Became the Golden Sun of the Academy chapter 71

71 - Anastasia Aris (2)

71 – Anastasia Aris (2)

Should I have taken care of Anastasia?

To be honest, I thought a lot during that time.

Especially when I see Anastasia, who is lonely talking about her family, and I unknowingly forget the mindset of not getting involved with the heroine.

So the compromise is to intervene only when you really need it.

That compromise led to having a conversation under the pretext of answering questions, and visiting Anastasia, who had a cold, in the hospital.

But I wonder if my actions out of sympathy made it harder for Anastasia.

Wouldn’t it change the mind of a guy who has become dull at being alone?

It was true that I felt that way.

“Your face is dark. I feel like my nerves have been sold elsewhere.”

Since I’m heading to the mountain where Anastasia is, swallowing my troubled heart, Silvia calls to me.

She was sitting in a wheelchair led by Alessia, staring at me.

She answered while looking straight in front of her, not making eye contact with her, as the gaze was a little burdensome.

“I’m in the middle of escorting the saintess. I’m sorry.”


A monster bear that appears as he pierces a hole in the building right in front of him as soon as he finishes his words.

As we swung our muscular arms around, buildings sliced like dices and tumbled down on our heads.

Even in the midst of that, Sylvia and Alessia didn’t seem to care at all.

As if I had a strong belief that I would do it on my own.

Why do you keep putting so much pressure on me?

Anyway, I stretched out my preheated mana to the floor and shot the assimilated floor into pieces at the falling debris.


As an anti-aircraft defense system, the rocks fired perfectly intercepted the wreckage in the air.

A lot of the wreckage just turned into fine dust and flew away, not even the wreckage that fell near Sylvia.

“It’s not because I’m worried about you digging around.”

Alessia, who was dragging a wheelchair, opened her mouth.

“What the saintess is trying to say is that your face is deeply pensive, so that itself is worrying.”

At her words, Sylvia opened her eyes wide and turned her head to look at Alessia.

Alessia, whose eyes hit her, raised her thumb.

“I think you were impressed by stopping the fire knight last time.”


“They talked about you even after you went back.”


“Anyway, you didn’t say anything because you were nervous just a moment ago, but it’s good that you seem relieved to see you.”

Are you deliberately ignoring it or you really didn’t hear it?

I don’t know which way, but Alessia recited Sylvia’s private life with the joy of a parent who saw her toddler for the first time.

Sylvia, unable to do this or that because she was sitting in her wheelchair, called Alessia with clenched teeth and repeated looking at me.

“Alesia…… !”

Then, after Sylvia raised her voice uncharacteristically, Alessia stopped her words.

Maybe it’s because she already said everything she wanted to say.

Sylvia covered her mouth with her fist and cleared her throat.

“Please forget what Alessia just said. Apparently, it wasn’t me who was relieved, but Alessia seems to be talking a lot.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Just a moment ago, he was just telling me not to go because it was dangerous.”

“Saint… ….”

This time, the situation is reversed and Sylvia reveals her Alesia’s shame.

Sylvia was even talking nonsense, perhaps as revenge for what she had just suffered, and Alessia was repeating only the saintess and the saintess like Silvia a minute ago.

“More than that.”

Whatever the case, she cut Sylvia off as it was not a situation where the two of them could hear such a conversation leisurely right now.

Sylvia looked at me with her dissatisfied expression, as if asking why she didn’t listen to me after Alessia’s words were listened to.

“It’s not good for both of you to relax too much.”

Perhaps they understood the meaning of my words, both of them shut their mouths as if they were ashamed.

Excessive tension is rather poisonous, so it’s good to release it, but it was difficult again if I became too relaxed like now.

The one we’re going to face now is Anastasia Aris.

Because he prepared everything and was able to win even in unfavorable circumstances.

If such a guy is still summoning after summoning and endlessly increasing his power, no matter how great our power is, we have no choice but to be anxious.

‘Charlotte will join you soon…… I wish I had a little more power.’

Like Lucy or Kyle.

Well, given their personalities, they might be heading to the mountain where Anastasia is, like us, to prevent this from happening.

From noble mtl dot com

It was when I was advancing while defeating the crowding monsters.


An ominous aura that instantly overflows.

All of them raised their heads to the source of energy at the same time, and there was a cracked egg there, as if it were about to hatch.

It is not known what hatches.

However, I was able to intuitively recognize that something that would soon appear in the world was more threatening than the Fire Knight.

f*ck, fap…….

A crack that expands due to the magic power that comes out through the cracks.

And within.


Fragments flying in all directions with the sound of breaking glass.

The one that emerges from a completely shattered egg.

“Anastasia… ….”

A huge skull implanted in Anastasia’s body like a heart.

A monster that is hideous just by looking at it without a single piece of flesh.

It was Rich.

* * *


A huge reverberation shook the entire atmosphere of the academy.

With the pressure on her shoulders as if her gravity had increased, Lucy looked straight at the presence in front of her even as she frowned at her.

“What are you?”

Standing there was a woman wearing a robe.

A shadow fell over her face, but the azure hair sticking out of her robe and that familiar face were odd if Lucy didn’t recognize them.

It’s like looking into a mirror.

Lucy is surprised to see a being with a face identical to her on one side.

The other side has the same face as Lucy, but she feels a bit more mature.

The woman opened her mouth, seeing Lucy bewildered.

“You can tell by looking at it.”

The woman flipped the hood of her robe behind her.

“I am you. You came a little further from the future.”

It was Lucy.

A little more mature Lucy.

I don’t think there’s that much of an age difference, but the atmosphere they exude is 180 degrees different.

Her grown-up Lucy snapped her finger and tried to pounce on her, but her frozen monster shattered and the finely divided ice shards flew like snow at her.

Perhaps it was because she was fascinated by the feat she couldn’t even imitate, or because she couldn’t accept the existence of herself right in front of her.

“Because I am also you, I understand your feelings.”

The matured Lucy looked up at the black pillar of light bursting from the mountain in the distance.

She went over to Lucy, who was still bewildered, and put her hand on his shoulder.

“But I don’t have time, so don’t try to understand. Just accept it.”

Seeing herself looking up at her mountain and making a serious expression, Lucy blinked his eyes and asked.


“That way we can save people.”

The grown-up Lucy made eye contact with her past self.

Lucy shrugged his shoulders involuntarily, overwhelmed by those eyes full of complex emotions that could not be distinguished whether they were sadness, anger, or regret.

“Otherwise Kyle will die.”

Although Lucy couldn’t keep up with the sudden information, he somehow overworked his brain and went over the words one by one like putting a puzzle together.


Because if you don’t, you’ll die.

Because I’m going to die…… What is the reason that mature Lucy can assert?

That must be because he experienced Kyle’s death right before his eyes.


Then Lucy had no choice but to ask again.

Why is Kyle dying?

What can I do to save him?

“Listen carefully.”

In a more subdued voice.

Seeing that her eyes, which had been swirling with many complex emotions, were dotted with one emotion, Lucy swallowed dry saliva.

That feeling.

“Your childhood friend, Kyle Leonhardt.”


A level of anger that Lucy couldn’t even figure out why.

“Wait a minute, but you get killed by a man you trusted.”

But Lucy’s heart started to beat, thinking she knew who the man she was talking about was.

A single face came to mind clearly in my mind that was as white as a blank sheet of paper.

“Adele Heights.”

I wouldn’t have known before, but it’s hard to believe now.

But since you are the one who says it, you have no choice but to believe it.

Lucy forgot to even blink at the sentence that it was Adele who killed her childhood friend without a single lie.

Why…… ?

He wanted to ask, but Lucy’s mouth was still in shock, as if he had been through the situation himself.

“Then I will kill Adele Heights. To save Kyle.”

However, what followed was only a one-sided declaration by mature Lucy.

“I came back to the past for that.”

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  1. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

    wat de hail!?
    at this rate , no doubt future Veronica will do the same
    guess the three of them become transendence and able to interfering their fast self

  2. Doublesubwalfas says:

    Is she from another timeline or their future selves changes every monent?

  3. Kyryuu says:

    Y e aquí donde el team luci disminuye drasticamente conmigo incluido.todavía la quería para el harem pero ahora espero que Charlotte del futuro le parta su madre

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