Became an Extra in a Youth JRPG Game chapter 2

2 - The Kiryu dojo and the first battle

2 – The Kiryu dojo and the first battle

Whoa! Whoo-!!

Kendo didn’t come very difficult because I knew how to do this and trained before.

The process of learning the basics was simple. Repeating the same posture and swinging the sword constantly was repeated infinitely.

Whoo-!! Whoo-!!!!!

I was quite confident in tedious repetitive labor. As someone who has reached the pinnacle of monotonous daily life, repeating 3 episodes every day as a Webso writer, I had a considerable tolerance for boredom.

“Okay! 500 Times! Head slap done, now 500 wrist slaps.”

Gonzaemon said with a smile.

I repeated the swing 500 times without saying anything. I believe this will all be an experience point.

Whoo-! Whoa-!!!

Only when he was in a half-trance and wielded only his bamboo sword, Gonzaemon clapped his hands.

“Okay!! You swung a thousand times in total. You can take a break. Don’t sit down, stand up.”

Gonzaemon, who was swinging the sword together, said. Even though he swung the sword in the same way, Gonzaemon didn’t break a sweat. This is where the difference in specs comes in.

By the way… Standing up and resting. Is it a characteristic of human beings who exercise? It was not a good thing to sit down and rest.

Well, sitting down and resting made me more tired. I stood and caught my breath.

“To repeat the same movements without showing any sign of boredom. I’ll admit that grit. You don’t look like a young person these days.”

Gonzaemon said with a smile.

“Thank you.”

I greeted you as politely as possible.

“Well… Kendo was popular in the past, but it’s not popular these days. This kind of sweaty sport isn’t for young people.”

It was Gonzaemon who was suddenly lamenting his life.

“My daughter as well. She’s getting older, so she quit kendo and hangs out with the kids. She dyes her hair… And wears a short skirt. Eh. Tsk. I’m worried that I won’t get caught by a bad boy somewhere. Hey, it’s more like the curfew has been strangely late lately.”

“I see.”

I listened to Gonzaemon as politely as I could.

“hahahaha. Really. You don’t look like a young person these days. He’s very polite.”

Just listening to her words made me feel like my liking increased.

“Thank you for your kind views.”

I said with a slight smile.

“Okay. Then, rested enough, and let’s train. Shota.”

Soon after, Gonzaemon called me by my first name, Shota, not Arigiri.


Stupid, I knew what that meant. It must mean that there was some kind of intimacy. I picked up the shinai again.


After that, I studied kendo until evening.

After my first training at the kendo hall, Gonzaemon called me.

“By the way…Where did you learn kendo?”

Gonzaemon looked at me with sharp eyes.

“No. This is my first time.”

That’s what I answered. It’s the first time in this world. It was the law to follow the possessed setting so that there would be no contradiction later.

“Hmm…For something like that, the posture is really good. hahahaha! You might be surprisingly good at it!!”

Gonzaemon chuckled.

“Thank you.”

Phew. Doubts seemed to have been reaped.

“Anyway, come tomorrow. You’re covered in sweat, so at least use the dojo’s shower room.”

Gonzaemon tapped me on the shoulder.

Since there was no reason not to use it, I went straight to the shower room.


After that, I devoted myself to training for a week.

Since it was spring break, there was nothing to do. It was a repetition of learning kendo from morning to evening and returning home.

Of course, I also ran into students from other times. There were quite a few people my age, and quite a few adults.

“Oh. Newbie? He’s a kid I haven’t seen before.”

“Are you doing well?”

Surprisingly, everyone had a good personality. Well… I’m also to blame for being kind.

After finishing the fruitful training today, I headed to the shower room with the other disciples.

It was then.

“I’m back.”

Someone entered with a characteristic languid voice.

Long, straight blonde hair, a beauty-like appearance that draws attention when seen on the street.

And…Overwhelmingly voluminous breasts. No. The chest was the focus, but the rest of the body felt great too.

Yes. Umi Kiryu is the heroine of Psychological 3.

‘Did I die suddenly while stalking him in the original story?’

Thinking like that made me bitter.


The faces of the pupils who went in to take a shower naturally turned pale.

Of course, the topic in the shower was Umi.

“It’s a wish to try once with a kid like that…”

“Have you seen how my chest moves when I move? Really…”

They were also high school boys. Of course, I headed to that topic.

“Shota. You like that type too, don’t you?”

A little friendly guy started talking to me.


I answered moderately. To be honest, I didn’t have a single second to worry about that.

Inside me, the timer was ticking.

From noble mtl dot com

A week has already passed. Time really passed.

“What is it? It’s bland.”

The guy next to me laughed and washed himself.

‘Even tonight… Shall we gain real combat experience soon?’

After I changed my clothes and came out, I made a traffic line for the night.

It seemed that something caught my eye, but I ignored it, thinking it was just a mood.


After a week of training, the reward came right away.


‘Level: 2’

“I did it…”

Your level has risen by 1. It was a little disappointing that it took a week to raise one level, but it was fortunate that it had risen by one level.

‘Strength: 15’

‘Speed: 14’

‘Duration: 11’

‘Luck: 1’

‘HP: 0’

Strength increased by 2, speed by 1, and durability by 1. Well, it was a normal level up figure. Because the increase is random between 1 and 3. This was good enough.

‘I can’t even reset it anyway.’

I couldn’t even get an extreme benefit from the new save and load technique. Because this is reality.

‘By the way… Luck and magic didn’t go up.’

It’s strange that those two go up in kendo. Just throw away those two stats. I neatly gave up on two.

‘Level 2…’

Wouldn’t it be possible to defeat level 1 monsters or monsters of the same level? I had such confidence.

‘Let’s do it.’

Although there is a risk, the best way to gain experience is through actual combat.

Tonight, I decided to secretly go hunting.

Waiting for midnight, I immediately opened the window and sneaked out. It is a two-story house, but the height is low. I was able to jump out of the window unscathed.

At 12 o’clock at night, the boundary between Emosh*ta City and the underworld becomes blurred and monsters appear. The phenomenon continues until 2 am. It was an ominous time, which is commonly called the celebration.

If you wander around until 2 am and do some farming, you should be able to earn some experience points.

‘First of all… A shopping mall. Let’s go there.’

The basics of RPGs were equipment procurement. I decided to get a weapon first.

There were various shops in the shopping district, but the most unusual shop among them was, of course, the arms dealer Hoshimaru-do. During the day, it was a workshop that doubled as a smithy, and at night, it was a place where equipment for hunting monsters was sold.


The owner of the Hoshimaru Hall immediately stared at me.

“Looks like you know the world behind the scenes… And you know the enemies you’re fighting.”

The owner said with a fishy smile. Okay. I’m glad he’s a quick-witted man. There is no reason to complicate the situation.

“All you want is saga. During the day, it’s more than a model, nothing less, but it works well against monsters.”

The owner immediately knocked on the showcase.

Well… Anyway, the unlocked equipment depends on the level. As a nerd, I didn’t have a choice.

‘Hard iron pipe’

‘It’s a steel pipe, but it’s not made for industrial purposes. Obviously made into a weapon. It’s a piece of equipment that would appeal to anyone who likes a vintage look.’

It was the basic equipment of the one-handed sword series. When I was broke, I had nothing to write about.

It was shorter than a kendo bamboo sword, but it was as light as that.

“Ah…10,000 Yen.”

The owner said.

10,000 Yen for a metal pipe that seems to roll around at a construction site… It’s expensive, but it couldn’t be helped. I just bought it as a lump sum.

I also bought recovery medicine and condition medicine at the store. It was essential for hunting without companions. Because it’s a heel and I can’t expect anything.

So, I finished shopping. The spicy taste of Japan’s waterfront…I felt it properly.

“Then good hunting.”

After I bought everything, the owner smiled and said.


Anyway, after procuring weapons and equipment, I went outside. Having played the original game three or more times, I immediately knew where to go.

The old town on the outskirts was the destination. It was a typical split field. I was thinking of catching small fish there and quickly raising my experience points.


“Guohoh clothes…!”

As expected, when night fell, the monsters started roaming the old town calmly.

It was something like black jelly. Yes. It was slime. The fact that the weakest monster was a slime was to some extent a national rule in the creation.


To be honest, I was nervous. However, I straightened up with a slap on the cheek.


A tip for waking up, that was screaming. I screamed and charged at the slimes.



The slimes, attracted by my screams, slowly approached me.


The slime’s attack was insignificant. It was just a body slap. After all, it is a monster of jjorep.


I stepped right back and got out of range of the body slam.


Right after that, I swung the iron pipe right away. The iron pipe hit the slime directly in the face.

At the same time as there was a sound like something exploding, the slime’s body exploded.

It was my first win.

This… Is it okay? I was a little more confident.

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  1. amogustimestwo says:

    wait… why can he see the dark hour? I thought only certain people can?

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not work with dark mode