Became an Extra in a Youth JRPG Game chapter 7

7 - Back to School

7 – Back to School

Slime’s body shuddered immediately. It was a guy who became a level 4 on the subject of a slime mob and even used magic.

The fireball flew straight at me.

“Leap of trust!!!”

I immediately jumped high and dodged the flying fireball.


I immediately activated my active skill, Bash. I also used to be a jungler, so I used Kangta amazingly well. Even if Baron was well taken by the enemy, he never lost a fight with his allies.


From noble mtl dot com

The iron pipe hit with a full swing hit Magician Slime’s head directly.


The magician slime’s flowing face was immediately stained with pain.

There was significant damage, but it didn’t kill him. It was worth the 4th level. It will be quite painful.

“Bang! Bang!”

I used up all my mana and continued to hit hard.

Puck-! Buzz-!! Founding-!!!

I excitedly hit the magician slime. Die!!! A little!!

Almost killed? It was the same as having that kind of taste.


The slime opened its mouth wide at the moment.

“Damn it…!”

I didn’t expect that there would still be a last resort.

Fireballs came out of the slime’s mouth. I struggled against the flames coming from Younggeori.

“Awesome!! Damn!!!”

However, I also had a tough time. It was insanely hot, but not to the point of burning.


After the last desperate attempt to shoot a fireball, the slime’s body melted as it was.

“Did you struggle to the end? You’re an enemy, but I’ll admit it. You’re noble.”

I muttered as I brushed my hair.

“However, you were weaker than me. That’s all.”

Whoa….The place where he had to take his life, that must be the battlefield. I survived the battlefield.

“The death god does not die…”

With the corpse of a mighty enemy (a low rep slime) in front of me, I muttered softly.

Anyway, after the day’s hunting, I went home right away. To be honest, I was tired of defeating magician slimes.


After that, for the remaining 3 weeks, I went back and forth between the kendo gym and the slime dungeon in the old town to build up my strength.

I’ve lived so hard… I’m sure it’ll go up by about 1 level, right? To be honest, I expected that. That’s right… You hunted diligently without losing a level.

After that, Umi suggested that we play together, but… She just refused. If you go out to play, you will lose your level.

However, there was no hint.

‘Level 4’

The level did not change. No. Crisis is already coming from level 4. How hard is it to level up?

Level 5. To be honest, it was a level that could be reached immediately after playing for an hour. I was optimistic that I would be able to take a level 5, but… I had to change my opinion.

‘I’m…A real idiot.’

Even if I hadn’t been sold by Mesgaki, I knew very well that I was nothing.

Anyway, time goes by helplessly.

Even the third week passed, and I entered high school.

The first week of March has arrived.

And… The timing of my death was tomorrow. There was no real time now. I had no regrets because I did everything I had to do.


First day of school on Monday. I immediately put on my school uniform and went outside.

“Come back…”

Seeing her son in school uniform, the mother shed tears again. Really… I cry whenever I have a chance. I smiled and thought about that.

Well, it’s the first high school attendance of my son who used to be a hikikomori. If you are a person who is full of emotions, you will cry.

Natori High School. It was the only school in the city. Originally, there was another school, but it was set to be closed due to low birth rates, a chronic disease suffered by small and medium-sized cities. It’s unnecessarily realistic.

‘Definitely chewy.’

Cherry blossoms were planted along the school gate, and they were in full bloom. It felt too youthful.

Students were crowded at the school entrance. They are eager to see the results of the placement.

There was nothing to look at, but I checked just in case.

‘Class F’

Yes. It was like that. It was a class with the player, Umi Kiryu, and fellow characters Natsukawa Taiga.

‘But… Natsukawa Taiga is gone at this point.’

Natsukawa Taiga was a typical Japanese Iljin character. Yes. Yankee. She had a background that was not typical of a high school girl as the leader of a biker gang. As for her other characteristics… She was a cheeky, pretty girl. She is a ferocious girl with red hair and a ponytail. But on the inside, she likes cute things. What… Can you guess?

Of course, it was common to skip school, and it was around April that contact with the players was established. In March, there is no nose plucking at school.

‘Think of Natsukawa later…’

First of all, I headed to Class F.

I went to class and tried to sit in the roughly assigned seat. It was right in the middle of the classroom.

And…I found the player. He was a playable character in the game. Like the main character, the seat was at the far left of the classroom by the window. Is it national rule?

The main character was a pretty handsome boy to me. He only glanced at the window with his chic eyes. It’s cool… It felt like the wannabes of the cool guys.

‘Come to think of it…’

The name of the player has not been officially decided.

So I was curious. What is this child’s name? It was such a question.

I sneaked over to the lecture table and looked at the attendance sheet.

‘Aiueo Sassiseso’

The dizzying nickname was revealed in front of my eyes.

Yes. It was a hiragana name that is usually used when naming players in RPGs is annoying.

“Oh!! Sasits!! Hello!”

At that time, an extra greeted the main character.

“Uh. Hello.”

The main character responded to the greeting in a languid tone.

People in this world didn’t seem to question the player’s name.

By the way, Sash*tsrani. It’s better to call it that.

After confirming the player’s dizzying name, I tried to return to my seat.

It was then.


At the same time as the classroom door opened, the attention of the boys in the class was focused.

Umi Kiryu and… Friends like Mussoorie entered at once. Thanks to the fresh high school girls, the atmosphere in the class suddenly became fresh.

Among them, Umi Kiryu stood out.

Have a lot of fun!

Among them, it was definitely Umi Kiryu that stood out. It did monopolize the attention of the male students.

Well, it’s terribly pretty. Her body… Was of a post-Asian level. It was no exaggeration to say that he was a walking Yas.

“Hey… Four Siits!! We’re lucky!! It’s Hana Middle School’s Kiryuu!! It’s pretty… It feels like my eyes are being purified.”

Our main character’s conversation partner, a student, made a fuss.

“……I’m not interested.”

Sasitth just said that while looking out the window. He was a cool guy himself. He was also the main character.

“He’s such a calm guy!”

However, even so, the atmosphere did not deteriorate.

Even without even trying to play catch in the conversation, people were entangled nearby.

‘As expected, the main character…Just the main character…’

It was the standard of the main character of Chewdukmul itself. Seeing him come to life in real life makes his chest soar.

At that time, Umi and I met eyes. Well…We’re not close enough to pretend to know each other in class, so should we pretend we don’t know? I thought so.

However, Umi sprinted toward me.

“Shota! Nice to meet you!! We were in the same class? Glad.”

Umi smiled at me and said.


I said hello right away.

Huh? Are you familiar with that Umi Kiryu? Eyes with such questions flew at me. This…It’s a bit of a development that draws attention.

“Wu Mi-qing. Who is this?”

Some kind of gyaru-like friend of Umi approached. If Umi was a white gyaru, she was a classic black gyaru with tan skin. She glanced at me

“Hmm… Looking closer, the body is well built, and it’s fine. The face is a bit… Too plain, isn’t it?”

She laughed. By the way, are you openly stupid in front of me? I want to correct my manners… But I held back. Anyway, in the beginning, like an extra, I had to bury it smoothly.

Anyway, Miss Black Gyaru looked me over.


I felt the feeling of being prey. Is this… Carnivore?

At that time, Umi intervened as if she was uncomfortable.

“Ah. He’s a student at our kendo school.”

Umi, nice assist!! I cried so inwardly.

“Awesome. Athletic man? Could you tell me the line number?”

The black gyaru pushed right in and handed over the phone.

Uh… I didn’t see any sign of refusal. I just obediently gave the line ID.

“Shota-chan. Then I’ll call you later.”

The black gyaru waved her hand and said. In the blink of an eye, the number was dialed. Besides, naturally calling me ‘Shota-chan’ was a bonus. Is this… A creature called a gyaru? Ah. By the way, her name is Nishikawa Eri. She was too busy introducing herself and missed the timing of her explanation.



Umi was looking at me as if she was dissatisfied with something.

“You give out your number so lightly. Did you give me your number so lightly?”

Said Umi.

“No. What do you give lightly? When I ask, I give you my number.”

From noble mtl dot com

I said so. Saying that makes me seem like a very frivolous person.

“By the way, during vacation, I kept asking you to go out to play. Do you have time today?”

Umi asked.

Wasn’t that… Asking to play, just out of etiquette? I thought that if I refused a few times, I would just walk away.

“That’s a bit…”

Tomorrow is the long-awaited event for the first week of March. To be honest, I wanted to clear my mind for today.

“Let’s go today.”

Umi Kiryu said with a strange sense of pressure.


I said with a sigh.

“Uhuhuh. Don’t forget after school?”

Umi narrowed the distance towards me and spoke with a slight look up at me.


Seriously…Beauty is a cheat key. Such a pretty smile was a foul. I finally had to accept.

Like that, I got an appointment after school.

If I die tomorrow, it will be my last promise. It’s a joke… But I can’t help but laugh.

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  1. amogustimestwo says:

    Me getting the bad ending to max a confidant…

  2. Atra says:

    My sympathy for game MC whether you’re a possessor or not. That name is really brutal, it’s literally ABCDEFG in Japan…

  3. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    That poor man, luckily as a protagonist, no one will mention how weird his name is so no teasing will occur. Just like how you can name your character Poop and everyone will just use it normally.

  4. kk77 says:

    wait so the pc is basically called ABCD EFGH in jp?? i cant be 100% sure bcs mtl but i think that’s is it isn’t it lmao

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