Became the Golden Sun of the Academy chapter 59

59 - Reunion

59 – Reunion

I did everything I could.

Now I can only hope that her Charlotte’s condition has changed because of her own actions.

The fairy tale with Adele of the past was solved, and I quietly opened my eyes.

“… ….”

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was my eyes.

Not snow falling from the sky, but human eyes.

Charlotte’s eyes were close enough to Adele’s.

“… ….”

Then Charlotte’s eyes shook.

She quietly raised her head and looked away as if nothing had happened.


When Adele called quietly, Charlotte trembled.

She then twisted her hair with her fingers as if to excuse her unsolicited words.

“Because the young master did not wake up, I was worried that something might be wrong with her body, so I was checking it.”

She shook her head as if it wasn’t Tina, who was sitting in her chair next to Charlotte, eating a snack.

Well, whether that was true or a lie, I don’t think she did anything stupid, so she just went ahead and asked.

“How is your body?”

“It’s okay. But why are you suddenly asking such a question…… ?”

“Not even a witch?”

“Yes, of course.”

Charlotte looked at Adele, who was worried about her, and she sent her worried eyes instead, but he didn’t care and twisted her mouth.

Isn’t her reaction like that proof that she has properly changed her history?

She is no longer a witch.

Heidel had properly kept its promise.

“Boss, are you really okay?”

Seeing her worried but smiling, Charlotte’s face deepens.

If it was an external wound, it would show, but if it was an internal wound, it wouldn’t show, so she was frustrated.

Should I take her to Sylvia right away and check her condition?

She’s not that restless.

“Looking at it like this, it seems that the feeling of being a child is still there.”

It’s a few years difference in reality, but through fairy tales, Adele in her past seemed to overlap with Charlotte as a child just a little while ago.

Her appearance and way of speaking have changed to the point where you can’t recognize her, but Charlotte is still Charlotte.

“…… ?”

Charlotte doubted her ears for a moment and blinked her eyes.

“Boss, what did you just say…… ?”

She asked him with her ears open, wondering if she had heard wrong.

Adele sat in her rocking chair and smiled faintly at her.

Charlotte urged with her expression, and Adele opened her mouth slowly.

“It reminds me of you when I was little.”

Charlotte closed her slightly open mouth with her hand.


Adele is the Adele she has been waiting for, but she thinks she has forgotten her memories.

No, I believed that because I was afraid that I was acting like I forgot on purpose in order not to give myself any room to bother myself.

But wasn’t it?

He had good memories of that time.

I don’t know why he’s revealing it now out of the blue, but the fact that he hasn’t forgotten him just popped into my head.

From noble mtl dot com

I wonder if this is how the old mother, who was unable to recognize her child because of her dementia, felt moved when she recognized her child.

To the defenseless heart that had given up and abandoned expectations, the fact was so innocently happy that it could not bear it.

“Do you remember what happened in the past?”

Charlotte asked, and Adele nodded her head.

Now then.


The rocking chair tilted backwards with a creak.

It was only when I was about to collapse that the chair stopped and I slowly stood up like a crow.

Only one person was sitting in the chair that had been returned to its original state.

Charlotte jumped furiously into Adele’s arms.

Her chair was tilted so Adele had her hands on her back to keep her from tipping over.

“I’m sorry. I promised to come back, but I guess I came back too late.”

“That’s right, I came back too late… ….”

Charlotte replied with her face buried in her chest.

Her pronunciation was a bit muffled because she was so attached that you could even feel the movement of her lips, but there was no problem understanding her.

“Do you know how hard it has been for me?”

Adele was the sun to Charlotte.

The golden sun gave warmth to a dark, cold, lonely self.

The feeling of emptiness and pain when he disappeared was indescribable.

Charlotte raised her head.

Her eyes turned red, and transparent tears formed around her eyes, reflecting the light.

Sniffing her red nose, in a husky voice, she spoke of her grievances that she hadn’t been able to confide in anyone.

“I waited on the reckless young master all by himself.”

It is not a tone of resentment.

When Adele returned, she had already shaken off any resentment towards him, so she was just saying this in the hope that he would recognize her hard work.

I tried so hard for you.

So you should pay due respect for this effort.

I didn’t say it directly, but if you interpret the meaning contained in it, it was no different from this.

It came from the heart of a puppy or a child who genuinely wants to be praised.

“Yes, you have suffered a lot.”

“Now, in order for me to protect you, I trained my body by overexerting myself even during breaks.”

“Yes, that is admirable.”

“I studied so that I could read letters even at night with such a tired body, and I studied more than that.”

“You worked hard.”

It seems to be a rough response, but I could feel his sincerity from the way he stroked his hair and the smile on his face.

Although they both became adults, it felt like they had gone back to the past, when Charlotte was childish and Adele accepted him.

It seemed like all of the hard work was rewarded with this alone…….


Seeing the two of them hugging each other on a chair, not paying attention to the eyes of others, made the onlooker Tina’s face heat up.

Have those two forgotten that they are in this room together?

Sitting in the corner of the room, Tina thought while chewing on the snack.

* * *

“… ….”

Recently, Tina has been worried a lot. She

It wasn’t because of her, but because of her own boss at work and her son-in-law.

I’m not saying that the two of them are arguing, just looking at them, isn’t this where I belong…… I thought.

“Boss, the mountain is very beautiful.”

“It sure is a landscape that feels alive.”

It was a prosperous year, to say the least.

What is beautiful and what is vitality.

In Tina’s eyes, it’s just an ordinary mountain that could be found anywhere.

Do you see the same scenery differently when the two of you are together?

Does the unmarried person find this scenery relatively unbeautiful?

Tina opened her eyes straight.

She sighed as she watched Adele and Charlotte chatting among themselves as they walked side by side.

They are the only two people I can call Tina’s friends.

Seeing the two of them laughing hahahaha hoho in their own world made me feel lonely as if I was the only one being bullied.

“Ha ha.”

It’s the day I miss Raviel.

When she lived alone in her snowy mountains, she could live without worrying about her being taken away by others.

“Haa… ….”

A deep sigh as if it were showing off.

Of course, it wasn’t that Tina did it to let her know how she felt, but her sighs kept ringing in her ears, so the two people in front couldn’t help but think.

Ah, Tina is worried about something.

And it was a mountain where no one was concerned, so Tina’s wolf ears drooped gloomily and it was possible to roughly guess from her face.

They say you get lonely.

“…… You’ve obviously been neglecting Tina lately.”

“Yes, when I think about it, I think it was.”

Adele spat out as if reflecting, and Charlotte nodded in agreement with her.

Come to think of it, when Adele and Charlotte go to the academy, Tina, who is left alone in her mansion, says that she is boring to pass the time by herself, she was told by another employee.

There was no doubt that she needed to do something for her sake.

She brought her into her human society, so she will have to bear her proper responsibilities until the end, she said.



Tina, who was walking on the ground at Adele’s call, stopped her steps and raised her head.

“Why, boy?”


Adele looks back on Tina’s words and actions while drooling.

The Tina I’ve seen so far is still clumsy with honorifics, but she was a person with good common sense in her actions.

She’s probably because she was brought up right when she was in the snowy mountains, thanks to Raviel she was taught straight up.

If so, wouldn’t it be okay if I gradually broadened her world?

“Tina, do you have any thoughts of going to the academy?”

If she stays alone in her mansion for a long time, wouldn’t it be better if she enrolled her in her academy and went with her?

She doesn’t know if Tina will be able to make her friends even if the two of them aren’t by her side right now.

Then she thought Tina might like it, so she suggested it.

“… ….”

But Tina’s expression was still not bright.

No, on the contrary, she seemed to be in worse condition than before the proposal.

“Bocchan is evil.”

Isn’t that so?

Why is she so depressed?

Isn’t it because of the two of them acting like they’re showing off?

But let’s go to her academy by taking away her alone time to calm her mind?

What, is she going to cheat all the time except when she’s sleeping?

Tina seemed to hate the young boy and Charlotte who didn’t understand her feelings.

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  1. ACY NED ACY NED says:

    Lmao Tina feeling the pain of being a loner

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