Became the Golden Sun of the Academy chapter 49

49 - The Second Ordeal (1)

49 – The Second Ordeal (1)

Sylvia, who heard everything, offered to stay at her inn.

She didn’t oppose Alessia either, perhaps because she saved her from the witch earlier and informed her of Heidel’s plan.

Thanks to her, she got a room in Sylvia’s dorm, and Charlotte and Tina were resting together.

‘Sylvia’s attitude bothers me.’

Sylvia’s words from a moment ago kept getting stuck in her mind, so Adele didn’t go into the room and sat on a chair near Sylvia.

It does not appear in the original work.

So she had an attitude that Kyle had never seen before.

As a saint who cares for everyone, she couldn’t stop her oppression of her witches, so even if the tip of her spear pointed at herself, she couldn’t help it?

‘Where is that?’

She feels the responsibility as a saint for nothing.

Even though she is in such a position that she did not want to be herself.

I glanced around.

Alessia was still prying at the people scattered on the floor about a cure or something.

She just seemed like the right person to talk to Sylvia.


When Adele called, Sylvia raised her head startled, her shoulders shaking.

I thought she was reading, but it seems she was dozing.

She’s still weak, but she must be even more tired because she’s nervous.

“Why did you call me?”

“She’s been bothered by what she just said.”

Sylvia tilted her head as if that was the case.

No, maybe it was because of her drowsiness.

Anyway, she quickly got down to business because she didn’t want to do anything that held on too long.

“Her saintess should know how to value her own life a little more.”

“… ….”

Are you talking about that again?

It’s the sound she hears until nails are driven into her ears.

She’s a saint, so be careful not to get hurt.

Since she is a saint, she must live up to the expectations of her church members.

Because she is a saint, she must adapt to the restrictions of her freedom.

Because it’s a saint, it’s a saint, it’s a saint…….

I’m fed up with that bastard’s taryeong.

Who wanted to become a saint, did she become a saint?

I’m sick of the opponents of those who force me to sit in this position and put pressure on me.

But if you affirm their words, the nagging will end there.

Sylvia, who had realized this through her accumulated experience, roughly agreed to her words.

“Yes. Because she’s a saint, that’s how it should be.”



She must have agreed with him, but Adele didn’t stop.

The tone was more like he was admonishing himself than a moment ago.

“I’m not saying that I should value her life because I’m a ‘saint’, I’m saying what she should have as a human being.”

Sylvia was taken aback by the stranger’s remark beyond her own expectations. She

Raised her gaze as she moved to her lap to hint that she did not want to have a conversation.

The eyes that Adele looked at like that were different from the expectant eyes of those she had seen so far.

It’s not like they look up to a saintess in a far-high position.

She doesn’t even have prayerful eyes, asking outrageous favors as if she thinks she’s a god.

Neither were the greasy eyes of pigs tainted with power and greed blinded by the prosperity of the kingdom.

His eyes just seemed to be looking at him.

It was as if he penetrated his dazzling position, pierced the mask he wore to kill his true self, and saw himself naked inside it.

“It seems that you misunderstood my meaning because of the title of saintess.”

Sylvia opened her eyes wide as if she had just escaped from sleep and blinked her eyes.

She didn’t want anyone to see who she was except her status as a saint.

It was full of people who took it for granted that they were noble and immaculate because they were saints.

But, the Adele in front of me right now is so different from them.

“You are such a strange person.”

A random word.

Unsure whether it was a positive or negative reaction, Adele waited for her words.

“You said something similar to today, didn’t you?”

That’s probably referring to the witch’s attack.

Guessing that, Adele nodded her head.

“Did I look so dangerous in your eyes?”

Can’t even rest, like she’s taking her own life lightly?

Others would worship it as diligent and sublime.


“I see…… Okay… ….”

Sylvia muttered as she chewed over Adele’s words.

Words she had never heard since she became a saint.

Could she have been waiting to hear that?

Sylvia, who had lived in desperation at the words that she took for granted but no one told her, felt an unknown comfort.


The gaze staring at Adele.

After choosing her words for a moment, Sylvia opened her mouth.

“In case something goes wrong, Adele, can you stay by my side until the matter is resolved?”

I think your power will be of great help.

And so on, she added the reason for such a recommendation.

“It’s okay to refuse.”

In order to protect what she has built up, the Holy Kingdom will surely try to kill her saintess.

The fact that she is a witch is false, and she will try to cover up this situation somehow by hiding the cause of death of her saint.

This is what Adele said to her.

So he must be well aware of how dangerous it is to be by his side, who will soon be targeted by the Holy Knights and the Heretic Questioner.

To be honest, an offer I made with the certainty of getting rejected.

“There is no way I could refuse. I came here with that in mind in the first place.”

But why did he accept it so easily?

Sylvia was taken aback by his immediate response.

* * *

“It’s quiet.”

The academy was quiet.

This is probably because of the request from the Holy Kingdom to hand over the students to the academy in order to execute Sylvia, who became a saint and witch.

For church members, the death of the saint must be disguised as an accident or a natural death, so they must not see her killing the saint.

It was proof that Adele’s ominous prediction about the choice of the holy kingdom was correct.

“More than that, I have a question about Adele Heights.”

Asked Alessia, who had slightly pushed back the curtains with her hand and surveyed the atmosphere outside her window.

“What is it?”

Adele answered while eating the simple dish Charlotte had served.

The reason Charlotte served her meals was because Sylvia’s exclusive cook was a traitor who cooperated with Heidel, so she had no choice but to let Charlotte take charge of the meals for those here. .

It was a difficult situation with only those who couldn’t even cook simple dishes, but somehow, it turned out that she got help from Adele.

“If what you said is true, how long do you think we will last?”


Heidel, peeking into Adele’s memories, traveled all over the world to make his plan for this day for several years.

Considering that level of preparation and the characteristics he possesses, it would be enough to draw out tens of millions of people’s anger toward the Holy Kingdom in about three days.

However, the knights they sent will try to kill the saintess no matter what happens to the kingdom.

That way you can get rid of their stains.

In other words, there is no fixed period.

If you defeat all the knights dispatched to the academy, it could end in one day.

From noble mtl dot com


It was then.

The reason why the escort driver knocked on the door because he had been here since morning.

Alessia swallowed her nerves, wondering if the knight of the Holy Kingdom had finally come to kill the saintess.

─He is said to be a servant of the Heitz family.

Fortunately, that wasn’t the case.

No, it was ambiguous to say that it was fortunate that she was from the Heights family who made Sylvia her witch.

─I gave a letter and went back.

Alessia received a letter from an escort knight through a crack in the door.

Since she was sent to the place where the saintess is, of course I thought it was a letter to Sylvia, but in the white envelope, it was written to Adele.

After handing over the letter, Adele stopped his meal and took the letter.

“A letter at this time?”

Looking through the letter, it didn’t seem like he did anything magical.

That means you sent a really normal letter……

Nevertheless, I had only an ominous feeling.


Adele opened the envelope and read the letter inside.

Unlike the letters I sent with my daughter in a few sentences before, the contents of this letter were quite long.

Dear Adele. An unusual introduction that starts with


And what follows is a request not to try to harm her saintess out of concern for social discord.

Of course, Adele, who had no intention of harming Sylvia, read her chin restlessly.

“… ….”

Then his expression changed.

The pupil read a certain paragraph over and over again, and Adele’s hand, which was holding the letter, began to tremble.

The letter Adele was holding and reading slid down.

Then Charlotte’s face, sitting across from her, slowly came into view like the sun rising across the horizon.

I don’t know why, but after reading her letter, Adele, whose complexion had deteriorated, and Charlotte, who met her eyes, called out anxiously.


Something was strange.

He seemed flustered, he seemed very angry, and he also seemed apologetic.

The complex and incomprehensible expression made Charlotte’s anxiety grow.

Adele clenched his fists.

The paper he was holding was crumpled enough to fit in his hand.

“Heidel, you bloody bastard… ….”

What was written in that letter was written to make Heidel have no choice but to cooperate with Adele.

Not only was she constantly hypnotizing Adele, but she was also manipulating her outwardly.

The contents.

Charlotte Echo is an imperfect witch created during the testing phase of the Witch Fairy Tale.

Because of that, she is living a terminally ill life, but if she doesn’t want to see her burned at the stake before she spends the rest of her life, she protects Sylvia and cooperates with herself…….

What followed after that was similar.

“… ….”

The first thought that came to the current unsolvable state was despair.

But as he gritted his teeth, an idea crossed Adele’s mind.

‘Wouldn’t it be possible to fix it that way?’

If it’s the method that ‘Adele’ has already used.

At the moment when Adele is about to ask ‘Adele’, who may be in her body, about it.


An explosion rang out in the distance.

It signaled the beginning of a war between the Holy Kingdom, which was trying to kill the saintess, and Heidel, which was trying to protect the saintess.

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  1. cause the og mc is a muscle head. you cant just abandon a girl and think that she will still love you at any moment you come back.

  2. darkzoul says:

    I still don’t understand what relationship all this has with the fact that he ended up stealing Lucy

  3. Extra Extra says:

    Heidel is truly a POS

  4. Canele says:

    Figured the reason why Adele really did this… Charlotte should’ve died on this portion. Losing his only anchor in life made him a scumbag that embraced evil even if he didn’t want to on the original

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