Became the Idiot Young Master Who Tormented the Main Character chapter 21

21. Ant cave? (5)

21 – #21. Ant cave? (5)

Not long after heading to the left path.

I advanced along the cave wall in case I might find another magic stone with the transfer magic.

“Whoa…” .”

It had a musty smell and was very humid, perhaps because it was walled up on all sides and had poor ventilation.

‘In a labyrinth with a Giant Ent as the boss, there is a magic stone that can transport you to a labyrinth of this size.’

I didn’t understand even as I moved forward.

If you use your knowledge from the time of Goinmul, the magic stone leading to this underground labyrinth was only found in B-class upper dungeons.

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t explain it unless someone intentionally installed a transfer magic stone or it happened for artificial reasons.

As I walked along the wall, I soon arrived at an open area.

‘… What?’

Somehow the surroundings feel bright.

No, it was definitely a little bright.

There were a lot of shiny things there.

They are weak but emit multi-colored lights, and are attached here and there to the walls of the labyrinth, secretly illuminating the dark labyrinth like paint.

‘What on earth are these?’

Orange, blue, green.

I was curious about what the different types of lights were, so I approached the wall.

And once again, I couldn’t help but be surprised.

‘No, these are all magic stones?!’

They were even quite rare magic stones.

Valuable magic stones that, if refined, can give useful enchantment properties to weapons.

Is this a magic stone labyrinth?

‘What kind of magic stone is this…? ?’

Among them, there was a magic stone I had never seen before.

It was either a magic stone that was unknown to the world or a magic stone that had not been seen even in the days of Goinmul.

‘Is this a magic stone related to transfer magic? If not….’

I brought my sword to an unknown magic stone on the wall.

And I knocked on it a few times.

-Tung. Tung.

Nothing happened.

Seeing that it didn’t react, it wasn’t a magic stone with a trap spell.

‘… ‘Shall I dig?’

I felt like something shouldn’t be overlooked.

It’s a feeling. My intuition told me so.

The moment I was so worried.

– Whirring!


“…… ?!”

I reflexively turned my head to the side.

Something flew and hit the side of my head.

Thanks to the short-lived feeling of life and the sense of airflow from the rebuilt Danjeon, I was able to avoid it by a narrow margin.

The thing that flew past and stuck in the wall was just a boulder.

I guess I wasn’t able to avoid it completely, but blood was dripping from my ear.

I looked back in the direction the stone came from.


… Goblin?

A short body, less than 1m tall, and disgusting green skin.

An unmistakable goblin was standing in the cave across from me, glaring at me.

Uniquely, he was holding a pickaxe in one hand.

Why are goblins here?

A race of people who make their home on hills or forests where the wind stays exists deep in this underground labyrinth?

It was a little strange.

“Kieek! “Keee!”

Oh my, it looks like I don’t have time to think.

The goblin was running towards me like crazy with a very angry expression.



-Tuk, tuk.

She twisted her body and easily cut off the head of the goblin that was attacking me.

Blood traces from the goblin’s bodyless head soaked the cave floor.

“Why on earth are goblins here…? ?”

But that was then.


“Kieek! “Keee!”

From the cave across from where the goblin killed earlier came out, two demons appeared one after another.

One is the spider-type monster Big Spider. From memory, he is a B-rank low level demon beast.

And the other one was a goblin archer with a bow.

‘What kind of combination is this?’

I was embarrassed.

I was surprised that a B-rank Big Spider appeared, and that it also appeared together with a goblin.

Goblin and Big Spider do not have a symbiotic relationship.

The habitats of each species are also different, and the two are not related at all.

When unrelated demonic beasts invade each other’s territory, they fight each other until they die, and they come together one after another… ?

This was also something I had never experienced in a game.

Because of this, I had doubts and a sense of disconnection.


As if not giving me time to think, the Big Spider charged right in front of my nose at extremely high speed.

The fact that it was moving its eight legs quickly reminded me of a cockroach.

In the midst of doubt, I took a stance with my sword in hand.


“…… ?!”

As Big Spider approached, the goblin archer behind him aimed his bowstring at me.

‘What, we’re going to attack together?!’

Soon, the Big Spider jumped towards my upper body.



I barely managed to block Big Spider with my sword and withstood his weight.


And then he threw Big Spider to the floor of the cave with all his might.


“Sssss… !”

Big Spider flips over and suffers.

But it didn’t end there.


The goblin archer soon flicked his bowstring.

As soon as I saw the bow string bounce, I stepped on the step and quickly dodged to the right.


-Shhh! Sigh!

Missed by a narrow margin.

The arrow hit the wall in the direction I was standing just a moment ago.

“Troublesome…” .”

“Kieek! Kieee!”

“…… ?”

As soon as I leave my position as a staff member.

The goblin archer came running in a huff and stood where I was just now, keeping a close eye on me.

At that time, I felt something strange.

‘Why not…? ? It would be much safer to intercept him at the same distance he just shot me with a bow… ?’

Big Spider, who soon recovered, stands up again and becomes wary of me.

Anyway, it didn’t seem like a battle that would end quickly.

“Sssss! “Sssss!”

“Kieek! “Kee!”


I have to live it first.

Deciding to put aside all questions for a moment, I grabbed my sword again and took a stance.




“Huh, huh….”

It was quite a difficult battle.

When you try to target the Big Spider, the goblin covers the Big Spider and aims the bow.

If I paid attention to the goblin, the Big Spider would fly and attack me.

Big Spider working together with a goblin. This is my first time experiencing something like this.

If my level had been a little lower, I would have lost the fight because I couldn’t stop Big Spider quickly enough.

… What on earth does this labyrinth do?

After stepping on the corpses of the goblin and Big Spider, I walked to the spot where the goblin archer was earlier.

“Whoa…” .”

After sighing, I thought deeply as I looked at the magic stone on the wall that I had not been able to dig up earlier.

‘… The goblin that first appeared earlier was also trying to protect this spot, right?’

Could it be because of this magic stone in front of me?

From noble mtl dot com

Goblins and goblin archers first appeared.

Everyone seemed to be trying to protect something here.

The only thing I can protect in this place is this magic stone….

“… ….”

The shape of a white stone.

It was definitely surprising that the magic stone glowed white.

Usually, when it comes to magic stones, they only have five colors of light….

Out of curiosity, I stretched out my hand toward the magic stone.

And the moment my fingertips lightly touched.


“…… !”

I immediately withdrew my hand from the magic stone at the sudden intangible change.

Then the color of the magic stone changed to blue.

“Well, what is it…” ?”

I checked the hand I touched and the condition of my body.

There was no change in appearance. But it just felt like a little bit of my magic had been taken away.

Embarrassed, I looked at the magic stone again.

They were equally attached to the wall and shining brightly.

What changed was that it was white before, but is now blue.

“… It’s strange that it’s a magic stone that absorbs magical power. “I still have to dig.”

There may also be a pickaxe obtained from killing the goblin earlier.

I thought I would dig it up, take it, and check it out.

I picked up the fallen pickaxe next to the goblin corpse.

And then I hit the magic stone that had absorbed my magic with all my might.

-Kang! Kang! Kang!

Soon, the magic stone was pulled out and fell to the floor, accompanied by the sound of falling stone crumbs.

I picked it up and looked at it closely.

“… ….”

There was no phenomenon of magical power being taken away again like before.

But the light was still blue.

“I don’t know what it is… for now.”

I put it in my pocket.

I didn’t have any more time to devote. You need to find a comrade.

This side has encountered a demonic beast, so there is no guarantee that that side will not encounter it as well.

I put the sword in its sheath, took out some water from the bag I had brought with me, drank it, and then moved forward again in the dark.

I walked a little faster than before.


“Monaka! Monaca!”

“… ….”

“Come to your senses. “You can’t lose your mind here!”

“… ….”

A place in a labyrinth deep underground that has not yet been revealed.

Monaka was lost in an endless cave and a space filled with only darkness.

Naturally, she was shocked that Andrei, with whom she had been close for a long time, was horribly crushed to death right in front of her eyes.

Adventurers who specialize in C-rank quests hunt relatively weak low-rank monsters.

Therefore, life is also safer than other high ranks.

Therefore, she would never have experienced something like a person being crushed to death in front of her eyes.


Zeke grabbed Monaca’s shoulders with both of her hands and shook her.

“… ….”

There was no response.

“Ugh… sh*t!”

Zeke slammed his fist against her stone floor.


-Tak. Widely. Widely. Widely. Widely….

The sound of the strike became an echo and reverberated throughout the cave.

“I have to find Victor. I can’t do anything like this… !”

Zeek carried Monaca, who had collapsed, on his back.

Then, holding the sword with one hand, he proceeded down the cave path.

In the deep cave, only the sound of Zeke’s trudging feet echoes quite a bit.

“Ha, ha….”

How many minutes have passed?

We were in the midst of moving deep into the depths.


“Sssss! “Sssss!”

Unidentified sounds coming from somewhere.

“What are you talking about?!”

Zeek looked alert and raised his sword in the direction from which the sound was coming.


The sound is getting closer.

Zeke swallowed her dry saliva.

Soon, his ears felt bothered by a creepy sound like scratching on a blackboard.

The identity of the sound has been revealed.


“… Big Spider?!”

It was a magical beast that even Zeke was familiar with.

B-Rank Demon Beast Big Spider.

It is less than half the size of a Giant Ent, but it has a powerful venom that causes instant death with great pain if bitten.

Also, due to its agile agility, it was a magical beast that even most B-rank veteran adventurers paid attention to.

“Not one, but two… ?”

Zeek gritted his teeth and gripped his sword tightly again.

And then he spoke to Monaca, who was riding behind him.

“It’s okay…” It’s okay, Monaca! I, somehow….”

Then it was that time.


Across from where the Big Spider came out, the sounds of several Big Spiders could be heard simultaneously.

It was not one, not two.

The estimated number is at least five.

As soon as the sound was heard, a large number of Big Spiders appeared in front of Zeke, joining the two Big Spiders that were confronting each other.


“Suss! “Sssss!”

“Oh, no….”

Zeke’s pupils shook.

I felt fear. This was not a problem that could be solved with courage alone.

Zeek looked at Monaca, who was quietly carrying him.

Monaca was still staring into space with her unfocused eyes.

“… ….”

At that moment, Zeke quietly placed Monaca on the floor of the cave.

And then he chanted to her.

“I’m sorry, Monaca… I must… , I’ll definitely come to save you!”

Zeek ran backwards at full speed.

And threw it out.

“No, no, no!”

In his cries, there was no helplessness or anger about not being able to protect him.

It was just a scream like a newborn baby crushed by primal fear.


“… ….”

A group of Big Spiders approached Monaca, who was lying on her side.

For some reason, the group wandered around Monaca without attacking.

“Sssss, sssss.”


A group of Big Spiders that seem to be communicating with each other.

Soon, one of the Big Spiders in the group stuck out her head and carried Monaca on her back.

Then it moved in the direction it came from and began to disappear into the darkness.

A group of other Big Spiders also followed the Big Spider one by one and disappeared into the darkness.

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  1. Su 183 says:

    This guys Zeek

    Must die

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