Became the Escort Knight That the Princesses Were Obsessed With chapter 2

2 - 2. Knight Assignment (2)

2 – 2. Knight Assignment (2)

Irina walked towards long table

But her seat was already taken by Lydia

Both princesses glared at each other as if about to fight

“That’s my seat.”

Irina’s green eyes coldly looked down at younger sister

“My seat-? Isn’t person who claims it first, the owner?”

However, Lydia did not yield to this and sneered at her older sister.

Because she had a corner of trust.

It was none other than the dozens of Eastern Knights she led.

And the noble forces of the East.

Of course, Irina knew this fact as well.

But she didn’t let herself be intimidated by Lydia.

Rather, she approached her and firmly slapped the table with her palm.


The previously quiet palace instantly became focused.

Even Valderian, who had been silent all this time, widened his eyes at her sudden action.

“What… What’s this… Are you challenging me?”

A startled Lydia stumbled over her words as her sister’s face came closer to hers.

Her attitude that had been sulking disappeared long ago.

She closed her eyes tightly as Irina’s outstretched hand came towards her.

“I already claimed this seat yesterday.”

Fortunately, Irina’s hand did not touch Third Princess Lydia.

She simply opened the drawer installed in that seat’s table.

Inside were piles of documents that she had prepared in advance.

“If it’s true that the person who claims it first is the owner, then shouldn’t I be sitting here?”

Irina nonchalantly spoke as she took out a document.

With a sweet smile on her face, she patted Lydia’s shoulder.

“So would you kindly step aside now, little sister?”

Caught off guard by what she said, Third Princess Lydia,

Her teeth showed white as if ready to sink them into Irina’s pale neck. But soon enough,

she could do nothing but shut her mouth tightly again.

Leah who silently watched from side put finger on own lips

“Lydia how about you make concession this time?” Leah said with calm tone

Lydia snorted displeasingly at Leah’s suggestion

“Why should I?”

In response to youngest sister’s question Leah raised head and looked at Irina

“If great nobles like us fight over just one chair isn’t it beneath us?”

And added with slightly narrowed eyes,

“Especially when it’s none other than Eastern’s Lydia?”

Upon hearing Leah’s composed words Lydia adjusted voice tone,

Satisfied with words which put herself above others youngest princess chuckled dryly,

“Well if you put it that way…”

Youngest princess finally stood up from seat,

And leisurely moved to another spot at end of table,

“I’ll make special concession since you say so…”

Middle Eastern knights who occupied central part of table also moved along with their princess,

However even after securing seat Irina’s expression remained cold,

Knowing there were thorns hidden behind Leah’s words.

None other than Eastern’s Lydia.

It was kind of mockery telling talented Lydia to endure watching mediocre Irina.

Irina smirked alone,

Then confidently sat in center of table,

Yes that was Irina.

Appearing more desperate than anyone else on surface to hide own weakness.

But I know,

Behind that confidence always lies loneliness and sadness stained within.

Princesses discussed which knights and candidates would be chosen amidst commotion

So even though surrounded by many knights focusing solely on checking documents made girl look somewhat empty

However even amidst such surrounding noise Irina paid no attention

Rather calmly analyzed faces of knights one by one with emerald-like beautiful eyes

After finishing analysis she picked up pen and quietly began writing something

Many knights were captivated by sight of princess concentrating alone

Among them… I was also there

But my fascination wasn’t due to her appearance

It was because I knew about the loneliness hidden behind those actions

“Hey why are you acting like this all of sudden?”

“What… What do you mean?”

“You’ve been staring at Princess Irina all this time.”

Thanks to Cain’s words I could finally regain my composure from being captivated by princesses’ presence

“Why would I be staring? I was just lost in thought about our duel.”

I turned my head slightly towards Cain while saying so

At mention of duel Cain let out deep sigh

“Yeah? Well… It’s not yet time for us to think about princesses anyway since our duel is right around corner.”

His legs trembling slightly could be seen

“Just hold on for five more minutes. If we can manage just that much we’ll have ample chance to stay in capital.”

“I’ll give it my best…”

For commoner knight defeating nobles is almost impossible

They received private lessons from Swordmasters and regularly consumed elixirs such as Elixirs

Just holding out against them will be enough for us to receive high evaluation

In the past, I too had caught Irina’s eye with this strategy.

“Knight Valderian.”

“Yes, Princess Leia.”

“Shall we start by announcing the top performers among the candidates?”

Leia politely asked the general.

“Candidates. Top three performers, step forward!”

Following the general’s command, six knights stepped forward.

Our second candidate knight group consists of me, Cain, and one unknown senior.

Having seen the princesses up close perhaps caused Cain’s nerves to heighten; he swallowed hard.

But making it this far meant there was at least a slight possibility of being chosen.

“Younger siblings, may I begin with my choice?”

“You always do. Just hurry up and pick-.”

Lydia rested her chin on the table with a sour expression.

She narrowed her eyes and gestured for the first princess to hurry up and choose.

Used to her rude sister’s attitude, Leia calmly nodded her head.

“Thank you. Then I would like to see Richard first?”

Richard Stonefield.

He is ranked number one among candidates and his father is a famous swordmaster.

Inheriting his father’s bloodline seemed to have bestowed him an imposing stature that looked easily over 190cm tall.

Richard flicked back his golden fringe with style; he exuded confidence as if being chosen first was only natural.

Later on, he became Leia’s vice-captain in her knight group,

And cornered me with overwhelming numbers and a dirty trap.

“Now then, who will be Richard’s opponent?”

Leia led the nomination ceremony naturally while sporting a smile in her eyes.

However no commoner knight dared to step forward at her suggestion,

From noble mtl dot com

After all Richard was infamous for completely crushing his defeated opponents.

If anyone were foolish enough to face him only to lose,

They would face utter humiliation.

“Hmm… no one?”

The silence stretched out across the hall,

Despite having an opportunity to catch Leia’s attention.

Richard shrugged his shoulders looking down at us arrogantly.

He seemed well aware that no one dared challenge him.

“Same old cowards as always-.”

Lydia yawned already bored.

At just 19 years old this year,

The princess who hadn’t even had her coming-of-age ceremony yet took candy from a guard and began munching on it.

The table was messy with candy wrappers left by Lydia.

With an awkward atmosphere hanging in air,

Eventually Leia made an unprecedented decision

“Well then Richard why don’t you choose your own opponent?”

At those words I perked my ears up

Choose your own opponent…?

This wasn’t how things unfolded in my past memories

Originally Richard was known as best swordsman among first candidate knights

So naturally he should have faced me who was ranked first amongst second candidate knights

I thought that would happen again but suddenly giving him power of choice?

That moment,

I realized this situation could be more than just simple deja vu

Thinking about it Irina’s seating position also…

There were more than just few subtle differences from my past memories

Upon hearing Leia’s suggestion Richard’s blue eyes sparkled

At his menacing gaze Cain was already scared.

My comrade clenched his fists, eyes cast downward.

He had no choice

Cain was a top performer for ‘battle command’ not swordsmanship.

If he were to fight the sword genius Richard it would surely end in tragedy.

The genius knight looked at us three like prey to be chosen

And then…

His blue pupils stopped right in front of Cain.

‘This bastard Richard, don’t tell me…!’

“I choose to duel with Cain Alterline.”

Finally given the opportunity,

Richard picked an easy opponent to further flaunt his prowess.

Cain shivered like a convict sentenced to death.

I whispered quietly to him,

‘Reject it. He’s not an opponent you can beat.’

I looked at Cain with a serious expression.

Soon he met my gaze too.

I thought for sure that Cain would listen to me right away

But unexpectedly, he hesitated for quite some time

‘Yes, I know. But…’

I could guess why he was hesitating

A knight who refuses a duel is pushed down to the lowest rank in job preference

Being pushed down to the lowest rank probably meant being sent off somewhere remote and being scattered from family

There’s no way he didn’t know this fact as an elite from strategy department.

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  1. Zhen Wu. says:

    Well, here is where the butterfly effect comes in. I think it is his behavior and in addition to the fact of arriving late with only those two factors, it is justified that the future changes.

  2. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Let me guess, there is someone else that remember the future or at least have a vague memory of it, perhaps something like a feeling. Because there shouldn’t have been any changes yet at this point otherwise.

  3. huehue huehue says:

    MC didn’t even do anything yet and things are already unfolding differently 😂

  4. Omg dude say something like “No no, I will duel with you at the request of my honor!” Or maybe “no no, if someone so high and mighty were to challenge this lowly bumpkin, surely that would be a disgrace to his honor innit?”

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