Became an Academy Heroine Stalker chapter 48

Became an Academy Heroine Stalker 48

The Story That Begins – 4

[Contributions for killing B-class villains are recognized.]

[The resistance effect value will increase.]

[Poison +15] [Bleeding +6] [Dark +10]

[Stats increase with the perk of killing the B-class villain.]

[Strength +10] [Magic +15] [Stamina +10] [Agility +13]



[Strength: 116(+1)] [Agility: 158] [Magic: 104]

[Health: 138] [Luck: 66] [Stamina: 100]

[Resistance effect▼]

[Dark: 19] [Fire: 0] [Electric: 0]

[Poison: 20] [Bleeding: 10]


– Kwaang!

– Kwajik!

– Close!

A ruthless destructive sound pierces the eardrums.

Despite the phased polymorph liberation, Lesha was dismantling the B-class villain with her bare hands.

It’s incredibly destructive.

To the point that I’m not sure if I’m a summoner or if she’s a summoner.

The villain had already ripped off all eight legs and spit green poisonous blood from the cut off, but the anger had not yet subsided, and Lesha was crushing his corpse.

I had to dry it.

I couldn’t move.

‘… What is this?’

It was because the system voice was heard and a hologram window appeared in front of the field of vision.

‘To get a reward… ?’

I’ve read it in the original, and I’ve read it in the setting book.

So I remembered it clearly.

‘Clearly’ that the reward for killing the villain is a system and a privilege for the ‘only’ protagonist.

Therefore, in the setting book, the rewards for each level of villain and the approximate appearance and appearance locations and dates of the lower and intermediate villains were written.

Among them, there were guys like golden goblins carrying special rewards, so the two mountain ranges of growth nutrients along with Hidden Peace are the villains.

However, it is only the main character’s perk, so I just went to the academy by reading Hidden Peace.

‘… I was able to get the villain reward too… ?’

Unbelievable situation.

Han Tae-jin was never a ‘leader’ either in the original or in the setting book.

It is unknown whether or not he evolved into the final boss in the second half, but he is not a character who will ever acquire the main character perks.

No, it’s absurd to get a reward just because Han Tae-jin, who was in the same category as the black screen and boss, defeated the villain in the first place.

that’s it in the end.

‘There were two main characters in this worldview, or Choi Do-han took the obvious villain route.’

It will be one of the two.

The former or the latter is a possibility, so we should consider various routes.

And it seemed that the villain reward could only be obtained with a certain level of [contribution].

‘then… Is it possible to take the bus?’

like the current situation.

I can only contribute to a certain level, and if Lesha finishes with the last hit, I might receive a kind of ‘dope’.

Of course, it’s a bit ridiculous to be bullied as a possessor, but I didn’t want to show off my ego.

Because you have to do anything for growth.

If Choi Do-han’s villain route is confirmed, I will be the only one who can achieve the illusion subjugation.

Of course, it is too early to predict because Choi Do-han has not become a villain yet, and to subdue illusions, he will need national help, not alone.


“Stop attacking and reveal your identity-!”

I had to tell the holder, who arrived at some point, that Raina wasn’t a villain.

It felt like a busy day was about to begin.


“So, you mean bodyguards for the academy graduating class?”


Fortunately, there was no accident in which Holder attacked Lesha.

If that was the case, Lesha would have suffered a major blow.

The moment Holder showed the ID he was wearing around his neck, he knew that an accident would have occurred had it not been blocked.

It was a holder of [diamond] grade.

And the moment I saw her name.

I had to widen my eyes.

‘Kim Hye-seo… !’

One of the sub-heroes that appeared in the setting book.

Although it hasn’t appeared in the original yet, there were heroines in black and white silhouettes like the criminals from the manga Conan in the set book.

Occupation and age are unknown.

The heroine whose only name was revealed was definitely [Kim Hye-seo].

And it had the same appearance as that black and white silhouette.

From the bobbed tail hair to the puffy jumper and the pants that reveal the buttocks and legs.

It was an unforgettable look.

Because I was so curious about when, where, and how he would appear and connect with the main character.

However, I met her at a much earlier point than the original.

And I just found out that her job was ‘Villain Investigation Team Leader’.

In other words, it is highly probable that the main character went hunting for a villain every day to make an introspection effect, and then became involved with the sub-heroine Kim Hye-seo after the mid-to-late half.

Besides, she is the only [Holder] among the heroines, and her rank is a whopping diamond.

As a sub-heroine, she was a super-competent heroine, but in reality, her face is very pretty.

‘It’s as good as Hannah.’

Extreme beauty with extreme competence.

Kim Hye-seo was the heroine, which was truly a pity to have as a sub-hero.

“Hmm, I’m sorry, but can I see the IDs of the two of you?”

“Oh, yes.”

He handed Kim Hye-seo a student ID.

Hyeseo Kim who receives it, records it, and returns it to me.

Then he looked at Lesha, who was wiping the blood.

Of course, in her eyes, Reina was wearing a bloody suit.

“The bodyguard… ?”

“Oh, I must have just shed a fight. I can’t see it, ho-ho.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s it.”

Fortunately, Lesha responds skillfully.

There was no reason to force us to submit ID anyway. Moreover, he had no authority to inquire about Lesha’s identity.

So Kim Hye-seo made a slightly dissatisfied expression and then closed the notebook.

It seemed to be a style that liked the analog method quite a bit.

“First of all, on behalf of the Monster Management Bureau, I would like to thank you. Thanks to you, it seems that a major disaster has been prevented.”

“I just did my best.”

“Me too, I was only doing it for the master.”

Lesha answered so bluntly, and Kim Hye-seo’s gaze turned to me.

“Are you a student at the Seoul National Academy, Taejin Han?”


“Our administration will put in a letter of recommendation so that we can award the certificate of commendation.”

“If you do, thank you.”

Aren’t the awards a lot?

It may seem trivial to receive as a price for life, but in fact, it would have been impossible without Lesha, so he nodded his head.

“And we’ll take care of the villain’s corpse. If you send me your account number to my number here, I will deposit the corpse settlement amount directly.”


Hyeseo Kim handed me a black business card.

It was an ordinary business card with only the name, affiliation, position, and mobile phone number written on it.

“Then you can go home. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of the broken store, fixtures and vehicles.”

“yes. then.”

I tried to leave the street after leaving a greeting to Kim Hye-seo, but I couldn’t stop. Because I remembered something.

The word ‘store’.

‘ah… Mijin.’

completely forgot

Mijin is trapped in a McDernold store.

As we hurriedly headed there, we saw officials clearing out piles of rubble.

And soon, I could see Mijin in it.

He was lying on a pile of stones and fainted.

“Mijin… !”

Mijin salivates as she shakes her shoulders vigorously.

After a while, he opened his eyes, and his lower body, which had been lying under the pile of stones, didn’t seem to have any problems.

It seems that it was a temporary fainting due to the shock.

“What, what? What happened?”

“done. Raina helped.”

It is correct to say that I carried solo rather than helped.

Anyway, saying that, he supported Mi-jin and got her up, and Mi-jin looked at Reina.

“Lee, Reina. Are you okay… ?”

Mijin asks Reina’s bloodstained suit worriedly.

But Mi-jin’s pure white face is covered in dust and filth and looks like a refugee, but who cares about whom?

Lesha replied with a grin.

“Ho-ho, it’s fine. By the way, Mijin cadet’s gossip… .”

“My, my face… ?”

Mijin’s head turns anxiously.

And soon she was faced with an unbroken glass pane, and Mi-jin was startled by her face covered in cement powder and dust.


“Hmm… .”

[Villain Investigation Team]’s office.

In the dimly lit office, someone was staring at the monitor, unaware of the passing of time.

It was Kim Hye-seo.

And on that monitor, the battle video of the B-class villain that took place late this afternoon was playing.

“No matter how you look at it, I’m not a Hunter… .”

What she is watching is a woman who suddenly appears on CCTV and is smashing the villain.

The sight of dismantling the villain with bare hands was close to art.

Obviously not a hunter, but a holder or a villain.

So I asked for identification, but it was rejected because of loss.


Hyeseo called out to Dongjin, who was sitting on a chair and was sleeping with her head leaning on the back of her neck.

Dongjin wipes his nose in surprise.

“Yes, yes?”

“That woman named Raina, check your identity. With your face, your name, or whatever.”

“Is that girl?”


“All right.”

Dongjin captured Raina’s face with his cell phone and then left the office.

Kim Hye-seo left alone.

Han Tae-jin’s face was caught in her eyes as she turned the CCTV.

“Hmm… . I mean, it’s strangely familiar. I think they look alike.”

I’ve been hearing about Han Tae-jin.

Whether it’s a hunter or a holder, in the end they have the same root.

So they were quick to hear about each other.

‘A promising prospect at the Seoul National Academy, an unprecedented cadet who has grown to at least a D-grade in just one month.’

For her, who subscribes to the newspaper published by the Hunter Association every day, the popularity of Choi Do-han, who was called the most promising youngster, was shattered by his growth in just one month.

and him.

I met you for the first time today.

‘Like No matter how you look at it.’

Even if it wasn’t for the main office, she had been sweeping the Investigation Division for many years, and she was proud of herself as having a unique eye.

It wasn’t that he caught one or two villains with that eye.

With such a keen eye, Han Tae-jin’s face clearly looked like someone else’s.

He is no longer a person of this world, but the person who has lost all traces and records and has become a ghost.

A senior who infiltrated Illusion as a spy after receiving monster serum to thoroughly explore the insides of the illusion, and a holder of the [Semi-Platinum] grade.

A person who looks like a grim reaper, but exudes heavy black magic.

and his master.

‘Chang-ho Han.’

His face overlapped Han Tae-jin’s face at a fairly high synchronization rate.

And again.

For some reason, a strange intuition as an investigator who seems to see him often ran through his mind.

‘It’s Taejin Han… .’

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  1. G says:

    I think they were saying that the father/brother joined the enemy group as an undercover agent rather than an actual member. So it is like a police officer joining a gang to get evidence and information.

  2. G says:

    The diamond lady is only 26. The infiltration of her teacher probably happened within the past 10 years since she was trained by him. I imagine that the dark figure watching taejin is the person directly related to him rather than a proxy. It could be either a father or older brother, but it is probably his only surviving relative (which might be why they were willing to leave everything, including their humanity, behind to infiltrate the organization)

  3. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Ah, did Han Taejin father fall in love with one of the member and that’s why that guy back then knew him. Because he was raised by some of the illusion members and that guy was one of them.

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