Became the Golden Sun of the Academy chapter 60

60 - Why are there so many flirty foxes (1)

60 – Why are there so many flirty foxes (1)

─Should he study properly?

It was Raviel’s words that Tina heard one day.

She seemed to be trying to tell me about human society, but at the time Tina wasn’t very interested in that.

I live in a snowy mountain far from human society anyway, so what is the importance of human common sense?

─I hate wolves, studying.

So, Tina replied, blatantly wrinkled her face.

I like Raviel reading a book in a cabin where the firewood is burning with a crackling sound.

I like warm-cooked meat.

I like to play in the snow.

She hates the wolf who ostracized her, she hates the human society that persecutes her witch, Raviel, and she hates complicated letters and numbers.

It was clear that Tina had likes and dislikes so much that it was hard to decide.

So, whenever Raviel spoke of a study she hated, she would run around the small hut and run away from Raviel.

She hates it so much, but I can’t force her to do it.

If not today, tomorrow.

Even if it’s not tomorrow, the next day.

Because there is next year and the year after that.

She knows that there will be a lot of time. When the world of her dreams arrived one day, she put off letting Tina study so she could adapt.

Tina doesn’t know Raviel’s feelings, but she reminded her so much of Raviel, who was trying to follow her to study herself today.

She tried to make her study, but she was a kind person who didn’t show that she didn’t like it.

“Tina said she didn’t like her… ….”

Tina pouted as she sat at her desk and gripped her pencil sloppily.

Her hand was so strong that the well-cut black core broke and turned to powder.

I hate studying.

I don’t like complicated letters or numbers like pictures.

The mind is still the same, and it shows that way, but Adele was stubborn.

Adele, who was firm in her misconception that Tina was her loner, decided to enroll her in her academy, and this study was for that purpose.

She said, “You can’t make a living doing what you love. It takes effort to do something people like.”

I know.

I know…….

“When it’s over, I’ll give you your favorite snacks, so just have a little.”

“… ….”

Tina rolled her curly eyes to the side of her.

Adele is sitting on a chair and pointing at herself.

Charlotte stands next to her with her hands together.

A strange current flowing between the two.

She didn’t want to be in this place because the odd smell that only Tina, with her great sense of smell, could smell bothered her. She

She doesn’t feel bad just because she’s in charge.

What should I say?

I must say that when she sniffs that unknown smell, her body heats up like a fever.

She wasn’t even in estrus, but her body itching as if she was in estrus seemed to violate her mind.

So, she eventually studied her studies, which Tina disliked, but she let herself sit down, and it was more correct to say that she had a reason for letting Adele and Charlotte express her intention to refuse.

“Tina, I have a question.”

“Oh, have you finally made up your mind to do it? What?”

“Did you two have s*x?”

“… ….”

“… ….”

Adele’s expression hardened, as Tina seemed motivated, and Charlotte next to her also did the same.

The two of them are usually blunt, but their expression now was even more expressionless than that.

Should I say that I look like I’m acting expressionless on purpose as if I’m trying to hide what’s in my heart?

From noble mtl dot com

The reason is unknown, but the situation was reversed in one word.

Tina laughed, holding her chin, thinking, “Oh, this is the Bocchan and Charlotte’s weakness.”

“I can’t concentrate because someone keeps giving off the smell of heat when I’m still.”

“Bar, the smell of heat… ….”

It was Charlotte who responded.

Charlotte blushed so much that she could see if there was something poking her, and turned her head away while covering her mouth with her hand.

“What, didn’t you?”

Tina smirked and curled her index finger and thumb.

With the index finger of her remaining hand, she moved back and forth between them as she made blatantly imaginative hand gestures of her s*xual activity.

“…… That, that…….”

And the effect was amazing.

Charlotte’s face got messed up every time she told herself she was a mess as her maid.

I’m not exaggerating, but the repetition of fanning her hands while really blowing steam over her head was like watching a broken cat with paper on her face.

“Bocchan did such a good job when he was sleeping, but he seems to be rather passive—”

“When I sleep?”


A few days ago, she left her Charlotte to herself and tried to accuse her of what she had done to Adele, who fell asleep in her rocking chair. Turned off

Her eyes were quite bloody as she placed her index finger on her lips, telling her to be quiet and giving her notice.

“Then heat…… No, wouldn’t it be better if the person who gave off the smell that bothered me left.”


Adele nodded her head in response.

“Then I will leave—”

“I’ll go out, just the two of us—”

And the words that came out at the same time as if they had kissed her beforehand.

“…… ?”

We looked at each other in amazement at the situation.

Then, Adele cleared her throat and looked away, and Charlotte shyly turned her head away.

“… ….”

And Tina watches it as if it’s dumbfounded.

For some reason, her eyes were full of aloofness.

There is no quality of salting like this.

There is no such thing as deception.

If f*cking is a crime, the two deserved to rot in prison.

“…… It just seems right for Tina to go out.”

With that, Tina sighed and moved away so that the two of them could be alone.

The door slammed shut, and the two remaining in the room said nothing.

It’s so quiet that you can hear each other’s breathing.

Awkward air current flowing through it.

I didn’t do anything, but the room was hot as if it was midsummer.

* * *

Somehow, Tina’s admission was decided.

During her semester, it was quite rare for her to enter the new academy, but it wasn’t too difficult since she used the power of the Heitz family.

In addition, Adele and Charlotte’s hard work, like Tina’s tutors, worked hard to ensure that Tina’s level did not fall short.

“…… A lot of people…….”

It’s an academy I’ve been to once before on Silvia’s case.

But at that time, it was in the middle of the night when there were few students, and the academy, which assumed there would be a battle, was bitten by the students.

So Tina was saying that this was her first time seeing an academy with so many people.

“Are you surprised?”

Adele opened her mouth and she smiled at the admiring Tina.

She was a child who was extremely wary of people when we first met her, but now it seems to be a little better.

“The crowds are like ants.”

She thought so, but apparently not.

“Anyway, it’s the first day, so I’ll walk around and guide you. After that, it’s up to you how you move. To make new friends, or hang out with us.”

I will never go out with you.

It didn’t come out of her mouth, but Tina nodded her head with determination.

Caught between Adele and Charlotte…… She was on her way to tour the academy like a child caught between her parents.


I met a silver-haired woman in the middle of a tree-lined road like a tunnel.

As she was being carried by a tall woman in her wheelchair, she noticed Adele pointing her finger around her.

Adele, who turned her head at her voice, also recognized her and bowed her head.

“Good morning, saintess.”

Sylvia was on her way to school early in the morning to get some fresh morning air after waking up early.

She, too, sat in her wheelchair and accepted her greeting by slightly bowing her head.

“Oh, hello.”

That greeting was awkward.

This happened a few days ago.

So it was because it suddenly occurred to her that Adele was holding her own face and lifting her up.

Since she was a saint with no experience with the opposite s*x, she still kept that light touch in her heart.

And that awkwardness caught on Adele’s radar right away.

“Saintess, are you feeling unwell?”

Is there any side effect to becoming a witch like Charlotte?

Adele asked anxiously, wondering if it was because she wasn’t feeling well, and she naturally placed her hand on her forehead.

Recalling that one day she told me not to be burdened and treat myself, it was her action that moved beyond her thoughts to her actions.

“…… !”

However, Sylvia, who told her not to be burdened, felt burdened by that action.

Why did he come so close, and why did he put his hand on her skin without hesitation?

Why is Alessia, her escort, just watching her?

“It looks like there is no heat.”

I think the fever will rise thanks to someone.

Sitting in her wheelchair, unable to hide her embarrassment, Sylvia cleared her throat, cleared her throat, and smiled naturally.

“Yes, thank you for your concern.”

Pretend nothing is wrong.

Pretend nothing is wrong…….

She should be. Adele, who told her not to be burdened in dealing with herself, will not have her burden, so she is.

Although she was a little taken aback by his behavior, she didn’t want to give him any room for his attitude to change, since his attitude of not looking at her as a saint was something that others didn’t have.

“Charlotte, the boy is wagging his tail.”

And Tina, who was watching her, smiled as if she thought of a funny prank and muttered so that Charlotte, who was standing next to her, could hear it.

“… ….”

She thought Charlotte would react to something, but her reaction was lukewarm.

Aww, that’s not funny, Tina glanced at her Charlotte, clicking her tsk her tongue.

“… ….”

She was biting her lower lip.

Her eyes are smiling indistinctly, but her mouth is not.

There was an incredible sense of disparateness that made it hard to believe that the expressions were coming from the same face at the same time.

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  1. Doublesubwalfas says:

    Broo they either did it or Charlotte did it while he was asleep, ATLEAST THE MAID ROUTE IS ME LIKEY! HAREM NO!

  2. Extra Extra says:

    Rereading it, the smell is probably the Pheromones Charlotte is giving off

  3. Extra Extra says:

    Yeah I’m confused. Did they do it? Or did Charlotte pounce on him when he was asleep or something?

  4. Icarus says:

    SO they did it or not? DON’T PLAY WITH WORDS AUTHOR!

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