Became an Academy Heroine Stalker chapter 33

Became an Academy Heroine Stalker 33

Dalian – 1

“Can I descend now?”

The four-day special training was over.

It’s late on a Sunday evening.

Tomorrow is finally Dalian, so from now on I was ordered to take a break, so I asked in a humorous way.

Of course, what came back was Master’s contempt.

“… Are you writing martial arts novels?”

“I imitated it once.”

“Don’t relax.”


“Before you go, eat something. Because I asked Ina to prepare things that are good for recovery.”

After all, an S-class teacher is different from care.

education, training and recovery.

It’s like being treated to a full course.


“Follow. Reina-san also eats together.”

“yes. thank you.”

So we headed to the restaurant.

It is literally a ‘restaurant’.

No, it’s closer to a restaurant.

Aside from the luxurious interior, brilliant cooking utensils were provided, and the exclusive chef was cooking it himself, so what would it be other than a restaurant?

Moreover, from what I heard from Kim or the maid, the exclusive chef has various [runes] specialized in monster cooking.

In other words, he is an expert in monster cooking and is a master of cooking that helps to recover stamina, muscle strength, stamina, and magical power.

Because S-class is different even if it is different.

I started eating with a happy imagination that I would like to succeed as a ready-made hunter and have an exclusive chef and pretty maids in a mansion like this.

“This is a soup made by neutralizing the toxin of the Salimander.”

[My muscle pain is somewhat relieved.]

“This is a tea made by decoction of Oriental Ant’s magic leaves.”

[Mana gradually fills up in Danjeon.]

“This is a steak made from Red Drake’s meat.”

[The decrease in stamina is recovered.]

“This is a grilled rib made by smoking the ribs of the giant beast, Luktarod.”

[Fatigue is slightly relieved.]

Each food has a specific effect that spreads throughout the body.

The food served by the chef was amazing both in taste and efficacy, to the extent that I felt like I could become an S-class in no time if I train by eating these foods every day.

“I really enjoyed the meal.”

The last supper meal was over, and we stood on the porch.

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Do you know if I lose in Dalian? You are a rip-off.”

“… Are you cheering?”

“It’s like that.”

Park Na-yeon makes threats disguised as cheering.

Pishik, now that I know that this is her style, I smiled and waved goodbye and nodded.

And before moving, I asked again.

“But if you win, isn’t there something like a reward?”

“… prize? I never thought of that.”

“It’s a break in the ground, but if you win, you need a reward to get the balance right… .”

“Hmm, that’s right.”

Park Na-yeon is seriously contemplating with her brow furrowed.

I just thought of a simple teacher’s grace like skill training, but the answer that came back after a while was enough to pour oil into my fighting spirit.

“If you come back victorious, I will give you the Cheongang Dragon Palace that I used. I was using it while raiding. Because I don’t need it anymore.”

“… Yes? The bow used by the S-class… yo. this?”

“Why is it not enough to be proportional to the wave front?”


It’s not enough.

Rather, a counter-collapse of balance has occurred.

As its name suggests, the Cheongang Dragon Palace was said to be a weapon made with the power of the sky and dragons.

It was the last work and masterpiece of ‘Park Seong-do’, a legendary blacksmith who is now deceased, and it was a bow made by melting ‘Blue Adamantium’, which is only collected in S-class dungeons.

Naturally, it is a unique weapon in the whole world, and it has the ability to maximize the user’s ability and the option to grant [new skill] according to the user, so it is difficult to convert it into money, and it was not a weapon that anyone could handle.

“Have you heard of the Cheongang Dragon Palace?”

“sure. But you give it to me… ?”

“If you can ‘just protest’, I’ll give you the Cheongang Dragon Palace. how is it? Are you on good terms?”

“… I’m sure I’ll ring the victory tidings! Great deal!”

Once again, he greeted with pogwonrye.

The fighting spirit is not springing up and it boils.

It feels as if you have been given the main quest.

The Cheongang Dragon Palace was a dream weapon that could be called a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

“Instead, if you become an established hunter, deposit 30 million won each month in interest-free installments. The due date for payment is until I say it is due.”

Of course, nothing is free in the world.

But, Master.

Then, isn’t it an ‘investment’, not a ‘reward’?

And I don’t think the 4th and 5th finance companies will decide on a payment deadline either.

The words filled his throat, but he swallowed them again.

Anyway, just being able to rent the Cheongang Dragon Palace for 30 million won a month was a tremendous privilege.

Even this is not enough for a supremacy.

Tap your heels! After attaching it, inflate the chest, straighten the waist, and raise a salute.

“Yep! Master!”


“Master, you must win! go for it!”

“don’t worry. I will go.”

the next morning.

After entrusting Versailles to breed the Hetzling, he climbed the trail.

And, as the late afternoon sunlight slowly sinks to the ground.

The fight was about to begin.

by the way.

… No, is this really going to be such a big deal?

It’s just ‘Dalien’ of the cadets, isn’t it?

The biggest question that arose as soon as I entered the gym’s dungeon was the biggest question.

Since the graduating class can serve as a model for 1st and 2nd graders, cadets from the graduating class were allowed to attend.

And it was possible to observe from each guild.

‘But why did you come from the broadcasting company?’

The seats around the dungeon are full with no place to put a butt.

In addition, there were broadcasters carrying large cameras on their shoulders at the edge.

Also, several professors are sitting with interesting eyes.

What kind of undeserved interest in the juvenile battles of the cadets?

Besides, when I appeared, there was even an explosion of cheers.

It’s like going to the UFC.

Do-han Choi, who had already arrived at the Dalian, was still standing with his arms crossed with a cold expression on his face.

“I also brought a dagger. Did you receive special training from Professor Nayeon Park?”

“You said you became Professor Ella’s exclusive disciple?”

I heard it on my way to school today.

Choi Do-han has become Ella’s exclusive disciple.

Perhaps it was to prevent the main heroine from leaving and at the same time to seize the victory of the match, but how is the confrontational structure?

[Choi Do-han, Hannah, Ella]

[Han Tae-jin, Yoo Su-ah, Baek Mi-jin]

It seems to have been divided into

By the way, I never thought that Ella would take that guy as an exclusive disciple.

So there was no reason to blame, no reason to regret.

It was me who rejected Ella’s offer to be an exclusive disciple, and because of that rejection, I carried a giant named Park Na-yeon on my back.

In any case, it seems that Choi Do-han is busy in his own way to find a workaround because the original story is wrong.

I heard that he first went to Ella and requested that he be taken over as an exclusive disciple.

Still, I thought that the main character was the main character or that he was just a cider path maniac, but he seemed to be doing what he thought was rational.

“ruler-! Then, before I go to Dalian, I will teach you some rules.”

After a brief confrontation, Choi Seok-min, a professor in charge of practical skill evaluation, came into the center of the dungeon and exclaimed.

The rules were simple.

Do it like a real battle, but avoid attacks on the eyes, heart, and vital parts, and fight until you admit defeat or one side collapses.

“And I also authorize the use of available artifacts.”


There are two types of Dalian.

[Regular competition] for practical skill evaluation, and [Practical competition], which is conducted as an ‘individual application’ to resolve friction between cadets or improve skills.

The difference between the two lies in whether or not to use artifacts and whether to win.

Regular matches are for the purpose of evaluating cadets, so you can stop the match at the professor’s discretion even if you don’t see a match, but you cannot do that in real battles.

In addition, it was possible to use artifacts to develop skills and experience comparable to real life.

It means that you can use the [Ring of the Dead] that you learned a few days ago.

And artifacts were created by scholars in the fields of alchemy and witchcraft, and even simple artifacts such as stat correction ridiculously exceeded billions of units.

It was mainly in the form of accessories such as earrings, necklaces, and rings, but it was invisible to him.

Apparently, one-time rental of Artifacts is against the rules of Dalian.

“Is everyone ready?”



Choi Seok-min, who preached the rules, retreated outside the dungeon, and the noisy audience calms down.

– Jiying.

After a while, a translucent magic wall was built in the circular arsenal.

Whoops, he took a deep breath and gathered his mind.

And he prepared for battle by hooking a magic arrow to the bow for the sparring.

Haven’t started protesting yet.

The moment you pull the protest, the battle will begin.

He stood comfortably with his main weapons, a blunt and shield.

“Then let’s go.”

He quickly pulled the protester with all his might and aimed at him.

And soon, the actual battle that will make a new story in the future began with a loud shout.

“Start the match-!”

– Whoops!

– Kwaang!

# #

Raonzena, the best guild in Korea in name and reality.

With 9 S-class hunters, 73 A-class, 1,063 B-class, and 6,131 C-class, it was the strongest guild and the guild of dreams for hunters.

It had 20 branches across the country.

Naturally, hunters below D level were not even allowed to apply for a job, and at least level C is required to be able to join.

The guild was currently paying attention to the five cadets.

Choi Do-han, Yoo Su-ah, Hanna, Baek Mi-jin.

and Han Tae-jin.

All of them were cadets who were predicted to be at least a C level upon graduation, but Han Tae-jin was not yet included in that estimate.

Because the guilds just noticed it, so there wasn’t a lot of analysis information.

So it was getting more guilds’ attention.


The news that Choi Do-han and Han Tae-jin’s battle match had been matched quickly spread among the guilds, and even reached the ears of Raonzena’s head ‘Baek-ho Han’.

In his ears, Hannah’s father and founder of Raonzena.

“Let me go on my own.”

“Are you the guild leader?”

“Let’s postpone the Monday afternoon schedule until the next day.”

“Yes, yes.”

I wanted to see it in person.

the battle between the two.

In particular, the fact that it was not easy to determine the outcome of the match among the academy cadets and professors was enough to arouse interest.

Of course, despite Han Tae-jin’s stagnant growth, I carefully predicted that it would all be Choi Do-han’s victory.

And at one time, the news that a hunter named ‘Park Na-yeon’, who could not be recruited even though he made every effort to recruit him, hired Han Tae-jin as an exclusive disciple turned interest to interest.

‘Choi Do-han is still showing a level of C or higher. Taejin Han is below him… Why did you hire him as an exclusive disciple?’

I wondered.

The reason she had a relationship with Han Tae-jin.

If it was an S-class hunter, he certainly wouldn’t have looked into the possibility of being wasted.

So, I personally observed the match with my aide, and watched the match between the two carefully in the crowd.

– Kwaang!




It’s a close battle.

At first, I thought the rumors about Han Tae-jin had been false and inflated.

Its growth seems to have stalled these days.

To be honest, I was expecting Do-Han Choi to win, but Tae-Jin Han was doing well, unexpectedly.

The battle between the two was fierce enough to make you sweat, and above all, Han Tae-jin, who showed off a fairly proficient dagger in a short time.

He hoped that maybe an unexpected match would come out.



He had to swallow his saliva when a huge roar broke out and a magical storm broke out.

“Uh, what happened?”

“Who is it? Who won?”

White dust and blue and red magic entangled and covered the dungeon.

Some even stood up.

a sound no longer heard.

Obviously, an attack comparable to the final blow collided with each other.

The hall became as quiet as a dead mouse, and no one could easily predict the outcome.

But soon.

As the magic storm calms and the dust of the smithy begins to clear, the hall becomes noisy again.

“Who are you? Are you Choi Do-han?”

“Yeah, I guess so! You’re also Choi Do-han!”

Someone was standing in the dusty wind.

Everyone predicted that the silhouette would be the best.

It was the position where Choi Do-han was standing right before the last attack.

However, Baek-ho Han had seen Tae-jin Han rushing to Do-han Choi at the moment of a magical storm.


“yes? Hey, guild chief…!”

He stands up and leaves the gym.

As the match progressed, I had seen him become overwhelmed.

He took it for granted.

Han Tae-jin’s victory.

“Wow-?! Ha, is that Taejin Han?!”

“Han Tae-jin beat Choi Do-han?!”

“Crazy-!! Han Tae-jin’s victory!!”

After a while, applause and shouts of shock exploded like thunder in the hall.

Han Baek-ho thought as he heard the sound.

Tae-Jin Han That guy is really funny.

“Professor Nayeon Park, even if you don’t have an eye for choosing a guild… You seem to have an excellent eye for choosing students. hahaha.”

For some reason, there was a bitter laugh.

“Aide, prepare for the recruitment of cadet Han Tae-jin.”


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  1. Luis says:

    Al autor le dio pereza escribir el duelo

  2. Where are the yanderes at, this is taking too long. If you’re not going to keep us entertained with action at least act upon the plot that you named this novel after.

  3. Azazel-sensei says:

    seriously, this story is bland, slow and boring, but they are even skipping the duel. i’m quitting it’s too much

  4. Zzz says:

    He is at least good at skippinh them! Lmao!

    Jokes aside maybe we will see the battle on 1st person pov

  5. Lku says:

    ????where’s the action sequence

    1. shelwyn shelwyn says:

      The author is no good at writing action scenes. So he skipped it most of the time.

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