Became the Idiot Young Master Who Tormented the Main Character chapter 20

20. Ant cave? (4)

20 – #20. Ant cave? (4)

Not long after entering the second cave.

We were able to find a Giant Ent standing in the center of a space, guarding hundreds of eggs.

Everyone was holding their breath and hiding with their backs to the wall of the space.

The Giant Ent seen beyond is a menacing size of about 20m. And, as its name suggests, its appearance resembled an ant.

“There really is a Giant Ent… ?! It’s good that Sian listened… !”

“Shh! Monaca, your voice is too loud!”

Victor hid and stopped Monaca from going crazy.

Likewise, Andrei, who is hidden, is scolding me.

You’re embarrassed.

Actually, I was worried about what I would do if I didn’t have it. I was also upset because Zeke was putting too much pressure on me.

Zeek was still gritting his teeth at Monaca’s reaction.

“If you do three, you go in at the same time… ! Andrei, prepare to cast fire magic! … When you give the signal, Zeke and I hit at the same time!”

Everyone nodded at Victor’s words.

Zeek also seemed to reluctantly nod.

“Okay, then count! One….”

Everyone held their breath, staring intently at the Giant Ent.

All I can hear is my heartbeat beating like crazy because I’m nervous.

I was also sweating from tension.

“… Two.”

I have prepared my heart to jump out.

Monaka also twitches while holding the bowstring.

The gaze is focused on Victor’s mouth.

And time passes slowly, like a scene in slow motion.

Soon, Victor’s lips moved.

The tip of his tongue swept across the center of his upper teeth and made the final sound.

“… Three!”

As soon as he speaks, Victor and Zeke run out quickly.


I could hear the sound of iron armor and weapons shaking like crazy.

As expected from a C-class veteran adventurer, the ranks are quickly formed.

“…… !”

The Giant Ent was surprised by our sudden appearance.

He stood up and seemed to be on guard, but it was already too late.

“Andrey! “Now!”

When Victor shouted, Andrei continued the magic chant he had almost finished.

“… Please block the movements of the enemies. Fire Wall!”


A huge wall of flames rose from the ground and crashed into the Giant Ent’s ship.


“Awesome! “Kirilik!”

The Giant Ent suffered from the flames that collided with it without being able to deal with it.

And then the body flipped sideways.


“I know!”

Victor and Zeke rush to both sides of the overturned Giant Ent and swing their swords wildly.






“Avoid everyone!”

And Monaca’s support fire continued in succession.

Shoot, reload. By quickly repeating the action, Monaca fired a series of arrows.

-Shhh! Bang!



The Giant Ent lets out a blood-curdling scream that will tear your ears apart.

But the screams did not last long.

“Kiriririri…” Rick….”

The Giant Ent, unable to cope with the sudden flurry of attacks, stopped moving.

It was so calm that it was hard to believe that I had been struggling like crazy just a moment ago.

Victor and Zeke chopped up the Giant Ent more to be sure, but it was the same.

“”… ….””

It’s over.

It wasn’t until my turn to escort Andrei.

The Giant Ent no longer moved.

“… “He’s dead.”

With Victor’s words, Monaca relaxed and sat down.

Andrei also seemed to have lost strength and sat down on her pillow.

“… Thank you all for your hard work.”

“Haaa…. Thank god. “I’m glad it ended this way.”

Then Zeke shakes one of his legs and opens his mouth.

“Tsk, steam is leaking. “I can’t believe I was so worried at the entrance because of this guy.”

“Zeek, what you’re saying is a little strange? “I didn’t want to bring it up now, but if it wasn’t for Victor and Sian, we would have had a hard time in the third round because of you, right?”

“… ….”

Zeek’s expression wrinkles at Monaca’s words.

And he smoked weed on the spot.

“Hey! What’re you doing! Don’t smoke weed in front of me! “It stinks!”

I also frowned at the foul smell of smoke wafting out.

Is this the end now? . Well, it’s none of my business.

I headed to the corpse of the Giant Ent.

“Huh? Sianaa! Where?!”

Ignoring Monaca’s words, I looked at the Giant Ent’s body.

The intention was to express concern that there might be other variables.

‘… ….’

-Tok tok tok.

I tapped the Giant Ent’s hard skin with my fist.

But there was no coming back to life like in the movies.

It was a meaningless ending that made all the worries I had previously had pointless.

‘For a C-level party, it was quite stable.’

My body felt dizzy.

A few days ago, I was very tired due to my work as an adventurer, as well as Heady’s work.

Once I receive the reward, I should go back to the dormitory and get some rest.

After taking a break, should I buy the fruit I always wanted to eat?

I’m craving something sweet these days.

“Tsk, you damn kid. A topic worth seeing… Hmm?”

Zeek, who was watching me squat down, mumbled and then walked towards the wall as if he had discovered something.

“… No?!”

And then he throws the macho and admires it.

“Victor! Come this way! “It’s a magic stone!”

“Hmm? “A magic stone?”

Magic stone?

There is a magic stone in this high-level magic beast cave?

From the game information I know, it can’t possibly exist….

Just when you think about it.

In an instant, a dizzying thought that sent goosebumps all over my body passed through my mind.

‘… No way?!’

My head is full of warnings.

When she turned her head, she saw Zeke trying to reach out his hand toward the magic stone attached to the wall.

I reflexively shouted at Zeke with all my might.

“Mr. Zeke! You can’t touch that! Take your hands off me right now!”

But Zeke ignored my words and touched the magic stone.

The brief moment when Zeke touched the magic stone.


“What, what?!”

Victor and Zeke were embarrassed at the same time.

A change that occurred suddenly.

As soon as I touched it, a huge scarlet color appeared from the magic stone.



“-! What happened!”

“What! What is this!!”

“In front… ! “I can’t see!”

“…… !”

In the midst of the chaos, another loud noise is heard.

The entire room of the labyrinth we were currently in began to shake and shake as if there had been an earthquake.


Rocks that should be attached to the ceiling fall indiscriminately, cracking and cracking.

-Boom! Quagwang! Bang!

The fallen rocks piled up like lies at the entrance we had just entered, blocking the exit route.

“What…?” Turn it off!”

Andrey, who was approaching the entrance, was crushed by a large falling rock.

The moment he was crushed, his neck was twisted and his entire body was crushed.

Facing that scene, Monaca’s complexion turned pale and froze.

And after a while.


Monaka screamed as she realized that Andrei had suddenly become a piece of motionless meat.

“… ?! What! Ah, Andrey… ?!”

Belatedly, Victor also realizes that fact.

… The formation had long ago collapsed.

It is truly a situation of chaos.

As if not giving him time to breathe, a magic circle with a geometric pattern that had suddenly appeared beneath his feet was being activated.


“How, what should I do…” !”

“… ….”

“Uh… ? Uhhhhh?!”

From noble mtl dot com

Monaca was half-fazed and staring into space with her unfocused eyes.

The light emitted from the magic stone instantly becomes stronger.

Soon, the magic circle activated by the magic stone swallowed us all along with the light.

The world was shaken.

And then the vision blinked.

The last thing I remembered was Zeke’s dumbfounded face, confused and not knowing what to do.


It was a horror like hell.

The surroundings became completely quiet, to the point where I felt that the previous situation was all groundless.

I calmed down for a moment and slowly calmed my breathing.

This is a magic stone with a large-scale transfer magic cast in a C-class, low-level labyrinth.

As far as the information I know, it was impossible.

… When I came to my senses, the surroundings were unfamiliar.

A dark space where not even a single ray of light enters, making it impossible to tell whether it is face or night.

The surrounding terrain, which was dark-adapted and vaguely visible, was in the form of a cave.

The sound of water dripping from the ceiling.

A deep resonance that makes you feel as if you are being sucked into the abyss.

It was a labyrinth like a deep natural cave made up of layers of old rocks.

Since this was a space moved using transfer magic, there was a high possibility that it was a hidden underground labyrinth that was generally inaccessible.

I traced my hand to my waist, and fortunately, the sword in the sheath was safe.

If there was no sword in this situation, it would have been a truly hopeless situation.

“… Still, it’s still a mess.”

Even though it was a small sound, the surroundings were so quiet that it stood out and resonated far beyond.

What should I do now?

I know how to overcome the underground labyrinth.

You just have to find the same type of transfer magic stone somewhere and escape.


I looked around.

The only sign of living things is complete silence.

… Is everything scattered?

It is too dangerous to search alone.

If I move alone and are discovered by a group of demonic beasts, this place will become my grave.

Because the danger rank of the demonic beast in the underground labyrinth is unknown.

Therefore, we had to find scattered party members at the same time.

Victor, Monaca, Andrei….

Andrey… ?

“… ….”

Anyway, even Zeke created all these divisions.

If you find at least one more person, your chances of surviving together increase.

“Whoa…” .”

I sighed and took out the sword from its scabbard.

And then I looked ahead.

The cave road of Du Galle.

Because of the darkness, there was no end in sight.

It may be difficult, but one of these places might be the path that connects you with your colleagues.

I don’t know how to differentiate. Because the movement coordinates due to transfer magic are random.

… I had no choice but to move.

I took a step toward the left path.

Because I had to move quickly and join Victor’s party.

As I entered, I slowly surrendered myself to the darkness and moved forward.

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  1. Su 183 says:

    F looks like everyone is going to die

    Remember kids don’t do drugs

  2. I thought they were a good party. Don’t kill everyone off author…

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