessel of thought shrinks.

“Oh, I, I.”

Above all, the more time passes, the more suspicious it becomes.

Versailles, who had her pupils trembling like an aspen tree, came up with an answer in no time.

of course.

It wasn’t an appropriate answer like ‘Cousin relationship’, but an answer that seemed to work only in the world of Versailles.

“Hey, I’m the butler! butler!”

Immediately, Hannah’s beautiful brow furrowed.

‘What? butler? a butler? why?’

It feels as if the steps taken to resolve the question are gradually heading towards the labyrinth.

His father, Baek-ho Han, also had a butler.

Although he was an aide rather than a butler, the meaning was in line with that.

However, it was so unexpected that Tae-jin Han would have a personal butler, as much as an ant’s pee, so Hannah couldn’t help but be surprised.

No, that’s why you were living in such a splendid mansion?

So, did you go to the academy like that?

But shouldn’t he be in a pretty great position to have a butler?

Taejin Han is only a cadet, right?

No, above all.

Where in the world can you find such a pretty butler?

Hannah’s head was pounding at the feeling that the puzzle seemed to fit a little bit, but it also seemed to be out of sync.

“…yes? Ji, butler? Han Tae-jin’s cadet…?”

“yes! I’m the master’s butler, Lenia! Ho, ho, ho!”

“yes? Do, Master…? Taejin Han…?”

Hannah’s blue pupils dilate greatly.

Did my throbbing head start running wild?

I had to feel the illusion of a swarm of stars spinning round and round.

I stopped by to put an end to the regrets and curiosity left behind by the stalker who had left, but again, a spoonful of curiosity was poured over me.

‘Taejin Han… What the hell are you…?’

No, what kind of combination is a butler for a stalker or a stalker?

Did you say that you were an orphan and the hidden belly was terrifying?

‘Come to think of it, it was strange that I was never expelled for such grades!’

Han Tae-jin was a cadet with the lowest grades among the seniors, and the grades far from the top rankings.

Nevertheless, he was attending the academy without any expulsion or warning.

Of course, no one was suspicious or interested as the downstairs was firmly laid down every semester, but looking back, it was a strange thing.

‘Is your supervisor behind you? Did you know that they are half-siblings?’

While Taejin fell into a deep sleep, the situation was getting more and more strangely and deeply entangled.

‘That was a great answer!’

Of course, Versailles was proud.

It was a sensible answer for her.

Because all the masters who summoned him for 1,000 years were great people in this world.

And since she was summoned less than two weeks ago, there was no way of knowing what Taejin Han had been doing before that, or what kind of academy life she was spending.

Moreover, she lived in a Drogpia where there was no concept of a relative.

Even if she was a human after being summoned 5 times, she was only somewhat knowledgeable about the monsters and hunters who were involved in the missions of their masters.

It had to be the best answer for her, who did not know or care about the details of human relationships.

‘At least it’s better than saying girlfriend, right?’

# #

same time.

Someone was walking under the starry night sky.

A man made entirely of black enough to believe that the night sky was humanized.

That man was also something that could be inferred from his strong physique and pompous gait.

Then he was heading to ‘Hunter National Hospital’.

A man who walks past the brightly lit hospital entrance without hesitation.

Eventually, he arrived at the Martial Arts Department, but when the staff and nurses seated at the desk touched the black energy of the man, he collapsed.

‘I’m here.’

The man who made even the guards who used to be Hunters who guarded the entrance to the ward pass out at once stood in front of the ward marked B12.

The name written on the admission record card is read in his black eyes.

[Inpatient: Han Tae-jin]

That was Han Tae-jin’s name.

Suddenly, the door opened and a man entered the hospital room.

The epaulettes of the black cloak he wore were engraved with a pupil-shaped mark symbolizing the illusion of the villain union.

And the mark was dark red, the color to indicate that he was an Illusion executive.

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  1. PolarBearPunch says:

    His family is a mystery so maybe he’s like the sibling of the head of illusion God rachel? Or one of the people who were experimented and drugged by the government?

  2. 7171 says:

    It looks like he is heir or member that also explained his growth

  3. Zorro says:

    Don’t tell me he is the heir of illusion 😅

  4. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Why do I feel that rather than getting himself targetted, it would be more correct to say he revealed his presence. Maybe the original was hiding from them.

  5. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    Hmmm most likely the odd something I was talking about… That weird something I can’t even figure out hahah

  6. huehue huehue says:

    Did he get himself targeted lmao 😂

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