Childhood Friend of the Youngest Daughter of a Conglomerate Family chapter 50

50 - Coincidence?

50 – Coincidence?

Having roughed his way through the crowd, Hansol stood right in front of the chaos.

Being held by her drunken man, Ara was putting on a look on her that Hansol hadn’t seen from her in quite some time.

Tension. Fret. Unrest. Fear.

It was difficult for even Ara to maintain her composure in a situation where she lost her temper and was caught by a giant who did not know what kind of sudden action she might take.

“So, Sol… “

As Hansol stood in front of me, Ara’s nickname came out without her knowledge.

I can’t believe it because he really came.

Because the Hansol he had been calling for in his heart was right in front of him.

“… Baby.”

Hansol, who met Ara’s eyes, had no other thoughts in his mind.

Ara’s wounds on me and her pushing away, which I couldn’t understand, didn’t matter.

Lee Han-sol has to protect Yooara at any time and under any circumstances.

“Everyone, please come out.”

“Huh? Uhh… “

Hansol bit all the other students who were trying to stop Bae Seong-tae, the man who was hanging on to Ara.

Although Bae Seong-tae was delirious, he seemed to instinctively feel something strong, and he hesitated as if he was wary of Han-sol. Even so, he didn’t let go of Ara’s wrist that was tightly gripped.

Hansol decided to change Ara’s distressed expression, which he didn’t like the most.

“Ah!! Let go… ! Let go!!!”

“… Why? Do you hate it because you get hurt? A bastard who used to hold on to such thin wrists couldn’t stand this?”

As Bae Seong-tae did to Ara, Han-sol grabbed him by the wrist and showed off his innate grip.

Screaming, Bae Seong-tae had no choice but to let go of Ara’s wrist.

Hansol, who was trembling due to lack of blood flow, raised his hand high into the sky and quickly hid Ara behind him.

Bae Seong-tae, who struggled with the intense pain, swung his other arm around in a growl.

“Lee! Young! Bastard!!”

“Hey, hey! Damage!”

“Bae Seong-tae is crazy!”

Hansol dodged lightly, but the other people around her flinched and backed away as she swung her thick arm around.

Measuring the timing, Hansol aimed for the moment when the guy stretched out his fist as hard as he could.


“Uh, ok, uh uh uh… “

From noble mtl dot com

Han-sol’s fist struck the guy’s abdomen as a counter one beat first.

Hansol himself didn’t exert much force, but the guy who was protruding forward carrying his weight took as much damage as the force of his fist.

“Ooh, uh woah… !!”

“Ahhhhh!! He’s throwing up!”


“Oh f*ck my phone!!”

As a matter of fact, I received a big shock to my stomach while drunk, so the result was obvious.

The tasty snacks from the Department of Korean Language Education were mixed in Bae Seong-tae’s stomach and reappeared in a disgusting form to the world.

Students around him were even more frightened than when he swung his fist.

Especially, the faces of the Physical Education Department students who came to Bangdoli with Bae Seong-tae became more rotten. It’s a plate that I have to take responsibility for this work with that backside.

“Hey, what are you doing blankly! Go to the bathroom and grab a rag! If Bandol came to someone else’s room and made this division, shouldn’t we clean it up quickly! And someone Seong-tae Bae, get rid of that bastard. Uh… That sick bastard.”

At first, Hansol’s friend Min-seop Gu, who was invisible at first, came and took care of the situation.

He was having an after party with the other members of the planning team, and belatedly ran to the Korean Language Education Department room.

His seniors, who were standing there dumbfounded, didn’t know what to do, and only then did they pretend to give orders to their juniors.

He met Han Sol’s eyes and scratched his head with a bitter smile.

The president of the Korean Language Education Department, who had a brief conversation with the president of the Physical Education Department, told the first graders.

“Hey guys. While the gymnasts clean up all of that, some of them should go to a room for a while. I really want to change rooms with them, but that’s too cumbersome… If anything is dirty, ask that bastard later and then go out and come.”

There was a recommendation from the president of the society, but not many of Hansol’s classmates followed his advice and went to play in other department rooms.

The fact that the Department of Korean Language Education itself was closed compared to other departments of the College of Education was also a factor, but most of it was because of what happened with Hansol and Ara earlier.

First years gathered in the corner of the room with no sign of vomiting. Hansol’s boys and Ara’s girls got together and started chatting.

“Hey, you were f*cking cool earlier, Lee Han-sol? I will protect my woman. Is this it?

“… What are you talking about?”

“Did you see this bastard’s face earlier? Did you know that gymnast was going to kill that bastard? If it was another woman, wouldn’t you have done that? Yuara, are you f*cking mad?”

“… It’s not like that.”

It wasn’t yesterday or today that classmates tied Hansol with Ara like this.

Since the 13th meeting, when Ara revealed that Hansol was her childhood friend, her classmates enjoyed creating a forced love flow between the two.

Since the two of them reacted so lukewarmly, I didn’t usually get too involved to this extent, but today’s work was enough to be enthusiastic about.

“Ara, didn’t you just call Lee Han-sol Sol? Is that what she used to be called?”

“No, that’s just… Earlier, I was a little flustered… “

“Did you see Hansol Lee standing in front of Ara earlier? What kind of drama protagonist are you?”

The female classmates gathered around Ara were noisy and squealing.

Only Choi Na-ra, who had feelings for Han-sol, had a slightly disapproving face behind her.

“Araya, sit next to Hansol. I should thank you for helping me.”

“That’s right, the two of them are usually very intimidating, but this time. Huh?”

“Oh no, wait… “

The back of Ara, who blushed slightly, was pushed.

Hansol was also forced to sit next to Ara.

A strange current flowed between the two uncomfortable and awkward people.

“Ah, that, cow… Hansol. Thank you earlier.”

“… I just did it because it was my job.”

The classmates who heard Hansol’s careless words were shocked.

How dare you say such embarrassing words! It was the faces that seemed to do it.

When people who didn’t know the circumstances heard it, it sounded like you’re my woman, so of course I’ll protect you.

Only Ara, who understood the meaning of Hansol’s words, smiled bitterly.

Since it was just a promise, she wondered if she had fulfilled it.

“… Was it just because it was a promise?”

“Will I be the only one who gets hurt again if I mix other emotions?”

The last words whispered in Ara’s ear were not heard by her classmates.

Hansol stood up after saying that he would come to get some fresh air.

Ara couldn’t wake up.


‘It can’t be just because of the promise.’

Sitting on a bench outside her, Hansol made a complicated face.

I was angry. She was so upset when she saw the suffering of her beloved.

Because I love you, I acted that way without realizing it.

I couldn’t say that, so other words came out of my mouth.

At some point, it became difficult for Hansol to even say a kind word to Ara.

She is definitely a loved one, but when she sees her face, only negative emotions spread in her heart.

Hansol turned on the screen of his phone. She had a message about an hour ago.

「If it’s past 12:00, report alive!!」

At the message Soyi left, Hansol smiled.

Now the time is 12:07. Now would be a good time to make a call.

Soyi answered the phone before the ringing ringing sound could finish ringing.

“What is it, Soi Kim? I got it right away Did you wait for my call?”

– What, what? I was just playing with my phone for a bit, but the phone just came in, so… Are you very self-conscious? Lee Han-sol?

“Yes, yes. Let it be. Anyways i’m fine I didn’t even drink much.”

– Huh? Why? Why did you go to mt after all? What happened to you by any chance?

To So-yi, who asked in a worried voice, Han-sol roughly explained what had happened.


She didn’t say that she fought because of course she was ara. She evaded that there was some crazy guy who was just getting drunk and arguing.

– … Are you not hurt? Aren’t the people in the Department of Physical Education really strong?

“I am stronger. Didn’t I hit even one?

– Ohh~ After all, you are my bodyguard. Are you strong?

“What is a bodyguard? Is that the only way I treat you?”

– If you want to be more than that, did you try hard?

“hahahaha… “

Hansol was evasive.

It was difficult to affirm or deny what he said. In that tone of Soyi, who secretly wants to confirm that they are dating.

I can’t deny that Hansol had such a nuance himself, but he couldn’t even get close to Soyi like he said.

As Hansol’s reaction was a bit bland, an awkward voice was heard over the handset.

– Ah, anyway, I hope you don’t get hurt. Ok, that’s okay… Uh, you can come back to work tomorrow, right?

“… Yes it is From tomorrow, I’ll do my bodyguard job properly at night.”

– What is it, are you keeping it in your heart? Lee Han-sol?

“Isn’t this all learned from Kim So-yi?”

The phone call between Hansol and Soi went on for a long time.

The moderately tickling atmosphere with Soi made Hansol feel at ease.


When Hansol left, his classmates pushed Ara on the back.

They interpreted Hansol’s departure as a sign that he wanted to be alone with Ara, but Ara knew that wasn’t the case.

However, Ara, who was moderately drunk, came out pretending not to win because she missed Han Sol.

Ara, who found him sitting on the bench, was glad to see him and quietly approached him.

But Hansol was not alone. He was sitting alone, but he was.

‘Kim, Soi… ‘

Ara, who was barely able to hear Hansol’s voice, heard the name again.

A colleague at Hansol’s part-time job. A woman who has nothing special about her except that her face is a bit pretty.

Still, that name has a sense of déjà vu. Someone who is offended by her, although she can’t figure out why.

Is it because I’m a bit drunk today or because of the happening with Hansol after a long time?

She doesn’t know why she suddenly stimulated her own brain, but her old memories came out of her mouth.

“Kim Soi, don’t come.”

I heard Hansol talk in his sleep when he was very young.

She is a name that gave Ara, who was still young, a sticky and reluctant feeling.

A woman with that name met Hansol.

Also, Hansol is working at the woman’s store.

… Could this be a coincidence?

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  1. Coincidence? Of course not!

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